- Dataset Availability
- 2000-06-06T00:00:00Z–2022-04-02T00:00:00Z
- Dataset Provider
- UK Environment Agency
- Earth Engine Snippet
- Tags
The LIDAR Composite DTM/DSM is a raster terrain model covering ~99% of England at 1m spatial resolution, produced by the UK Environment Agency in 2022. The model contains 3 bands of terrain data: a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), a first return Digital Surface Model (DSM), and a last return DSM.
The DTM is produced from the last or only laser pulse returned to the sensor. Surface objects are removed from the DSM, using bespoke algorithms and manual editing of the data, to produce a terrain model of just the surface. The DTM is derived from a combination of EA Time Stamped archive and National LIDAR Program surveys, which have been merged and re-sampled to give the best possible coverage. Where repeat surveys have been undertaken the newest, best resolution data is used. Where data was resampled a bilinear interpolation was used before being merged. The 2022 LIDAR Composite contains surveys undertaken between 6th June 2000 and 2nd April 2022.
The first return DSM is produced from the first or only laser pulse returned to the sensor and includes heights of objects, such as vehicles, buildings and vegetation, as well as the terrain surface where the first or only return was the ground. The first return DSM is derived from data captured as part of the National LIDAR Program between 11 November 2016 and 5th May 2022. This program divided England into ~300 blocks for survey over continuous winters from 2016 onwards. These surveys are merged together to create the first return LIDAR composite using a feathering technique along the overlaps to remove any small differences in elevation between surveys. Please refer to the data provider's metadata index catalogs which show for any location which survey was used in the production of the LIDAR composite. The first return DSM will not match in coverage or extent of the last return DSM, as the last return DSM composite is produced from both the National LIDAR Program and Timeseries surveys.
The last return DSM is produced from the last or only laser pulse returned to the sensor and includes heights of objects, such as vehicles, buildings and vegetation, as well as the terrain surface. The last return DTM is derived from a combination of EA Time Stamped archive and National LIDAR Program surveys, which have been merged and re-sampled to give the best possible coverage. Where repeat surveys have been undertaken the newest, best resolution data is used. Where data was resampled a bilinear interpolation was used before being merged. The 2022 LIDAR Composite contains surveys undertaken between 6th June 2000 and 2nd April 2022. Please refer to the data provider's metadata index catalogs which show for any location which survey was used in the production of the LIDAR composite.
The data is aligned to the OS National grid and presented in metres, referenced to Ordinance Survey Newlyn and using the OSTN'15 transformation method. All individual LIDAR surveys going into the production of the composites had a vertical accuracy of +/-15cm root-mean-square error.
Pixel Size
1 meter
Name | Units | Description |
dtm |
m | Digital Terrain Model |
dsm_first |
m | First Return Digital Surface Model |
dsm_last |
m | Last Return Digital Surface Model |
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
You are free to: copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application.
You must acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to the license. Attribution statement: Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2022. All rights reserved.
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Code Editor (JavaScript)
var img = ee.Image('UK/EA/ENGLAND_1M_TERRAIN/2022').select('dtm'); var visParam = { palette: ['0000ff', '00ffff', 'ffff00', 'ff0000', 'ffffff'], max: 630, min: -5, }; var lon = -2.5; var lat = 54; Map.addLayer(img, visParam, 'dtm'); Map.setCenter(lon, lat, 5);