Debugging Dynamic Emails

Gmail provides features to debug common issues with dynamic emails.

Enabling the Fallback Debugging Banner in Gmail Web

Developers can enable a debugging banner to determine why their emails aren't rendering as AMP emails. The banner informs you that the AMP part of your email isn't being rendered and provides a reason why. More information on each of the reasons can be found below.

In order to enable the debugging banner for a specific email, you must whitelist the sender's address in your developer settings and then refresh the page. Refer to Test your AMP emails in Gmail for more information.

Fallback Reasons

These are some of the common reasons that dynamic emails fail to render and instead fall back to the to basic text or HTML.

Fallback Reasons
ACCOUNT_TYPE Dynamic emails aren't supported by your account type. Try using a new test Gmail account to view the email.
AUTH_FAILED The email failed one of the authentication requirements.
AUTO_FORWARDED The email was automatically forwarded from a different account. For emails to render AMP content, make sure you open the email with the account it was sent to.
BROWSER_ERROR Something unexpected happened. Ensure you're using one of the supported browsers and try again.
DKIM_FAILED The email failed Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) authentication. See the authentication requirements for more information.
DKIM_NOT_MATCHING_FROM The email failed Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) alignment.
DYNAMIC_EMAIL_DISABLED Dynamic emails are disabled. Ensure that Dynamic email has been enabled in the Gmail settings panel.
HIDING_IMAGES The Always display external images setting is disabled. Re-enable this setting in the settings panel and refresh the page.
INTERNAL_ERROR Something unexpected happened in Gmail.
INVALID_AMP The AMP was invalid. See the AMP for Email spec for more information and follow the steps to validate an AMP email.
MALFORMED The email contains more than one text/x-amp-html part or no fallback text/html or text/plain part. See the delivery requirements for more information.
MESSAGE_CLIPPED The email's text/x-amp-html part is too long. See the delivery requirements for more information.
NOT_AVAILABLE_ON_PLATFORM The sender has disabled dynamic content on this platform. If you are using the web client, try viewing the email on mobile.
NOT_MAIN_WINDOW The email was opened in a new window. Try opening this email in the main Gmail window.
OFFLINE The client is currently offline. Check your internet connection and try again.
OLD_EMAIL The email was sent over 30 days ago.
PHISHY The email was marked as phishing. Ensure that your email follows the security requirements and email best practices.
REFRESH_REQUIRED The client needs to be refreshed. If you’re using the web client and haven't enabled offline mode, refresh the page normally. If you have enabled offline mode, a hard refresh is required. If you're using a mobile app, try clearing app data and relaunching the app.
SPAM The email was marked as spam. Ensure that your email follows the security requirements and email best practices.
SPF_FAILED The email failed Sender Policy Framework (SPF) authentication. See the authentication requirements for more information.
SUSPICIOUS The email seems suspicious. Ensure that your email follows the security requirements and email best practices.
THREAD_TOO_LONG The reply chain has become too long. Dynamic content is only rendered for the last 10 messages in a thread.
TIMEOUT The dynamic content took too long to load. Check your internet connection and try again.
TLS_ENCRYPTION The email wasn't TLS encrypted. See the TLS security requirement for more information and resend the email with TLS.
TRANSLATED Translation is enabled for the email. Disable automatic translation in Gmail and try again.
WRONG_VERSION Dynamic content isn't supported on your device. See the list of supported browsers for more information.