NOAA CDR PATMOSX: Cloud Properties, Reflectance, and Brightness Temperatures, Version 5.3

Dataset Availability
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Earth Engine Snippet


This dataset provides high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of multiple cloud properties along with Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Pathfinder Atmospheres Extended (PATMOS-x) brightness temperatures and reflectances. These data have been fitted to a 0.1 x 0.1 equal angle-grid with both ascending and descending assets generated daily from two to ten NOAA and MetOp satellite passes per day.

This dataset includes 48 bands, 11 of which are deemed CDR quality (marked with "CDR variable" in the band list). The cloud products are derived using the ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) Cloud Height Algorithm (ACHA), and the Daytime Cloud Optical Properties (DCOMP) algorithm. For more detail on the processing see the Climate Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (C-ATBD).


Pixel Size
11132 meters


Name Units Min Max Scale Offset Wavelength Description
cld_emiss_acha -127* 127* 0.00393701 0.5 11µm

Cloud emissivity at 11µm, determined from ACHA (CDR variable)

cld_height_acha km -32767* 32767* 0.000305185 10

Cloud height computed using ACHA

cld_height_uncer_acha km -127* 127* 0.0393701 5

Cloud height uncertainty computed using ACHA

cld_opd_acha -127* 127* 0.0322835 3.9 0.65µm

Cloud optical depth at 0.65µm, determined from ACHA

cld_opd_dcomp -32685* 32149* 0.00244453 79.9 0.65µm

Cloud optical depth at 0.65µm, determined from DCOMP (CDR variable)

cld_opd_dcomp_unc -32685* -32276* 0.00244453 79.9

Uncertainty in the cloud optical depth at 0.65µm, determined from DCOMP

cld_press_acha hPa -32767* 32767* 0.0167852 550

Cloud-top pressure computed using ACHA

cld_reff_acha µm -127* 127* 0.629921 80

Effective radius of cloud particles determined from ACHA

cld_reff_dcomp µm -32767* 32767* 0.00244148 80

Effective radius of cloud particles determined from DCOMP (CDR variable)

cld_reff_dcomp_unc µm -32767* -32357* 0.00244148 80

Uncertainty in the effective radius of cloud particle determined from DCOMP

cld_temp_acha K -32767* 32767* 0.00244148 240

Cloud-top temperature computed using ACHA (CDR variable)

cloud_fraction -127* 127* 0.00393701 0.5

Cloud fraction computed over a 3x3 pixel array at the native resolution centered on this pixel

cloud_fraction_uncertainty -127* 0* 0.00393701 0.5

Cloud fraction uncertainty computed over a 3x3 array

cloud_probability -127* 127* 0.00393701 0.5

Probability of a pixel being cloudy from the Bayesian cloud mask

cloud_transmission_0_65um -127* 127* 0.00393701 0.5 0.65µm

Cloud transmission at 0.65µm from DCOMP


Integer classification of the cloud type including clear and aerosol type

cloud_water_path g/m^2 -127* 127* 4.72441 600

Integrated total cloud water over whole column


Land classes

refl_0_65um -32767* 32767* 0.00186163 59 0.65µm

Top of atmosphere reflectance 0.65µm (CDR variable)

refl_0_65um_counts -21* 1017*

Instrument counts for the 0.65µm channel

refl_0_65um_stddev_3x3 -127* 127* 0.0787402 10

Standard deviation of the 0.63µm reflectance computed over a 3x3 pixel array

refl_0_86um -32767* 32767* 0.00186163 59 0.86µm

Top of atmosphere reflectance at 0.86µm (CDR variable)

refl_0_86um_counts -21* 1016*

Instrument counts for the 0.86µm channel

refl_1_60um -32767* 32767* 0.00186163 59 1.60µm

Top of atmosphere reflectance at 1.60µm (CDR variable)

refl_1_60um_counts -12* 1629*

Instrument counts for the 1.60µm channel

refl_3_75um -32767* 32767* 0.00152593 30 3.75µm

Top of atmosphere reflectance at 3.75µm (CDR variable)

relative_azimuth_angle deg -127* 127* 0.708661 90

Sun-sensor relative azimuth angle; 0 is the principal plane looking towards sun

scan_element_number -999* 409*

Scan element index of the pixel chosen for inclusion in level-2b

scan_line_number -999* 13835*

Scan line number

scan_line_time h 0* 23.99*

Scan line time

sensor_zenith_angle deg -127* 68* 0.354331 45

Sensor zenith for each pixel measured in degrees from nadir


Snow classes and values

solar_azimuth_angle deg -127* 127* 1.41732

Solar azimuth angle in degrees from north, pixel to sun, positive values are clockwise from north

solar_zenith_angle deg -101* 101* 0.708661 90

Solar zenith for each pixel measured in degrees away from the sun (0=looking at sun)

surface_temperature_retrieved K -127* 127* 0.472441 280

Surface temperature retrieved using atmospherically corrected 11µm radiance


UMD surface type

temp_11_0um K -32767* 32767* 0.00244148 260 11.0µm

Top of atmosphere brightness temperature at 11.0µm (CDR variable)

temp_11_0um_clear_sky K -30853* 32767* 0.00244148 260

Top of atmosphere brightness temperature modeled assuming clear skies at 11.0µm

temp_11_0um_stddev_3x3 K -127* 127* 0.0787402 10.9

Standard deviation of the 11.0µm brightness temperature computed over a 3x3 pixel array

temp_12_0um K -32767* 32767* 0.00244148 260 12.0µm

Top of atmosphere brightness temperature 12.0µm (CDR variable)

temp_3_75um K -32767* 32767* 0.00244148 260 3.75µm

Top of atmosphere brightness temperature 3.75µm (CDR variable)


ACHA processing information bit flags


ACHA quality flags


Mask that distinguishes good from bad pixels


Integer classification of the cloud mask


Processing flags for DCOMP


DCOMP processing information bit flags


Glint mask

* estimated min or max value

cloud_type Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #73d8ff Clear
1 #73d8ff Probably clear
2 #b1d8dc Fog
3 #030bff Water
4 #0013a1 Supercooled water
5 #05ffa3 Mixed
6 #d5fff9 Opaque ice
7 #ffffff Cirrus
8 #b2b8ff Overlapping
9 #b2b8ff Overshooting
10 #f8c4ff Unknown
11 #d7e9a1 Dust
12 #adadad Smoke

land_class Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #46ffba Shallow ocean
1 #c09968 Land
2 #eddc66 Coastline
3 #32bc76 Shallow inland water
4 #00b5c8 Ephemeral water
5 #338c91 Deep inland water
6 #0109ff Moderate ocean
7 #010583 Deep ocean

snow_class Class Table

Value Color Description
1 #000000 No snow/ice
2 #17b0c0 Sea-ice
3 #ffffff Snow

surface_type Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #0d00d4 Water
1 #096619 Evergreen needle
2 #096619 Evergreen broad
3 #2ac027 Deciduous needle
4 #2ac027 Deciduous broad
5 #a0c800 Mixed forest
6 #7c6e48 Woodlands
7 #dcca76 Wooded grass
8 #c7ff42 Closed shrubs
9 #c7ff42 Open shrubs
10 #00ff5a Grasses
11 #fff700 Croplands
12 #ffdb77 Bare
13 #9f9f9f Urban

cloud_mask Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #73d8ff Clear
1 #b1d8dc Probably clear
2 #d0d0d0 Probably cloudy
3 #9d9d9d Cloudy

Image Properties

Image Properties

Name Type Description
orbit_node STRING

'ascending' or 'descending'

platform STRING

Name of platform

status STRING

'provisional' or 'permanent'

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

The NOAA CDR Program's official distribution point for CDRs is NOAA's National Climatic Data Center which provides sustained, open access and active data management of the CDR packages and related information in keeping with the United States' open data policies and practices as described in the President's Memorandum on "Open Data Policy" and pursuant to the Executive Order of May 9, 2013, "Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information". In line with these policies, the CDR data sets are nonproprietary, publicly available, and no restrictions are placed upon their use. For more information, see the Fair Use of NOAA's CDR Data Sets, Algorithms and Documentation pdf.


  • For the TOA Reflectances and Brightness Temperatures users must cite: Andrew K. Heidinger, Michael J. Foster, Andi Walther, Xuepeng Zhao, and NOAA CDR Program (2014): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Reflectance and Brightness Temperatures from AVHRR Pathfinder Atmospheres - Extended (PATMOS-x), Version 5.3. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. doi:10.7289/V56W982J [access date].

  • For the cloud properties users must cite: Andrew K. Heidinger, Michael J. Foster, Andi Walther, Xuepeng Zhao, and NOAA CDR Program (2014): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Cloud Properties from AVHRR Pathfinder Atmospheres - Extended (PATMOS-x), Version 5.3. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. doi:10.7289/V5348HCK [access date].


Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/PATMOSX/V53')
                  .filter('2017-05-01', '2017-05-14'));
var cloudEmissivityAndHeight =
    ['cld_emiss_acha', 'cld_height_acha', 'cld_height_uncer_acha']);
Map.setCenter(71.72, 52.48, 1);
Map.addLayer(cloudEmissivityAndHeight, {}, 'Cloud Emissivity and Height');
Open in Code Editor