MOD44B.006 Terra Vegetation Continuous Fields Yearly Global 250m

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet


The Terra MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) product is a sub-pixel-level representation of surface vegetation cover estimates globally. Designed to continuously represent Earth's terrestrial surface as a proportion of basic vegetation traits, it provides a gradation of three surface cover components: percent tree cover, percent non-tree cover, and percent bare. VCF products provide a continuous, quantitative portrayal of land surface cover with improved spatial detail, and hence, are widely used in environmental modeling and monitoring applications.

Generated yearly, the VCF product is produced using monthly composites of Terra MODIS 250 and 500 meters Land Surface Reflectance data, including all seven bands, and Land Surface Temperature.



Pixel Size
250 meters


Name Units Min Max Scale Description
Percent_Tree_Cover % 0 100

Percent of a pixel which is covered by tree canopy

Percent_NonTree_Vegetation % 0 100

Percent of a pixel which is covered by non-tree vegetation

Percent_NonVegetated % 0 100

Percent of a pixel which is not vegetated


Describes those inputs that had poor quality (cloudy, high aerosol, cloud shadow, or view zenith >45°). Each bit in the field represents 1 out of 8 input surface reflectance files to the model.

Percent_Tree_Cover_SD % 0 32767 0.01

Standard deviation (SD) of the 30 models that were used to generate the pixel value in the percent tree cover data layer

Percent_NonVegetated_SD % 0 32767 0.01

Standard deviation (SD) of the 30 models that were used to generate the pixel value in the percent non-vegetated data layer


Clarifies the 'Quality' layer to give the user an indication that the 'bad' data refers to cloudy input data. Each bit in the field represents 1 out of 8 input surface reflectance files to the model.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

MODIS data and products acquired through the LP DAAC have no restrictions on subsequent use, sale, or redistribution.



Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD44B');

var visualization = {
  bands: ['Percent_Tree_Cover'],
  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  palette: ['bbe029', '0a9501', '074b03']

Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 3);

Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, 'Percent Tree Cover');
Open in Code Editor