Implement an identity solution with FedCM on the Relying Party side

Relying Parties (RPs) need to complete the following steps to enable FedCM on their site:

Once the IdP's configuration and endpoints are available, RPs can call navigator.credentials.get() to request allowing users to sign in to the RP with the IdP.

Before calling the API, you need to confirm that FedCM is available on the user's browser. To check if FedCM is available, wrap this code around your FedCM implementation:

  if ('IdentityCredential' in window) {
    // If the feature is available, take action
  } else {
    // FedCM is not supported, use a different identity solution

To allow users to sign in to the IdP on an RP using FedCM, the RP can call navigator.credentials.get(), for example:

  const credential = await navigator.credentials.get({
    identity: {
      context: 'signin',
      providers: [{
        configURL: 'https://accounts.idp.example/config.json',
        clientId: '********',
        mode: 'active',
        params: {
          nonce: '******'
  const { token } = credential;

Context property

With the optional context property, RP can modify the string in the FedCM dialog UI (for example, "Sign in to rp.example…", "Use idp.example…") to accommodate predefined authentication contexts, for example. The context property can have the following values:

  • signin (default)
  • signup
  • use
Diagram explaining the UI components of the FedCM dialog: on the top left side, an icon is displayed. To the right of the icon is a context component displaying the message 'Sign in to RP with IdP'. At the bottom is a 'Continue' button with custom text and background color.
How branding is applied to the FedCM dialog

For example, setting context to use will result in the following message:

A FedCM dialog displaying a customized context message: instead of 'Sign in' with FedCM the context message says 'Use' FedCM.
FedCM dialog displaying a customized context message.

The browser handles sign-up and sign-in use cases differently depending on the existence of approved_clients in the response from the accounts list endpoint. The browser won't display a disclosure text "To continue with ...." if the user has already signed up to the RP.
The providers property takes an array of IdentityProvider objects that have the following properties:

Providers property

The providers property takes an array of IdentityProvider objects that have the following properties:

Property Description
configURL (required) A full path of the IdP config file.
clientId (required) The RP's client identifier, issued by the IdP.
loginHint (optional) By specifying one of login_hints values provided by the accounts endpoints, the FedCM dialog selectively shows the specified account.
domainHint (optional) By specifying one of domain_hints values provided by the accounts endpoints, the FedCM dialog selectively shows the specified account.
mode (optional) String that specifies the UI mode of FedCM. It can be of one of these values:
  • "active": FedCM prompt must be initiated by user interaction (such as clicking a button).
  • "passive": FedCM prompt will be initiated without direct user interaction.
See the overview page to learn more about the difference between active and passive modes.

Note: mode parameter is supported from Chrome 132.
fields (optional) Array of strings that specifies the user information ("name", " email", "picture") that RP needs IdP to share with them.
Note: Field API is supported by Chrome 132 and later.
params (optional) Custom object that allows to specify additional key-value parameters:
  • scope: A string value containing additional permissions that RP needs to request, for example "drive.readonly calendar.readonly"
  • nonce: A random string to ensure the response is issued for this specific request. Prevents replay attacks.
  • Other custom key-value parameters.

Note: params is supported from Chrome 132.

Active mode

FedCM supports different UX mode configurations. Passive mode is the default mode, and developers don't need to configure it.

To use FedCM in active mode:

  1. Check the feature availability in the user's browser.
  2. Invoke the API with a transient user gesture, such as a button click.
  3. Pass the mode parameter to the API call:
  let supportsFedCmMode = false;
  try {
      identity: Object.defineProperty(
        // Check if this Chrome version supports the Mode API.
        {}, 'mode', {
          get: function () { supportsFedCmMode = true; }
  } catch(e) {}

  if (supportsFedCmMode) {
    // The button mode is supported. Call the API with mode property:
    return await navigator.credentials.get({
      identity: {
        providers: [{
          configURL: 'https://idp.example/config.json',
          clientId: '123',
        // The 'mode' value defines the UX mode of FedCM.
        // - 'active': Must be initiated by user interaction (e.g., clicking a button).
        // - 'passive': Can be initiated without direct user interaction.
        mode: 'active'

Custom icon in active mode

Active mode allows IdPs to include the RP's official logo icon directly in the client metadata endpoint response. The RP must provide their branding data in advance.

Call FedCM from within a cross-origin iframe

FedCM can be invoked from within a cross-origin iframe using an identity-credentials-get permissions policy, if the parent frame allows it. To do so, append the allow="identity-credentials-get" attribute to the iframe tag as follows:

  <iframe src="" allow="identity-credentials-get"></iframe>

You can see it in action in an example.

Optionally, if the parent frame wants to restrict the origins to call FedCM, send a Permissions-Policy header with a list of allowed origins.

  Permissions-Policy: identity-credentials-get=(self "")

You can learn more about how the Permissions Policy works at Controlling browser features with Permissions Policy.

Login Hint API

Using the Login Hint, the RP can recommend which account a user should sign in with. This can be helpful for re-authenticating users who're not sure which account they've used before.

RPs can selectively show a specific account by invoking navigator.credentials.get() with the loginHint property with one of login_hints values fetched from the accounts list endpoint, as shown in the following code sample:

  return await navigator.credentials.get({
    identity: {
      providers: [{
        configURL: 'https://idp.example/manifest.json',
        clientId: '123',
        // Accounts endpoint can specify a 'login_hints' array for an account.
        // When RP specifies a 'exampleHint' value, only those accounts will be
        // shown to the user whose 'login_hints' array contains the 'exampleHint'
        // value
        loginHint : 'exampleHint'

When no accounts match the loginHint, the FedCM dialog shows a login prompt, which allows the user to login to an IdP account matching the hint requested by the RP. When the user taps on the prompt, a popup window is opened with the login URL specified in the config file. The link is then appended with the login hint and the domain hint query parameters.

Domain Hint API

RPs can selectively show only accounts associated with a certain domain. This can be useful for the RPs that are restricted to a corporate domain.

To display specific domain accounts only, RP should call navigator.credentials.get() with the domainHint property with one of domain_hints values fetched from the accounts list endpoint, as shown in the following code sample:

  return await navigator.credentials.get({
    identity: {
      providers: [{
        configURL: 'https://idp.example/manifest.json',
        clientId: 'abc',
        // Accounts endpoint can specify a 'domain_hints' array for an account.
        // When RP specifies a '@domain.example' value, only those accounts will be
        // shown to the user whose 'domain_hints' array contains the
        // '@domain.example' value
        domainHint : '@domain.example'

When no accounts match the domainHint, the FedCM dialog shows a login prompt, which allows the user to login to an IdP account matching the hint requested by the RP. When the user taps on the prompt, a popup window is opened with the login URL specified in the config file. The link is then appended with the login hint and the domain hint query parameters.

An example login prompt when no accounts match the domainHint.
An example login prompt when no accounts match the domainHint.

Custom parameters

The Custom Parameters feature allows the RP to provide additional key-value parameters to the ID assertion endpoint. With the Parameters API, RPs can pass additional parameters to the IdP to request permissions for resources beyond basic sign-in. Passing additional parameters can be useful in these scenario:

  • The RP needs to request additional permissions dynamically that the IdP has, such as billing address or calendar access. The user can authorize these permissions through an IdP-controlled UX flow that is launched using the Continue on feature, and the IdP would then share this information.

To use the API, the RP adds parameters to the params property as an object in the navigator.credentials.get() call:

  let {token} = await navigator.credentials.get({
    identity: {
      providers: [{
        clientId: '1234',
        configURL: 'https://idp.example/fedcm.json',
        // Key/value pairs that need to be passed from the
        // RP to the IdP but that don't really play any role with
        // the browser.
        params: {
          IDP_SPECIFIC_PARAM: '1',
          foo: 'BAR'

The browser will automatically translate this into a POST request to the IdP with parameters as a single url-encoded JSON-serialized object:

  // The assertion endpoint is drawn from the config file
  POST /fedcm_assertion_endpoint HTTP/1.1
  Host: idp.example
  Origin: https://rp.example/
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Cookie: 0x23223
  Sec-Fetch-Dest: webidentity

  // params are translated into urlencoded version of `{"IDP_SPECIFIC_PARAM":"1","foo":"bar"}`

If the RP needs any additional permissions, the IdP can provide a redirect link. For example, in node.js:

  if (rpRequestsPermissions) {
    // Response with a URL if the RP requests additional permissions
    return res.json({
      continue_on: '/example-redirect',


The RP can specify the user information (any combination of name, email address, and profile picture) they need the IdP to share with them. The requested information will be included in the disclosure UI of the FedCM dialog. The user will see a message notifying them that idp.example will share the requested information with the rp.example if the user chooses to sign in.

A FedCM active mode dialog displaying a disclosure message. To continue, the identity provider will share the user's email address and profile picture with the website.
Disclosure message in active mode: the RP requests the IdP to share only the user email and profile picture.

To use the Fields feature, RP should add a fields array in the navigator.credentials.get() call. The fields can contain any permutation of name, email and picture. This can be expanded to include more values in the future. A request with fields would look like this:

  let { token } = await navigator.credentials.get({
    identity: {
      providers: [{
        // RP requests the IdP to share only user email and profile picture
        fields: [ 'email', 'picture'],
        clientId: '1234',
        configURL: 'https://idp.example/fedcm.json',


The browser will automatically translate it into an HTTP request to the ID assertion endpoint that includes the RP-specified fields parameter, with the fields that the browser disclosed to the user in a disclosure_shown_for parameter. For backwards compatibility, the browser will also send disclosure_text_shown=true if the disclosure text was shown and the requested fields include all the three fields: 'name', 'email', and 'picture'.

  POST /id_assertion_endpoint HTTP/1.1
  Host: idp.example
  Origin: https://rp.example/
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Cookie: 0x23223
  Sec-Fetch-Dest: webidentity

  // The RP only requested to share email and picture. The browser will send `disclosure_text_shown=false`, as the 'name' field value is missing

If fields is an empty array, the user agent will skip the disclosure UI.

A FedCM passive mode dialog that does not display a disclosure UI message.
The disclosure message is not displayed in the passive mode. In the button flow, the disclosure UI is skipped entirely.

This is the case even if the response from the accounts endpoint does not contain a client ID that matches the RP in approved_clients.

In this case, the disclosure_text_shown sent to the ID assertion endpoint is false in the HTTP body:

  POST /id_assertion_endpoint HTTP/1.1
  Host: idp.example
  Origin: https://rp.example/
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Cookie: 0x23223
  Sec-Fetch-Dest: webidentity


Show an error message

Sometimes, the IdP may not be able to issue a token for legitimate reasons, such as when the client is unauthorized, or the server is temporarily unavailable. If the IdP returns an "error" response, the RP can catch it, and Chrome can notify the user by showing browser UI with the error information provided by the IdP.

A FedCM dialog showing the error message after the user's sign-in attempt fails. The string is associated with the error type.
  try {
    const cred = await navigator.credentials.get({
      identity: {
        providers: [
            configURL: 'https://idp.example/manifest.json',
            clientId: '1234',
  } catch (e) {
    const code = e.code;
    const url = e.url;

Auto-reauthenticate users after the initial authentication

FedCM auto-reauthentication ("auto-reauthn" in short) can let users reauthenticate automatically, when they come back after their initial authentication using FedCM. "The initial authentication" here means the user creates an account or signs into the RP's website by tapping on the "Continue as..." button on FedCM's sign-in dialog for the first time on the same browser instance.

While the explicit user experience makes sense before the user has created the federated account to prevent tracking (which is one of the main goals of FedCM), it is unnecessarily cumbersome after the user has gone through it once: after the user grants permission to allow communication between the RP and the IdP, there's no privacy or security benefit for enforcing another explicit user confirmation for something that they have already previously acknowledged.

With auto-reauthn, the browser changes its behavior depending on the option you specify for the mediation when calling navigator.credentials.get().

  const cred = await navigator.credentials.get({
    identity: {
      providers: [{
        configURL: 'https://idp.example/fedcm.json',
        clientId: '1234',
    mediation: 'optional', // this is the default

  // `isAutoSelected` is `true` if auto-reauthn was performed.
  const isAutoSelected = cred.isAutoSelected;

The mediation is a property in the Credential Management API, it behaves in the same way as it does for PasswordCredential and FederatedCredential and it's partially supported by PublicKeyCredential as well. The property accepts the following four values:

  • 'optional'(default): Auto-reauthn if possible, requires a mediation if not. We recommend choosing this option on the sign-in page.
  • 'required': Always requires a mediation to proceed, for example, clicking the "Continue" button on the UI. Choose this option if your users are expected to grant permission explicitly every time they need to be authenticated.
  • 'silent': Auto-reauthn if possible, silently fail without requiring a mediation if not. We recommend choosing this option on the pages other than the dedicated sign-in page but where you want to keep users signed in—for example, an item page on a shipping website or an article page on a news website.
  • 'conditional': Used for WebAuthn and not available for FedCM at the moment.

With this call, auto-reauthn happens under the following conditions:

  • FedCM is available to use. For example, the user has not disabled FedCM either globally or for the RP in the settings.
  • The user used only one account with FedCM API to sign into the website on this browser.
  • The user is signed into the IdP with that account.
  • The auto-reauthn didn't happen within the last 10 minutes.
  • The RP hasn't called navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess() after the previous sign in.

When these conditions are met, an attempt to automatically reauthenticate the user starts as soon as the FedCM navigator.credentials.get() is invoked.

When mediation: optional, auto-reauthn may be unavailable due to reasons that only the browser knows; the RP can check whether auto-reauthn is performed by examining the isAutoSelected property.

This is helpful to evaluate the API performance and improve UX accordingly. Also, when it's unavailable, the user may be prompted to sign in with explicit user mediation, which is a flow with mediation: required.

A user auto-reauthenticating through FedCM.

Enforce mediation with preventSilentAccess()

Auto-reauthenticating users immediately after they sign out wouldn't make for a very good user experience. That's why FedCM has a 10-minute quiet period after an auto-reauthn to prevent this behavior. This means that auto-reauthn happens at most once in every 10-minutes unless the user signs back in within 10-minutes. The RP should call navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess() to explicitly request the browser to disable auto-reauthn when a user signs out of the RP explicitly, for example, by clicking a sign-out button.

  function signout() {
    location.href = '/signout';

Users can opt-out of auto-reauthn in settings

Users can opt-out from auto-reauth from the settings menu:

  • On desktop Chrome, go to chrome://password-manager/settings > Sign in automatically.
  • On Android Chrome, open Settings > Password Manager > Tap on a cog at the top right corner > Auto sign-in.

By disabling the toggle, the user can opt-out from auto-reauthn behavior all together. This setting is stored and synchronized across devices, if the user is signed into a Google Account on the Chrome instance and synchronization is enabled.

Disconnect the IdP from the RP

If a user has previously signed into the RP using the IdP through FedCM, the relationship is memorized by the browser locally as the list of connected accounts. The RP may initiate a disconnection by invoking the IdentityCredential.disconnect() function. This function can be called from a top-level RP frame. The RP needs to pass a configURL, the clientId it uses under the IdP, and an accountHint for the IdP to be disconnected. An account hint can be an arbitrary string as long as the disconnect endpoint can identify the account, for example an email address or user ID which does not necessarily match the account ID that the account list endpoint has provided:

  // Disconnect an IdP account 'account456' from the RP ''. This is invoked on the RP domain.
    configURL: '',
    clientId: 'rp123',
    accountHint: 'account456'

IdentityCredential.disconnect() returns a Promise. This promise may throw an exception for the following reasons:

  • The user hasn't signed in to the RP using the IdP through FedCM.
  • The API is invoked from within an iframe without FedCM permissions policy.
  • The configURL is invalid or missing the disconnect endpoint.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP) check fails.
  • There is a pending disconnect request.
  • The user has disabled FedCM in the browser settings.

When the IdP's disconnect endpoint returns a response, the RP and the IdP are disconnected on the browser and the promise is resolved. The ID of the disconnected accounts are specified in the response from the disconnect endpoint.

Next steps

Review how to implement your identity solution with FedCM on the Identity Provider side.
Explore how users and developers can manage FedCM participation, including opting in or out, across platforms and sites.