Class List

Class List
The classes and protocols in Nearby Messages API for iOS:
 CGNSBeaconStrategyThe strategy to use to scan for beacons
 CGNSBeaconStrategyParamsOptional params for a beacon strategy. See properties with the same names in GNSBeaconStrategy
 CGNSMessageA message is a published object that is delivered between nearby devices
 CGNSMessageManagerThe message manager lets you create publications and subscriptions
 CGNSMessageManagerParamsAdditional parameters for the message manager
 CGNSPermissionThis class lets you manage the Nearby permission state for the app on the current device
 C<GNSPublication>A publication object represents a message published to nearby devices
 CGNSPublicationParamsOptional parameters for a publication
 CGNSStrategyThe strategy to use to detect nearby devices
 CGNSStrategyParamsOptional params for a strategy. See properties with the same names in GNSStrategy
 C<GNSSubscription>A subscription object represents the act of subscribing to messages of a certain type from nearby devices
 CGNSSubscriptionParamsOptional parameters for a subscription