This reference uses TypeScript notation to describe types. The following table provides a brief explanation by example.
Type expression | |
string |
The primitive string type. |
string[] |
An array type, where values may only be strings. |
number | string |
A union type, where the value may be either a number or a string. |
Array<number | string> |
An array type, where values are a complex (union) type. |
[number, string] |
A tuple type, where the value is a two-element array that must contain a number and a string in that order. |
Slot |
An object type, where the value is an instance of googletag.Slot . |
() => void |
A function type with no defined arguments and no return value. |
To learn more about supported types and type expressions, refer to the TypeScript Handbook .
Type annotations
A colon after a variable, parameter name, property name, or function signature denotes a type annotation. Type annotations describe the types the element to the left of the colon can accept or return. The following table shows examples of type annotations you may see in this reference.
Type annotation | |
param: string |
Indicates that param accepts or returns a string value. This syntax is used
for variables, parameters, properties, and return types.
param?: number | string |
Indicates that param is optional, but accepts either a number or a string
when specified. This syntax is used for parameters and properties.
...params: Array<() => void> |
Indicates that params is a
rest parameter
that accepts functions. Rest parameters accept an unbounded number of values of the
specified type.
Namespaces | |
config | Main configuration interface for page-level settings. |
enums | This is the namespace that GPT uses for enum types. |
events | This is the namespace that GPT uses for Events. |
secure | This is the namespace that GPT uses for managing secure signals. |
Interfaces | |
Command | The command array accepts a sequence of functions and invokes them in order. |
Companion | Companion Ads service. |
Privacy | Configuration object for privacy settings. |
Pub | Publisher Ads service. |
Response | An object representing a single ad response. |
Rewarded | An object representing the reward associated with a rewarded ad. |
Safe | Configuration object for SafeFrame containers. |
Service | Base service class that contains methods common for all services. |
Size | Builder for size mapping specification objects. |
Slot | Slot is an object representing a single ad slot on a page. |
Type Aliases | |
General | A valid size configuration for a slot, which can be one or multiple sizes. |
Multi | A list of single valid sizes. |
Named | Named sizes that a slot can have. |
Single | A single valid size for a slot. |
Single | Array of two numbers representing [width, height]. |
Size | A mapping of viewport size to ad sizes. |
Size | A list of size mappings. |
Variables | |
api | Flag indicating that the GPT API is loaded and ready to be called. |
cmd | Reference to the global command queue for asynchronous execution of GPT-related calls. |
pubads | Flag indicating that PubAdsService is enabled, loaded and fully operational. |
secure | Reference to the secure signal providers array. |
Functions | |
companion | Returns a reference to the CompanionAdsService. |
define | Constructs an out-of-page ad slot with the given ad unit path. |
define | Constructs an ad slot with a given ad unit path and size and associates it with the ID of a div element on the page that will contain the ad. |
destroy | Destroys the given slots, removing all related objects and references of those slots from GPT. |
disable | Disables the Google Publisher Console. |
display | Instructs slot services to render the slot. |
enable | Enables all GPT services that have been defined for ad slots on the page. |
get | Returns the current version of GPT. |
open | Opens the Google Publisher Console. |
pubads | Returns a reference to the PubAdsService. |
set | Sets the title for all ad container iframes created by PubAdsService, from this point onwards. |
set | Sets general configuration options for the page. |
size | Creates a new SizeMappingBuilder. |
Type Aliases
GeneralSize: SingleSize | MultiSize
A valid size configuration for a slot, which can be one or multiple sizes.
MultiSize: SingleSize[]
A list of single valid sizes.
- fluid: the ad container takes 100% width of parent div and then resizes its height to fit creative content. Similar to how regular block elements on a page behave. Used for native ads (see related article). Note that both
are acceptable forms to declare a slot size as fluid.
NamedSize: "fluid" | ["fluid"]
Named sizes that a slot can have. In most cases size is a fixed-size rectangle but there are some cases when we need other kinds of size specifications. Only the following are valid named sizes:
SingleSize: SingleSizeArray | NamedSize
A single valid size for a slot.
SingleSizeArray: [number, number]
Array of two numbers representing [width, height].
SizeMapping: [SingleSizeArray, GeneralSize]
A mapping of viewport size to ad sizes. Used for responsive ads.
SizeMappingArray: SizeMapping[]
A list of size mappings.
apiReady: boolean | undefined
Flag indicating that the GPT API is loaded and ready to be called. This property will be simply undefined
until the API is ready.
Note that the recommended way of handling async is to use googletag.cmd to queue callbacks for when GPT is ready. These callbacks do not have to check googletag.apiReady as they are guaranteed to execute once the API is set up.
- Example
googletag.cmd.push(() => { googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600]).addService(googletag.pubads()); });
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600]).addService(googletag.pubads()); });
googletag.cmd.push(() => { googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600])!.addService(googletag.pubads()); });
cmd: ((this: typeof globalThis) => void)[] | CommandArray
Reference to the global command queue for asynchronous execution of GPT-related calls.
The googletag.cmd
variable is initialized to an empty JavaScript array by the GPT tag syntax on the page, and cmd.push
is the standard Array.push
method that adds an element to the end of the array. When the GPT JavaScript is loaded, it looks through the array and executes all the functions in order. The script then replaces cmd
with a CommandArray object whose push method is defined to execute the function argument passed to it. This mechanism allows GPT to reduce perceived latency by fetching the JavaScript asynchronously while allowing the browser to continue rendering the page.
pubadsReady: boolean | undefined
Flag indicating that PubAdsService is enabled, loaded and fully operational. This property will be simply undefined
until enableServices is called and PubAdsService is loaded and initialized.
- Example
window.googletag = window.googletag || { cmd: [] }; googletag.secureSignalProviders = googletag.secureSignalProviders || []; googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ id: "collector123", collectorFunction: () => { return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
window.googletag = window.googletag || { cmd: [] }; googletag.secureSignalProviders = googletag.secureSignalProviders || []; googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ id: "collector123", collectorFunction: function () { return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
window.googletag = window.googletag || { cmd: [] }; googletag.secureSignalProviders = googletag.secureSignalProviders || []; googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ id: "collector123", collectorFunction: () => { return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
secureSignalProviders: SecureSignalProvider[] | SecureSignalProvidersArray | undefined
Reference to the secure signal providers array.
The secure signal providers array accepts a sequence of signal-generating functions and invokes them in order. It is intended to replace a standard array that is used to enqueue signal-generating functions to be invoked once GPT is loaded.
companionAds(): CompanionAdsService
Returns a reference to the CompanionAdsService.
Returns | |
CompanionAdsService | The Companion Ads service. |
- Example
// Define a custom out-of-page ad slot. googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot("/1234567/sports", "div-1"); // Define a GPT managed web interstitial ad slot. googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot("/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL);
JavaScript (legacy)
// Define a custom out-of-page ad slot. googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot("/1234567/sports", "div-1"); // Define a GPT managed web interstitial ad slot. googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot("/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL);
// Define a custom out-of-page ad slot. googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot("/1234567/sports", "div-1"); // Define a GPT managed web interstitial ad slot. googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot("/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL);
- See also
defineOutOfPageSlot(adUnitPath: string, div?: string | OutOfPageFormat): Slot | null
Constructs an out-of-page ad slot with the given ad unit path.
For custom out-of-page ads, div
is the ID of the div element that will contain the ad. See the article on out-of-page creatives for more details.
For GPT managed out-of-page ads, div
is a supported OutOfPageFormat.
Parameters | |
adUnitPath: string | Full ad unit path with the network code and ad unit code. |
| ID of the div that will contain this ad unit or OutOfPageFormat. |
Returns | |
Slot | null | The newly created slot, or null if a slot cannot be created. |
- Example
googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1");
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1");
googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1");
defineSlot(adUnitPath: string, size: GeneralSize, div?: string): Slot | null
Constructs an ad slot with a given ad unit path and size and associates it with the ID of a div element on the page that will contain the ad.
Parameters | |
adUnitPath: string | Full ad unit path with the network code and unit code. |
size: GeneralSize | Width and height of the added slot. This is the size that is used in the ad request if no responsive size mapping is provided or the size of the viewport is smaller than the smallest size provided in the mapping. |
| ID of the div that will contain this ad unit. |
Returns | |
Slot | null | The newly created slot, or null if a slot cannot be created. |
- Example
// The calls to construct an ad and display contents. const slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1"); googletag.display("div-1"); const slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2"); googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to destroy only slot1. googletag.destroySlots([slot1]); // This call to destroy both slot1 and slot2. googletag.destroySlots([slot1, slot2]); // This call to destroy all slots. googletag.destroySlots();
JavaScript (legacy)
// The calls to construct an ad and display contents. var slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1"); googletag.display("div-1"); var slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2"); googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to destroy only slot1. googletag.destroySlots([slot1]); // This call to destroy both slot1 and slot2. googletag.destroySlots([slot1, slot2]); // This call to destroy all slots. googletag.destroySlots();
// The calls to construct an ad and display contents. const slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1")!; googletag.display("div-1"); const slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2")!; googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to destroy only slot1. googletag.destroySlots([slot1]); // This call to destroy both slot1 and slot2. googletag.destroySlots([slot1, slot2]); // This call to destroy all slots. googletag.destroySlots();
destroySlots(slots?: Slot[]): boolean
Destroys the given slots, removing all related objects and references of those slots from GPT. This API does not support passback slots and companion slots.
Calling this API on a slot clears the ad and removes the slot object from the internal state maintained by GPT. Calling any more functions on the slot object will result in undefined behavior. Note the browser may still not free the memory associated with that slot if a reference to it is maintained by the publisher page. Calling this API makes the div associated with that slot available for reuse.
In particular, destroying a slot removes the ad from GPT's long-lived pageview, so future requests will not be influenced by roadblocks or competitive exclusions involving this ad. Failure to call this function before removing a slot's div from the page will result in undefined behavior.
Parameters | |
| The array of slots to destroy. Array is optional; all slots will be destroyed if it is unspecified. |
Returns | |
boolean | true if slots have been destroyed, false otherwise. |
display(divOrSlot: string | Element | Slot): void
Instructs slot services to render the slot. Each ad slot should only be displayed once per page. All slots must be defined and have a service associated with them before being displayed. The display call must not happen until the element is present in the DOM. The usual way to achieve that is to place it within a script block within the div element named in the method call.
If single request architecture (SRA) is being used, all unfetched ad slots at the time this method is called will be fetched at once. To force an ad slot not to display, the entire div must be removed.
Parameters | |
divOrSlot: string | Element | Slot | Either the ID of the div element containing the ad slot or the div element, or the slot object. If a div element is provided, it must have an 'id' attribute which matches the ID passed into defineSlot. |
- Example
// Calling with div ID. googletag.openConsole("div-1"); // Calling without div ID. googletag.openConsole();
JavaScript (legacy)
// Calling with div ID. googletag.openConsole("div-1"); // Calling without div ID. googletag.openConsole();
// Calling with div ID. googletag.openConsole("div-1"); // Calling without div ID. googletag.openConsole();
- See also
openConsole(div?: string): void
Opens the Google Publisher Console.
Parameters | |
| An ad slot div ID. This value is optional. When provided, the Publisher Console will attempt to open with details of the specified ad slot in view. |
pubads(): PubAdsService
Returns a reference to the PubAdsService.
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The Publisher Ads service. |
- Example
JavaScript (legacy)
setAdIframeTitle(title: string): void
Sets the title for all ad container iframes created by PubAdsService, from this point onwards.
Parameters | |
title: string | The new title for all ad container iframes. |
setConfig(config: PageSettingsConfig): void
Sets general configuration options for the page.
Parameters | |
config: PageSettingsConfig |
- See also
sizeMapping(): SizeMappingBuilder
Creates a new SizeMappingBuilder.
Returns | |
SizeMappingBuilder | A new builder. |
Methods | |
push | Executes the sequence of functions specified in the arguments in order. |
- Example
googletag.cmd.push(() => { googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600]).addService(googletag.pubads()); });
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600]).addService(googletag.pubads()); });
googletag.cmd.push(() => { googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600])!.addService(googletag.pubads()); });
push(...f: ((this: typeof globalThis) => void)[]): number
Executes the sequence of functions specified in the arguments in order.
Parameters | |
| A JavaScript function to be executed. The runtime binding will always be globalThis . Consider passing an arrow function to retain the this value of the enclosing lexical context. |
Returns | |
number | The number of commands processed so far. This is compatible with Array.push 's return value (the current length of the array). |
ExtendsMethods | |
add | Registers a listener that allows you to set up and call a JavaScript function when a specific GPT event happens on the page. Inherited from |
get | Get the list of slots associated with this service. Inherited from |
remove | Removes a previously registered listener. Inherited from |
set | Sets whether companion slots that have not been filled will be automatically backfilled. |
- Example
JavaScript (legacy)
setRefreshUnfilledSlots(value: boolean): void
Sets whether companion slots that have not been filled will be automatically backfilled.
This method can be called multiple times during the page's lifetime to turn backfill on and off. Only slots that are also registered with the PubAdsService will be backfilled. Due to policy restrictions, this method is not designed to fill empty companion slots when an Ad Exchange video is served.
Parameters | |
value: boolean | true to automatically backfill unfilled slots, false to leave them unchanged. |
Properties | |
child | Indicates whether the page should be treated as child-directed. |
limited | Enables serving to run in limited ads mode to aid in publisher regulatory compliance needs. |
non | Enables serving to run in non-personalized ads mode to aid in publisher regulatory compliance needs. |
restrict | Enables serving to run in restricted processing mode to aid in publisher regulatory compliance needs. |
traffic | Indicates whether requests represent purchased or organic traffic. |
under | Indicates whether to mark ad requests as coming from users under the age of consent. |
- See also
childDirectedTreatment?: null | boolean
Indicates whether the page should be treated as child-directed. Set to null
to clear the configuration.
- Automatically, by using a signal from an IAB TCF v2.0 consent management platform.
- Manually, by setting the value of this field to
. - Example
// Manually enable limited ads serving. // GPT must be loaded from the limited ads URL to configure this setting. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ limitedAds: true, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Manually enable limited ads serving. // GPT must be loaded from the limited ads URL to configure this setting. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ limitedAds: true, });
// Manually enable limited ads serving. // GPT must be loaded from the limited ads URL to configure this setting. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ limitedAds: true, });
- See also
limitedAds?: boolean
Enables serving to run in limited ads mode to aid in publisher regulatory compliance needs.
You can instruct GPT to request limited ads in two ways:
Note that it is not necessary to manually enable limited ads when a CMP is in use.
nonPersonalizedAds?: boolean
Enables serving to run in non-personalized ads mode to aid in publisher regulatory compliance needs.
restrictDataProcessing?: boolean
Enables serving to run in restricted processing mode to aid in publisher regulatory compliance needs.
- Example
// Indicate requests represent organic traffic. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ trafficSource: googletag.enums.TrafficSource.ORGANIC, }); // Indicate requests represent purchased traffic. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ trafficSource: googletag.enums.TrafficSource.PURCHASED, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Indicate requests represent organic traffic. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ trafficSource: googletag.enums.TrafficSource.ORGANIC, }); // Indicate requests represent purchased traffic. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ trafficSource: googletag.enums.TrafficSource.PURCHASED, });
// Indicate requests represent organic traffic. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ trafficSource: googletag.enums.TrafficSource.ORGANIC, }); // Indicate requests represent purchased traffic. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ trafficSource: googletag.enums.TrafficSource.PURCHASED, });
trafficSource?: TrafficSource
Indicates whether requests represent purchased or organic traffic. This value populates the Traffic source dimension in Ad Manager reporting. If not set, traffic source defaults to undefined
in reporting.
underAgeOfConsent?: null | boolean
Indicates whether to mark ad requests as coming from users under the age of consent. Set to null
to clear the configuration.
ExtendsMethods | |
add | Registers a listener that allows you to set up and call a JavaScript function when a specific GPT event happens on the page. Inherited from |
clear | Removes the ads from the given slots and replaces them with blank content. |
clear | Clears all page-level ad category exclusion labels. |
clear | Clears custom targeting parameters for a specific key or for all keys. |
collapse | Enables collapsing of slot divs so that they don't take up any space on the page when there is no ad content to display. |
disable | Disables requests for ads on page load, but allows ads to be requested with a PubAdsService.refresh call. |
display | Constructs and displays an ad slot with the given ad unit path and size. |
enable | Enables lazy loading in GPT as defined by the config object. |
enable | Enables single request mode for fetching multiple ads at the same time. |
enable | Signals to GPT that video ads will be present on the page. |
get | Returns the value for the AdSense attribute associated with the given key. |
get | Returns the attribute keys that have been set on this service. |
get | Get the list of slots associated with this service. Inherited from |
get | Returns a specific custom service-level targeting parameter that has been set. |
get | Returns the list of all custom service-level targeting keys that have been set. |
is | Returns whether or not initial requests for ads was successfully disabled by a previous PubAdsService.disableInitialLoad call. |
refresh | Fetches and displays new ads for specific or all slots on the page. |
remove | Removes a previously registered listener. Inherited from |
set | Sets values for AdSense attributes that apply to all ad slots under the Publisher Ads service. |
set | Sets a page-level ad category exclusion for the given label name. |
set | Enables and disables horizontal centering of ads. |
set | Configures whether all ads on the page should be forced to be rendered using a SafeFrame container. |
set | Passes location information from websites so you can geo-target line items to specific locations. |
set | Allows configuration of all privacy settings from a single API using a config object. |
set | Sets the value for the publisher-provided ID. |
set | Sets the page-level preferences for SafeFrame configuration. |
set | Sets custom targeting parameters for a given key that apply to all Publisher Ads service ad slots. |
set | Sets the video content information to be sent along with the ad requests for targeting and content exclusion purposes. |
update | Changes the correlator that is sent with ad requests, effectively starting a new page view. |
- Example
const slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1"); googletag.display("div-1"); const slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2"); googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to clear only slot1. googletag.pubads().clear([slot1]); // This call to clear both slot1 and slot2. googletag.pubads().clear([slot1, slot2]); // This call to clear all slots. googletag.pubads().clear();
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1"); googletag.display("div-1"); var slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2"); googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to clear only slot1. googletag.pubads().clear([slot1]); // This call to clear both slot1 and slot2. googletag.pubads().clear([slot1, slot2]); // This call to clear all slots. googletag.pubads().clear();
const slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1")!; googletag.display("div-1"); const slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2")!; googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to clear only slot1. googletag.pubads().clear([slot1]); // This call to clear both slot1 and slot2. googletag.pubads().clear([slot1, slot2]); // This call to clear all slots. googletag.pubads().clear();
clear(slots?: Slot[]): boolean
Removes the ads from the given slots and replaces them with blank content. The slots will be marked as unfetched.
In particular, clearing a slot removes the ad from GPT's long-lived pageview, so future requests will not be influenced by roadblocks or competitive exclusions involving this ad.
Parameters | |
| The array of slots to clear. Array is optional; all slots will be cleared if it is unspecified. |
Returns | |
boolean | Returns true if slots have been cleared, false otherwise. |
- Example
// Set category exclusion to exclude ads with 'AirlineAd' labels. googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd"); // Make ad requests. No ad with 'AirlineAd' label will be returned. // Clear category exclusions so all ads can be returned. googletag.pubads().clearCategoryExclusions(); // Make ad requests. Any ad can be returned.
JavaScript (legacy)
// Set category exclusion to exclude ads with 'AirlineAd' labels. googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd"); // Make ad requests. No ad with 'AirlineAd' label will be returned. // Clear category exclusions so all ads can be returned. googletag.pubads().clearCategoryExclusions(); // Make ad requests. Any ad can be returned.
// Set category exclusion to exclude ads with 'AirlineAd' labels. googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd"); // Make ad requests. No ad with 'AirlineAd' label will be returned. // Clear category exclusions so all ads can be returned. googletag.pubads().clearCategoryExclusions(); // Make ad requests. Any ad can be returned.
- See also
clearCategoryExclusions(): PubAdsService
Clears all page-level ad category exclusion labels. This is useful if you want to refresh the slot.
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("colors", "blue"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("fruits", "apple"); googletag.pubads().clearTargeting("interests"); // Targeting 'colors' and 'fruits' are still present, while 'interests' // was cleared. googletag.pubads().clearTargeting(); // All targeting has been cleared.
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("colors", "blue"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("fruits", "apple"); googletag.pubads().clearTargeting("interests"); // Targeting 'colors' and 'fruits' are still present, while 'interests' // was cleared. googletag.pubads().clearTargeting(); // All targeting has been cleared.
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("colors", "blue"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("fruits", "apple"); googletag.pubads().clearTargeting("interests"); // Targeting 'colors' and 'fruits' are still present, while 'interests' // was cleared. googletag.pubads().clearTargeting(); // All targeting has been cleared.
- See also
clearTargeting(key?: string): PubAdsService
Clears custom targeting parameters for a specific key or for all keys.
Parameters | |
| Targeting parameter key. The key is optional; all targeting parameters will be cleared if it is unspecified. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
collapseEmptyDivs(collapseBeforeAdFetch?: boolean): boolean
Enables collapsing of slot divs so that they don't take up any space on the page when there is no ad content to display. This mode must be set before the service is enabled.
Parameters | |
| Whether to collapse the slots even before the ads are fetched. This parameter is optional; if not provided, false will be used as the default value. |
Returns | |
boolean | Returns true if div collapse mode was enabled and false if it is impossible to enable collapse mode because the method was called after the service was enabled. |
disableInitialLoad(): void
Disables requests for ads on page load, but allows ads to be requested with a PubAdsService.refresh call. This should be set prior to enabling the service. Async mode must be used; otherwise it will be impossible to request ads using refresh
- Example
googletag.pubads().display("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1");
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().display("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1");
googletag.pubads().display("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1");
display(adUnitPath: string, size: GeneralSize, div?: string | Element, clickUrl?: string): void
Constructs and displays an ad slot with the given ad unit path and size. This method does not work with single request mode.
Note: When this method is called, a snapshot of the slot and page state is created to ensure consistency when sending the ad request and rendering the response. Any changes that are made to the slot or page state after this method is called (including targeting, privacy settings, force SafeFrame, etc.) will only apply to subsequent display()
or refresh()
Parameters | |
adUnitPath: string | The ad unit path of slot to be rendered. |
size: GeneralSize | Width and height of the slot. |
| Either the ID of the div containing the slot or the div element itself. |
| The click URL to use on this slot. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad({ // Fetch slots within 5 viewports. fetchMarginPercent: 500, // Render slots within 2 viewports. renderMarginPercent: 200, // Double the above values on mobile. mobileScaling: 2.0, });
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad({ // Fetch slots within 5 viewports. fetchMarginPercent: 500, // Render slots within 2 viewports. renderMarginPercent: 200, // Double the above values on mobile. mobileScaling: 2.0, });
googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad({ // Fetch slots within 5 viewports. fetchMarginPercent: 500, // Render slots within 2 viewports. renderMarginPercent: 200, // Double the above values on mobile. mobileScaling: 2.0, });
The minimum distance from the current viewport a slot must be before we fetch the ad as a percentage of viewport size. A value of 0 means "when the slot enters the viewport", 100 means "when the ad is 1 viewport away", and so on.renderMarginPercent
The minimum distance from the current viewport a slot must be before we render an ad. This allows for prefetching the ad, but waiting to render and download other subresources. The value works just likefetchMarginPercent
as a percentage of viewport.mobileScaling
A multiplier applied to margins on mobile devices. This allows varying margins on mobile vs. desktop. For example, a value of 2.0 will multiply all margins by 2 on mobile devices, increasing the minimum distance a slot can be before fetching and rendering.
enableLazyLoad(config?: {
fetchMarginPercent?: number;
mobileScaling?: number;
renderMarginPercent?: number;
}): void
Enables lazy loading in GPT as defined by the config object. For more detailed examples, see the Lazy loading sample.
Note: Lazy fetching in SRA only works if all slots are outside the fetching margin.
Parameters | |
| Configuration object allows customization of lazy behavior. Any omitted configurations will use a default set by Google that will be tuned over time. To disable a particular setting, such as a fetching margin, set the value to -1 . |
enableSingleRequest(): boolean
Enables single request mode for fetching multiple ads at the same time. This requires all Publisher Ads slots to be defined and added to the PubAdsService prior to enabling the service. Single request mode must be set before the service is enabled.
Returns | |
boolean | Returns true if single request mode was enabled and false if it is impossible to enable single request mode because the method was called after the service was enabled. |
enableVideoAds(): void
Signals to GPT that video ads will be present on the page. This enables competitive exclusion constraints on display and video ads. If the video content is known, call PubAdsService.setVideoContent in order to be able to use content exclusion for display ads.
- Example
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().get("adsense_background_color"); // Returns '#FFFFFF'.
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().get("adsense_background_color"); // Returns '#FFFFFF'.
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().get("adsense_background_color"); // Returns '#FFFFFF'.
- See also
get(key: string): null | string
Returns the value for the AdSense attribute associated with the given key.
Parameters | |
key: string | Name of the attribute to look for. |
Returns | |
null | string | Current value for the attribute key, or null if the key is not present. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().set("adsense_border_color", "#AABBCC"); googletag.pubads().getAttributeKeys(); // Returns ['adsense_background_color', 'adsense_border_color'].
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().set("adsense_border_color", "#AABBCC"); googletag.pubads().getAttributeKeys(); // Returns ['adsense_background_color', 'adsense_border_color'].
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().set("adsense_border_color", "#AABBCC"); googletag.pubads().getAttributeKeys(); // Returns ['adsense_background_color', 'adsense_border_color'].
getAttributeKeys(): string[]
Returns the attribute keys that have been set on this service.
Returns | |
string[] | Array of attribute keys set on this service. Ordering is undefined. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().getTargeting("interests"); // Returns ['sports']. googletag.pubads().getTargeting("age"); // Returns [] (empty array).
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().getTargeting("interests"); // Returns ['sports']. googletag.pubads().getTargeting("age"); // Returns [] (empty array).
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().getTargeting("interests"); // Returns ['sports']. googletag.pubads().getTargeting("age"); // Returns [] (empty array).
getTargeting(key: string): string[]
Returns a specific custom service-level targeting parameter that has been set.
Parameters | |
key: string | The targeting key to look for. |
Returns | |
string[] | The values associated with this key, or an empty array if there is no such key. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("colors", "blue"); googletag.pubads().getTargetingKeys(); // Returns ['interests', 'colors'].
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("colors", "blue"); googletag.pubads().getTargetingKeys(); // Returns ['interests', 'colors'].
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("colors", "blue"); googletag.pubads().getTargetingKeys(); // Returns ['interests', 'colors'].
getTargetingKeys(): string[]
Returns the list of all custom service-level targeting keys that have been set.
Returns | |
string[] | Array of targeting keys. Ordering is undefined. |
isInitialLoadDisabled(): boolean
Returns whether or not initial requests for ads was successfully disabled by a previous PubAdsService.disableInitialLoad call.
Returns | |
boolean | Returns true if a previous call to PubAdsService.disableInitialLoad was successful, false otherwise. |
- Example
const slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1"); googletag.display("div-1"); const slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2"); googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for slot1 only. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1]); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for both slot1 and slot2. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1, slot2]); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for each slot. googletag.pubads().refresh(); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for slot1, without changing // the correlator. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1], { changeCorrelator: false }); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for each slot, without // changing the correlator. googletag.pubads().refresh(null, { changeCorrelator: false });
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1"); googletag.display("div-1"); var slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2"); googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for slot1 only. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1]); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for both slot1 and slot2. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1, slot2]); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for each slot. googletag.pubads().refresh(); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for slot1, without changing // the correlator. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1], { changeCorrelator: false }); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for each slot, without // changing the correlator. googletag.pubads().refresh(null, { changeCorrelator: false });
const slot1 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [728, 90], "div-1")!; googletag.display("div-1"); const slot2 = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2")!; googletag.display("div-2"); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for slot1 only. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1]); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for both slot1 and slot2. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1, slot2]); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for each slot. googletag.pubads().refresh(); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for slot1, without changing // the correlator. googletag.pubads().refresh([slot1], { changeCorrelator: false }); // This call to refresh fetches a new ad for each slot, without // changing the correlator. googletag.pubads().refresh(null, { changeCorrelator: false });
Specifies whether or not a new correlator is to be generated for fetching ads. Our ad servers maintain this correlator value briefly (currently for 30 seconds, but subject to change), such that requests with the same correlator received close together will be considered a single page view. By default a new correlator is generated for every refresh.
Note: this option has no effect on GPT's long-lived pageview, which automatically reflects the ads currently on the page and has no expiration time.
refresh(slots?: null | Slot[], options?: {
changeCorrelator: boolean;
}): void
Fetches and displays new ads for specific or all slots on the page. Works only in asynchronous rendering mode.
For proper behavior across all browsers, calling refresh
must be preceded by a call to display
the ad slot. If the call to display
is omitted, refresh may behave unexpectedly. If desired, the PubAdsService.disableInitialLoad method can be used to stop display
from fetching an ad.
Refreshing a slot removes the old ad from GPT's long-lived pageview, so future requests will not be influenced by roadblocks or competitive exclusions involving that ad.
Parameters | |
| The slots to refresh. Array is optional; all slots will be refreshed if it is unspecified. |
| Configuration options associated with this refresh call. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF");
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF");
googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF");
- See also
set(key: string, value: string): PubAdsService
Sets values for AdSense attributes that apply to all ad slots under the Publisher Ads service.
Calling this more than once for the same key will override previously set values for that key. All values must be set before calling display
or refresh
Parameters | |
key: string | The name of the attribute. |
value: string | Attribute value. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
// Label = AirlineAd. googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd");
JavaScript (legacy)
// Label = AirlineAd. googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd");
// Label = AirlineAd. googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd");
- See also
setCategoryExclusion(categoryExclusion: string): PubAdsService
Sets a page-level ad category exclusion for the given label name.
Parameters | |
categoryExclusion: string | The ad category exclusion label to add. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
// Make ads centered. googletag.pubads().setCentering(true);
JavaScript (legacy)
// Make ads centered. googletag.pubads().setCentering(true);
// Make ads centered. googletag.pubads().setCentering(true);
setCentering(centerAds: boolean): void
Enables and disables horizontal centering of ads. Centering is disabled by default. In legacy gpt_mobile.js, centering is enabled by default.
This method should be invoked before calling display
or refresh
because only ads that are requested after calling this method will be centered.
Parameters | |
centerAds: boolean | true to center ads, false to left-align them. |
- This setting will only take effect for subsequent ad requests made for the respective slots.
- The slot level setting, if specified, will always override the page level setting.
- If set to
(at slot-level or page level), the ad will always be rendered using a SafeFrame container independent of the choice made in the Google Ad Manager UI. - However, if set to
or left unspecified, the ad will be rendered using a SafeFrame container depending on the type of creative and the selection made in the Google Ad Manager UI. - This API should be used with caution as it could impact the behaviour of creatives that attempt to break out of their iFrames or rely on them being rendered directly in a publishers page.
- Example
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); // The following slot will be opted-out of the page-level force // SafeFrame instruction. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setForceSafeFrame(false) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will have SafeFrame forced. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2").addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); // The following slot will be opted-out of the page-level force // SafeFrame instruction. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setForceSafeFrame(false) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will have SafeFrame forced. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2").addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); // The following slot will be opted-out of the page-level force // SafeFrame instruction. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1")! .setForceSafeFrame(false) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will have SafeFrame forced. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2")!.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
- See also
setForceSafeFrame(forceSafeFrame: boolean): PubAdsService
Configures whether all ads on the page should be forced to be rendered using a SafeFrame container.
Please keep the following things in mind while using this API:
Parameters | |
forceSafeFrame: boolean | true to force all ads on the page to be rendered in SafeFrames and false to change the previous setting to false. Setting this to false when unspecified earlier, won't change anything. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the function was called. |
- Example
// Postal code: googletag.pubads().setLocation("10001,US");
JavaScript (legacy)
// Postal code: googletag.pubads().setLocation("10001,US");
// Postal code: googletag.pubads().setLocation("10001,US");
setLocation(address: string): PubAdsService
Passes location information from websites so you can geo-target line items to specific locations.
Parameters | |
address: string | Freeform address. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ restrictDataProcessing: true, }); // Set multiple privacy settings at the same time. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ childDirectedTreatment: true, underAgeOfConsent: true, }); // Clear the configuration for childDirectedTreatment. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ childDirectedTreatment: null, });
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ restrictDataProcessing: true, }); // Set multiple privacy settings at the same time. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ childDirectedTreatment: true, underAgeOfConsent: true, }); // Clear the configuration for childDirectedTreatment. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ childDirectedTreatment: null, });
googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ restrictDataProcessing: true, }); // Set multiple privacy settings at the same time. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ childDirectedTreatment: true, underAgeOfConsent: true, }); // Clear the configuration for childDirectedTreatment. googletag.pubads().setPrivacySettings({ childDirectedTreatment: null, });
setPrivacySettings(privacySettings: PrivacySettingsConfig): PubAdsService
Allows configuration of all privacy settings from a single API using a config object.
Parameters | |
privacySettings: PrivacySettingsConfig | Object containing privacy settings config. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the function was called. |
- Example
JavaScript (legacy)
setPublisherProvidedId(ppid: string): PubAdsService
Sets the value for the publisher-provided ID.
Parameters | |
ppid: string | An alphanumeric ID provided by the publisher. Must be between 32 and 150 characters. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); const pageConfig = { allowOverlayExpansion: true, allowPushExpansion: true, sandbox: true, }; const slotConfig = { allowOverlayExpansion: false }; googletag.pubads().setSafeFrameConfig(pageConfig); // The following slot will not allow for expansion by overlay. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setSafeFrameConfig(slotConfig) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will inherit the page level settings, and hence // would allow for expansion by overlay. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2").addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); var pageConfig = { allowOverlayExpansion: true, allowPushExpansion: true, sandbox: true, }; var slotConfig = { allowOverlayExpansion: false }; googletag.pubads().setSafeFrameConfig(pageConfig); // The following slot will not allow for expansion by overlay. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setSafeFrameConfig(slotConfig) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will inherit the page level settings, and hence // would allow for expansion by overlay. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2").addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); const pageConfig = { allowOverlayExpansion: true, allowPushExpansion: true, sandbox: true, }; const slotConfig = { allowOverlayExpansion: false }; googletag.pubads().setSafeFrameConfig(pageConfig); // The following slot will not allow for expansion by overlay. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1")! .setSafeFrameConfig(slotConfig) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will inherit the page level settings, and hence // would allow for expansion by overlay. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2")!.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
- See also
setSafeFrameConfig(config: SafeFrameConfig): PubAdsService
Sets the page-level preferences for SafeFrame configuration. Any unrecognized keys in the config object will be ignored. The entire config will be ignored if an invalid value is passed for a recognized key.
These page-level preferences will be overridden by slot-level preferences, if specified.
Parameters | |
config: SafeFrameConfig | The configuration object. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
// Example with a single value for a key. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); // Example with multiple values for a key inside in an array. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]);
JavaScript (legacy)
// Example with a single value for a key. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); // Example with multiple values for a key inside in an array. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]);
// Example with a single value for a key. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "sports"); // Example with multiple values for a key inside in an array. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]);
- See also
setTargeting(key: string, value: string | string[]): PubAdsService
Sets custom targeting parameters for a given key that apply to all Publisher Ads service ad slots. Calling this multiple times for the same key will overwrite old values. These keys are defined in your Google Ad Manager account.
Parameters | |
key: string | Targeting parameter key. |
value: string | string[] | Targeting parameter value or array of values. |
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the method was called. |
- See also
setVideoContent(videoContentId: string, videoCmsId: string): void
Sets the video content information to be sent along with the ad requests for targeting and content exclusion purposes. Video ads will be automatically enabled when this method is called. For videoContentId
and videoCmsId
, use the values that are provided to the Google Ad Manager content ingestion service.
Parameters | |
videoContentId: string | The video content ID. |
videoCmsId: string | The video CMS ID. |
- Example
// Assume that the correlator is currently 12345. All ad requests made // by this page will currently use that value. // Replace the current correlator with a new correlator. googletag.pubads().updateCorrelator(); // The correlator will now be a new randomly selected value, different // from 12345. All subsequent ad requests made by this page will use // the new value.
JavaScript (legacy)
// Assume that the correlator is currently 12345. All ad requests made // by this page will currently use that value. // Replace the current correlator with a new correlator. googletag.pubads().updateCorrelator(); // The correlator will now be a new randomly selected value, different // from 12345. All subsequent ad requests made by this page will use // the new value.
// Assume that the correlator is currently 12345. All ad requests made // by this page will currently use that value. // Replace the current correlator with a new correlator. googletag.pubads().updateCorrelator(); // The correlator will now be a new randomly selected value, different // from 12345. All subsequent ad requests made by this page will use // the new value.
updateCorrelator(): PubAdsService
Changes the correlator that is sent with ad requests, effectively starting a new page view. The correlator is the same for all the ad requests coming from one page view, and unique across page views. Only applies to async mode.
Note: this has no effect on GPT's long-lived pageview, which automatically reflects the ads actually on the page and has no expiration time.
Returns | |
PubAdsService | The service object on which the function was called. |
Properties | |
advertiser | The ID of the advertiser. |
campaign | The ID of the campaign. |
creative | The ID of the creative. |
creative | The template ID of the ad. |
line | The ID of the line item. |
- See also
advertiserId: null | number
The ID of the advertiser.
campaignId: null | number
The ID of the campaign.
creativeId: null | number
The ID of the creative.
creativeTemplateId: null | number
The template ID of the ad.
lineItemId: null | number
The ID of the line item.
Properties | |
amount | The number of items included in the reward. |
type | The type of item included in the reward (for example, "coin"). |
- See also
amount: number
The number of items included in the reward.
type: string
The type of item included in the reward (for example, "coin").
Properties | |
allow | Whether SafeFrame should allow ad content to expand by overlaying page content. |
allow | Whether SafeFrame should allow ad content to expand by pushing page content. |
sandbox | Whether SafeFrame should use the HTML5 sandbox attribute to prevent top level navigation without user interaction. |
use | Deprecated. Whether SafeFrame should use randomized subdomains for Reservation creatives. |
- See also
allowOverlayExpansion?: boolean
Whether SafeFrame should allow ad content to expand by overlaying page content.
allowPushExpansion?: boolean
Whether SafeFrame should allow ad content to expand by pushing page content.
sandbox?: boolean
Whether SafeFrame should use the HTML5 sandbox attribute to prevent top level navigation without user interaction. The only valid value is true
(cannot be forced to false
). Note that the sandbox attribute disables plugins (e.g. Flash).
- See also
useUniqueDomain?: null | boolean
Whether SafeFrame should use randomized subdomains for Reservation creatives. Pass in null
to clear the stored value.
Note: this feature is enabled by default.
Methods | |
add | Registers a listener that allows you to set up and call a JavaScript function when a specific GPT event happens on the page. |
get | Get the list of slots associated with this service. |
remove | Removes a previously registered listener. |
- events.GameManualInterstitialSlotClosedEvent
- events.GameManualInterstitialSlotReadyEvent
- events.ImpressionViewableEvent
- events.RewardedSlotClosedEvent
- events.RewardedSlotGrantedEvent
- events.RewardedSlotReadyEvent
- events.SlotOnloadEvent
- events.SlotRenderEndedEvent
- events.SlotRequestedEvent
- events.SlotResponseReceived
- events.SlotVisibilityChangedEvent
- Example
// 1. Adding an event listener for the PubAdsService. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", (event) => { console.log("Slot has been loaded:"); console.log(event); }); // 2. Adding an event listener with slot specific logic. // Listeners operate at service level, which means that you cannot add // a listener for an event for a specific slot only. You can, however, // programmatically filter a listener to respond only to a certain ad // slot, using this pattern: const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", (event) => { if (event.slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// 1. Adding an event listener for the PubAdsService. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", function (event) { console.log("Slot has been loaded:"); console.log(event); }); // 2. Adding an event listener with slot specific logic. // Listeners operate at service level, which means that you cannot add // a listener for an event for a specific slot only. You can, however, // programmatically filter a listener to respond only to a certain ad // slot, using this pattern: var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", function (event) { if (event.slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// 1. Adding an event listener for the PubAdsService. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", (event) => { console.log("Slot has been loaded:"); console.log(event); }); // 2. Adding an event listener with slot specific logic. // Listeners operate at service level, which means that you cannot add // a listener for an event for a specific slot only. You can, however, // programmatically filter a listener to respond only to a certain ad // slot, using this pattern: const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", (event) => { if (event.slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
addEventListener<K extends keyof EventTypeMap>(eventType: K, listener: ((arg: EventTypeMap[K]) => void)): Service
Registers a listener that allows you to set up and call a JavaScript function when a specific GPT event happens on the page. The following events are supported:
Parameters | |
eventType: K | A string representing the type of event generated by GPT. Event types are case sensitive. |
listener: ((arg: EventTypeMap[K]) => void) | Function that takes a single event object argument. |
Returns | |
Service | The service object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag.cmd.push(() => { // Define a new ad slot. googletag.defineSlot("/6355419/Travel", [728, 90], "div-for-slot").addService(googletag.pubads()); // Define a new function that removes itself via removeEventListener // after the impressionViewable event fires. const onViewableListener = (event) => { googletag.pubads().removeEventListener("impressionViewable", onViewableListener); setTimeout(() => { googletag.pubads().refresh([event.slot]); }, 30000); }; // Add onViewableListener as a listener for impressionViewable events. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("impressionViewable", onViewableListener); googletag.enableServices(); });
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.cmd.push(function () { // Define a new ad slot. googletag.defineSlot("/6355419/Travel", [728, 90], "div-for-slot").addService(googletag.pubads()); // Define a new function that removes itself via removeEventListener // after the impressionViewable event fires. var onViewableListener = function (event) { googletag.pubads().removeEventListener("impressionViewable", onViewableListener); setTimeout(function () { googletag.pubads().refresh([event.slot]); }, 30000); }; // Add onViewableListener as a listener for impressionViewable events. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("impressionViewable", onViewableListener); googletag.enableServices(); });
googletag.cmd.push(() => { // Define a new ad slot. googletag .defineSlot("/6355419/Travel", [728, 90], "div-for-slot")! .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Define a new function that removes itself via removeEventListener // after the impressionViewable event fires. const onViewableListener = (event: => { googletag.pubads().removeEventListener("impressionViewable", onViewableListener); setTimeout(() => { googletag.pubads().refresh([event.slot]); }, 30000); }; // Add onViewableListener as a listener for impressionViewable events. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("impressionViewable", onViewableListener); googletag.enableServices(); });
removeEventListener<K extends keyof EventTypeMap>(eventType: K, listener: ((event: EventTypeMap[K]) => void)): void
Removes a previously registered listener.
Parameters | |
eventType: K | A string representing the type of event generated by GPT. Event types are case sensitive. |
listener: ((event: EventTypeMap[K]) => void) | Function that takes a single event object argument. |
Methods | |
add | Adds a mapping from a single-size array (representing the viewport) to a single- or multi-size array representing the slot. |
build | Builds a size map specification from the mappings added to this builder. |
- See also
- Example
// Mapping 1 googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([1024, 768], [970, 250]) .addSize([980, 690], [728, 90]) .addSize([640, 480], "fluid") .addSize([0, 0], [88, 31]) // All viewports < 640x480 .build(); // Mapping 2 googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([1024, 768], [970, 250]) .addSize([980, 690], []) .addSize([640, 480], [120, 60]) .addSize([0, 0], []) .build(); // Mapping 2 will not show any ads for the following viewport sizes: // [1024, 768] > size >= [980, 690] and // [640, 480] > size >= [0, 0]
JavaScript (legacy)
// Mapping 1 googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([1024, 768], [970, 250]) .addSize([980, 690], [728, 90]) .addSize([640, 480], "fluid") .addSize([0, 0], [88, 31]) // All viewports < 640x480 .build(); // Mapping 2 googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([1024, 768], [970, 250]) .addSize([980, 690], []) .addSize([640, 480], [120, 60]) .addSize([0, 0], []) .build(); // Mapping 2 will not show any ads for the following viewport sizes: // [1024, 768] > size >= [980, 690] and // [640, 480] > size >= [0, 0]
// Mapping 1 googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([1024, 768], [970, 250]) .addSize([980, 690], [728, 90]) .addSize([640, 480], "fluid") .addSize([0, 0], [88, 31]) // All viewports < 640x480 .build(); // Mapping 2 googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([1024, 768], [970, 250]) .addSize([980, 690], []) .addSize([640, 480], [120, 60]) .addSize([0, 0], []) .build(); // Mapping 2 will not show any ads for the following viewport sizes: // [1024, 768] > size >= [980, 690] and // [640, 480] > size >= [0, 0]
addSize(viewportSize: SingleSizeArray, slotSize: GeneralSize): SizeMappingBuilder
Adds a mapping from a single-size array (representing the viewport) to a single- or multi-size array representing the slot.
Parameters | |
viewportSize: SingleSizeArray | The size of the viewport for this mapping entry. |
slotSize: GeneralSize | The sizes of the slot for this mapping entry. |
Returns | |
SizeMappingBuilder | A reference to this builder. |
build(): null | SizeMappingArray
Builds a size map specification from the mappings added to this builder.
If any invalid mappings have been supplied, this method will return null
. Otherwise it returns a specification in the correct format to pass to Slot.defineSizeMapping.
Note: the behavior of the builder after calling this method is undefined.
Returns | |
null | SizeMappingArray | The result built by this builder. Can be null if invalid size mappings were supplied. |
Methods | |
add | Adds a Service to this slot. |
clear | Clears all slot-level ad category exclusion labels for this slot. |
clear | Clears specific or all custom slot-level targeting parameters for this slot. |
define | Sets an array of mappings from a minimum viewport size to slot size for this slot. |
get | Returns the value for the AdSense attribute associated with the given key for this slot. |
get | Returns the full path of the ad unit, with the network code and ad unit path. |
get | Returns the list of attribute keys set on this slot. |
get | Returns the ad category exclusion labels for this slot. |
get | Returns the ad response information. |
get | Returns the ID of the slot div provided when the slot was defined. |
get | Returns a specific custom targeting parameter set on this slot. |
get | Returns the list of all custom targeting keys set on this slot. |
set | Sets a value for an AdSense attribute on this ad slot. |
set | Sets a slot-level ad category exclusion label on this slot. |
set | Sets the click URL to which users will be redirected after clicking on the ad. |
set | Sets whether the slot div should be hidden when there is no ad in the slot. |
set | Sets general configuration options for this slot. |
set | Configures whether ads in this slot should be forced to be rendered using a SafeFrame container. |
set | Sets the slot-level preferences for SafeFrame configuration. |
set | Sets a custom targeting parameter for this slot. |
update | Sets custom targeting parameters for this slot, from a key:value map in a JSON object. |
- Example
googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div").addService(googletag.pubads());
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div").addService(googletag.pubads());
googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")!.addService(googletag.pubads());
addService(service: Service): Slot
Adds a Service to this slot.
Parameters | |
service: Service | The service to be added. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
// Set category exclusion to exclude ads with 'AirlineAd' labels. const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Make an ad request. No ad with 'AirlineAd' label will be returned // for the slot. // Clear category exclusions so all ads can be returned. slot.clearCategoryExclusions(); // Make an ad request. Any ad can be returned for the slot.
JavaScript (legacy)
// Set category exclusion to exclude ads with 'AirlineAd' labels. var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Make an ad request. No ad with 'AirlineAd' label will be returned // for the slot. // Clear category exclusions so all ads can be returned. slot.clearCategoryExclusions(); // Make an ad request. Any ad can be returned for the slot.
// Set category exclusion to exclude ads with 'AirlineAd' labels. const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Make an ad request. No ad with 'AirlineAd' label will be returned // for the slot. // Clear category exclusions so all ads can be returned. slot.clearCategoryExclusions(); // Make an ad request. Any ad can be returned for the slot.
clearCategoryExclusions(): Slot
Clears all slot-level ad category exclusion labels for this slot.
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]) .setTargeting("color", "red") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.clearTargeting("color"); // Targeting 'allow_expandable' and 'interests' are still present, // while 'color' was cleared. slot.clearTargeting(); // All targeting has been cleared.
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]) .setTargeting("color", "red") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.clearTargeting("color"); // Targeting 'allow_expandable' and 'interests' are still present, // while 'color' was cleared. slot.clearTargeting(); // All targeting has been cleared.
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]) .setTargeting("color", "red") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.clearTargeting("color"); // Targeting 'allow_expandable' and 'interests' are still present, // while 'color' was cleared. slot.clearTargeting(); // All targeting has been cleared.
- See also
clearTargeting(key?: string): Slot
Clears specific or all custom slot-level targeting parameters for this slot.
Parameters | |
| Targeting parameter key. The key is optional; all targeting parameters will be cleared if it is unspecified. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); const mapping = googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([100, 100], [88, 31]) .addSize( [320, 400], [ [320, 50], [300, 50], ], ) .build(); slot.defineSizeMapping(mapping);
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); var mapping = googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([100, 100], [88, 31]) .addSize( [320, 400], [ [320, 50], [300, 50], ], ) .build(); slot.defineSizeMapping(mapping);
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .addService(googletag.pubads()); const mapping = googletag .sizeMapping() .addSize([100, 100], [88, 31]) .addSize( [320, 400], [ [320, 50], [300, 50], ], ) .build(); slot.defineSizeMapping(mapping!);
- See also
defineSizeMapping(sizeMapping: SizeMappingArray): Slot
Sets an array of mappings from a minimum viewport size to slot size for this slot.
Parameters | |
sizeMapping: SizeMappingArray | Array of size mappings. You can use SizeMappingBuilder to create it. Each size mapping is an array of two elements: SingleSizeArray and GeneralSize. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.get("adsense_background_color"); // Returns '#FFFFFF'.
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.get("adsense_background_color"); // Returns '#FFFFFF'.
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.get("adsense_background_color"); // Returns '#FFFFFF'.
- See also
get(key: string): null | string
Returns the value for the AdSense attribute associated with the given key for this slot. To see service-level attributes inherited by this slot, use PubAdsService.get.
Parameters | |
key: string | Name of the attribute to look for. |
Returns | |
null | string | Current value for the attribute key, or null if the key is not present. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getAdUnitPath(); // Returns '/1234567/sports'.
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getAdUnitPath(); // Returns '/1234567/sports'.
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getAdUnitPath(); // Returns '/1234567/sports'.
getAdUnitPath(): string
Returns the full path of the ad unit, with the network code and ad unit path.
Returns | |
string | Ad unit path. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .set("adsense_border_color", "#AABBCC") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getAttributeKeys(); // Returns ['adsense_background_color', 'adsense_border_color'].
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .set("adsense_border_color", "#AABBCC") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getAttributeKeys(); // Returns ['adsense_background_color', 'adsense_border_color'].
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .set("adsense_border_color", "#AABBCC") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getAttributeKeys(); // Returns ['adsense_background_color', 'adsense_border_color'].
getAttributeKeys(): string[]
Returns the list of attribute keys set on this slot. To see the keys of service-level attributes inherited by this slot, use PubAdsService.getAttributeKeys.
Returns | |
string[] | Array of attribute keys. Ordering is undefined. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .setCategoryExclusion("TrainAd") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getCategoryExclusions(); // Returns ['AirlineAd', 'TrainAd'].
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .setCategoryExclusion("TrainAd") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getCategoryExclusions(); // Returns ['AirlineAd', 'TrainAd'].
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .setCategoryExclusion("TrainAd") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getCategoryExclusions(); // Returns ['AirlineAd', 'TrainAd'].
getCategoryExclusions(): string[]
Returns the ad category exclusion labels for this slot.
Returns | |
string[] | The ad category exclusion labels for this slot, or an empty array if none have been set. |
getResponseInformation(): null | ResponseInformation
Returns the ad response information. This is based on the last ad response for the slot. If this is called when the slot has no ad, null
will be returned.
Returns | |
null | ResponseInformation | The latest ad response information, or null if the slot has no ad. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getSlotElementId(); // Returns 'div'.
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getSlotElementId(); // Returns 'div'.
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getSlotElementId(); // Returns 'div'.
getSlotElementId(): string
Returns the ID of the slot div
provided when the slot was defined.
Returns | |
string | Slot div ID. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getTargeting("allow_expandable"); // Returns ['true']. slot.getTargeting("age"); // Returns [] (empty array).
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getTargeting("allow_expandable"); // Returns ['true']. slot.getTargeting("age"); // Returns [] (empty array).
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getTargeting("allow_expandable"); // Returns ['true']. slot.getTargeting("age"); // Returns [] (empty array).
getTargeting(key: string): string[]
Returns a specific custom targeting parameter set on this slot. Service-level targeting parameters are not included.
Parameters | |
key: string | The targeting key to look for. |
Returns | |
string[] | The values associated with this key, or an empty array if there is no such key. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]) .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getTargetingKeys(); // Returns ['interests', 'allow_expandable'].
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]) .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getTargetingKeys(); // Returns ['interests', 'allow_expandable'].
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true") .setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]) .addService(googletag.pubads()); slot.getTargetingKeys(); // Returns ['interests', 'allow_expandable'].
getTargetingKeys(): string[]
Returns the list of all custom targeting keys set on this slot. Service-level targeting keys are not included.
Returns | |
string[] | Array of targeting keys. Ordering is undefined. |
- Example
// Setting an attribute on a single ad slot. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .addService(googletag.pubads());
JavaScript (legacy)
// Setting an attribute on a single ad slot. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .addService(googletag.pubads());
// Setting an attribute on a single ad slot. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .set("adsense_background_color", "#FFFFFF") .addService(googletag.pubads());
- See also
set(key: string, value: string): Slot
Sets a value for an AdSense attribute on this ad slot. This will override any values set at the service level for this key.
Calling this method more than once for the same key will override previously set values for that key. All values must be set before calling display
or refresh
Parameters | |
key: string | The name of the attribute. |
value: string | Attribute value. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
// Label = AirlineAd googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .addService(googletag.pubads());
JavaScript (legacy)
// Label = AirlineAd googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .addService(googletag.pubads());
// Label = AirlineAd googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setCategoryExclusion("AirlineAd") .addService(googletag.pubads());
- See also
setCategoryExclusion(categoryExclusion: string): Slot
Sets a slot-level ad category exclusion label on this slot.
Parameters | |
categoryExclusion: string | The ad category exclusion label to add. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setClickUrl("") .addService(googletag.pubads());
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setClickUrl("") .addService(googletag.pubads());
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setClickUrl("") .addService(googletag.pubads());
setClickUrl(value: string): Slot
Sets the click URL to which users will be redirected after clicking on the ad.
The Google Ad Manager servers still record a click even if the click URL is replaced. Any landing page URL associated with the creative that is served is appended to the provided value. Subsequent calls overwrite the value. This works only for non-SRA requests.
Parameters | |
value: string | The click URL to set. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setCollapseEmptyDiv(true, true) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The above will cause the div for this slot to be collapsed // when the page is loaded, before ads are requested. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-2") .setCollapseEmptyDiv(true) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The above will cause the div for this slot to be collapsed // only after GPT detects that no ads are available for the slot.
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setCollapseEmptyDiv(true, true) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The above will cause the div for this slot to be collapsed // when the page is loaded, before ads are requested. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-2") .setCollapseEmptyDiv(true) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The above will cause the div for this slot to be collapsed // only after GPT detects that no ads are available for the slot.
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1")! .setCollapseEmptyDiv(true, true) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The above will cause the div for this slot to be collapsed // when the page is loaded, before ads are requested. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-2")! .setCollapseEmptyDiv(true) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The above will cause the div for this slot to be collapsed // only after GPT detects that no ads are available for the slot.
setCollapseEmptyDiv(collapse: boolean, collapseBeforeAdFetch?: boolean): Slot
Sets whether the slot div
should be hidden when there is no ad in the slot. This overrides the service-level settings.
Parameters | |
collapse: boolean | Whether to collapse the slot if no ad is returned. |
| Whether to collapse the slot even before an ad is fetched. Ignored if collapse is not true . |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
setConfig(slotConfig: SlotSettingsConfig): void
Sets general configuration options for this slot.
Parameters | |
slotConfig: SlotSettingsConfig | The configuration object. |
- This setting will only take effect for subsequent ad requests made for the respective slots.
- The slot level setting, if specified, will always override the page level setting.
- If set to
(at slot-level or page level), the ad will always be rendered using a SafeFrame container independent of the choice made in the Google Ad Manager UI. - However, if set to
or left unspecified, the ad will be rendered using a SafeFrame container depending on the type of creative and the selection made in the Google Ad Manager UI. - This API should be used with caution as it could impact the behaviour of creatives that attempt to break out of their iFrames or rely on them being rendered directly in a publishers page.
- Example
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setForceSafeFrame(true) .addService(googletag.pubads());
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .setForceSafeFrame(true) .addService(googletag.pubads());
googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .setForceSafeFrame(true) .addService(googletag.pubads());
- See also
setForceSafeFrame(forceSafeFrame: boolean): Slot
Configures whether ads in this slot should be forced to be rendered using a SafeFrame container.
Please keep the following things in mind while using this API:
Parameters | |
forceSafeFrame: boolean | true to force all ads in this slot to be rendered in SafeFrames and false to opt-out of a page-level setting (if present). Setting this to false when not specified at the page-level won't change anything. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); // The following slot will have a sandboxed safeframe that only // disallows top-level navigation. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setSafeFrameConfig({ sandbox: true }) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will inherit page-level settings. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2").addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); // The following slot will have a sandboxed safeframe that only // disallows top-level navigation. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1") .setSafeFrameConfig({ sandbox: true }) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will inherit page-level settings. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2").addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
googletag.pubads().setForceSafeFrame(true); // The following slot will have a sandboxed safeframe that only // disallows top-level navigation. googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div-1")! .setSafeFrameConfig({ sandbox: true }) .addService(googletag.pubads()); // The following slot will inherit page-level settings. googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/news", [160, 600], "div-2")!.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.display("div-1"); googletag.display("div-2");
- See also
setSafeFrameConfig(config: null | SafeFrameConfig): Slot
Sets the slot-level preferences for SafeFrame configuration. Any unrecognized keys in the config object will be ignored. The entire config will be ignored if an invalid value is passed for a recognized key.
These slot-level preferences, if specified, will override any page-level preferences.
Parameters | |
config: null | SafeFrameConfig | The configuration object. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- Example
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Example with a single value for a key. slot.setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true"); // Example with multiple values for a key inside in an array. slot.setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]);
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div") .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Example with a single value for a key. slot.setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true"); // Example with multiple values for a key inside in an array. slot.setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]);
const slot = googletag .defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")! .addService(googletag.pubads()); // Example with a single value for a key. slot.setTargeting("allow_expandable", "true"); // Example with multiple values for a key inside in an array. slot.setTargeting("interests", ["sports", "music"]);
- See also
setTargeting(key: string, value: string | string[]): Slot
Sets a custom targeting parameter for this slot. Calling this method multiple times for the same key will overwrite old values. Values set here will overwrite targeting parameters set at the service-level. These keys are defined in your Google Ad Manager account.
Parameters | |
key: string | Targeting parameter key. |
value: string | string[] | Targeting parameter value or array of values. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
- In case of overwriting, only the last value will be kept.
- If the value is an array, any previous value will be overwritten, not merged.
- Values set here will overwrite targeting parameters set at the service-level.
- Example
const slot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div"); slot.updateTargetingFromMap({ color: "red", interests: ["sports", "music", "movies"], });
JavaScript (legacy)
var slot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div"); slot.updateTargetingFromMap({ color: "red", interests: ["sports", "music", "movies"], });
const slot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/sports", [160, 600], "div")!; slot.updateTargetingFromMap({ color: "red", interests: ["sports", "music", "movies"], });
updateTargetingFromMap(map: {
[adUnitPath: string]: string | string[];
}): Slot
Sets custom targeting parameters for this slot, from a key:value map in a JSON object. This is the same as calling Slot.setTargeting for all the key values of the object. These keys are defined in your Google Ad Manager account.
Parameters | |
map: { | Targeting parameter key:value map. |
Returns | |
Slot | The slot object on which the method was called. |
Interfaces | |
Ad | Settings to control ad expansion. |
Component | An object representing a single component auction in a on-device ad auction. |
Interstitial | An object which defines the behavior of a single interstitial ad slot. |
Page | Main configuration interface for page-level settings. |
Privacy | Settings to control publisher privacy treatments. |
Publisher | Publisher provided signals (PPS) configuration object. |
Slot | Main configuration interface for slot-level settings. |
Taxonomy | An object containing the values for a single Taxonomy. |
Type Aliases | |
Interstitial | Supported interstitial ad triggers. |
Privacy | Supported publisher privacy treatments. |
Taxonomy | Supported taxonomies for publisher provided signals (PPS). |
Type Aliases
InterstitialTrigger: "unhideWindow" | "navBar"
Supported interstitial ad triggers.
PrivacyTreatment: "disablePersonalization"
Supported publisher privacy treatments.
Taxonomy: "IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1" | "IAB_CONTENT_2_2"
Supported taxonomies for publisher provided signals (PPS).
Properties | |
enabled | Whether ad expansion is enabled or disabled. |
- Example
// Enable ad slot expansion across the entire page. googletag.setConfig({ adExpansion: { enabled: true }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Enable ad slot expansion across the entire page. googletag.setConfig({ adExpansion: { enabled: true }, });
// Enable ad slot expansion across the entire page. googletag.setConfig({ adExpansion: { enabled: true }, });
enabled?: null | boolean
Whether ad expansion is enabled or disabled.
Setting this value overrides the default configured in Google Ad Manager.
Properties | |
auction | An auction configuration object for this component auction. |
config | The configuration key associated with this component auction. |
- Example
const componentAuctionConfig = { // Seller URL should be https and the same as decisionLogicUrl's origin seller: "", decisionLogicUrl: "", interestGroupBuyers: [""], auctionSignals: { auction_signals: "auction_signals" }, sellerSignals: { seller_signals: "seller_signals" }, perBuyerSignals: { // listed on interestGroupBuyers "": { per_buyer_signals: "per_buyer_signals", }, }, }; const auctionSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); // To add configKey to the component auction: auctionSlot.setConfig({ componentAuction: [ { configKey: "", auctionConfig: componentAuctionConfig, }, ], }); // To remove configKey from the component auction: auctionSlot.setConfig({ componentAuction: [ { configKey: "", auctionConfig: null, }, ], });
JavaScript (legacy)
var componentAuctionConfig = { // Seller URL should be https and the same as decisionLogicUrl's origin seller: "", decisionLogicUrl: "", interestGroupBuyers: [""], auctionSignals: { auction_signals: "auction_signals" }, sellerSignals: { seller_signals: "seller_signals" }, perBuyerSignals: { // listed on interestGroupBuyers "": { per_buyer_signals: "per_buyer_signals", }, }, }; var auctionSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); // To add configKey to the component auction: auctionSlot.setConfig({ componentAuction: [ { configKey: "", auctionConfig: componentAuctionConfig, }, ], }); // To remove configKey from the component auction: auctionSlot.setConfig({ componentAuction: [ { configKey: "", auctionConfig: null, }, ], });
const componentAuctionConfig = { // Seller URL should be https and the same as decisionLogicUrl's origin seller: "", decisionLogicUrl: "", interestGroupBuyers: [""], auctionSignals: { auction_signals: "auction_signals" }, sellerSignals: { seller_signals: "seller_signals" }, perBuyerSignals: { // listed on interestGroupBuyers "": { per_buyer_signals: "per_buyer_signals", }, }, }; const auctionSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600])!; // To add configKey to the component auction: auctionSlot.setConfig({ componentAuction: [ { configKey: "", auctionConfig: componentAuctionConfig, }, ], }); // To remove configKey from the component auction: auctionSlot.setConfig({ componentAuction: [ { configKey: "", auctionConfig: null, }, ], });
auctionConfig: null | {
auctionSignals?: unknown;
decisionLogicUrl: string;
interestGroupBuyers?: string[];
perBuyerExperimentGroupIds?: {
[buyer: string]: number;
perBuyerGroupLimits?: {
[buyer: string]: number;
perBuyerSignals?: {
[buyer: string]: unknown;
perBuyerTimeouts?: {
[buyer: string]: number;
seller: string;
sellerExperimentGroupId?: number;
sellerSignals?: unknown;
sellerTimeout?: number;
trustedScoringSignalsUrl?: string;
An auction configuration object for this component auction.
If this value is set to null
, any existing configuration for the specified configKey
will be deleted.
configKey: string
The configuration key associated with this component auction.
This value must be non-empty and should be unique. If two ComponentAuctionConfig
objects share the same configKey value, the last to be set will overwrite prior configurations.
Properties | |
require | Whether local storage consent is required to display this interstitial ad. |
triggers | The interstitial trigger configuration for this interstitial ad. |
- Example
// Opt out of showing interstitials to users // without local storage consent. const interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL, ); interstitialSlot.setConfig({ interstitial: { requireStorageAccess: true, // defaults to false }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Opt out of showing interstitials to users // without local storage consent. var interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL, ); interstitialSlot.setConfig({ interstitial: { requireStorageAccess: true, // defaults to false }, });
// Opt out of showing interstitials to users // without local storage consent. const interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL, )!; interstitialSlot.setConfig({ interstitial: { requireStorageAccess: true, // defaults to false }, });
- See also
requireStorageAccess?: null | boolean
Whether local storage consent is required to display this interstitial ad.
GPT uses local storage to enforce a frequency cap for interstitial ads. However, users who have not provided local storage consent are still eligible to be served interstitial ads. Setting this property to true
opts out of the default behavior, and ensures interstial ads are only shown to users who have provided local storage consent.
- Example
// Define a GPT managed web interstitial ad slot. const interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL, ); // Enable optional interstitial triggers. // Change this value to false to disable. const enableTriggers = true; interstitialSlot.setConfig({ interstitial: { triggers: { navBar: enableTriggers, unhideWindow: enableTriggers, }, }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Define a GPT managed web interstitial ad slot. var interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL, ); // Enable optional interstitial triggers. // Change this value to false to disable. var enableTriggers = true; interstitialSlot.setConfig({ interstitial: { triggers: { navBar: enableTriggers, unhideWindow: enableTriggers, }, }, });
// Define a GPT managed web interstitial ad slot. const interstitialSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/sports", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.INTERSTITIAL, )!; // Enable optional interstitial triggers. // Change this value to false to disable. const enableTriggers = true; interstitialSlot.setConfig({ interstitial: { triggers: { navBar: enableTriggers, unhideWindow: enableTriggers, }, }, });
- See also
triggers?: null | Partial<Record<InterstitialTrigger, boolean>>
The interstitial trigger configuration for this interstitial ad.
Setting the value of an interstitial trigger to true
will enable it and false
will disable it. This will override the default values configured in Google Ad Manager.
Allows setting multiple features with a single API call.
All properties listed below are examples and do not reflect actual features that utilize setConfig. For the set of features, see fields within the PageSettingsConfig type below.
- Only features specified in the googletag.setConfig call are modified.
// Configure feature alpha. googletag.setConfig({ alpha: {...} }); // Configure feature bravo. Feature alpha is unchanged. googletag.setConfig({ bravo: {...} });
- All settings for a given feature are updated with each call to googletag.setConfig.
// Configure feature charlie to echo = 1, foxtrot = true. googletag.setConfig({ charlie: { echo: 1, foxtrot: true, } }); // Update feature charlie to echo = 2. Since foxtrot was not specified, // the value is cleared. googletag.setConfig({ charlie: { echo: 2 } });
- All settings for a feature can be cleared by passing
.// Configure features delta, golf, and hotel. googletag.setConfig({ delta: {...}, golf: {...}, hotel: {...}, }); // Feature delta and hotel are cleared, but feature golf remains set. googletag.setConfig({ delta: null, hotel: null, });
Properties | |
ad | Settings to control ad expansion. |
ad | Deprecated. |
pps | Settings to control publisher provided signals (PPS). |
privacy | Settings to control publisher privacy treatments. |
thread | Setting to control whether GPT should yield the JS thread when rendering creatives. |
adExpansion?: null | AdExpansionConfig
Settings to control ad expansion.
adYield?: null | "DISABLED" | "ENABLED_ALL_SLOTS"
pps?: null | PublisherProvidedSignalsConfig
Settings to control publisher provided signals (PPS).
privacyTreatments?: null | PrivacyTreatmentsConfig
Settings to control publisher privacy treatments.
(default): GPT will yield the JS thread for slots outside of the viewport.ENABLED_ALL_SLOTS
: GPT will yield the JS thread for all slots regardless of whether the slot is within the viewport.DISABLED
: GPT will not yield the JS thread.- Example
// Disable yielding. googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: "DISABLED" }); // Enable yielding for all slots. googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: "ENABLED_ALL_SLOTS" }); // Enable yielding only for slots outside of the viewport (default). googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: null });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Disable yielding. googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: "DISABLED" }); // Enable yielding for all slots. googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: "ENABLED_ALL_SLOTS" }); // Enable yielding only for slots outside of the viewport (default). googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: null });
// Disable yielding. googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: "DISABLED" }); // Enable yielding for all slots. googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: "ENABLED_ALL_SLOTS" }); // Enable yielding only for slots outside of the viewport (default). googletag.setConfig({ threadYield: null });
- See also
threadYield?: null | "DISABLED" | "ENABLED_ALL_SLOTS"
Setting to control whether GPT should yield the JS thread when rendering creatives.
GPT will yield only for browsers that support the Scheduler.postTask or Scheduler.yield API.
Supported values:
Properties | |
treatments | An array of publisher privacy treatments to enable. |
- Example
// Disable personalization across the entire page. googletag.setConfig({ privacyTreatments: { treatments: ["disablePersonalization"] }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// Disable personalization across the entire page. googletag.setConfig({ privacyTreatments: { treatments: ["disablePersonalization"] }, });
// Disable personalization across the entire page. googletag.setConfig({ privacyTreatments: { treatments: ["disablePersonalization"] }, });
treatments: null | "disablePersonalization"[]
An array of publisher privacy treatments to enable.
Properties | |
taxonomies | An object containing Taxonomy mappings. |
- Example
googletag.setConfig({ pps: { taxonomies: { IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1: { values: ["6", "626"] }, // '6' = 'Demographic | Age Range | 30-34' // '626' = 'Interest | Sports | Darts' IAB_CONTENT_2_2: { values: ["48", "127"] }, // '48' = 'Books and Literature | Fiction' // '127' = 'Careers | Job Search' }, }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
googletag.setConfig({ pps: { taxonomies: { IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1: { values: ["6", "626"] }, // '6' = 'Demographic | Age Range | 30-34' // '626' = 'Interest | Sports | Darts' IAB_CONTENT_2_2: { values: ["48", "127"] }, // '48' = 'Books and Literature | Fiction' // '127' = 'Careers | Job Search' }, }, });
googletag.setConfig({ pps: { taxonomies: { IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1: { values: ["6", "626"] }, // '6' = 'Demographic | Age Range | 30-34' // '626' = 'Interest | Sports | Darts' IAB_CONTENT_2_2: { values: ["48", "127"] }, // '48' = 'Books and Literature | Fiction' // '127' = 'Careers | Job Search' }, }, });
taxonomies: Partial<Record<Taxonomy, TaxonomyData>>
An object containing Taxonomy mappings.
Allows setting multiple features with a single API call for a single slot.
All properties listed below are examples and do not reflect actual features that utilize setConfig. For the set of features, see fields within the SlotSettingsConfig type below.
- Only features specified in the Slot.setConfig call are modified.
const slot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); // Configure feature alpha. slot.setConfig({ alpha: {...} }); // Configure feature bravo. Feature alpha is unchanged. slot.setConfig({ bravo: {...} });
- All settings for a given feature are updated with each call to Slot.setConfig.
// Configure feature charlie to echo = 1, foxtrot = true. slot.setConfig({ charlie: { echo: 1, foxtrot: true, } }); // Update feature charlie to echo = 2. Since foxtrot was not specified, // the value is cleared. slot.setConfig({ charlie: { echo: 2 } });
- All settings for a feature can be cleared by passing
.// Configure features delta, golf, and hotel. slot.setConfig({ delta: {...}, golf: {...}, hotel: {...}, }); // Feature delta and hotel are cleared, but feature golf remains set. slot.setConfig({ delta: null, hotel: null, });
Properties | |
ad | Settings to control ad expansion. |
component | An array of component auctions to be included in an on-device ad auction. |
interstitial | Settings that control interstitial ad slot behavior. |
adExpansion?: null | AdExpansionConfig
Settings to control ad expansion.
componentAuction?: null | ComponentAuctionConfig[]
An array of component auctions to be included in an on-device ad auction.
interstitial?: null | InterstitialConfig
Settings that control interstitial ad slot behavior.
Properties | |
values | A list of Taxonomy values. |
values: string[]
A list of Taxonomy values.
Enumerations | |
Out | Out-of-page formats supported by GPT. |
Traffic | Traffic sources supported by GPT. |
- See also
Out-of-page formats supported by GPT.
Traffic sources supported by GPT.
Enumeration Members | |
ORGANIC | Direct URL entry, site search, or app download. |
PURCHASED | Traffic redirected from properties other than owned (acquired or otherwise incentivized activity). |
Interfaces | |
Event | Base Interface for all GPT events. |
Event | This is a pseudo-type that maps an event name to its corresponding event object type for Service.addEventListener and Service.removeEventListener. |
Game | This event is fired when a game manual interstitial slot has been closed by the user. |
Game | This event is fired when a game manual interstitial slot is ready to be shown to the user. |
Impression | This event is fired when an impression becomes viewable, according to the Active View criteria. |
Rewarded | This event is fired when a rewarded ad slot is closed by the user. |
Rewarded | This event is fired when a reward is granted for viewing a rewarded ad. |
Rewarded | This event is fired when a rewarded ad is ready to be displayed. |
Slot | This event is fired when the creative's iframe fires its load event. |
Slot | This event is fired when the creative code is injected into a slot. |
Slot | This event is fired when an ad has been requested for a particular slot. |
Slot | This event is fired when an ad response has been received for a particular slot. |
Slot | This event is fired whenever the on-screen percentage of an ad slot's area changes. |
Properties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. |
- See also
serviceName: string
Name of the service that triggered the event.
slot: Slot
The slot that triggered the event.
gameManualInterstitialSlotClosed: GameManualInterstitialSlotClosedEvent
Alias for events.GameManualInterstitialSlotClosedEvent.
gameManualInterstitialSlotReady: GameManualInterstitialSlotReadyEvent
Alias for events.GameManualInterstitialSlotReadyEvent.
impressionViewable: ImpressionViewableEvent
Alias for events.ImpressionViewableEvent.
rewardedSlotClosed: RewardedSlotClosedEvent
Alias for events.RewardedSlotClosedEvent.
rewardedSlotGranted: RewardedSlotGrantedEvent
Alias for events.RewardedSlotGrantedEvent.
rewardedSlotReady: RewardedSlotReadyEvent
Alias for events.RewardedSlotReadyEvent.
slotOnload: SlotOnloadEvent
Alias for events.SlotOnloadEvent.
slotRenderEnded: SlotRenderEndedEvent
Alias for events.SlotRenderEndedEvent.
slotRequested: SlotRequestedEvent
Alias for events.SlotRequestedEvent.
slotResponseReceived: SlotResponseReceived
Alias for events.SlotResponseReceived.
slotVisibilityChanged: SlotVisibilityChangedEvent
Alias for events.SlotVisibilityChangedEvent.
ExtendsNote: Game manual interstitial is a limited-access format.
Properties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
// This listener is called when a game manual interstitial slot is closed. const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.GAME_MANUAL_INTERSTITIAL, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support game manual interstitial ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("gameManualInterstitialSlotClosed", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Game manual interstital slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is closed."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when a game manual interstitial slot is closed. var targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.GAME_MANUAL_INTERSTITIAL, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support game manual interstitial ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("gameManualInterstitialSlotClosed", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Game manual interstital slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is closed."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
// This listener is called when a game manual interstitial slot is closed. const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.GAME_MANUAL_INTERSTITIAL, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support game manual interstitial ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("gameManualInterstitialSlotClosed", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Game manual interstital slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is closed."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
ExtendsNote: Game manual interstitial is a limited-access format.
Properties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
Methods | |
make | Displays the game manual interstitial ad to the user. |
- Example
// This listener is called when a game manual interstitial slot is ready to // be displayed. const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.GAME_MANUAL_INTERSTITIAL, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support game manual interstitial ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("gameManualInterstitialSlotReady", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log( "Game manual interstital slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is ready to be displayed.", ); // Replace with custom logic. const displayGmiAd = true; if (displayGmiAd) { event.makeGameManualInterstitialVisible(); } if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when a game manual interstitial slot is ready to // be displayed. var targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.GAME_MANUAL_INTERSTITIAL, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support game manual interstitial ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("gameManualInterstitialSlotReady", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log( "Game manual interstital slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is ready to be displayed.", ); // Replace with custom logic. var displayGmiAd = true; if (displayGmiAd) { event.makeGameManualInterstitialVisible(); } if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
// This listener is called when a game manual interstitial slot is ready to // be displayed. const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.GAME_MANUAL_INTERSTITIAL, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support game manual interstitial ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("gameManualInterstitialSlotReady", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log( "Game manual interstital slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is ready to be displayed.", ); // Replace with custom logic. const displayGmiAd = true; if (displayGmiAd) { event.makeGameManualInterstitialVisible(); } if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
ExtendsProperties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
// This listener is called when an impression becomes viewable. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("impressionViewable", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Impression for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "became viewable."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when an impression becomes viewable. var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("impressionViewable", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Impression for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "became viewable."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// This listener is called when an impression becomes viewable. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("impressionViewable", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Impression for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "became viewable."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
ExtendsProperties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called when the user closes a rewarded ad slot. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotClosed", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Rewarded ad slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has been closed."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
JavaScript (legacy)
var targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called when the user closes a rewarded ad slot. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotClosed", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Rewarded ad slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has been closed."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called when the user closes a rewarded ad slot. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotClosed", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Rewarded ad slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has been closed."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
- See also
ExtendsProperties | |
payload | An object containing information about the reward that was granted. |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called whenever a reward is granted for a // rewarded ad. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotGranted", (event) => { const slot = event.slot;"Reward granted for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "."); // Log details of the reward. console.log("Reward type:", event.payload?.type); console.log("Reward amount:", event.payload?.amount); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
JavaScript (legacy)
var targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called whenever a reward is granted for a // rewarded ad. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotGranted", function (event) { var _a, _b; var slot = event.slot;"Reward granted for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "."); // Log details of the reward. console.log("Reward type:", (_a = event.payload) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type); console.log( "Reward amount:", (_b = event.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.amount, ); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called whenever a reward is granted for a // rewarded ad. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotGranted", (event) => { const slot = event.slot;"Reward granted for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "."); // Log details of the reward. console.log("Reward type:", event.payload?.type); console.log("Reward amount:", event.payload?.amount); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
- See also
payload: null | RewardedPayload
An object containing information about the reward that was granted.
ExtendsProperties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
Methods | |
make | Displays the rewarded ad. |
- Example
// This listener is called when a rewarded ad slot becomes ready to be // displayed. const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called whenever a reward is granted for a // rewarded ad. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotReady", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Rewarded ad slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is ready to be displayed."); // Replace with custom logic. const userHasConsented = true; if (userHasConsented) { event.makeRewardedVisible(); } if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when a rewarded ad slot becomes ready to be // displayed. var targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called whenever a reward is granted for a // rewarded ad. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotReady", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Rewarded ad slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is ready to be displayed."); // Replace with custom logic. var userHasConsented = true; if (userHasConsented) { event.makeRewardedVisible(); } if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
// This listener is called when a rewarded ad slot becomes ready to be // displayed. const targetSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot( "/1234567/example", googletag.enums.OutOfPageFormat.REWARDED, ); // Slot returns null if the page or device does not support rewarded ads. if (targetSlot) { targetSlot.addService(googletag.pubads()); // This listener is called whenever a reward is granted for a // rewarded ad. googletag.pubads().addEventListener("rewardedSlotReady", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Rewarded ad slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "is ready to be displayed."); // Replace with custom logic. const userHasConsented = true; if (userHasConsented) { event.makeRewardedVisible(); } if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } }); }
- See also
will be fired.Properties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
// This listener is called when a creative iframe load event fires. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Creative iframe for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has loaded."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when a creative iframe load event fires. var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Creative iframe for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has loaded."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// This listener is called when a creative iframe load event fires. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotOnload", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Creative iframe for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has loaded."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
ExtendsProperties | |
advertiser | Advertiser ID of the rendered ad. |
campaign | Campaign ID of the rendered ad. |
company | IDs of the companies that bid on the rendered backfill ad. |
creative | Creative ID of the rendered reservation ad. |
creative | Creative template ID of the rendered reservation ad. |
is | Whether an ad was a backfill ad. |
is | Whether an ad was returned for the slot. |
label | Deprecated. |
line | Line item ID of the rendered reservation ad. |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
size | Indicates the pixel size of the rendered creative. |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | Whether the slot content was changed with the rendered ad. |
source | Creative ID of the rendered reservation or backfill ad. |
source | Line item ID of the rendered reservation or backfill ad. |
yield | IDs of the yield groups for the rendered backfill ad. |
- Example
// This listener is called when a slot has finished rendering. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRenderEnded", (event) => { const slot = event.slot;"Slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "finished rendering."); // Log details of the rendered ad. console.log("Advertiser ID:", event.advertiserId); console.log("Campaign ID:", event.campaignId); console.log("Company IDs:", event.companyIds); console.log("Creative ID:", event.creativeId); console.log("Creative Template ID:", event.creativeTemplateId); console.log("Is backfill?:", event.isBackfill); console.log("Is empty?:", event.isEmpty); console.log("Line Item ID:", event.lineItemId); console.log("Size:", event.size); console.log("Slot content changed?", event.slotContentChanged); console.log("Source Agnostic Creative ID:", event.sourceAgnosticCreativeId); console.log("Source Agnostic Line Item ID:", event.sourceAgnosticLineItemId); console.log("Yield Group IDs:", event.yieldGroupIds); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when a slot has finished rendering. var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRenderEnded", function (event) { var slot = event.slot;"Slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "finished rendering."); // Log details of the rendered ad. console.log("Advertiser ID:", event.advertiserId); console.log("Campaign ID:", event.campaignId); console.log("Company IDs:", event.companyIds); console.log("Creative ID:", event.creativeId); console.log("Creative Template ID:", event.creativeTemplateId); console.log("Is backfill?:", event.isBackfill); console.log("Is empty?:", event.isEmpty); console.log("Line Item ID:", event.lineItemId); console.log("Size:", event.size); console.log("Slot content changed?", event.slotContentChanged); console.log("Source Agnostic Creative ID:", event.sourceAgnosticCreativeId); console.log("Source Agnostic Line Item ID:", event.sourceAgnosticLineItemId); console.log("Yield Group IDs:", event.yieldGroupIds); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// This listener is called when a slot has finished rendering. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRenderEnded", (event) => { const slot = event.slot;"Slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "finished rendering."); // Log details of the rendered ad. console.log("Advertiser ID:", event.advertiserId); console.log("Campaign ID:", event.campaignId); console.log("Company IDs:", event.companyIds); console.log("Creative ID:", event.creativeId); console.log("Creative Template ID:", event.creativeTemplateId); console.log("Is backfill?:", event.isBackfill); console.log("Is empty?:", event.isEmpty); console.log("Line Item ID:", event.lineItemId); console.log("Size:", event.size); console.log("Slot content changed?", event.slotContentChanged); console.log("Source Agnostic Creative ID:", event.sourceAgnosticCreativeId); console.log("Source Agnostic Line Item ID:", event.sourceAgnosticLineItemId); console.log("Yield Group IDs:", event.yieldGroupIds); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
advertiserId: null | number
Advertiser ID of the rendered ad. Value is null
for empty slots, backfill ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
campaignId: null | number
Campaign ID of the rendered ad. Value is null
for empty slots, backfill ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
companyIds: null | number[]
IDs of the companies that bid on the rendered backfill ad. Value is null
for empty slots, reservation ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
creativeId: null | number
Creative ID of the rendered reservation ad. Value is null
for empty slots, backfill ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
creativeTemplateId: null | number
Creative template ID of the rendered reservation ad. Value is null
for empty slots, backfill ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
isBackfill: boolean
Whether an ad was a backfill ad. Value is true
if the ad was a backfill ad, false
isEmpty: boolean
Whether an ad was returned for the slot. Value is true
if no ad was returned, false
labelIds: null | number[]
lineItemId: null | number
Line item ID of the rendered reservation ad. Value is null
for empty slots, backfill ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
size: null | string | number[]
Indicates the pixel size of the rendered creative. Example: [728, 90]
. Value is null
for empty ad slots.
slotContentChanged: boolean
Whether the slot content was changed with the rendered ad. Value is true
if the content was changed, false
sourceAgnosticCreativeId: null | number
Creative ID of the rendered reservation or backfill ad. Value is null
if the ad is not a reservation or line item backfill, or the creative is rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
sourceAgnosticLineItemId: null | number
Line item ID of the rendered reservation or backfill ad. Value is null
if the ad is not a reservation or line item backfill, or the creative is rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
yieldGroupIds: null | number[]
IDs of the yield groups for the rendered backfill ad. Value is null
for empty slots, reservation ads, and creatives rendered by services other than PubAdsService.
ExtendsProperties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
// This listener is called when the specified service issues an ad // request for a slot. Each slot will fire this event, even though they // may be batched together in a single request if single request // architecture (SRA) is enabled. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRequested", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has been requested."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when the specified service issues an ad // request for a slot. Each slot will fire this event, even though they // may be batched together in a single request if single request // architecture (SRA) is enabled. var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRequested", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has been requested."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// This listener is called when the specified service issues an ad // request for a slot. Each slot will fire this event, even though they // may be batched together in a single request if single request // architecture (SRA) is enabled. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotRequested", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "has been requested."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
ExtendsProperties | |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
// This listener is called when an ad response has been received // for a slot. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotResponseReceived", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Ad response for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "received."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called when an ad response has been received // for a slot. var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotResponseReceived", function (event) { var slot = event.slot; console.log("Ad response for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "received."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// This listener is called when an ad response has been received // for a slot. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotResponseReceived", (event) => { const slot = event.slot; console.log("Ad response for slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "received."); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
ExtendsProperties | |
in | The percentage of the ad's area that is visible. |
service | Name of the service that triggered the event. Inherited from |
slot | The slot that triggered the event. Inherited from |
- Example
// This listener is called whenever the on-screen percentage of an // ad slot's area changes. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotVisibilityChanged", (event) => { const slot = event.slot;"Visibility of slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "changed."); // Log details of the event. console.log("Visible area:", `${event.inViewPercentage}%`); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
JavaScript (legacy)
// This listener is called whenever the on-screen percentage of an // ad slot's area changes. var targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotVisibilityChanged", function (event) { var slot = event.slot;"Visibility of slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "changed."); // Log details of the event. console.log("Visible area:", "".concat(event.inViewPercentage, "%")); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
// This listener is called whenever the on-screen percentage of an // ad slot's area changes. const targetSlot = googletag.defineSlot("/1234567/example", [160, 600]); googletag.pubads().addEventListener("slotVisibilityChanged", (event) => { const slot = event.slot;"Visibility of slot", slot.getSlotElementId(), "changed."); // Log details of the event. console.log("Visible area:", `${event.inViewPercentage}%`); console.groupEnd(); if (slot === targetSlot) { // Slot specific logic. } });
- See also
inViewPercentage: number
The percentage of the ad's area that is visible. Value is a number between 0 and 100.
Interfaces | |
Bidder | Returns a secure signal for a specific bidder. |
Publisher | Returns a secure signal for a specific publisher. |
Secure | An interface for managing secure signals. |
Type Aliases | |
Secure | Interface for returning a secure signal for a specific bidder or provider. |
Type Aliases
SecureSignalProvider: BidderSignalProvider | PublisherSignalProvider
Interface for returning a secure signal for a specific bidder or provider. One of id
or networkCode
must be provided, but not both.
A bidder secure signal provider consists of 2 parts:
- A collector function, which returns a
that resolves to a secure signal. - An
which identifies the bidder associated with the signal.
Properties | |
collector | A function which returns a Promise that resolves to a secure signal. |
id | A unique identifier for the collector associated with this secure signal, as registered in Google Ad Manager. |
- Example
// id is provided googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ id: "collector123", collectorFunction: () => { // ...custom signal generation logic... return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// id is provided googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ id: "collector123", collectorFunction: function () { // ...custom signal generation logic... return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
// id is provided googletag.secureSignalProviders!.push({ id: "collector123", collectorFunction: () => { // ...custom signal generation logic... return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
collectorFunction: (() => Promise<string>)
A function which returns a Promise
that resolves to a secure signal.
id: string
A unique identifier for the collector associated with this secure signal, as registered in Google Ad Manager.
A publisher signal provider consists of 2 parts:
- A collector function, which returns a
that resolves to a secure signal. - A
which identifies the publisher associated with the signal.
Properties | |
collector | A function which returns a Promise that resolves to a secure signal. |
network | The network code (as seen in the ad unit path) for the publisher associated with this secure signal. |
- Example
// networkCode is provided googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ networkCode: "123456", collectorFunction: () => { // ...custom signal generation logic... return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
JavaScript (legacy)
// networkCode is provided googletag.secureSignalProviders.push({ networkCode: "123456", collectorFunction: function () { // ...custom signal generation logic... return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
// networkCode is provided googletag.secureSignalProviders!.push({ networkCode: "123456", collectorFunction: () => { // ...custom signal generation logic... return Promise.resolve("signal"); }, });
collectorFunction: (() => Promise<string>)
A function which returns a Promise
that resolves to a secure signal.
networkCode: string
The network code (as seen in the ad unit path) for the publisher associated with this secure signal.
Methods | |
clear | Clears all signals for all collectors from cache. |
push | Adds a new secureSignals.SecureSignalProvider to the signal provider array and begins the signal generation process. |
clearAllCache(): void
Clears all signals for all collectors from cache.
Calling this method may reduce the likelihood of signals being included in ad requests for the current and potentially later page views. Due to this, it should only be called when meaningful state changes occur, such as events that indicate a new user (log in, log out, sign up, etc.).
push(provider: SecureSignalProvider): void
Adds a new secureSignals.SecureSignalProvider to the signal provider array and begins the signal generation process.
Parameters | |
provider: SecureSignalProvider | The secureSignals.SecureSignalProvider object to be added to the array. |