OpenLandMap USDA Soil Taxonomy Great Groups

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet


Predicted USDA soil great group probabilities at 250m.

Distribution of the USDA soil great groups based on machine learning predictions from global compilation of soil profiles. To learn more about soil great groups please refer to the Illustrated Guide to Soil Taxonomy - NRCS - USDA.

  • Processing steps are described in detail here
  • Antarctica is not included.

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Pixel Size
250 meters


Name Description

USDA soil taxonomy great groups

grtgroup Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #ffffff NODATA
1 #adff2d Albaqualfs
2 #adff22 Cryaqualfs
4 #a5ff2f Durixeralfs
6 #87ff37 Endoaqualfs
7 #baf019 Epiaqualfs
9 #87ff19 Fragiaqualfs
10 #96f03d Fragiudalfs
11 #a3f52f Fragixeralfs
12 #aff319 Fraglossudalfs
13 #91ff37 Glossaqualfs
14 #9cf319 Glossocryalfs
15 #9bff37 Glossudalfs
16 #91ff19 Haplocryalfs
17 #71ff37 Haploxeralfs
18 #86ff19 Hapludalfs
19 #a9d42d Haplustalfs
25 #aff519 Natraqualfs
26 #9bff19 Natrixeralfs
27 #9af024 Natrudalfs
28 #a5fd2f Natrustalfs
29 #88ff37 Palecryalfs
30 #afed19 Paleudalfs
31 #71ff19 Paleustalfs
32 #aff026 Palexeralfs
38 #8cf537 Rhodustalfs
39 #b7ff19 Vermaqualfs
41 #7177c0 Eutroboralfs
42 #9a85ec Ochraqualfs
43 #f5f5e1 Glossoboralfs
44 #52cf5a Cryoboralfs
45 #e42777 Natriboralfs
46 #4ef76d Paleboralfs
50 #ff00fb Cryaquands
58 #eb05eb Fulvicryands
59 #fa04fa Fulvudands
61 #fc04f5 Haplocryands
63 #f50df0 Haploxerands
64 #f118f1 Hapludands
74 #fa0cfa Udivitrands
75 #fc05e1 Ustivitrands
76 #f100d5 Vitraquands
77 #eb09e6 Vitricryands
80 #fa22fa Vitrixerands
82 #ffdab9 Aquicambids
83 #f5d2bb Aquisalids
85 #e8c9b8 Argidurids
86 #ffddc4 Argigypsids
87 #e7cbc0 Calciargids
89 #ffd2c3 Calcigypsids
90 #f5d6bb Gypsiargids
92 #d5d3b9 Haplargids
93 #e8d4b8 Haplocalcids
94 #e7cdc0 Haplocambids
96 #f3eac8 Haplodurids
97 #a0c4ba Haplogypsids
98 #ffd2b9 Haplosalids
99 #f5dabb Natrargids
100 #f5d5b9 Natridurids
101 #e8ebb8 Natrigypsids
102 #ffddc2 Paleargids
103 #e7ffc0 Petroargids
104 #f3e6c8 Petrocalcids
105 #ffdab9 Petrocambids
107 #f5cdb9 Petrogypsids
110 #a91d30 Calciorthids
111 #796578 Camborthids
112 #d8ff6e Paleorthids
113 #177548 Durorthids
114 #43efd6 Durargids
115 #8496a9 Gypsiorthids
116 #296819 Nadurargids
118 #73ffd4 Cryaquents
119 #6fffc8 Cryofluvents
120 #75fbc9 Cryopsamments
121 #86f5d1 Cryorthents
122 #82ffd2 Endoaquents
123 #88eec8 Epiaquents
124 #80ffd4 Fluvaquents
126 #6bffc9 Frasiwassents
131 #88eec8 Hydraquents
133 #7fffc8 Psammaquents
134 #81ffd2 Psammowassents
135 #86f0d4 Quartzipsamments
136 #67ffc8 Sulfaquents
137 #88eec8 Sulfiwassents
138 #7ffbcb Torrifluvents
139 #87ffd2 Torriorthents
140 #8af5ce Torripsamments
141 #6bfad2 Udifluvents
142 #78f0d4 Udipsamments
143 #88eec8 Udorthents
144 #7ffbd4 Ustifluvents
145 #73f5cd Ustipsamments
146 #88c8d2 Ustorthents
147 #91f0cd Xerofluvents
148 #73cdd2 Xeropsamments
149 #88eec8 Xerorthents
153 #fb849b Udarents
154 #dd4479 Torriarents
155 #61388b Xerarents
179 #a52a30 Cryofibrists
180 #722328 Cryofolists
181 #d81419 Cryohemists
182 #a42828 Cryosaprists
183 #82f5cd Frasiwassists
184 #a54c2e Haplofibrists
185 #c11919 Haplohemists
186 #b91419 Haplosaprists
189 #21b199 Sphagnofibrists
190 #702028 Sulfihemists
191 #b41919 Sulfisaprists
196 #b22328 Udifolists
201 #a2c7eb Borosaprists
202 #36ba79 Medisaprists
203 #806797 Borohemists
206 #cb5b5f Calcicryepts
207 #cd5c5c Calciustepts
208 #d94335 Calcixerepts
209 #d35740 Cryaquepts
210 #e05a5d Durixerepts
212 #cf5b5c Durustepts
213 #ca5964 Dystrocryepts
215 #ca5d5f Dystroxerepts
216 #cd5e5a Dystrudepts
217 #ca5969 Dystrustepts
218 #d95a35 Endoaquepts
219 #d36240 Epiaquepts
220 #e05c43 Eutrudepts
221 #d64755 Fragiaquepts
222 #cf595c Fragiudepts
225 #ff5f5f Halaquepts
226 #cd6058 Haplocryepts
228 #d95f35 Haploxerepts
229 #d35140 Haplustepts
230 #d65a55 Humaquepts
231 #e05c59 Humicryepts
233 #cf525e Humixerepts
234 #c65978 Humudepts
235 #f5615f Humustepts
245 #826f9a Ustochrepts
246 #cff41a Eutrochrepts
247 #4a6f31 Dystrochrepts
248 #a96989 Eutrocryepts
249 #e16438 Haplaquepts
250 #24f640 Xerochrepts
251 #88c1f9 Cryochrepts
252 #f5d25c Fragiochrepts
253 #d74322 Haplumbrepts
254 #7f939e Cryumbrepts
255 #41a545 Dystropepts
256 #8f8340 Vitrandepts
268 #09fe03 Argialbolls
269 #0aff00 Argiaquolls
270 #0ff30f Argicryolls
271 #02f00a Argiudolls
272 #0fc903 Argiustolls
273 #17f000 Argixerolls
274 #0cff00 Calciaquolls
275 #0ac814 Calcicryolls
276 #0cfe00 Calciudolls
277 #0aff0a Calciustolls
278 #03ff05 Calcixerolls
279 #1cf31c Cryaquolls
280 #24f000 Cryrendolls
283 #00ff0c Durixerolls
284 #14c814 Durustolls
285 #00fe4c Endoaquolls
286 #14ff96 Epiaquolls
287 #44d205 Haplocryolls
289 #05f305 Haploxerolls
290 #62f00a Hapludolls
291 #0fcd03 Haplustolls
292 #00d20f Haprendolls
294 #1add11 Natraquolls
296 #09ff0c Natrixerolls
297 #03ff05 Natrudolls
298 #05e700 Natrustolls
299 #02f00a Palecryolls
300 #0fea03 Paleudolls
301 #00f000 Paleustolls
302 #0ccb0c Palexerolls
303 #14dd14 Vermudolls
306 #6a685d Haploborolls
307 #fae6b9 Argiborolls
308 #769a34 Haplaquolls
309 #6ff2df Cryoborolls
310 #ca7fc6 Natriborolls
311 #d8228f Calciborolls
312 #c01bf0 Paleborolls
342 #d2bad3 Alaquods
343 #d8c3cb Alorthods
345 #d4c6d4 Duraquods
348 #d5bed5 Durorthods
349 #ddb9dd Endoaquods
350 #d8d2d8 Epiaquods
351 #d4c9d4 Fragiaquods
353 #d2bad5 Fragiorthods
354 #d5bad5 Haplocryods
356 #d5b2d5 Haplohumods
357 #d8c8d2 Haplorthods
358 #d4cbd4 Humicryods
367 #552638 Haplaquods
368 #2571eb Cryorthods
370 #ffa514 Albaquults
371 #f3a502 Endoaquults
372 #fb7b00 Epiaquults
373 #f0b405 Fragiaquults
374 #f7a80f Fragiudults
375 #fb9113 Haplohumults
376 #ffa519 Haploxerults
377 #f3a702 Hapludults
378 #fbba07 Haplustults
381 #f7970f Kandiudults
385 #f3a702 Kanhapludults
387 #fb5a00 Paleaquults
388 #f0c005 Palehumults
389 #f7810f Paleudults
390 #ff9c00 Paleustults
391 #f3b002 Palexerults
396 #f0b005 Rhodudults
399 #f7980f Umbraquults
401 #4d7cfc Ochraquults
403 #ffff00 Calciaquerts
405 #fafa05 Calciusterts
406 #ebeb22 Calcixererts
409 #ffff14 Dystraquerts
410 #f1f10a Dystruderts
412 #fafa05 Endoaquerts
413 #ebeb1e Epiaquerts
414 #f5eb0c Gypsitorrerts
415 #eef506 Gypsiusterts
417 #f1f129 Haplotorrerts
418 #fafa05 Haploxererts
419 #ebeb0c Hapluderts
420 #f5d202 Haplusterts
422 #ffd700 Natraquerts
424 #f1f12b Salitorrerts
429 #a91fac Chromusterts
430 #2da468 Pellusterts
431 #9a8b71 Chromoxererts
432 #76b989 Pelluderts
433 #713959 Torrerts

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Terms of Use



  • Tomislav Hengl, & Travis Nauman. (2018). Predicted USDA soil great groups at 250 m (probabilities) (Version v01) [Data set]. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.1476844


Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.Image('OpenLandMap/SOL/SOL_GRTGROUP_USDA-SOILTAX_C/v01');

var visualization = {
  bands: ['grtgroup'],
  min: 0,
  max: 433,
  palette: [
    'ffffff', 'adff2d', 'adff22', 'a5ff2f', '87ff37', 'baf019',
    '87ff19', '96f03d', 'a3f52f', 'aff319', '91ff37', '9cf319',
    '9bff37', '91ff19', '71ff37', '86ff19', 'a9d42d', 'aff519',
    '9bff19', '9af024', 'a5fd2f', '88ff37', 'afed19', '71ff19',
    'aff026', '8cf537', 'b7ff19', '7177c0', '9a85ec', 'f5f5e1',
    '52cf5a', 'e42777', '4ef76d', 'ff00fb', 'eb05eb', 'fa04fa',
    'fc04f5', 'f50df0', 'f118f1', 'fa0cfa', 'fc05e1', 'f100d5',
    'eb09e6', 'fa22fa', 'ffdab9', 'f5d2bb', 'e8c9b8', 'ffddc4',
    'e7cbc0', 'ffd2c3', 'f5d6bb', 'd5d3b9', 'e8d4b8', 'e7cdc0',
    'f3eac8', 'a0c4ba', 'ffd2b9', 'f5dabb', 'f5d5b9', 'e8ebb8',
    'ffddc2', 'e7ffc0', 'f3e6c8', 'ffdab9', 'f5cdb9', 'a91d30',
    '796578', 'd8ff6e', '177548', '43efd6', '8496a9', '296819',
    '73ffd4', '6fffc8', '75fbc9', '86f5d1', '82ffd2', '88eec8',
    '80ffd4', '6bffc9', '88eec8', '7fffc8', '81ffd2', '86f0d4',
    '67ffc8', '88eec8', '7ffbcb', '87ffd2', '8af5ce', '6bfad2',
    '78f0d4', '88eec8', '7ffbd4', '73f5cd', '88c8d2', '91f0cd',
    '73cdd2', '88eec8', 'fb849b', 'dd4479', '61388b', 'a52a30',
    '722328', 'd81419', 'a42828', '82f5cd', 'a54c2e', 'c11919',
    'b91419', '21b199', '702028', 'b41919', 'b22328', 'a2c7eb',
    '36ba79', '806797', 'cb5b5f', 'cd5c5c', 'd94335', 'd35740',
    'e05a5d', 'cf5b5c', 'ca5964', 'ca5d5f', 'cd5e5a', 'ca5969',
    'd95a35', 'd36240', 'e05c43', 'd64755', 'cf595c', 'ff5f5f',
    'cd6058', 'd95f35', 'd35140', 'd65a55', 'e05c59', 'cf525e',
    'c65978', 'f5615f', '826f9a', 'cff41a', '4a6f31', 'a96989',
    'e16438', '24f640', '88c1f9', 'f5d25c', 'd74322', '7f939e',
    '41a545', '8f8340', '09fe03', '0aff00', '0ff30f', '02f00a',
    '0fc903', '17f000', '0cff00', '0ac814', '0cfe00', '0aff0a',
    '03ff05', '1cf31c', '24f000', '00ff0c', '14c814', '00fe4c',
    '14ff96', '44d205', '05f305', '62f00a', '0fcd03', '00d20f',
    '1add11', '09ff0c', '03ff05', '05e700', '02f00a', '0fea03',
    '00f000', '0ccb0c', '14dd14', '6a685d', 'fae6b9', '769a34',
    '6ff2df', 'ca7fc6', 'd8228f', 'c01bf0', 'd2bad3', 'd8c3cb',
    'd4c6d4', 'd5bed5', 'ddb9dd', 'd8d2d8', 'd4c9d4', 'd2bad5',
    'd5bad5', 'd5b2d5', 'd8c8d2', 'd4cbd4', '552638', '2571eb',
    'ffa514', 'f3a502', 'fb7b00', 'f0b405', 'f7a80f', 'fb9113',
    'ffa519', 'f3a702', 'fbba07', 'f7970f', 'f3a702', 'fb5a00',
    'f0c005', 'f7810f', 'ff9c00', 'f3b002', 'f0b005', 'f7980f',
    '4d7cfc', 'ffff00', 'fafa05', 'ebeb22', 'ffff14', 'f1f10a',
    'fafa05', 'ebeb1e', 'f5eb0c', 'eef506', 'f1f129', 'fafa05',
    'ebeb0c', 'f5d202', 'ffd700', 'f1f12b', 'a91fac', '2da468',
    '9a8b71', '76b989', '713959',


Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, 'USDA soil taxonomy great groups');
Open in Code Editor