Apps Script Sunset Schedule

Once a sunset date for an Apps Script feature has been announced, the feature is considered deprecated, but should still be available for use until the sunset date. During the deprecation period, we encourage you to upgrade existing scripts to use supported features.

Feature Deprecated Sunset Behavior after sunset date
Contacts service December 16, 2022 January 31, 2025 Service no longer functions.
getChatThreads(), getChatThreads(start, max) July 8, 2022 November 1, 2022 These methods are unavailable and existing scripts fail when using these methods.
Publish Editor Add-ons to the Chrome Web Store October 29, 2018 December 16, 2019 You can no longer publish Editor Add-ons to the Chrome Web Store. Now Editor Add-ons are published solely to the Google Workspace Marketplace. Add-on developers have been notified to migrate their add-ons to the Google Workspace Marketplace; most add-ons should now be available there. For new add-ons, see Publishing an Editor Add-on for the new publication flow.
Publish web apps to Chrome Web Store August 19, 2016 October 28, 2019 You can no longer publish web apps to the Chrome Web Store. The Chrome Web Store deprecated Chrome apps in 2016 and they are now only available for ChromeOS devices. This change includes published Apps Script web apps. Previously published web apps are no longer discoverable in the Chrome Web Store.
Android Add-ons January 30, 2019 New Android add-ons can't be reviewed or published. Existing Android add-ons continue to function.
Fusion Tables advanced service December 11, 2018 December 3, 2019 Service no longer functions.
JDBC connections to Google Cloud SQL databases using jdbc:google:rdbms April 3, 2018 April 2019 JDBC connections that use a jdbc:google:rdbms:subname URL connectivity path to a Google Cloud SQL database no longer function. jdbc:google:mysql:subname URL connectivity paths and connections made using the generic IP method are unaffected. See Creating Google Cloud SQL connections for migration instructions.
Oct 13, 2015 Nov 12, 2015 All new scripts now default to IFRAME sandbox mode unless NATIVE mode is explicitly specified.
Dec 10, 2015 EMULATED mode was shut down. Any scripts that explicitly request EMULATED mode now default to IFRAME mode.
Apr 28, 2016 All scripts, including existing ones, now default to IFRAME sandbox mode unless NATIVE mode is explicitly specified.
Jul 6, 2016 NATIVE mode was shut down. All HTML served from the HTML Service now uses IFRAME mode, no matter what mode is specified.
OAuthConfig March 4, 2015 July 6, 2015 Class is longer available and existing scripts do not function.
DocsList service Dec 11, 2014 April 20, 2015 Service no longer functions.
UI service June 30, 2015 Service will no longer appear in autocomplete, although existing scripts should still function.
July 15, 2019 Service no longer functions.
Domain service May 15, 2014 Dec 11, 2014 Service no longer functions.
ScriptDB service Dec 18, 2014 Service no longer functions.
Finance service Feb 25, 2014 Oct 21, 2014 Service no longer functions.
DeckPanel Apr 15, 2013 Apr 10, 2014 Widget no longer functions.
Old XML service Jul 9, 2013 Service no longer appears in autocomplete, although existing scripts should still function.
SOAP service
E4X support Feature is no longer supported, although existing scripts should still function.
Hyperlink Mar 13, 2013 Sep 16, 2013 Widget no longer functions.
Inline Hyperlink
GUI Builder Oct 2, 2013 No access to GUI Builder, although existing components should still function.