미디에이션과 maio 통합

This guide shows you how to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from maio using AdMob Mediation, covering waterfall integrations. It covers how to add maio to an ad unit's mediation configuration, and how to integrate the maio SDK and adapter into an iOS app.

The dashboard interface for maio uses Japanese text for its labels, buttons, and descriptions, and the screenshots in this guide have not been translated. In this guide's descriptions and instructions however, labels and buttons are referenced with their English language equivalents. "URL スキーム," for example, is "URL Scheme".

Supported integrations and ad formats

The mediation adapter for maio has the following capabilities:



  • iOS deployment target of 12.0 or higher

Step 1: Set up configurations in maio UI

First, sign up or log in to your maio account. Click the Application management button on the left sidebar and click on New app.

Select the tab corresponding to your preferred Ad Type.


Enter the Name of your app, select the platform and provide your App URL. Select Video interstitial as the Ad Type, and then click Update.


Enter the Name of your app, select the platform and provide your App URL. Select Video Rewards as the Ad Type, and then click Update.

In the Application Management page, make a note of the Media ID. It's needed to set up your AdMob ad unit in the next section.

In the Zone Management page, make a note of the Zone ID. It will also be needed to set up your AdMob ad unit in the next section.

(Waterfall only) In addition to Media ID and Zone ID, you will need API ID and API KEY to set up your ad unit ID for mediation. In Reporting API page, make a note of API ID and API KEY.

Step 2: Set up maio demand in AdMob UI

광고 단위에 대한 미디에이션 설정 구성

maio 를 광고 단위의 미디에이션 구성에 추가해야 합니다.

먼저 AdMob 계정에 로그인합니다. 그런 다음 미디에이션 탭으로 이동합니다. 수정할 기존 미디에이션 그룹이 있는 경우 해당 미디에이션 그룹의 이름을 클릭하여 수정한 후 maio 광고 소스로 추가로 건너뜁니다.

새 미디에이션 그룹을 만들려면 미디에이션 그룹 만들기를 선택합니다.

광고 형식과 플랫폼을 입력하고 계속을 클릭합니다.

미디에이션 그룹에 이름을 지정하고 타겟팅할 위치를 선택합니다. 미디에이션 그룹 상태를 사용으로 설정한 다음 광고 단위 추가를 클릭합니다.

이 미디에이션 그룹을 하나 이상의 기존AdMob 광고 단위와 연결합니다. 그런 다음 완료를 클릭합니다.

이제 광고 단위 카드가 선택한 광고 단위로 채워진 것을 볼 수 있습니다.

광고 소스로 maio 추가

광고 소스 섹션의 폭포식 구조 카드에서 광고 소스 추가를 선택합니다. 그런 다음 maio을 선택합니다.

maio를 선택하고 최적화 스위치를 사용 설정합니다. 이전 섹션에서 가져온 API ID and API KEY을 입력하여maio에 대해 광고 소스 최적화를 설정합니다. 그런 다음maio 에 eCPM 값을 입력하고 계속을 클릭합니다.

이미 maio에 대한 매핑이 있는 경우 해당 매핑을 선택할 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않으면 매핑 추가를 클릭합니다.

그런 다음 이전 섹션에서 얻은 Media ID and Zone ID를 입력합니다. 그런 다음 완료를 클릭합니다.

Step 3: Import the maio SDK and adapter

  • Add the following line to your project's Podfile:

    pod 'GoogleMobileAdsMediationMaio'
  • From the command line run:

    pod install --repo-update

Manual integration

  • Download the latest version of the maio SDK.
  • Download the latest version of the maio adapter from the download link in the Changelog, and link maioAdapter.framework in your project.

Step 4: Add required code

SKAdNetwork integration

Follow maio's documentation to add the SKAdNetwork identifiers to your project's Info.plist file.

Step 5: Test your implementation

테스트 광고 사용 설정


Google 모바일 광고 SDK 버전 7.26.0 이상을 사용하는 게시자는 요청을 할 때 테스트 기기로 등록된 스마트폰 및 태블릿에서 maio의 테스트 광고를 자동으로 수신합니다.

테스트 광고 확인

maio에서 테스트 광고를 수신하고 있는지 확인하려면 광고 검사기에서 maio (Waterfall) 광고 소스를 사용하여 단일 광고 소스 테스트를 사용 설정하세요.

Error codes

If the adapter fails to receive an ad from maio, publishers can check the underlying error from the ad response using GADResponseInfo.adNetworkInfoArray under the following classes:

Format Class name
Interstitial GADMMaioInterstitialAdapter
Rewarded GADMMaioRewardedAdapter

Here are the codes and accompanying messages thrown by the maio adapter when an ad fails to load:

Error code Reason
0-10 maio returned an SDK-specific error. See maio's code for more details.
101 maio does not yet have an ad available.
102 Invalid server parameters (e.g. missing Placement ID).
103 The maio adapter does not support the ad format being requested.
104 An ad is already loaded for this network configuration.

maio iOS Mediation Adapter Changelog


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 2.1.5.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.6.0.
  • Maio SDK version 2.1.5.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 2.1.4.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.2.0.
  • Maio SDK version 2.1.4.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 2.1.3.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.1.0.
  • Maio SDK version 2.1.3.


  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.0 or higher.
  • Included Info.plist in the frameworks within MaioAdapter.xcframework.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 11.0.1.
  • Maio SDK version 2.1.2.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 2.1.2.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.14.0.
  • Maio SDK version 2.1.2.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 2.1.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.12.0.
  • Maio SDK version 2.1.1.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 2.0.0.
  • Removed the dependency on MaioOB SDK.
  • Removed support of the armv7 architecture.
  • Now requires minimum iOS version 12.0.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.4.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.10.0.
  • Maio SDK version 2.0.0.


  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 10.0.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.6.3.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Updated the adapter to use the didRewardUser API.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.8.0 or higher.
  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.6.3 and maioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.12.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.6.3.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.6.2 and maioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.5.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.6.2.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.6.1 and maioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.2.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.6.1.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Verified compatibility with Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 9.0.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.6.0.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.6.0 and maioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.13.0.
  • Now requires minimum iOS version of 10.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.6.0.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.8 and maioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.
  • Added bidding capability to the adapter for interstitial and rewarded ad formats.
  • Relaxed dependency to Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.0.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.7.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.8.
  • MaioOB SDK version 2.0.0-alpha.


  • Added standardized adapter error codes and messages.
  • Updated the adapter to use the .xcframework format.
  • Fixed a bug where rewarded ad events were sometimes not forwarded.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.3.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 8.3.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.6.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.6.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.68.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.68.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.6.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.5.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.64.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.64.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.5.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.4.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.60.0 or higher.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.60.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.4.


  • To limit timeouts, ad requests will now immediately fail if maio does not have an ad ready to be shown.
  • Removed support for the i386 architecture.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.58.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.3.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.3.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.55.1.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.3.


  • Fixed an issue where the adapter was not invoking the -rewardedAdDidPresent: callback.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.53.1.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.2.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.2.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.53.1.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.2.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.1.

Built and tested with:

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.52.0.
  • Maio SDK version 1.5.1.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.5.0.

Built and tested with

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.51.0.
  • Maio Ads SDK version 1.5.0.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.4.8.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.4.6.
  • Updated the adapter to use the new rewarded API.
  • Now requires Google Mobile Ads SDK version 7.42.2 or higher.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.4.2.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.4.1.
  • Fixed an issue where maio adapter might fail if multiple MediaIds are provided from AdMob.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.4.0.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.3.2.


  • Added adapterDidCompletePlayingRewardBasedVideoAd: callback to the adapter.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.3.1.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.3.0.


  • Verified compatibility with maio SDK version 1.2.19.


  • First release!
  • Added support for interstitials and rewarded videos ads.