Frequently Asked Questions

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UI Customization




Mobility Services

Product details

Your app must implement a dialog box with the Navigation SDK Terms of Service notice that each driver must accept. This dialog box gives the driver the opportunity to agree with the Terms of Service. A text file of the terms is provided with the Navigation SDK.
In Android, use the NavigationApi.showTermsAndConditionsDialog method to display the dialog box containing the terms.
In iOS, call GMSNavigationServices.showTermsAndConditionsDialogIfNeededWithCompanyName.
Any languages supported by Google Maps Mobile are automatically available for the Navigation SDK. A device has a default system language and an app cannot change that setting; however, the app has access to over 70 languages.

Yes. In Android, once started, the LocationListener continues to run in the background. Your app continues road snapping the position and maintains the bearing.

In iOS, to continue receiving location updates of position and bearing in the background, implement road snapping and set allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to YES.

Yes. When a route is created or changed, the RouteChangeListener provides polylines.

No, the Navigation SDK does not require Google Maps Mobile to be installed on the device.
No, the Navigation SDK does not provide this functionality at this time.
Yes. The traffic direction is available and displayed by default.


In Xcode 12, apps do not build correctly for the simulator. How can I fix this?

To fix this issue, open your Xcode project Build Settings, and add arm64 to the Excluded Architectures for "iOS Simulator" builds only.

For more information, see the following StackOverflow thread.

GMSMapView does not load.

If the GMSMapView does not load:

  • Check that NavSDK is enabled in Cloud Console.
  • If the Nav SDK is installed, but your project does not use Nav SDK APIs, remove it from your binary.


How does the Navigation SDK handle poor connectivity?
The Navigation SDK pre-caches the route for each journey. The pre-cached information includes routing information for 15-20 minutes, and route alternatives in case the driver deviates from the route. The Navigation SDK approximates position using the device GPS and sensors.
Is an offline mode available?
No, the Navigation SDK does not offer an offline mode at this time; however, the SDK does provide pre-cached information for a journey.


Can I retrieve all of the stops/destinations in a journey before starting the route?

Yes. In Android, to retrieve the directions for a route, call Navigator.getRouteSegments().

In iOS, call GMSNavigator.routeLegs(read).

Is turn-by-turn route guidance available at the start of a route?
Yes. The Navigation SDK provides a list of route segments. In addition, the driver can swipe through the directions card in the header to see each maneuver.
How is ETA communicated to the app users?

In Android, use the following steps to give ETA information to app users:

  1. Retrieve the time and distance for all waypoints using Navigator.getTimeAndDistanceList().
  2. Forward this information to the client application as you currently do for the driver ETA.

In iOS, use these steps to give ETA information to app users:

  1. Retrieve the legs in the journey using Navigator.getRouteSegments().
  2. Call GMSNavigator.timeToNextDestination for each journey leg.
  3. Forward the time information to the client application as you currently do for the driver ETA.
Can the RoadSnappedLocationProvider be used to obtain the driver’s current snapped location if navigation is not in the foreground?

Yes. In Android, the RoadSnappedLocationProvider runs in the background by default.

In iOS, to keep navigation running in the background, implement the listener for GMSRoadSnappedLocationProviderListener, and set the property allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to TRUE.

Does the Navigation SDK support geofencing?

No. In the context of navigation, remainingTimeOrdistanceChangeListener has an advantage over a simple geofence. The geofence might not account for road geometry, and might not be centered on the exact point to which the driver is navigating.

You can approximate this functionality using remainingTimeOrdistanceChangeListener.

  1. Set the threshold to determine the frequency of the callbacks.
  2. Check the remaining distance to the destination.

For example, if you set the threshold to 100m, you receive a callback when the distance to the destination changes by 100m. As the distance decreases, you can update this threshold to a smaller value and receive more frequent callbacks. Then, inspect the remaining distance to determine if you are close enough to the pickup/drop-off location.

In iOS, implement the listener GMSNavigatorListener.didUpdateRemainingDistance to manage the distance between notifications.

Can I disable notifications when the Navigation app is in the background?

Yes. In Android, use Navigator.setHeadsUpNotificationEnabled to control notifications. This method has a boolean argument. FALSE disables notifications; TRUE enables notifications.

In iOS, disable background notification for road-snapped locations by setting GMSRoadSnappedLocationProvider.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to NO.

To disable background processing for other location notifications, call GMSNavigator.sendsBackgroundNotifications(NO).

UI Customization

Can I color code the best route option?
No. Color coding a specific route option is not supported at this time.
Can the Navigation SDK show the ETA for the final destination?

Yes. In Android, use the following methods:

  1. Retrieve the time and distance for all waypoints using Navigator.getTimeAndDistanceList().
  2. Hide the ETA of the current waypoint using NavigationFragment.setEtaCardEnabled(false).
  3. Render the final destination ETA.

In iOS, use the following:

  1. Call GMSNavigator.routeLegs(read).
  2. With the last leg, call GMSNavigator.timeToNextDestination.
  3. Hide the ETA of the current waypoint using MSMapView.settings.navigationFooterEnabled=NO to FALSE.
  4. Render the final destination ETA.
How can I hide ETA updates?

You can disable ETA cards with the following methods:

  • In Android, use navigationView.setEtaCardEnabled(false).
  • In iOS, use GMSMapView.settings.navigationFooterEnabled=NO.
Which UI customizations are available for the header and footer cards?

In Android, you use StylingOptions to set the background color styling. To hide or show the header and footer, use the setHeaderEnabled and setFooterEnabled member functions of NavigationFragment.

In iOS, use GMSMapView.settings.navigationHeaderPrimaryBackgroundColor to set the background color styling. To hide or show the header and footer use navigationFooterEnabled and navigationHeaderEnabled properties of GMSUISettings.


Can I provide a specific route to a driver or remove alternative routes?
No. By default, multiple routes are provided and the fastest route has priority. You can affect the default route by adding preferences, such as "avoid highways and tolls," to your request. Adding waypoints also affects the route.
Can I show the app user a different label for the destination than the default destination location?

Yes. In Android, create a Marker with a custom title for the destination and the latitude/longitude. The Navigation SDK displays the custom title and the coordinates on the NavigationMap.

In iOS, you create and display a GMSMarker for the destination.

Can I use the Navigation SDK to track deviations from a defined path?

Yes. In Android, use Navigator.setRouteChangedListener to receive notifications when a route changes or a new route is recommended:

  1. Register a listener that checks the device position along the route using the Navigator.setRouteChangedListener method.
  2. Add code to the callback event handler, onRouteChanged:
    • Send a message to the app user with updated ETA and distance information.
    • Track the device's location.
    • [optional] Add other functionality required by your app to handle when the driver is off the prescribed route.

In iOS, use the GMSNavigator and its listeners to receive notifications when a route changes or a new route is recommended:

  1. On the map's view controller, implement the GMSNavigatorListener protocol and the GMSRoadSnappedLocationProviderListener protocol.
  2. Implement GMSNavigatorListener.navigatorDidChangeRoute.
  3. Access the new route using routeLegs and currentRouteLeg properties of the GMSNavigator.
Can the driver exit navigation without completing the route?

Yes. In Android, call the Navigator.stopGuidance() method to stop navigation.

In iOS, call GMSNavigator.clearDestinations.


Does the simulator support route changes?

Yes. In Android, call simulateLocationsAlongNewRoute to simulate a journey that includes a route change. The simulateLocationsAlongExistingRoute method ignores changes to the existing route.

In iOS, use GMSLocationSimulator.simulateAlongNewRouteToDestinations to simulate a journey that includes a route change. If you don't anticipate any route changes, you can use GMSLocationSimulator.simulateLocationsAlongExistingRoute or GMSLocationSimulator.simulateAlongNewRouteToDestinations.


How do I dismiss the notification after closing an activity that contains a navigation fragment?

The navigation notification remains visible during navigation, when the activity is closed. When the vehicle arrives at the destination, navigation stops, and the notification disappears.

To handle clicks on the notification, use the Navigator.startGuidance(intent resumeIntent). The resume intent fires when the app user clicks the notification. Typically, the Navigator.startguidance(getIntent()) is called from the main Activity, which recalls the Activity when the app user clicks the notification.

Mobility Services

How is using the Navigation SDK different for Mobility Services customers?

Google Maps Platform Mobility Services offer a collection of APIs and SDKs to help support enterprise needs for transportation and logistics businesses. For Mobility Services customers, the Navigation SDK is typically used in conjunction with related services for route optimization, dispatch, task tracking, fleet analytics, and more. The Navigation SDK is also billed differently for Mobility Services customers. For more information, see the Mobility Services documentation.

Mobility products are currently available only to select customers. Contact your sales representative for more information.

How can I tell if I'm a Mobility Services customer?
If you're not sure if you're currently implementing the Navigation SDK as a Mobility Services customer, look for a ReportBillableEvent call in your code. Only Mobility Services customers should call the ReportBillableEvent method.

How is the Navigation SDK billed for Mobility Services customers?
For Mobility Services customers, billing and pricing for the Navigation SDK depend on the service agreement you have with Google Maps Platform. For information on ensuring that your Mobility Services implementation is being billed correctly see Billing validation. For additional information about Mobility Services billing, contact your sales representative.

Which Navigation SDK APIs should only be used by Mobility Services customers?

There are several APIs in the Navigation SDK that are only intended for use by Mobility Services customers, who are billed by Google on a per-transaction basis. If you are not a Mobility Services customer, the following methods are no-ops:

If I'm a Mobility Services customer, can I also use a non-Mobility Services implementation of the Navigation SDK?

Yes, Mobility Services customers can use both Mobility Services and non-Mobility Services implementations of the Navigation SDK. However, you can only use one implementation type in an app at one time. You also need to create a new Google Cloud project, billing account, and API key, separate from those that you use with your Mobility Services implementation. For more information, see the Navigation SDK setup overview.

For more information about using a non-Mobility Services implementation of the Navigation SDK, including migrating an app from one implementation type to the other, contact your Google account representative.

Note: If you are not currently a Mobility Services customer and are interested in learning more about the Mobility Services collection of APIs and SDKs, contact Google Maps Platform sales.