What are cookies?

The web is designed so that every request from a web browser to a website is separate. By design, the web has no "memory". Every time you open a web page, the website you're visiting can't remember information from your last session. This helps make the web efficient and simple, since there's no need for a mechanism to track requests and responses.

But the forgetful nature of the web also presents a problem. For example, how can a shopping cart work if the website you're on can't remember what you just put in it?

Cookies were invented to solve that problem.

Cookies give websites memory

When you visit a page on a website, your web browser makes requests to the website's server for the resources included on the page, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or images.

Web browsers and websites interact by following the HTTP protocol. This is a standardized set of rules for communication.

In response to an HTTP request for a resource, the website server can include extra information called headers along with the resource itself. A Set-Cookie header included with an HTTP response tells your browser to store some text: a name and a value. This is known as a cookie. For example, the response header Set-Cookie: cat=tabby tells your browser to store a cookie with the name "cat" and value "tabby".

Once that cookie is set, subsequent requests from your browser to the website will include the header Cookie: cat=tabby. The website's server can access the cookie from the request header, and make use of the value.

How cookies work: step-by-step

Imagine you visit the website cats.example. The site wants to show you a random image of a cat, and keep a record of which cat was displayed to you.

The following steps explain how that can be done with cookies.

1. Browser requests a file

You visit the homepage of the website cats.example.

Once your browser has processed the homepage HTML, it requests the files on the page, including cat.jpg from cats.example.

An HTTP request to https://cats.example/cat.jpg

2. Website server responds

The server at cats.example responds with the image file cat.jpg.

With the response, the server includes a header: Set-Cookie: cat=tabby.

An HTTP response from https://cats.example/cat.jpg, with a Set-Cookie: cat=tabby header

3. Browser receives response

Your browser receives the image file, and processes the Set-Cookie: cat=tabby header included with it.

A cookie is stored: name cat, value tabby.

The cookie cat=tabby in a web browser on a laptop.

4. Browser makes additional requests

From now on, your browser includes the header Cookie: cat=tabby with requests to cats.example.

An HTTP request to https://cats.example/cat.jpg, with a Cookie: cat=tabby header

When the cats.example web server receives a request, it can process the cookie and do whatever it wants with that value—like making sure it doesn't send you an image of the same tabby cat again.

Here's the whole cookie process:

  1. Your browser makes a request for a file to a website's server.
  2. The server can include a header such as Set-Cookie: cat=tabby along with the file it sends in response to the request.
  3. When your browser receives the response, it stores the cookie.
  4. With each subsequent request, your browser sends the cookie to the server in a Cookie: cat=tabby header.

Sequence diagram showing
  requests and responses between a web browser, cats.example, and cats.example,
  showing how cookies are set and sent.

Access cookies with JavaScript

The previous example uses the Set-Cookie response header to set a cookie.

Cookies can also be created with JavaScript using the document.cookie method.

Try the demo: javascript-cookie.glitch.me.

Learn more: Document: cookie property.

Why do we need cookies?

In 1994, the engineer Lou Montulli was working at the software company Netscape, which went on to build the most popular web browser of the mid-1990s. Meanwhile, a telecoms corporation, MCI, was trying to build a shopping cart feature for one of the world's first online stores. MCI got in touch with Montulli to explain their problem. Montulli responded by adding a feature to HTTP that enabled a site to store a small amount of text on a user's web browser, a name and a value: something like cart-id=123. He called it a "cookie", since in those days programmers used the word "magic cookie" for a small piece of extra information included with data communication.

Lou completed his HTTP cookie work in less than a week. Little did he know that cookies would be fundamental to advertising, log-in, payments, fraud detection, and other critical web services. Cookies are a very simple technology that has had far-reaching side effects.

Uses for cookies

Cookies allow the browser to store a small amount of information about the user, to "remember" something across multiple requests. Cookies have multiple uses:

  • Session management
    Allow a website to recognize a user, for example to maintain a logged-in state across different pages.
  • Personalization
    Store user preferences such as language, theme, or recently viewed items, to customize the website experience.
  • Tracking
    Historically, cookies have been used to track user behavior across websites, for targeted advertising and other use cases.

Cookies are mostly used for identifiers, rather than to store information directly.

For example, a cookie for your shopping cart at an online pet shop won't list products, but instead provide an account ID that lets the pet shop look up what's in your cart, in its server-side data storage.

A request to the pet shop server might include a cookie header like this:

Cookie: _cart=CART1.2.34567890.123456789

The server can then look up the _cart account in its datastore, and include other information about the request.

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