- Integrasikan Format iklan native.
Iklan native memberikan akses ke class GADMediaContent
yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan
informasi tentang konten media yang dapat berupa video atau gambar. Metode ini juga
digunakan untuk mengontrol pemutaran iklan video yang memproses peristiwa pemutaran. Anda dapat mengakses
objek konten media melalui properti .mediaContent
di iklan.
berisi informasi seperti rasio aspek dan durasi video. Cuplikan
di bawah menunjukkan cara mendapatkan rasio aspek dan durasi iklan native.
if myNativeAd.mediaContent.hasVideoContent { let mediaAspectRatio = CGFloat(myNativeAd.mediaContent.aspectRatio) let duration = myNativeAd.mediaContent.duration ... }
if(myNativeAd.mediaContent.hasVideoContent) { CGFloat mediaAspectRatio = myNativeAd.mediaContent.aspectRatio; NSTimeInterval duration = myNativeAd.mediaContent.duration; ... }
Objek GADMediaContent
memiliki referensi ke objek
. Objek GADVideoController
memungkinkan penayang merespons peristiwa
Objek GADVideoController
ini dapat diperoleh dengan memanggil
Callback untuk peristiwa video
Untuk menangani peristiwa video tertentu, Anda perlu menulis class yang menerapkan protokol
. Semua metode protokol bersifat opsional.
Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menerapkan protokol delegasi:
class ViewController: GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate, GADVideoControllerDelegate { private var adLoader: GADAdLoader? func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let videoOptions = GADVideoOptions() videoOptions.customControlsRequested = true adLoader = GADAdLoader( adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3986624511", rootViewController: self, adTypes: [GADAdLoaderAdTypeNative], options: [videoOptions]) adLoader?.delegate = self adLoader?.load(GADRequest()) } func adLoader( _ adLoader: GADAdLoader?, didReceive nativeAd: GADNativeAd? ) { // Set the videoController's delegate to be notified of video events. nativeAd?.mediaContent.videoController.delegate = self } // GADVideoControllerDelegate methods func videoControllerDidPlayVideo(_ videoController: GADVideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // begins playing the ad. } func videoControllerDidPauseVideo(_ videoController: GADVideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // pauses the ad. } func videoControllerDidEndVideoPlayback(_ videoController: GADVideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // stops playing the ad. } func videoControllerDidMuteVideo(_ videoController: GADVideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // mutes the ad. } func videoControllerDidUnmuteVideo(_ videoController: GADVideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // unmutes the ad. } }
@interface ViewController () <GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate, GADVideoControllerDelegate> @property(nonatomic, strong) GADAdLoader *adLoader; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; GADVideoOptions *videoOptions = [[GADVideoOptions alloc] init]; videoOptions.customControlsRequested = YES; self.adLoader = [[GADAdLoader alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3986624511" rootViewController:self adTypes:@[ GADAdLoaderAdTypeNative ] options:@[ videoOptions ]]; self.adLoader.delegate = self; [self.adLoader loadRequest:[GADRequest request]]; } - (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader didReceiveNativeAd:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd { // Set the videoController's delegate to be notified of video events. nativeAd.mediaContent.videoController.delegate = self; } // GADVideoControllerDelegate methods - (void)videoControllerDidPlayVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // begins playing the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidPauseVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // pauses the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidEndVideoPlayback:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // stops playing the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidMuteVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // mutes the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidUnmuteVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // unmutes the ad. } @end
Baca Kebijakan dan panduan iklan native untuk mendapatkan panduan selengkapnya tentang cara merender iklan native.