
Google 簡報 API 的一個實用應用程式,是將一個或多個資料來源的資訊合併至範本簡報。



  • 設計人員可以輕鬆使用 Google 簡報編輯器微調簡報設計。這比在應用程式中調整參數來設定算繪投影片設計更容易。

  • 將內容與呈現方式分開是眾所皆知的設計原則,且有許多好處。



以下是如何使用 Slides API 將資料合併至簡報的範例:

  1. 使用預留位置內容建立簡報,以便設計。

  2. 針對要插入的每個內容元素,請使用標記取代預留位置內容。標記是包含不重複字串的文字方塊或圖形。請務必使用平常不太可能出現的字串。例如,{{account-holder-name}} 可能是一個不錯的標記。

  3. 在程式碼中使用 Google 雲端硬碟 API 建立簡報副本。

  4. 在程式碼中,使用 Slides API 的 batchUpdate 方法,搭配一組 replaceAllText 要求,在整份簡報中執行所有文字替換作業。使用 replaceAllShapesWithImage 要求,在整個簡報中執行圖片替換作業。

建立含有標記的投影片後,請務必複製一份,然後使用 Slides API 操作副本。請勿使用 Slides API 操控主要的「範本」副本!

以下各節包含程式碼片段,說明此程序的部分內容。您也可以觀看上述影片,瞭解完整的範例 (Python),其中結合了下方各個部分的幾個概念。


您可以使用 replaceAllText 要求,將簡報中指定文字字串的所有例項替換為新文字。對於合併作業而言,這比個別找出及取代每個文字例項更簡單。這項方法之所以最複雜,是因為頁面元素 ID 難以預測,尤其是當協作者精進及維護範本呈現時。


這個範例會使用 Drive API 複製範本簡報,建立簡報的新例項。接著,它會使用 Google 試算表 API 讀取試算表試算表的資料,最後使用簡報 API 更新新簡報。

這個範例會從試算表中命名範圍的一列中,擷取 3 個儲存格的資料。接著,系統會將該資料替換為字串 {{customer-name}}{{case-description}}{{total-portfolio}} 出現的任何位置。

Apps Script

 * Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
 * @param {string} templatePresentationId
 * @param {string} dataSpreadsheetId
 * @returns {*[]}
function textMerging(templatePresentationId, dataSpreadsheetId) {
  let responses = [];
  const dataRangeNotation = 'Customers!A2:M6';
  try {
    let values = SpreadsheetApp.openById(dataSpreadsheetId).getRange(dataRangeNotation).getValues();

    // For each record, create a new merged presentation.
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
      const row = values[i];
      const customerName = row[2]; // name in column 3
      const caseDescription = row[5]; // case description in column 6
      const totalPortfolio = row[11]; // total portfolio in column 12

      // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
      const copyTitle = customerName + ' presentation';
      let copyFile = {
        title: copyTitle,
        parents: [{id: 'root'}]
      copyFile = Drive.Files.copy(copyFile, templatePresentationId);
      const presentationCopyId = copyFile.id;

      // Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for this presentation.
      const requests = [{
        replaceAllText: {
          containsText: {
            text: '{{customer-name}}',
            matchCase: true
          replaceText: customerName
      }, {
        replaceAllText: {
          containsText: {
            text: '{{case-description}}',
            matchCase: true
          replaceText: caseDescription
      }, {
        replaceAllText: {
          containsText: {
            text: '{{total-portfolio}}',
            matchCase: true
          replaceText: totalPortfolio + ''

      // Execute the requests for this presentation.
      const result = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({
        requests: requests
      }, presentationCopyId);
      // Count the total number of replacements made.
      let numReplacements = 0;
      result.replies.forEach(function(reply) {
        numReplacements += reply.replaceAllText.occurrencesChanged;
      console.log('Created presentation for %s with ID: %s', customerName, presentationCopyId);
      console.log('Replaced %s text instances', numReplacements);
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (Developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error: %s', err.error);


// Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
dataRangeNotation := "Customers!A2:M6"
sheetsResponse, _ := sheetsService.Spreadsheets.Values.Get(dataSpreadsheetId, dataRangeNotation).Do()
values := sheetsResponse.Values

// For each record, create a new merged presentation.
for _, row := range values {
	customerName := row[2].(string)
	caseDescription := row[5].(string)
	totalPortfolio := row[11].(string)

	// Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
	copyTitle := customerName + " presentation"
	file := drive.File{
		Title: copyTitle,
	presentationFile, _ := driveService.Files.Copy(templatePresentationId, &file).Do()
	presentationId := presentationFile.Id

	// Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for this presentation.
	requests := []*slides.Request{{
		ReplaceAllText: &slides.ReplaceAllTextRequest{
			ContainsText: &slides.SubstringMatchCriteria{
				Text:      "{{customer-name}}",
				MatchCase: true,
			ReplaceText: customerName,
	}, {
		ReplaceAllText: &slides.ReplaceAllTextRequest{
			ContainsText: &slides.SubstringMatchCriteria{
				Text:      "{{case-description}}",
				MatchCase: true,
			ReplaceText: caseDescription,
	}, {
		ReplaceAllText: &slides.ReplaceAllTextRequest{
			ContainsText: &slides.SubstringMatchCriteria{
				Text:      "{{total-portfolio}}",
				MatchCase: true,
			ReplaceText: totalPortfolio,

	// Execute the requests for this presentation.
	body := &slides.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest{
		Requests: requests,
	response, _ := slidesService.Presentations.BatchUpdate(presentationId, body).Do()


import com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonError;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException;
import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestInitializer;
import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.gson.GsonFactory;
import com.google.api.services.drive.Drive;
import com.google.api.services.drive.model.File;
import com.google.api.services.sheets.v4.Sheets;
import com.google.api.services.sheets.v4.model.ValueRange;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesScopes;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllTextRequest;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria;
import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter;
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/* Class to demonstrate the use of Slides Text Merging API */
public class TextMerging {
   * Changes specified texts with data from spreadsheet.
   * @param templatePresentationId - id of the presentation.
   * @param dataSpreadsheetId      - id of the spreadsheet containing data.
   * @return merged presentation id
   * @throws IOException - if credentials file not found.
  public static List<BatchUpdatePresentationResponse> textMerging(
      String templatePresentationId, String dataSpreadsheetId) throws IOException {
        /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
           TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for
            guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */
    GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault()
            SlidesScopes.DRIVE, SlidesScopes.SPREADSHEETS));
    HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(

    // Create the slides API client
    Slides service = new Slides.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
        .setApplicationName("Slides samples")

    // Create the drive API client
    Drive driveService = new Drive.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
        .setApplicationName("Slides samples")

    // Create the sheets API client
    Sheets sheetsService = new Sheets.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
        .setApplicationName("Slides samples")

    List<BatchUpdatePresentationResponse> responses = new ArrayList<>(5);
    // Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
    String dataRangeNotation = "Customers!A2:M6";
    ValueRange sheetsResponse = sheetsService.spreadsheets().values()
        .get(dataSpreadsheetId, dataRangeNotation).execute();
    List<List<Object>> values = sheetsResponse.getValues();

    try {
      // For each record, create a new merged presentation.
      for (List<Object> row : values) {
        String customerName = row.get(2).toString();     // name in column 3
        String caseDescription = row.get(5).toString();  // case description in column 6
        String totalPortfolio = row.get(11).toString();  // total portfolio in column 12

        // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
        String copyTitle = customerName + " presentation";
        File content = new File().setName(copyTitle);
        File presentationFile =
            driveService.files().copy(templatePresentationId, content).execute();
        String presentationId = presentationFile.getId();

        // Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for this presentation.
        List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
        requests.add(new Request()
            .setReplaceAllText(new ReplaceAllTextRequest()
                .setContainsText(new SubstringMatchCriteria()
        requests.add(new Request()
            .setReplaceAllText(new ReplaceAllTextRequest()
                .setContainsText(new SubstringMatchCriteria()
        requests.add(new Request()
            .setReplaceAllText(new ReplaceAllTextRequest()
                .setContainsText(new SubstringMatchCriteria()

        // Execute the requests for this presentation.
        BatchUpdatePresentationRequest body =
            new BatchUpdatePresentationRequest().setRequests(requests);
        BatchUpdatePresentationResponse response =
            service.presentations().batchUpdate(presentationId, body).execute();

        // Count total number of replacements made.
        int numReplacements = 0;
        for (Response resp : response.getReplies()) {
          numReplacements += resp.getReplaceAllText().getOccurrencesChanged();
        // Prints the merged presentation id and count of replacements.
        System.out.println("Created merged presentation for " +
            customerName + " with ID: " + presentationId);
        System.out.println("Replaced " + numReplacements + " text instances.");
    } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
      System.out.println("Text not found to replace with image.");
    } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
      // TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately
      GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
      if (error.getCode() == 404) {
        System.out.printf("Presentation not found with id '%s'.\n", templatePresentationId);
      } else {
        throw e;
    return responses;


function textMerging(templatePresentationId, dataSpreadsheetId, callback) {
  // Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
  const responses = [];
  const dataRangeNotation = 'Customers!A2:M6';
  try {
      spreadsheetId: dataSpreadsheetId,
      range: dataRangeNotation,
    }).then((sheetsResponse) => {
      const values = sheetsResponse.result.values;
      // For each record, create a new merged presentation.
      for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
        const row = values[i];
        const customerName = row[2]; // name in column 3
        const caseDescription = row[5]; // case description in column 6
        const totalPortfolio = row[11]; // total portfolio in column 12

        // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
        const copyTitle = customerName + ' presentation';
        const request = {
          name: copyTitle,
          fileId: templatePresentationId,
          requests: request,
        }).then((driveResponse) => {
          const presentationCopyId = driveResponse.result.id;

          // Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for this presentation.
          const requests = [{
            replaceAllText: {
              containsText: {
                text: '{{customer-name}}',
                matchCase: true,
              replaceText: customerName,
          }, {
            replaceAllText: {
              containsText: {
                text: '{{case-description}}',
                matchCase: true,
              replaceText: caseDescription,
          }, {
            replaceAllText: {
              containsText: {
                text: '{{total-portfolio}}',
                matchCase: true,
              replaceText: totalPortfolio,

          // Execute the requests for this presentation.
            presentationId: presentationCopyId,
            requests: requests,
          }).then((batchUpdateResponse) => {
            const result = batchUpdateResponse.result;
            // Count the total number of replacements made.
            let numReplacements = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < result.replies.length; ++i) {
              numReplacements += result.replies[i].replaceAllText.occurrencesChanged;
            console.log(`Created presentation for ${customerName} with ID: ${presentationCopyId}`);
            console.log(`Replaced ${numReplacements} text instances`);
            if (responses.length === values.length) { // callback for the last value
              if (callback) callback(responses);
  } catch (err) {
    document.getElementById('content').innerText = err.message;


 * Adds data from a spreadsheet to a template presentation.
 * @param {string} templatePresentationId The template presentation ID.
 * @param {string} dataSpreadsheetId  The data spreadsheet ID.
async function textMerging(templatePresentationId, dataSpreadsheetId) {
  const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
  const {google} = require('googleapis');

  const auth = new GoogleAuth({
    scopes: [

  const slidesService = google.slides({version: 'v1', auth});
  const sheetsService = google.sheets({version: 'v4', auth});
  const driveService = google.drive({version: 'v2', auth});

  // Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
  const responses = [];
  const dataRangeNotation = 'A2:M6';

  try {
    const sheetsResponse = await sheetsService.spreadsheets.values.get({
      spreadsheetId: dataSpreadsheetId,
      range: dataRangeNotation,
    const values = sheetsResponse.data.values;

    // For each record, create a new merged presentation.
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
      const row = values[i];
      const customerName = row[2]; // name in column 3
      const caseDescription = row[5]; // case description in column 6
      const totalPortfolio = row[11]; // total portfolio in column 12

      // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
      const copyTitle = customerName + ' presentation';
      let requests = {
        name: copyTitle,

      const driveResponse = await driveService.files.copy({
        fileId: templatePresentationId,

      const presentationCopyId = driveResponse.data.id;
      // Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for this presentation.
      requests = [
          replaceAllText: {
            containsText: {
              text: '{{customer-name}}',
              matchCase: true,
            replaceText: customerName,
          replaceAllText: {
            containsText: {
              text: '{{case-description}}',
              matchCase: true,
            replaceText: caseDescription,
          replaceAllText: {
            containsText: {
              text: '{{total-portfolio}}',
              matchCase: true,
            replaceText: totalPortfolio,
      // Execute the requests for this presentation.
      const batchUpdateResponse = await slidesService.presentations.batchUpdate(
            presentationId: presentationCopyId,
            resource: {
      const result = batchUpdateResponse.data;
      // Count the total number of replacements made.
      let numReplacements = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < result.replies.length; ++i) {
        numReplacements += result.replies[i].replaceAllText.occurrencesChanged;
          `Created presentation for ${customerName} with ID: ` +
      console.log(`Replaced ${numReplacements} text instances`);
      return result;
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    throw err;


use Google\Client;
use Google\Service\Drive;
use Google\Service\Slides;
use Google\Service\Slides\Request;

function textMerging($templatePresentationId, $dataSpreadsheetId)

    /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
       TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for
        guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */
    $client = new Google\Client();
    $slidesService = new Google_Service_Slides($client);
    $driveService = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
    $sheetsService = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);
    try {
        $responses = array();
        // Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
        $dataRangeNotation = 'Customers!A2:M6';
        $sheetsResponse =
            $sheetsService->spreadsheets_values->get($dataSpreadsheetId, $dataRangeNotation);
        $values = $sheetsResponse['values'];

        // For each record, create a new merged presentation.
        foreach ($values as $row) {
            $customerName = $row[2];     // name in column 3
            $caseDescription = $row[5];  // case description in column 6
            $totalPortfolio = $row[11];  // total portfolio in column 12

            // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
            $copy = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(array(
                'name' => $customerName . ' presentation'
            $driveResponse = $driveService->files->copy($templatePresentationId, $copy);
            $presentationCopyId = $driveResponse->id;

            // Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests for this presentation.
            $requests = array();
            $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array(
                'replaceAllText' => array(
                    'containsText' => array(
                        'text' => '{{customer-name}}',
                        'matchCase' => true
                    'replaceText' => $customerName
            $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array(
                'replaceAllText' => array(
                    'containsText' => array(
                        'text' => '{{case-description}}',
                        'matchCase' => true
                    'replaceText' => $caseDescription
            $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array(
                'replaceAllText' => array(
                    'containsText' => array(
                        'text' => '{{total-portfolio}}',
                        'matchCase' => true
                    'replaceText' => $totalPortfolio

            // Execute the requests for this presentation.
            $batchUpdateRequest = new Google_Service_Slides_BatchUpdatePresentationRequest(array(
                'requests' => $requests
            $response =
                $slidesService->presentations->batchUpdate($presentationCopyId, $batchUpdateRequest);
            $responses[] = $response;
            // Count the total number of replacements made.
            $numReplacements = 0;
            foreach ($response->getReplies() as $reply) {
                $numReplacements += $reply->getReplaceAllText()->getOccurrencesChanged();
            printf("Created presentation for %s with ID: %s\n", $customerName, $presentationCopyId);
            printf("Replaced %d text instances.\n", $numReplacements);
        return $responses;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage();


import google.auth
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

def text_merging(template_presentation_id, data_spreadsheet_id):
  Run Text merging the user has access to.
  Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
  TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity
  for guides on implementing OAuth2 for the application.
  creds, _ = google.auth.default()
  # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member

    service = build("slides", "v1", credentials=creds)
    sheets_service = build("sheets", "v4", credentials=creds)
    drive_service = build("drive", "v3", credentials=creds)
    # Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
    data_range_notation = "Customers!A2:M6"
    sheets_response = (
        .get(spreadsheetId=data_spreadsheet_id, range=data_range_notation)
    values = sheets_response.get("values")

    # For each record, create a new merged presentation.
    for row in values:
      customer_name = row[2]  # name in column 3
      case_description = row[5]  # case description in column 6
      total_portfolio = row[11]  # total portfolio in column 12

      # Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
      copy_title = customer_name + " presentation"
      body = {"name": copy_title}
      drive_response = (
          .copy(fileId=template_presentation_id, body=body)
      presentation_copy_id = drive_response.get("id")

      # Create the text merge (replaceAllText) requests
      # for this presentation.
      requests = [
              "replaceAllText": {
                  "containsText": {
                      "text": "{{customer-name}}",
                      "matchCase": True,
                  "replaceText": customer_name,
              "replaceAllText": {
                  "containsText": {
                      "text": "{{case-description}}",
                      "matchCase": True,
                  "replaceText": case_description,
              "replaceAllText": {
                  "containsText": {
                      "text": "{{total-portfolio}}",
                      "matchCase": True,
                  "replaceText": total_portfolio,

      # Execute the requests for this presentation.
      body = {"requests": requests}
      response = (
          .batchUpdate(presentationId=presentation_copy_id, body=body)

      # Count the total number of replacements made.
      num_replacements = 0
      for reply in response.get("replies"):
        if reply.get("occurrencesChanged") is not None:
          num_replacements += reply.get("replaceAllText").get(
          "Created presentation for "
          f"{customer_name} with ID: {presentation_copy_id}"
      print(f"Replaced {num_replacements} text instances")

  except HttpError as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
    return error

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Put the template_presentation_id, data_spreadsheet_id
  # of slides



# Use the Sheets API to load data, one record per row.
data_range_notation = 'Customers!A2:M6'
sheets_response = sheets_service.get_spreadsheet_values(
values = sheets_response.values

# For each record, create a new merged presentation.
values.each do |row|
  customer_name = row[2]       # name in column 3
  case_description = row[5]    # case description in column 6
  total_portfolio = row[11]    # total portfolio in column 12

  # Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
  copy_title = customer_name + ' presentation'
  body = Google::Apis::SlidesV1::Presentation.new
  body.title = copy_title
  drive_response = drive_service.copy_file(template_presentation_id, body)
  presentation_copy_id = drive_response.id

  # Create the text merge (replace_all_text) requests for this presentation.
  requests = [] << {
    replace_all_text: {
      contains_text: {
        text:       '{{customer-name}}',
        match_case: true
      replace_text:  customer_name
  } << {
    replace_all_text: {
      contains_text: {
        text:       '{{case-description}}',
        match_case: true
      replace_text:  case_description
  } << {
    replace_all_text: {
      contains_text: {
        text:       '{{total-portfolio}}',
        match_case: true
      replace_text:  total_portfolio

  # Execute the requests for this presentation.
  req = Google::Apis::SlidesV1::BatchUpdatePresentationRequest.new(requests: requests)
  response = slides_service.batch_update_presentation(


您也可以使用 replaceAllShapesWithImage 要求,將圖片合併至簡報中。這項要求會將所有包含提供文字字串的形狀,替換為提供的圖片。要求會自動調整圖片的位置和縮放比例,讓圖片符合標記形狀的邊界,同時保留圖片的顯示比例。


這個範例會使用 Google 雲端硬碟 API 複製範本簡報,建立簡報的新例項。接著,它會使用 Slides API 找出任何含有文字 {{company-logo}} 的形狀,並將其替換為公司標誌圖片。這項要求也會將任何含有文字 {{customer-graphic}} 的圖形替換為其他圖片。

Apps Script

 * Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
 * @param {string} templatePresentationId
 * @param {string} imageUrl
 * @param {string} customerName
 * @returns {*}
function imageMerging(templatePresentationId, imageUrl, customerName) {
  const logoUrl = imageUrl;
  const customerGraphicUrl = imageUrl;

  const copyTitle = customerName + ' presentation';
  let copyFile = {
    title: copyTitle,
    parents: [{id: 'root'}]

  try {
    copyFile = Drive.Files.copy(copyFile, templatePresentationId);
    const presentationCopyId = copyFile.id;

    // Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.
    const requests = [{
      replaceAllShapesWithImage: {
        imageUrl: logoUrl,
        imageReplaceMethod: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
        containsText: {
          text: '{{company-logo}}',
          matchCase: true
    }, {
      replaceAllShapesWithImage: {
        imageUrl: customerGraphicUrl,
        imageReplaceMethod: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
        containsText: {
          text: '{{customer-graphic}}',
          matchCase: true

    // Execute the requests for this presentation.
    let batchUpdateResponse = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({
      requests: requests
    }, presentationCopyId);
    let numReplacements = 0;
    batchUpdateResponse.replies.forEach(function(reply) {
      numReplacements += reply.replaceAllShapesWithImage.occurrencesChanged;
    console.log('Created merged presentation with ID: %s', presentationCopyId);
    console.log('Replaced %s shapes with images.', numReplacements);

    return batchUpdateResponse;
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (Developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error: %s', err.error);


// Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
copyTitle := customerName + " presentation"
file := drive.File{
	Title: copyTitle,
presentationFile, _ := driveService.Files.Copy(templatePresentationId, &file).Do()
presentationId := presentationFile.Id

// Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.
requests := []*slides.Request{{
	ReplaceAllShapesWithImage: &slides.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest{
		ImageUrl:      logoURL,
		ReplaceMethod: "CENTER_INSIDE",
		ContainsText: &slides.SubstringMatchCriteria{
			Text:      "{{company-logo}}",
			MatchCase: true,
}, {
	ReplaceAllShapesWithImage: &slides.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest{
		ImageUrl:      customerGraphicURL,
		ReplaceMethod: "CENTER_INSIDE",
		ContainsText: &slides.SubstringMatchCriteria{
			Text:      "{{customer-graphic}}",
			MatchCase: true,

// Execute the requests for this presentation.
body := &slides.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest{Requests: requests}
response, _ := slidesService.Presentations.BatchUpdate(presentationId, body).Do()

// Count total number of replacements made.
var numReplacements int64 = 0
for _, resp := range response.Replies {
	numReplacements += resp.ReplaceAllShapesWithImage.OccurrencesChanged
fmt.Printf("Created merged presentation with ID %s\n", presentationId)
fmt.Printf("Replaced %d shapes instances with images.\n", numReplacements)


import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestInitializer;
import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.gson.GsonFactory;
import com.google.api.services.drive.Drive;
import com.google.api.services.drive.model.File;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.Slides;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.SlidesScopes;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.BatchUpdatePresentationResponse;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Request;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.Response;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest;
import com.google.api.services.slides.v1.model.SubstringMatchCriteria;
import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter;
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/* Class to demonstrate the use of Slides Image Merging API */
public class ImageMerging {
   * Changes specified texts into images.
   * @param templatePresentationId - id of the presentation.
   * @param imageUrl               - Url of the image.
   * @param customerName           - Name of the customer.
   * @return merged presentation id
   * @throws IOException - if credentials file not found.
  public static BatchUpdatePresentationResponse imageMerging(String templatePresentationId,
                                                             String imageUrl,
                                                             String customerName)
      throws IOException {
        /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
           TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for
            guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */
    GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault()
    HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(

    // Create the slides API client
    Slides service = new Slides.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
        .setApplicationName("Slides samples")

    // Create the drive API client
    Drive driveService = new Drive.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),
        .setApplicationName("Slides samples")

    // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
    String copyTitle = customerName + " presentation";
    File content = new File().setName(copyTitle);
    File presentationFile =
        driveService.files().copy(templatePresentationId, content).execute();
    String presentationId = presentationFile.getId();

    // Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.
    List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>();
    requests.add(new Request()
        .setReplaceAllShapesWithImage(new ReplaceAllShapesWithImageRequest()
            .setContainsText(new SubstringMatchCriteria()

    // Execute the requests.
    BatchUpdatePresentationRequest body =
        new BatchUpdatePresentationRequest().setRequests(requests);
    BatchUpdatePresentationResponse response =
        service.presentations().batchUpdate(presentationId, body).execute();

    int numReplacements = 0;
    try {
      // Count total number of replacements made.
      for (Response resp : response.getReplies()) {
        numReplacements += resp.getReplaceAllShapesWithImage().getOccurrencesChanged();

      // Prints the merged presentation id and count of replacements.
      System.out.println("Created merged presentation with ID: " + presentationId);
      System.out.println("Replaced " + numReplacements + " shapes instances with images.");
    } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
      System.out.println("Text not found to replace with image.");
    return response;


function imageMerging(
) {
  const logoUrl = imageUrl;
  const customerGraphicUrl = imageUrl;

  // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
  const copyTitle = customerName + ' presentation';
  try {
          fileId: templatePresentationId,
          resource: {
            name: copyTitle,
        .then((driveResponse) => {
          const presentationCopyId = driveResponse.result.id;

          // Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.
          const requests = [
              replaceAllShapesWithImage: {
                imageUrl: logoUrl,
                replaceMethod: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
                containsText: {
                  text: '{{company-logo}}',
                  matchCase: true,
              replaceAllShapesWithImage: {
                imageUrl: customerGraphicUrl,
                replaceMethod: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
                containsText: {
                  text: '{{customer-graphic}}',
                  matchCase: true,
          // Execute the requests for this presentation.
                presentationId: presentationCopyId,
                requests: requests,
              .then((batchUpdateResponse) => {
                let numReplacements = 0;
                for (
                  let i = 0;
                  i < batchUpdateResponse.result.replies.length;
                ) {
                  numReplacements +=
                    `Created merged presentation with ID: ${presentationCopyId}`,
                console.log(`Replaced ${numReplacements} shapes with images.`);
                if (callback) callback(batchUpdateResponse.result);
  } catch (err) {
    document.getElementById('content').innerText = err.message;


 * Add an image to a template presentation.
 * @param {string} templatePresentationId The template presentation ID.
 * @param {string} imageUrl The image URL
 * @param {string} customerName A customer name used for the title
async function imageMerging(templatePresentationId, imageUrl, customerName) {
  const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
  const {google} = require('googleapis');

  const auth = new GoogleAuth({
    scopes: [

  const slidesService = google.slides({version: 'v1', auth});
  const driveService = google.drive({version: 'v2', auth});
  const logoUrl = imageUrl;
  const customerGraphicUrl = imageUrl;

  // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
  const copyTitle = customerName + ' presentation';
  try {
    const driveResponse = await driveService.files.copy({
      fileId: templatePresentationId,
      resource: {
        name: copyTitle,
    const presentationCopyId = driveResponse.data.id;

    // Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.
    const requests = [
        replaceAllShapesWithImage: {
          imageUrl: logoUrl,
          replaceMethod: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
          containsText: {
            text: '{{company-logo}}',
            matchCase: true,
        replaceAllShapesWithImage: {
          imageUrl: customerGraphicUrl,
          replaceMethod: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
          containsText: {
            text: '{{customer-graphic}}',
            matchCase: true,

    // Execute the requests for this presentation.
    const batchUpdateResponse = await slidesService.presentations.batchUpdate({
      presentationId: presentationCopyId,
      resource: {
    let numReplacements = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < batchUpdateResponse.data.replies.length; ++i) {
      numReplacements +=
    console.log(`Created merged presentation with ID: ${presentationCopyId}`);
    console.log(`Replaced ${numReplacements} shapes with images.`);
    return batchUpdateResponse.data;
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    throw err;


use Google\Client;
use Google\Service\Drive;
use Google\Service\Slides;
use Google\Service\DriveFile;
use Google\Service\Slides\Request;

function imageMerging($templatePresentationId, $imageUrl, $customerName)
    /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
       TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity for
        guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */
    $client = new Google\Client();
    $slidesService = new Google_Service_Slides($client);
    $driveService = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
    // Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
    $copy = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile([
        'name' => $customerName . ' presentation'

    $driveResponse = $driveService->files->copy($templatePresentationId, $copy);
    $presentationCopyId = $driveResponse->id;

    // Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.

    $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request([
        'replaceAllShapesWithImage' => [
            'imageUrl' => $imageUrl,
            'replaceMethod' => 'CENTER_INSIDE',
            'containsText' => [
                'text' => '{{company-logo}}',
                'matchCase' => true
    $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request([
        'replaceAllShapesWithImage' => [
            'imageUrl' => $imageUrl,
            'replaceMethod' => 'CENTER_INSIDE',
            'containsText' => [
                'text' => '{{customer-graphic}}',
                'matchCase' => true

    // Execute the requests.
    $batchUpdateRequest = new Google_Service_Slides_BatchUpdatePresentationRequest([
        'requests' => $requests
    $response =
        $slidesService->presentations->batchUpdate($presentationCopyId, $batchUpdateRequest);

    // Count the total number of replacements made.
    $numReplacements = 0;
    foreach ($response->getReplies() as $reply) {
        $numReplacements += $reply->getReplaceAllShapesWithImage()->getOccurrencesChanged();
    printf("Created presentation for %s with ID: %s\n", $customerName, $presentationCopyId);
    printf("Replaced %d shapes with images.\n", $numReplacements);
    return $response;


import google.auth
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

def image_merging(template_presentation_id, image_url, customer_name):
  """image_merging require template_presentation_id,
  image_url and customer_name
  Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
  TODO(developer) - See https://developers.google.com/identity
  for guides on implementing OAuth2 for the application.
  creds, _ = google.auth.default()
  # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    slides_service = build("slides", "v1", credentials=creds)
    drive_service = build("drive", "v3", credentials=creds)
    logo_url = image_url

    customer_graphic_url = image_url

    # Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
    copy_title = customer_name + " presentation"
    drive_response = (
        .copy(fileId=template_presentation_id, body={"name": copy_title})
    presentation_copy_id = drive_response.get("id")

    # Create the image merge (replaceAllShapesWithImage) requests.
    requests = []
            "replaceAllShapesWithImage": {
                "imageUrl": logo_url,
                "replaceMethod": "CENTER_INSIDE",
                "containsText": {
                    "text": "{{company-logo}}",
                    "matchCase": True,
            "replaceAllShapesWithImage": {
                "imageUrl": customer_graphic_url,
                "replaceMethod": "CENTER_INSIDE",
                "containsText": {
                    "text": "{{customer-graphic}}",
                    "matchCase": True,

    # Execute the requests.
    body = {"requests": requests}
    response = (
        .batchUpdate(presentationId=presentation_copy_id, body=body)

    # Count the number of replacements made.
    num_replacements = 0

    for reply in response.get("replies"):
      # add below line

      if reply.get("occurrencesChanged") is not None:
        # end tag
        num_replacements += reply.get("replaceAllShapesWithImage").get(

    print(f"Created merged presentation with ID:{presentation_copy_id}")
    print(f"Replaced {num_replacements} shapes with images")
  except HttpError as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
    print("Images is not merged")
    return error

  return response

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Put the template_presentation_id, image_url and customer_name

      "Fake Customer",


# Duplicate the template presentation using the Drive API.
copy_title = customer_name + ' presentation'
body = Google::Apis::SlidesV1::Presentation.new
body.title = copy_title
drive_response = drive_service.copy_file(template_presentation_id, body)
presentation_copy_id = drive_response.id

# Create the image merge (replace_all_shapes_with_image) requests.
requests = [] << {
  replace_all_shapes_with_image: {
    image_url:      logo_url,
    replace_method: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
    contains_text:  {
      text:       '{{company-logo}}',
      match_case: true
} << {
  replace_all_shapes_with_image: {
    image_url:      customer_graphic_url,
    replace_method: 'CENTER_INSIDE',
    contains_text:  {
      text:       '{{customer-graphic}}',
      match_case: true

# Execute the requests.
req = Google::Apis::SlidesV1::BatchUpdatePresentationRequest.new(requests: requests)
response = slides_service.batch_update_presentation(

# Count the number of replacements made.
num_replacements = 0
response.replies.each do |reply|
  num_replacements += reply.replace_all_shapes_with_image.occurrences_changed
puts "Created presentation for #{customer_name} with ID: #{presentation_copy_id}"
puts "Replaced #{num_replacements} shapes with images"


replaceAllTextreplaceAllShapesWithImage 要求可用於在整個簡報中替換代碼,但有時您只需要根據其他條件 (例如位於特定投影片) 替換元素。

在這種情況下,您必須擷取要取代的代碼形狀 ID。如要替換文字,請刪除這些形狀中的現有文字,然後插入新文字 (請參閱「編輯指定形狀中的文字」範例)。


  1. 取得標記形狀的 ID。
  2. 從標記複製大小和轉換資訊。
  3. 使用大小和轉換資訊,將圖片新增至網頁。
  4. 刪除標記形狀。



使用 Slides API 建立圖片時,相片比例只會根據圖片大小而定,而非大小和轉換資料。您在 createImage 要求中提供的大小資料,會視為圖片的理想大小。API 會將圖片的顯示比例調整為所需大小,然後套用提供的轉換。


  • width:設為標記的 widthscaleX 乘積
  • height:設為標記的 heightscaleY 的乘積
  • scale_x:設為 1
  • scale_y:設為 1

這會導致 Slides API 根據標記的視覺大小,而非未縮放的大小,將圖片調整為適當的顯示比例 (請參閱「以圖片取代形狀標記」)。將縮放參數設為 1,可避免圖片縮放兩次。



針對應用程式定義及擁有的範本簡報,請使用代表應用程式的專屬帳戶建立範本。服務帳戶是個不錯的選擇,可避免因 Google Workspace 限制分享的政策而造成複雜情況。

使用範本建立簡報執行個體時,請務必使用終端使用者憑證。這樣一來,使用者就能完全控管產生的簡報,並避免 Google 雲端硬碟中與每位使用者限制相關的縮放問題。


  1. 使用 presentations.create 建立簡報。
  2. 更新權限,讓簡報收件者可透過 Drive API 中的 permissions.create 讀取簡報。
  3. 更新權限,允許範本作者使用 Drive API 中的 permissions.create 寫入範本。
  4. 視需要編輯範本。


  1. 使用 Drive API 中的 files.copy 建立範本副本。
  2. 使用 Slides API 中的 presentation.batchUpdate 取代值。