Upload Customer Match Audiences

You can create Customer Match audiences using uploaded customer contact information or mobile device IDs using the Display & Video 360 API. This page describes how to create an initial Customer Match audience and append new customer data to the existing audience using the Display & Video 360 API.

Prepare user data

User data used to populate Customer Match audiences is sensitive and needs to be properly prepared before being uploaded.

Hash sensitive data

Some Customer Match audiences are created using sensitive customer contact information. Display & Video 360 requires that sensitive data is hashed using the SHA256 algorithm before being uploaded. The following data fields must be hashed before upload:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email addresses
  • Phone numbers

Zip codes and country codes should not be hashed before upload. Attempting to upload unhashed customer data results in an error.

Prior to hashing the data, ensure the following conditions:

  • Any whitespace must be removed from first name, last name, and email address values.
  • All values must be made lowercase.
  • All phone numbers must be formatted using the E.164 format and include the country calling code.

When uploading user data, use the consent fields in the provided ContactInfoList or MobileDeviceIdList objects to pass signals of consent granted by the included users.

Setting either field in the Consent object to CONSENT_STATUS_DENIED results in an error.

Consent signals are set for all users added in a single firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.create or firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.editCustomerMatchMembers request. Users with different consent signals must be uploaded in separate requests.

Create a Customer Match audience

A Customer Match audience can be created using the firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.create method. The audience must be declared a first-party audience and must have an audienceType of CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO or CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID. Customer Match data must be provided using the appropriate field within the union field members.

Here is an example of how to create a new contact information Customer Match audience with a membership duration of 540 days using a provided list of hashed phone numbers:


// Create Customer Match audience object.
FirstAndThirdPartyAudience customerMatchAudience =
    new FirstAndThirdPartyAudience()

// Build list of contact information objects.
ContactInfoList contactInfoList = new ContactInfoList();
ArrayList<ContactInfo> contactInfos = new ArrayList<ContactInfo>();
for (String hashedPhoneNumber : list-of-hashed-phone-numbers) {
  ContactInfo contactInfo = new ContactInfo();
  ArrayList<String> phoneNumberList = new ArrayList<String>();

// Build consent object for passing consent if granted by the end user.
Consent consent =
    new Consent()

// Assign contact info list to Customer Match audience.

// Create Customer Match audience.
FirstAndThirdPartyAudience response =

// Display name of new audience.
    "Customer Match audience %s was created.",


# Build list of Contact Info objects
contact_infos = []
for hashed_phone_number in list-of-hashed-phone-numbers:
  contact_infos.append({'hashedPhoneNumbers': [hashed_phone_number]})

# Create a Customer Match first- and third-party audience object.
audience_obj = {
    'displayName': display-name,
    'audienceType': 'CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO',
    'membershipDurationDays': 540,
    'contactInfoList': {
        'contactInfos': [
        'consent': {
            'adUserData': ad-user-data-consent,
            'adPersonalization': ad-personalization-consent

# Build and execute request.
audience = service.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences().create(

# Display name of new audience.
print('Customer Match audience %s was created.' % audience["name"])


// Create a Customer Match first- and third-party audience object.
$audience = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_FirstAndThirdPartyAudience();

// Build list of contact information objects.
$contactInfoList = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ContactInfoList();
$contactInfos = array();
foreach (list-of-hashed-phone-numbers as $hashedPhoneNumber) {
    $contactInfo = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ContactInfo();
    $contactInfos[] = $contactInfo;

// Build consent object for passing consent if granted by the end user.
$consent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Consent();

// Assign contactInfoList to audience object.

// Call the API, creating the audience.
$result = $this->service->firstAndThirdPartyAudiences->create(
    array('advertiserId' => advertiser-id)

// Display name of new audience.
printf('Customer Match audience %s was created.', $result['name']);

Update the membership of a Customer Match audience

If you've identified additional customers that you'd like to target, need to renew customers' existing audience memberships, or want to remove customers from an audience, you can update the customer data of an existing Customer Match audience with the firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.editCustomerMatchMembers method. You can add customers to a list using the added_members union field and remove customers from a list with the removed_members union field.

A single firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.editCustomerMatchMembers request can only add or remove members from a list. A single request attempting to do both results in an INVALID_ARGUMENT error.

Here is an example of how to add a single customer as a member to an existing contact information Customer Match audience using provided mailing address data:


// Create an edit members request object.
EditCustomerMatchMembersRequest editCustomerMatchMembersRequest =
    new EditCustomerMatchMembersRequest()

// Build contact information object to add to audience.
ContactInfoList contactInfoList = new ContactInfoList();
ArrayList<ContactInfo> contactInfos = new ArrayList<ContactInfo>();
ContactInfo contactInfo =
    new ContactInfo()

// Build consent object for passing consent if granted by the end user.
Consent consent =
    new Consent()

// Assign contact info list to request body.

// Edit Customer Match audience membership.
EditCustomerMatchMembersResponse response =

// Display ID of updated audience.
    "The membership of Customer Match audience ID %s was edited.",


# Create an edit members request object.
edit_member_request_obj = {
    'advertiserId': advertiser-id,
    'addedContactInfoList': {
        'contactInfos': [
                'hashedFirstName': hashed-customer-first-name,
                'hashedLastName': hashed-customer-last-name,
                'countryCode': customer-country-code,
                'zipCodes': customer-zip-codes-list
        'consent': {
          'adUserData': ad-user-data-consent,
          'adPersonalization': ad-personalization-consent

# Build and execute request.
response = service.firstAndThirdPartyAudiences().editCustomerMatchMembers(

# Display ID of updated audience.
print('The membership of the Customer Match audience ID %s was updated.'
      % response["firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId"])


// Create an edit members request object.
$editMemberRequest =
    new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_EditCustomerMatchMembersRequest();

// Build contact information object to add to audience.
$contactInfoList = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ContactInfoList();
$contactInfos = array();
$contactInfo = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_ContactInfo();
$contactInfos[] = $contactInfo;

// Build consent object for passing consent if granted by the end user.
$consent = new Google_Service_DisplayVideo_Consent();

// Assign contactInfoList to edit members request body.

// Call the API, editing the audience membership.
$response = $this

// Display ID of updated audience.
    'The membership of Customer Match audience ID %s was edited',