限制和配额可以保护 Google 基础架构,避免自动流程以不当方式使用 Reseller API。来自某个 API 的过多请求可能是由无害的拼写错误所致,也可能是由于系统设计效率低下、进行不必要的 API 调用所致。无论是何种原因,在来自特定来源的流量达到一定水平时,为保证 Google Workspace 系统的整体运行状况,必须将其屏蔽。它可以确保一个开发者的行为不会对更广泛的社区产生负面影响。
API 请求失败
在极少数情况下,如果您的 API 请求失败,您的应用会收到 HTTP 状态代码响应。状态代码 403 包含有关错误输入的错误信息,而 HTTP 状态代码 503 包含指示超出了哪些 API 配额的错误信息。通过这些响应,您的自定义应用可以检测这些错误并采取适当的措施。
对于基于时间的所有错误(每个线程最多 N 秒 N 秒的错误),尤其是 503 状态代码错误,我们建议您的代码捕获异常,并使用指数退避算法算法,等待一小段延迟时间后再重试失败的调用。一个线程的 Reseller API 示例是等待 5 秒,然后重试失败的调用。如果请求成功,则对其他线程重复此模式。如果第二个请求不成功,您的应用应缩减请求频率,直到调用成功为止。例如,将初始的 5 秒延迟增加到 10 秒,然后再次重试失败的调用。此外,还需决定重试限制。例如,在应用向用户返回错误之前,使用不同的延迟时间重试请求 5 到 7 次。
API 限制类别
此属性最多可接受 80 个纯文本字符。
maxResults 查询字符串可以是 1 - 100 个结果。默认值为 20 个结果。
转移令牌 (customerAuthToken)
客户的转移令牌在生成后 30 天内有效。
用户人数上限可以是 50,000,也可以是转销商合同中指定的上限,具体取决于您的合同。
Google 不允许向 Reseller API 发出未经授权的请求。
[[["易于理解","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["解决了我的问题","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["其他","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["没有我需要的信息","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["太复杂/步骤太多","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["内容需要更新","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["翻译问题","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["示例/代码问题","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["其他","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-02-28。"],[[["Google Workspace API quotas and limits safeguard the platform's infrastructure by preventing excessive or inappropriate usage that could negatively impact overall system performance."],["When API requests fail due to incorrect input or quota exceedances, HTTP status codes like 403 and 503 are returned, enabling developers to implement error handling and retry mechanisms."],["Time-based errors, especially those indicated by a 503 status code, should be addressed using exponential backoff, gradually increasing retry delays to avoid overwhelming the system."],["Specific limitations apply to various aspects of the Reseller API, including request parameters, data formats, and user counts, which are outlined in detail for developers to adhere to."],["Developers must ensure all Reseller API requests are authorized with a valid token, as unauthorized requests are strictly prohibited to maintain security and integrity."]]],[]]