You can send audience and contextual data as publisher provided signals (PPS) in ad requests. With PPS, you can use your user data to improve programmatic monetization by communicating your audience characteristics to bidders in all transaction types, using standard taxonomies, without the need to share user identifiers. Your audience characteristics can include behavioral and interest-based data ( IAB Audience Taxonomy 1.1), and contextual data ( IAB Content Taxonomy 2.2). You can also send publisher provided structured signals, which are defined by Google, and allow for additional signals to be sent.
Construct the user signals JSON
At the top level, create a JSON object with a single key-value pair. The key
should be PublisherProvidedTaxonomySignals
, and its value should be an array
of objects. Each object in the array should have 2 key-value pairs:
key, which accepts the following values that are mapped to following IAB public specifications:IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1
for Audience Taxonomy 1.1IAB_CONTENT_2_2
for Content Taxonomy 2.2
key with a corresponding array of string taxonomy values.
Construct the structured signals array
For structured signals, add the PublisherProvidedStructuredSignals
key with a
value of an array of objects. Construct the object based on the following list
of signal key-values:
Toggle view of structured signals table
Signal | "type" Value |
Possible "single_value" Values |
Possible "values" Values |
Audio Feed Type | "audio_feed" |
n/a |
Content Rating | "content_rating" |
n/a |
Content Delivery | "delivery" |
n/a |
Production Quality | "prodq" |
n/a |
See the following example that uses the IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1
for taxonomy signals and includes structured signals.
const userSignals = {
"PublisherProvidedTaxonomySignals": [{
"taxonomy": "IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1",
"values": ["6", "284"]
// '6' = 'Demographic | Age Range | 30-34'
// '284' = 'Interest | Business and Finance | Mergers and Acquisitions'
"taxonomy": "IAB_CONTENT_2_2",
"values": ["49", "138"]
// '49' = 'Books and Literature | Poetry'
// '138' = 'Education | College Education | College Planning'
"PublisherProvidedStructuredSignals": [{
"type": "audio_feed",
"single_value": "af_1",
"type": "delivery",
"values": ["cd_1", "cd_3"],
Configure your stream request
Follow these steps to send PPS with your
- Create a JSON object with the user's interest, behavior, or contextual data.
- Create a Base64-encoded ASCII string from the JSON object above.
- Add your encoded string using
userSignalsJson = {
"PublisherProvidedTaxonomySignals": [{
"taxonomy": "IAB_AUDIENCE_1_1",
"values": ["1", "284"]
userSignalsString = FormatJson(userSignalsJson)
byteArray = CreateObject("roByteArray")
encodedSignals = byteArray.ToBase64String().EncodeUri()
' This shows adding a single parameter. More can be added with:
' streamRequest.adTagParameters = "ppsj=" + encodedSignals + "&..."
streamRequest.adTagParameters = "ppsj=" + encodedSignals