Bulk Sheet Entity Reference

Entity: Campaign spreadsheet

Site ID (Placement)NoStringNumeric ID of the site where the placement is located. When you create a placement, you must enter either a site ID or a site name. If you include both, the site name is ignored.
Site name (Placement)NoStringThe name of the site where the placement is located. When you create a placement, you must enter either a site ID or a site name. If you include both, the site name is ignored.
Placement ID (Placement)Required only when editing an existing entity.StringNumeric ID value of the placement. If left blank, a new placement will be created and a unique ID will be assigned.
External ID (Placement)NoStringAn external ID is any ID that you might use outside Campaign Manager 360 for internal reports (this ID is not generated by Campaign Manager 360).
Placement name (Placement)NoStringThe name of the placement.
Compatibility (Placement)NoEnumThe compatibility of the placement, which determines which creatives and ads you can assign to your placement.

Possible values:
'Display' | 'Display interstitial' | 'In-stream video' | 'In-stream audio'.
Group type (Placement)Required for packages and roadblocks. A blank value indicates a placement that is not part of any package or roadblock.EnumYou can specify a package or roadblock here. This determines the format of the tags your placement generates, and the way your ad will be displayed when it serves to your placement

Possible values:
'Package' | 'Roadblock'
Group ID (Placement)Required for placements that are contained within a package or roadblock.StringNumeric ID of the parent placement if this placement is assigned to a package or roadblock.
Primary placement (Placement)Required for placements assigned to a roadblock. Not required for other placement types.BooleanIndicates whether the placement is the primary placement assigned to a roadblock.Not applicable to placements assigned to a package or to standalone placements.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Payment source (Placement)NoEnumHow the placement will be paid for.

Possible values:
'Agency paid' | 'Publisher paid'.
Dimensions (Placement)NoListThe dimensions of the placement in the format WidthxHeight (e.g. 350x50, 125x125, 468x60)
Orientation (Placement)NoEnumDetermines what creative orientations will be included in the pre-fetch tag for the placement. Only applies to in-stream video placements.

Possible values:
'Landscape' | 'Portrait' | 'Any'.
Duration (Placement)NoLongThe required amount of time a video will play, in seconds. Only applies to in-stream video placements.
Publisher specification (Placement)NoEnumThe publisher specification name of an In-stream Video placement. If you don't want to set a publisher specification, leave this field blank.
Tag wrapping (Placement)NoBooleanIndicates whether the placement is enabled for tag wrapping. When tag wrapping is enabled for the campaign, this defaults to Yes if empty.
Tag wrapping type (Placement)Required if tag wrapping is enabled.EnumThe tag type for a placement when tag wrapping is enabled.

Possible values:
'Display' | 'Display tracking' | 'Video tracking' | 'VPAID' | 'Non VPAID'
Tag wrapping measurement mode (Placement)Required if tag wrapping is enabled.EnumThe measurement mode for a placement when tag wrapping is enabled.

Possible values:
'Blocking' | 'Monitoring' | 'Filtering' | 'Blocking and filtering'
Status (Placement)NoEnumThe status of the placement that affects serving. If a value is not provided, the default is active.

Possible values:
'Active' | 'Inactive' | 'Archived'.

Active: a serving placement that can export tags for ad assignments. Placements with this state are always visible in your campaign.
Inactive: a deactivated placement that is no longer serving.
Archived: a placement that can no longer serve.
Testing start date (Placement)NoEnumThe testing period for a new placement. Use this time to coordinate with your publisher and ensure your ads are serving correctly. If a date isn’t provided, the start date of the campaign is used unless the campaign start date is in the future, in which case the current date is used.
Start date (Placement)NoEnumThe date when the placement will start. If a date isn’t provided, the start date of the campaign is used.
End date (Placement)NoEnumThe date when the placement will end. If a date isn’t provided, the end date of the campaign is used.
Cost structure (Placement)NoEnumThe pricing model for the placement.

Possible values:
'CPM' | 'CPC' | 'CPA' | 'Flat rate - impressions' | 'Flat rate - clicks' | 'vCPM - Active View'
Cap costs (Placement)NoEnumCap cost sets the maximum media cost your placement can reach in reporting. Once your placement delivers enough units to reach the cap cost, no further cost is reported. Cost is based on the number of delivered units times the rate in your flight. Units are impressions, clicks, or activities. If no value is provided, the default is none.

Possible values:
'None' | 'Cumulative' | 'Monthly'
Units (Placement)NoLongThe number of units paid for during the placement's period and cost structure (impressions, clicks, or actions). This field is read-only for flighted placements.
Rate (Placement)NoEnumThe cost per unit for the placement. For CPM placements, the rate is the cost per thousand units. You can only edit cost for unflighted placements. For CPM, CPC, and CPA placements: enter a value for the units and the rate. The cost is calculated automatically. For flat-rate placements: enter the units and cost. The effective rate is calculated automatically.
Cost (Placement)NoEnumYou can only edit cost for unflighted placements. For CPM, CPC, and CPA placements: enter a value for the units and the rate. The cost is calculated automatically. For flat-rate placements: enter the units and cost. The effective rate is calculated automatically.
Lookback window clicks (Placement)NoLongSpecifies how many days in the past to look when determining whether to record a click conversion. This value cannot be greater than the value set for the advertiser. When creating a new placement, if a value isn’t provided, the value set for the advertiser or overridden by the campaign will be used.
Lookback window impressions (Placement)NoLongSpecifies how many days in the past to look when determining whether to record an impression conversion. This value cannot be greater than the value set for the advertiser. When creating a new placement, if a value isn’t provided, the value set for the advertiser or overridden by the campaign will be used.
Additional key values (Placement)NoStringAdditional key-values that will be added to all tags generated for the placement.

Enter additional key-values in key=value format and separate pairs with a semicolon. Key-values cannot contain spaces, zero width spaces (Unicode character \u200B), or no-break spaces (Unicode character \u00A0).
Opt out ad blocking (Placement)NoBooleanOptional field to opt out of ad blocking for this specific placement. If this campaign does not have ad blocking enabled and/or the site has opted out of ad blocking, the default value will be No and updates to this field will be ignored.
Comments (Placement)NoStringOptional comments about the placement. Limited to 4000 characters.
Content category (Placement)NoStringContent categories are a way to group placements in reports. Typically, content categories group placements by the content of their sites (such as sports or music). If the provided content category doesn’t exist, a new one will be created with the given name.
Strategy (Placement)NoStringPlacement strategies are a way to group placements in your reports. Typically, they organize placements by marketing strategy. If the provided placement strategy doesn’t exist, a new one will be created with the given name.
Ad Serving Platform (Placement)NoEnumAd serving platform used by the placement
Site Served (Placement)NoBooleanIndicates whether the ads in the placement are served by another platform and CM360 is only used for tracking or they are served by CM360. The value 'NO' indicates this is a CM360 hosted placement.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Include in rotation (Placement assignment)NoBooleanThis setting determines whether your ad is included in rotation for the placement in this row.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Unassign (Placement assignment)NoBooleanThis setting determines whether you want to unassign the placement.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Ad ID (Ad)NoStringThe ID of the ad.

To create a new ad, leave the cell blank. But note that if you leave multiple rows blank, Campaign Manager creates a different new ad for each row.

To modify an existing ad: enter the ad's ID, which can be found on the Campaign Manager's Ads tab.

To create a new ad with multiple creatives: add a row for each creative you wish to assign to the new ad. Enter the same custom identifier for Ad ID in each of these rows, and enter the different Creative IDs of the creatives you wish to assign to the placement.

Keep the following in mind: (1) If you leave the Ad ID cells blank, Campaign Manager creates a different ad for each row, which means a different new ad for each creative you identify under Creative ID. (2) If you leave the Creative ID cell blank in these rows, Campaign Manager creates new creatives for each row. (3) The value in the Ad ID column will not become the name of the new ad.
Ad name (Ad)NoStringThe name of the Ad. Default ad’s name cannot be changed, and will be ignored when changed.

Note that all the fields of brand-neutral ads cannot be updated.
Comments (Ad)NoStringThe ad comments. Limit is 512 characters for comments.
Type (Ad)NoEnumThe ad type determines whether an ad is for delivering creatives (standard), for tracking (click tracker / tracking ads), or a default ad (to serve if no other ads are available).

If it is not provided when create a new Ad, it will be set to Standard Ad.

Possible values for creation:
'Standard' | 'Tracking' | 'Click Tracker' | 'Dynamic Click Tracker'
Status (Ad)NoEnumActive ads can serve to your placements. Inactive ads cannot serve to your placements. If it is not provided when create a new Ad, it will be set to Unarchived for static click tracker ads, Inactive for others.

Only Archived and Unarchived are allowed for static click tracker ads; only Active, Inactive and Archived are allowed for other ads.

Possible values:
'Active' | 'Inactive' | 'Archived' | 'Unarchived
Start time (Ad)NoEnumThe date and time the ad starts. You must enter a time that is at least 15 minutes in the future. To use the date time when the ad is created, leave this field blank.
End time (Ad)NoEnumThe date and time the ad ends. If the field is left blank, the campaign's end date will be used and the time will be set to 23:59:59 if campaign's end date is in the future; the ad's start date plus 29 days will be used and time will be set to 23:59:59 if campaign's end date is in the past.
Click tracker uses default landing page (Ad)NoBooleanThis column determines whether your click tracker ad uses the campaign's default landing page.

In Campaign Manager, you can find the landing page URL used for your click tracker ad in the ad properties.

Enter Yes to use the default landing page or No to use an alternative URL.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Click tracker landing page ID (Ad)NoLongThis field shows the ID of the landing page URL used for your click tracker ad. It corresponds to the URL in your ad properties in Campaign Manager. If your click tracker ad uses a custom or default landing page, this field will be blank.

- To choose a landing page for your click tracker ad, enter the ID of any of the landing pages set up in your campaign properties.

- If you wish to use a default landing page for the campaign or a custom click-through URL, leave this field blank.
Click tracker landing page name (Ad)NoStringThis field shows the landing page name of the click tracker URL. It is informational only. Changing it will not affect your campaign.

In Campaign Manager, you can create landing pages in your campaign properties so that you can easily reference them throughout your campaign. If you choose one of these landing pages for your click tracker ad in Campaign Manager, its name will appear here. If you enter a custom URL in the click tracker ad properties, this field will be blank.
Click tracker click-through URL (Ad)NoStringThis field shows the click-through URL of your click tracker. You can find this URL in your click tracker ad properties in Campaign Manager. Campaign Manager ignores this field upon upload unless you specify a custom URL.

- To use your campaign's default landing page URL, set "Ad Uses Default Landing Page" to Yes, and leave the Ad Landing Page ID blank.

- To choose another landing page URL that you have already created in Campaign Manager, set "Ad Uses Default Landing Page" to No and enter the landing page ID under "Ad Landing Page ID." When you upload, Campaign Manager will use the URL that corresponds to the ID, ignoring this field.

- To enter a custom URL, set "Ad Uses Default Landing Page" to No, leave the "Ad Landing Page ID" blank, and enter your URL under "Ad Click-Through URL."
Applied impression event tag IDs (Ad)NoListThis field shows the list of IDs of impression event tags that have been applied to the ad. Leave the field blank to inherit from the parent when creating a new ad.

This field is only for standard, tracking and default ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Applied click event tag ID (Ad)NoLongThis field shows the list of IDs of impression event tags that have been applied to the ad. Leave the field blank to inherit from the parent when creating a new ad.

This field is only for standard, tracking and default ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Hard cut-off (Ad)NoBooleanEnter Yes to prevent the ad from being served past the end date and time. If you enter No, the ad will continue to be served until it has reached its delivery goals.

This field is only for standard and tracking ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Priority (Ad)NoIntegerThe priority you set for an ad determines how it is served in relation to other ads. The lower the priority number, the greater the priority with which it is served.

Enter a value from 1 to 16, or leave this field blank to use the default priority.

Important: Changing the priority of an ad from the default can change when other ads are served or even prevent them from being served. If you are not certain which priority to enter, you may wish to leave this field blank and use the default value.

This field is only for standard ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Impression ratio (Ad)NoLongThe impression ratio for the ad, used if you want to serve the ad only as often as needed to keep its number of impressions in proportion to those of other ads in the campaign. If you don't want to set an impression ratio, leave this field blank.

This field is only for standard ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Creative rotation type (Ad)NoEnumFor standard and tracking ads, use rotation settings to select which creative to deliver when your ad serves. You can rotate at random, in a sequence, or set weights for each creative. 'Optimize other' is not supported for ad creation.

Possible values:
'Sequential' | 'Even' | 'Click-through rate' | 'Custom' | 'Optimize campaign default' | 'Optimize other'
Rotation value (Creative assignment)NoIntegerFor "custom" creative rotation, it shows the weight of the creative; for "sequential" creative rotation, it shows the order of the creative.
Audience segment group name (Ad)NoStringEnter the name of the segment group for each segment under the Audience Segment Name field. You cannot add or delete segment groups here.

This field is not required unless you need to differentiate segments from two different groups (when the segments have the same name).

This field is only for standard ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Audience segment name (Ad)NoStringEnter the name of an existing segment to assign it to the Ad. To remove a segment assignment, clear the cell.

You cannot create new segments here.

This field is only for standard ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Postal codes (Ad)NoListZIP/postal codes geography targeting.

US ZIP codes and Canadian postal codes are both acceptable. Separate each entry with a comma. For Canadian postal codes, enter only the first three characters, without spaces.

This field is only for standard ads, and will be ignored for other types when uploading the spreadsheet.
Creative ID (Creative)NoStringEnter the ID of the creative you are assigning to a placement and/or associating with an ad. Creative IDs can be found on the Campaign Manager's Creatives tab. If you are creating a click tracker, or if you are creating a new standard ad and don't want to associate a creative, leave this field blank.
Creative name (Creative)NoStringThe name of the creative
Type (Creative)NoEnumThe type of creative. Only tracking creative is supported for creation.
Creative compatibility (Creative)NoStringThe compatibility of the creative. Not required and will be ignored during upload.
Start time (Creative assignment)NoEnumThe date and time on which a creative in an ad will start being delivered.

To use the ad's start time, leave this field blank. This field is ignored for click trackers.
End time (Creative assignment)NoEnumThe date and time on which a creative in an ad will stop being delivered.

To use the ad's end time, leave this field blank. This field is ignored for click trackers.
Include in rotation (Creative assignment)NoBooleanEach time your ad serves, it displays one of the creatives in this list. Your rotation settings and other factors determine which creative is chosen to be displayed for any given impression. If you do not include a creative in your rotation (i.e., set it to No), it will never be displayed when this ad serves. This is useful if you need to temporarily stop a creative from being displayed with this particular ad. Deactivating a creative affects all ads it's assigned to. But excluding the creative from this rotation only affects this particular ad. If you want to remove a creative from your rotation permanently, unassign it from the ad. All the creatives you assign to your ad are included in your rotation by default. Default to "Yes".

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Assignment event tags enabled (Creative assignment)NoBooleanThis column determines whether your creative uses the event tags from its assigned ad. It corresponds to the toggle under "Creative assignments" in the ad properties.

Enter Yes to use event tags with this creative, or No to override any event tags that have been set.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Uses default landing page (Creative assignment)NoBooleanThis column shows the ID of the landing page URL for your creative in a particular ad. It corresponds to the URL under "Creative assignments" in the assigned ad's properties in Campaign Manager.

- To choose an existing landing page from your campaign properties for your creative, enter the ID of any of the landing pages set up in your campaign properties. Make sure that "Creative Uses Default Landing Page" is set to No and "Creative Click-Through URL" is blank.

- If you're setting this field for a display, rich media, or display image gallery creative that has multiple exits, the landing page will apply to every exit in the creative. If you need to set different destinations for each exit, use "Creative Click-Through URL".

- If you wish to use the campaign default landing page or a custom click-through URL for the creative, leave this field blank and fill out the appropriate column.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Landing page ID (Creative assignment)NoLongThis field shows the ID of the landing page URL used for your click tracker ad. It corresponds to the URL in your ad properties in Campaign Manager. If your click tracker ad uses a custom or default landing page, this field will be blank.

- To choose a landing page for your click tracker ad, enter the ID of any of the landing pages set up in your campaign properties.

- If you wish to use a default landing page for the campaign or a custom click-through URL, leave this field blank.
Landing page name (Creative assignment)NoStringThis column shows the name of the landing page for your creative in a particular ad. It is informational only. Changing it will not affect your campaign.

In Campaign Manager, you can create landing pages in your campaign properties so that you can easily reference them throughout your campaign. If your creative uses one of these URLs (in a particular ad's properties), its name will appear here. If you choose a custom or default URL, this field will be blank.
Click-through URL (Creative assignment)NoStringThis field shows the click-through URL that your creative will use when it serves with a particular ad. It corresponds to the URL you set under "Creative assignments" in the ad properties. Campaign Manager ignores this field upon import unless you specify a custom URL or define separate destinations per exit.

- Enter the click-through URL you want to use for your creative. Make sure that "Creative Uses Default Landing Page" is set to No and "Creative Landing Page ID" is blank.

- If you're setting this field for a display, rich media, or display image gallery creative that has multiple exits, a single URL will apply to every exit in the creative. If you want to set separate destinations per exit, define the name of the exit and either the campaign default, creative default, landing page ID, or URL as follows: {'clickTagName1':'creative default','clickTagName2':LandingPageID,'clickTagName3':'campaign default','backup image click through url':'URL1'}.

- If you wish to use the campaign default landing page or a landing page set in your campaign properties, leave this field blank and fill out the appropriate column.
Unassign (Creative assignment)NoBooleanThis setting determines whether you want to unassign the creative.

Possible values:
'Yes' | 'No'
Time zone IDNoStringThe time zone ID of ad and creative assignment's start and end date time. For example, "America/Los_Angeles", "Asia/Tokyo". If not provided, time zone ID "America/New_York" will be used.