Photos Library API

Manage photos, videos, and albums in Google Photos


Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v1.albums

addEnrichment POST /v1/albums/{albumId}:addEnrichment
batchAddMediaItems POST /v1/albums/{albumId}:batchAddMediaItems
batchRemoveMediaItems POST /v1/albums/{albumId}:batchRemoveMediaItems
create POST /v1/albums
get GET /v1/albums/{albumId}
list GET /v1/albums
patch PATCH /v1/albums/{}
Update the album with the specified id.
share POST /v1/albums/{albumId}:share
unshare POST /v1/albums/{albumId}:unshare

REST Resource: v1.mediaItems

batchCreate POST /v1/mediaItems:batchCreate
batchGet GET /v1/mediaItems:batchGet
get GET /v1/mediaItems/{mediaItemId}
list GET /v1/mediaItems
patch PATCH /v1/mediaItems/{}
Update the media item with the specified id.
search POST /v1/mediaItems:search

REST Resource: v1.sharedAlbums

get GET /v1/sharedAlbums/{shareToken}
join POST /v1/sharedAlbums:join
leave POST /v1/sharedAlbums:leave
list GET /v1/sharedAlbums