Build a Meet Add-on

Google Meet Add-ons are created and configured as part of a Google Cloud project.

Create a Google Cloud project

To generate a Google Cloud project, see Create a Google Cloud project.

Enable the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK and Google Workspace Add-ons API

The Google Workspace Marketplace SDK and Google Workspace Add-ons API are required to develop Meet Add-ons. To enable them:

  1. Open the Google Cloud console.
  2. At the top, if a different project is already open, select the project name of your app's project to switch projects.
  3. At the top, in the search bar, type Google Workspace Marketplace SDK and press enter.
  4. Open the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK page, click Enable.

  5. Repeat these steps to find and enable the Google Workspace Add-ons API.

Create a deployment

To use an add-on in Meet, you need a deployment and an add-on manifest file.

  1. Open the Google Cloud console.
  2. At the top, if a different project is already open, select the project name of your app's project to switch projects.
  3. Click APIs & Services.
  4. Select Google Workspace Marketplace SDK to view the details page.
  5. Option A: Using an alternate runtime deployment.

    1. Click the Alternate runtimes tab.
    2. Click Create new deployment and enter the add-on's deployment ID.

      The deployment ID is an arbitrary string that helps the add-on developer identify the deployment containing the add-on manifest. Deployment IDs are required and can have at most 100 characters.

    3. Click Next.

      A side panel opens for you to submit the specification of the add-on manifest in JSON format. This is also called DEPLOYMENT.JSON.

      The add-on manifest file is the central configuration for a Google Meet Add-on. The following code sample shows the available Meet fields for web in the manifest file.

        "addOns": {
          "common": {
            "name": "NAME",
            "logoUrl": "LOGO_URL"
          "meet": {
            "web": {
              "sidePanelUri": "SIDE_PANEL_URI",
              "supportsScreenSharing": SUPPORTS_SCREENSHARING,
              "logoUrl": "MEET_WEB_LOGO_URL",
              "addOnOrigins": ["ADD_ON_ORIGINS"]

      Replace the following:

      • NAME: String. The name of your Google Meet Add-on.
      • LOGO_URL: String. The URL of the logo for the Meet Add-on.
      • SIDE_PANEL_URI: String. The URL to the entry point of your add-on app. This is displayed in an iframe within the side panel. The origin of this URL must be part of the origins specified in the ADD_ON_ORIGINS field.
      • SUPPORTS_SCREENSHARING: Optional. Boolean. If set to false, users must use the add-on to see what's happening in a collaborative add-on session. If set to true, the initiator of the collaborative add-on session can screen share their view of the add-on.
      • MEET_WEB_LOGO_URL: Optional. String. A Meet-specific URL of the logo for the add-on.
      • ADD_ON_ORIGINS: List of strings. A list of origins where your add-on is hosted. Two URLs have the same origin when they share the same scheme, host, and port. Sub origins are also permitted, as are wildcard subdomains. For more information, see Add-on security.
    4. Click Submit.

      For more information on deployments, see Create a deployment resource.

    5. Optional: For testing purposes, the signed-in user can install the add-on by clicking Install under the Actions column.

    6. In the App configuration tab, under App integration, select Google Workspace Add-on. Select Deploy using cloud deployment resource and then choose the correct alternate runtime deployment.

    Option B: Using a Google Apps Script deployment.

    1. Click the App configuration tab.

    2. Under App integration, select Google Workspace Add-on. Select Deploy using Google Apps Script deployment ID and enter your script's deployment ID.

    3. Click Save.

      For details on how to create an Apps Script project, see Apps Script documentation. The Meet Add-on relies solely on the "appsscript.json", also called the manifest file. Make sure the manifest file in your Apps Script project contains an addOns and a meet section. The addOns and meet sections follow the same structure as described in "Option A".

      Unlike other Google Workspace Add-ons, Meet Google Workspace Add-ons cannot be built entirely in Apps Script. You must, instead, build a full web app by building a side panel and main stage. The side panel URL of your web app then must be specified under the SIDE_PANEL_URI of the appscript.json manifest.

Publish the add-on

See these instructions on how to publish an add-on.

Open the add-on in Meet

Create a meeting at The installed add-on is now visible in the Add-ons panel.