YouTube Certified External Vendors

The following supported vendors may be used by YouTube clients to serve 3rd-party ads. Please also note that, while this list is being constantly updated, we do not guarantee that product offerings, platforms or vendor types are fully up-to-date. You should always reference our specification pages to ensure the ads you want to run are in-line with the latest requirements and you should contact the vendor directly to find out about their latest products.

Product Name - Company Name
This is the product name of the certified company. If the company name differs from the product name, it is listed below in italics.
Vendor Type
This is a business model classification for the vendor's type. This classification is meant to inform third/fourth-party call decisions and is in no way an indication of a business' strategy or competency beyond this context.

Product Name - Company Name Vendor Type
Vast Provider
Adometry by Google
Google, Inc.
Research - Analytics
C3 Metrics
C3 Metrics, Inc.
Vast Provider
Channel Intelligence
Google, Inc.
Research - Analytics
DoubleClick Campaign Manager
Google, Inc.
Ad Server Advertiser, Vast Provider
DoubleClick for Publishers Premium
Google, Inc.
Ad Server Advertiser, Vast Provider
Exactag GmbH
Vast Provider
Extreme Reach Digital (ER Digital)
Extreme Reach, Inc.
Vast Provider
Extreme Reach, Inc.
Extreme Reach, Inc.
Vast Provider
Flashtalking, Inc.
Vast Provider
Innovid Inc.
Innovid Inc.
Vast Provider
Insight Express (AdIndex)
Research - Brand Lift
Insight Express (Mobile Ignite)
Research - Brand Lift
Nielsen (Brand Effect Extended View [BEEV])
Research - Brand Lift
Nielsen (Sales Effect)
Research - Analytics
Nielsen (Watch Effect/Net Effect)
Research - Analytics
Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings
Research - Analytics
Dynata (YouTube)
Dynata, LLC
Research - Brand Lift
Teracent Corporation
Google, Inc.
Ad Server Advertiser
Vast Provider

YouTube only certifies the following platforms: Desktop, Mobile Web, and Mobile App. We will investigate discrepancies for certified platforms only. For uncertified platforms, Google will have no liability for a discrepancy between Google's impression and click counts and those of the third-party. YouTube does not offer credits if reporting discrepancies occur with research vendors. Credits and/or make-goods are never offered for research studies other than Standard Ad Serving Vendors providing a 3rd-party impression-tracking pixel.

All vendors must complete a certification process. At its sole discretion, Google reserves the right to change this vendor list at any time.