GMSServices Class Reference

GMSServices Class Reference


Service class for the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

This class is not thread safe. All methods should only be invoked on the main thread.

Static Public Member Functions

(id< NSObject >) + sharedServices
 Provides the shared instance of GMSServices for the Google Maps SDK for iOS, creating it if necessary.
(BOOL) + provideAPIKey:
 Provides your API key to the Google Maps SDK for iOS.
(BOOL) + provideAPIOptions:
 Provides your API options to the Google Maps SDK for iOS.
(void) + setMetalRendererEnabled:
 Enables the map to render using Metal instead of OpenGL.
(void) + setAbnormalTerminationReportingEnabled:
 Enables reporting of abnormal SDK terminations such as the app crashes while the SDK is still running.
(NSString *) + openSourceLicenseInfo
 Returns the open source software license information for Google Maps SDK for iOS.
(NSString *) + SDKVersion
 Returns the version for this release of the Google Maps SDK for iOS.
(NSString *) + SDKLongVersion
 Returns the long version for this release of the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

Member Function Documentation

+ (id<NSObject>) sharedServices

Provides the shared instance of GMSServices for the Google Maps SDK for iOS, creating it if necessary.

Classes such as GMSMapView and GMSPanoramaView will hold this instance to provide their connection to Google.

This is an opaque object. If your application often creates and destroys view or service classes provided by the Google Maps SDK for iOS, it may be useful to hold onto this object directly, as otherwise your connection to Google may be restarted on a regular basis. It also may be useful to take this object in advance of the first map creation, to reduce initial map creation performance cost.

This method will throw an exception if provideAPIKey: has not been called.

+ (BOOL) provideAPIKey: (NSString *)  APIKey

Provides your API key to the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

This key is generated for your application via the Google Cloud Platform Console, and is paired with your application's bundle ID to identify it. This must be called exactly once by your application before any iOS Maps SDK object is initialized.

YES if the APIKey was successfully provided.
+ (BOOL) provideAPIOptions: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  APIOptions

Provides your API options to the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

Pass an array containing an NSString for each option. These options apply to all maps.

This may be called exactly once by your application and must be called before any iOS Maps SDK object is initialized.

YES if all the APIOptions were successfully provided.
+ (void) setMetalRendererEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled

Enables the map to render using Metal instead of OpenGL.

The rendering might look slightly different between renderers. The default is YES and the value must be updated before the services instance is initialized.

This property must be set from the main thread.

This method is deprecated. Metal is now the default renderer if this API is not invoked. In the future, Metal rendering will be the only available implementation and this API will be a no-op. We encourage customers to remove calls to this method from their code.
+ (void) setAbnormalTerminationReportingEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled

Enables reporting of abnormal SDK terminations such as the app crashes while the SDK is still running.

This allows Google to improve SDK stability when applicable. The default is YES and value must be updated before the services instance is initialized.

This property must be set from the main thread.

+ (NSString *) openSourceLicenseInfo

Returns the open source software license information for Google Maps SDK for iOS.

This information must be made available within your application.

+ (NSString *) SDKVersion

Returns the version for this release of the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

For example, "1.0.0".

+ (NSString *) SDKLongVersion

Returns the long version for this release of the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

For example, "1.0.0 (102.1)".