- Dataset Availability
- 2001-01-01T00:00:00Z–2017-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Dataset Provider
- iSDA
- Earth Engine Snippet
- Tags
USDA Texture Class at soil depths of 0-20 cm and 20-50 cm. In areas of dense jungle (generally over central Africa), model accuracy is low and therefore artifacts such as banding (striping) might be seen.
Soil property predictions were made by Innovative Solutions for Decision Agriculture Ltd. (iSDA) at 30 m pixel size using machine learning coupled with remote sensing data and a training set of over 100,000 analyzed soil samples.
Further information can be found in the FAQ and technical information documentation. To submit an issue or request support, please visit the iSDAsoil site.
Pixel Size
30 meters
Name | Description |
texture_0_20 |
USDA Texture Class at 0-20 cm depth |
texture_20_50 |
USDA Texture Class at 20-50 cm depth |
texture_0_20 Class Table
Value | Color | Description |
1 | #d5c36b | Clay |
2 | #b96947 | Silty Clay |
3 | #9d3706 | Sandy Clay |
4 | #ae868f | Clay Loam |
5 | #f86714 | Silty Clay Loam |
6 | #46d143 | Sandy Clay Loam |
7 | #368f20 | Loam |
8 | #3e5a14 | Silt Loam |
9 | #ffd557 | Sandy Loam |
10 | #fff72e | Silt |
11 | #ff5a9d | Loamy Sand |
12 | #ff005b | Sand |
texture_20_50 Class Table
Value | Color | Description |
1 | #d5c36b | Clay |
2 | #b96947 | Silty Clay |
3 | #9d3706 | Sandy Clay |
4 | #ae868f | Clay Loam |
5 | #f86714 | Silty Clay Loam |
6 | #46d143 | Sandy Clay Loam |
7 | #368f20 | Loam |
8 | #3e5a14 | Silt Loam |
9 | #ffd557 | Sandy Loam |
10 | #fff72e | Silt |
11 | #ff5a9d | Loamy Sand |
12 | #ff005b | Sand |
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Hengl, T., Miller, M.A.E., Križan, J., et al. African soil properties and nutrients mapped at 30 m spatial resolution using two-scale ensemble machine learning. Sci Rep 11, 6130 (2021). doi:10.1038/s41598-021-85639-y
Explore with Earth Engine
Code Editor (JavaScript)
var raw = ee.Image("ISDASOIL/Africa/v1/texture_class"); Map.addLayer( raw.select(0), {}, "Texture class, 0-20 cm"); Map.addLayer( raw.select(1), {}, "Texture class, 20-50 cm"); Map.setCenter(25, -3, 2);