"key": "calories" // Calories in kcal
"key": "fat.total" // Total fat in grams
"key": "fat.saturated" // Saturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.unsaturated" // Unsaturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.polyunsaturated" // Polyunsaturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.monounsaturated" // Monounsaturated fat in grams
"key": "fat.trans" // Trans fat in grams
"key": "cholesterol" // Cholesterol in milligrams
"key": "sodium" // Sodium in milligrams
"key": "potassium" // Potassium in milligrams
"key": "carbs.total" // Total carbohydrates in grams
"key": "dietary_fiber" // Dietary fiber in grams
"key": "sugar" // Amount of sugar in grams
"key": "protein" // Protein amount in grams
NUTRIENT_CALORIES // Calories in kcal
NUTRIENT_TOTAL_FAT // Total fat in grams
NUTRIENT_SATURATED_FAT // Saturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_UNSATURATED_FAT // Unsaturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_POLYUNSATURATED_FAT // Polyunsaturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_MONOUNSATURATED_FAT // Monounsaturated fat in grams
NUTRIENT_TRANS_FAT // Trans fat in grams
NUTRIENT_CHOLESTEROL // Cholesterol in milligrams
NUTRIENT_SODIUM // Sodium in milligrams
NUTRIENT_POTASSIUM // Potassium in milligrams
NUTRIENT_TOTAL_CARBS // Total carbohydrates in grams
NUTRIENT_DIETARY_FIBER // Dietary fiber in grams
NUTRIENT_SUGAR // Amount of sugar in grams
NUTRIENT_PROTEIN // Protein amount in grams
[[["わかりやすい","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["問題の解決に役立った","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["その他","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["必要な情報がない","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["複雑すぎる / 手順が多すぎる","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["最新ではない","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["翻訳に関する問題","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["サンプル / コードに問題がある","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["その他","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["最終更新日 2024-08-22 UTC。"],[[["This documentation details the data types and fields for recording hydration and nutrition data using the Google Fit API."],["Hydration data points track the volume of water consumed in liters using the `com.google.hydration` data type."],["Nutrition data points record the nutritional breakdown of meals or food items, including meal type, food item, and nutrients."],["Required fields for nutrition data include the `nutrients` field and either `meal_type` or `food_item` (or both)."],["Developers can use REST or Android methods to access and manage hydration and nutrition data."]]],[]]