Manage folders with limited and expansive access

A user owns a My Drive folder. The folder might contain multiple users with access to different files. This restrictive access model means different users could see different lists of items within the same folder. A user with access to the parent My Drive folder but not to an item within that folder has "restricted access". It creates a situation where it's difficult to know who has access within the hierarchy.

Conversely, shared drive files are owned by the shared drive. Shared drives have an expansive model so every user has the same list of items within the same folder.

The introduction of folders with limited access replicates the expansive access model from shared drives to My Drive. With this change, folders with limited access are the one exception that allows restricting access to a specific subfolder in both My Drive and shared drives.

This guide explains how you can manage folders with limited access and expansive access in Google Drive.

About folders with limited access

Restrict folders to specific users.

Folders with limited access allow you to restrict folders to specific users. Only users you directly add to the folder's permissions can open it and access its content. Users with inherited access to the shared My Drive folder or shared drive folder (through access from a parent folder) can see the restricted folder in Drive but can't open it. This feature better aligns the sharing behavior of items in both My Drive and shared drives, letting you organize folders with sensitive content alongside more broadly shared content.

Folders with limited access are available in both My Drive and shared drives. The owner role in My Drive and the organizer role in shared drives can always access folders with limited access. To modify the list of folder users, no special permissions are required. Roles that can share folders can update the member lists. To learn more about roles and permissions, see Roles and permissions and Shared drives overview.

Note that although folders are a type of file, limited access isn't available for files.

Set limited access on a folder

While users with direct folder permissions can access a folder with limited access, only the owner role in My Drive and the organizer role in shared drives can enable or disable limited access.

Additionally, if a user with the writer role in My Drive has the writersCanShare boolean field on the files resource set to true, they can also turn the feature on or off.

To limit access to a folder, set the boolean inheritedPermissionsDisabled field on the files resource to true. When true, only the owner role, the organizer role, and users with direct folder permissions can access it.

To turn inherited permissions back on, set inheritedPermissionsDisabled to false.

Verify permission to limit access on a folder

To check if you can limit access to a folder or not, inspect the boolean values of the capabilities.canDisableInheritedPermissions and capabilities.canEnableInheritedPermissions fields on the files resource. These settings confirm if you have permission to limit access to a folder through the inheritedPermissionsDisabled field.

For more information about capabilities, see Understand file capabilities.

List children of a folder with limited access

To check if you can list the children of a folder, use the capabilities.canListChildren boolean field.

The returned value is always false when the item isn't a folder or if the requester's access to the folder's contents was removed by setting inheritedPermissionsDisabled to false.

If your access to the folder's contents was removed, you can still access the folder metadata with the files.get() and files.list() methods. To confirm access is limited, check the response body to see if the item is a folder with the MIME type application/ and the capabilities.canListChildren field is set to false. If you try to list the children of such a folder, the result is always empty.

Access folder with limited access metadata

Folders with limited access let you view folder metadata if you have no access to the folder contents.

When using the permissions resource to determine a user's access, both My Drive and shared drive folders that only grant access to the metadata contain the following values in the response body: inheritedPermissionsDisabled=true and view=metadata. The role is always set to reader. The view field is only populated for permissions that belong to a view. For more information, see Views.

All the entries in the permissionDetails field have the inherited field set to true to denote the permission is inherited and that direct access to the folder contents hasn't been granted.

To grant access to both the folder contents and metadata, set the inheritedPermissionsDisabled field to false or update the role to reader or higher.

Finally, if a permission was first limited by turning off inheritance on a folder (inheritedPermissionsDisabled=true), and then the permission was added back directly to the folder, the values in the response body become inheritedPermissionsDisabled=true with the view field as unset. If the folder is in a shared drive, the permissionDetails list has an entry with the inherited field set to false to denote the permission isn't inherited. This permission grants access to both folder contents and metadata like any other permission.

Delete folders with limited access

You can delete folders with limited access using the files.delete() method on the files resource.

In My Drive, only the item's owner can delete a folder hierarchy. If a user deletes a hierarchy with folders that have limited access and are owned by others, these folders move to the owner's My Drive.

If the user has the owner role, the entire hierarchy gets deleted.

In shared drives, the organizer role can delete hierarchies even if they contain folders with limited access. If the fileOrganizer role deletes a hierarchy that contains folders with limited access, the result depends on if they were added back as fileOrganizer on the folders with limited access. If they were, the entire hierarchy gets deleted. If not, the folders with limited access move to the shared drive's root folder.

About expansive access

The introduction of folders with limited access broadens the expansive access model from shared drives to My Drive. Once the access model is rolled out, having access to a folder means at least the same level of access to everything in that folder hierarchy. Folders with limited access are the one exception that allows restricting access to a specific subfolder in both My Drive and shared drives. This also means that unless your folder has limited access, you can no longer remove access that's inherited from the parent folder. Doing so means Drive API returns an error response. To define more granular access control within a hierarchy, you can set limited access on the folder.

Adapt to expansive access

To make it easier for developers to adapt to expansive access, several improvements were made to the Google Drive API:

  1. The permissionDetails[] field on the permissions resource is now populated for items in My Drive. Previously, the fields were either unset or replicated from the teamDrivePermissionDetails field where appropriate. Only the permissionType and inherited fields in My Drive are populated.

    The permissionDetails[].inherited field indicates if a permission is inherited from the item's parent. It lets you detect if certain roles (such as reader) are inherited from the parent, and if a higher role (such as writer) is granted on the item directly.

    When viewing the permissions for an item, the permissionDetails[] field might contain multiple entries. If present, there's one entry for the permission directly on the item for that scope, and then entries for the inherited or member permissions on the item.

  2. Developers can opt in to expansive access API behavior in My Drive ahead of any future mandatory enforcement. You can set the enforceExpansiveAccess request parameter to true so that future changes to expansive access don't affect your app.

    Opting in now means the API operates the same for items in My Drive as it already does for items in shared drives. For example, any attempt to restrict access below the inherited role fails when calling permissions.update(). Similarly, a call to permissions.delete() fails if the permission is inherited.

Detect and prevent restricted access

Your app might be creating restricted access (where a user has access to the parent My Drive folder but not to a file within that folder) on your My Drive folders when using the permissions.update() or permissions.delete() methods.

When using these methods, you can review the fields on the permissions resource to see where a request might create restricted access and avoid sending such requests. To detect this situation, use the enforceExpansiveAccess field on your request.

Additionally, if your app has already created restricted access on your folders, you can take the following steps:

  1. Traverse the folder hierarchy to remove the restricted access. In its place, you should set limited folder access.

  2. If the item you're trying to unshare is a file, you can create an intermediate folder, set limited access on it, and move the file inside the new folder.

  3. If you don't want to use limited access folders but must remove some access, you can move the file to a private folder (such as the My Drive root folder). You can then create a shortcut to the item's original location so users can still use it.