Status of a feed uploaded by the aggregator's platform.
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "state": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
The feed resource name, which has the format of
state |
The processing state of this feed. |
errorDetails |
Human readable string providing more details if we failed to process this feed. |
statistics |
Statistics specific to this feed. |
Statistics obtained while processing an uploaded feed.
JSON representation |
{ "newItems": string, "existingItems": string, "deletedItems": string } |
Fields | |
newItems |
Newly added items by this feed. Items can be merchants, services or availability slots, depending on the type of the feed. |
existingItems |
Existing items, updated as needed from newer information from the feed. |
deletedItems |
Items no longer present in this feed, and that were removed as a result. |