소매업체를 위한 실적 최대화 캠페인을 사용하면 추가 인벤토리에 광고를 게재할 수 있는 기회를 제공하여 도달범위와 목표를 확장할 수 있습니다.
텍스트, 디스커버, YouTube 인스트림 광고, 디스플레이와 같은 새로운 형식 및 표시 경로에 광고를 게재하려면 텍스트, 이미지, 동영상과 같은 새로운 애셋을 만들어야 할 수 있습니다.
전환 가능성이 큰 사용자 세그먼트에 관한 고유한 통계가 있는 경우, 이제 잠재고객 신호를 사용하여 Google에 알릴 수도 있습니다.
다음은 실적 최대화 캠페인이 일반 쇼핑 캠페인보다 제공하는 몇 가지 개선사항입니다.
- 판매자 센터 피드 또는 캠페인 기준에 따른 언어 타겟팅
- 최종 URL 확장
- 오프라인 매장 방문 목표를 선택하면 모든 매장이 타겟팅됨
- 고객별 또는 캠페인별로 전환 목표를 설정할 수 있는 기능
판매자 센터와 Google Ads 계정 연결
소매업체에 실적 최대화 캠페인을 사용하려면 Google Ads 계정이 기존 판매자 센터 계정에 연결되어 있어야 합니다. 판매자 센터에 연결하면 캠페인에 대한 확장 소재가 자동으로 생성되지만 도달범위와 실적이 제한됩니다.
애셋 그룹 추가
애셋 그룹을 추가하면 쇼핑 및 동적 리마케팅 채널이 사용 설정되고 URL 확장을 설정하면 동적 검색 광고가 사용 설정됩니다. 일반적으로 확장 소재를 많이 제공할수록 시스템에서 더 많은 광고 형식을 만들어 추가 인벤토리를 타겟팅할 수 있습니다.
애셋 그룹별로 다른 제품을 타겟팅하는 것이 좋습니다. 등록정보 그룹에는 한도가 있습니다. 권장사항에 따라 애셋 그룹의 특정 제품군만 타겟팅해야 합니다. 예를 들어 제품 A~L은 애셋 그룹 1에 있고 제품 M~Z는 애셋 그룹 2에 있을 수 있습니다.
잠재고객별로 확장 소재 메시지를 맞춤설정하려면 캠페인당 애셋 그룹을 여러 개 만들 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 동일한 최종 URL에 대해 서로 다른 애셋 그룹을 만들 수 있습니다.
실적 최대화 캠페인을 설정할 때 최적화 팁을 자세히 알아보세요.
실적 최대화 소매업체 캠페인 만들기
다른 쇼핑 캠페인과 마찬가지로 캠페인의 ShoppingSetting
필드를 설정합니다.
- 광고할 제품이 포함된 계정의 판매자 센터 ID입니다.
판매자 센터에 정의된 대로 피드 라벨에 사용되는 문자열입니다. 이 입력란은 특정 판매자 센터 피드에서 제품을 선택해야 하는 경우에 사용해야 합니다. 지정하지 않으면 캠페인에서 판매자 센터의 사용 가능한 모든 피드를 사용합니다.
이전에 지원 중단된
를 두 글자 국가 코드 (XX
) 형식으로 사용한 경우 대신feed_label
를 사용해야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 피드 라벨 지원 도움말을 참고하세요.feed_label
에 국가 코드를 제출한다고 해서 해당 국가에 광고가 자동으로 게재되는 것은 아닙니다. 먼저 지역 위치 타겟팅을 설정해야 합니다.campaign_priority
쇼핑 캠페인의 우선순위입니다. 숫자가 더 높은 우선순위의 캠페인이 우선순위가 더 낮은 캠페인보다 우선 적용됩니다.
이 캠페인에서 오프라인 매장에서 판매하는 제품에 대한 광고를 사용 설정하는 옵션입니다.
인벤토리가 있는 경우 오프라인 제품이 기본적으로 사용 설정됩니다. 등록정보 그룹을 사용하여 필터링할 수 있습니다.
언어를 여러 개 선택하여 특정 고객 그룹에 광고를 노출할 수 있습니다.
전환 목표
다음 예와 같이 캠페인 수준 전환 목표를 업데이트하여 고객 수준 전환 목표를 재정의할 수 있습니다.
/** Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals. */ private static List<CustomerConversionGoal> getCustomerConversionGoals( GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) { String query = "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin " + "FROM customer_conversion_goal"; List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals = new ArrayList<>(); try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient = googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) { // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50, so we use // GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream. SearchPagedResponse response = googleAdsServiceClient.search(Long.toString(customerId), query); for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.iterateAll()) { customerConversionGoals.add(googleAdsRow.getCustomerConversionGoal()); } } return customerConversionGoals; } /** Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. */ private static List<MutateOperation> createConversionGoalOperations( long customerId, List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals) { List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>(); // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the // biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only // the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign. for (CustomerConversionGoal customerConversionGoal : customerConversionGoals) { ConversionActionCategory category = customerConversionGoal.getCategory(); ConversionOrigin origin = customerConversionGoal.getOrigin(); String campaignConversionGoalResourceName = ResourceNames.campaignConversionGoal( customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, category, origin); CampaignConversionGoal.Builder campaignConversionGoalBuilder = CampaignConversionGoal.newBuilder().setResourceName(campaignConversionGoalResourceName); // Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal. // Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin). // Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals. // Note: // 1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action // (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account. // 2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example // shows only one. if (category == ConversionActionCategory.PURCHASE && origin == ConversionOrigin.WEBSITE) { campaignConversionGoalBuilder.setBiddable(true); } else { campaignConversionGoalBuilder.setBiddable(false); } CampaignConversionGoal campaignConversionGoal = campaignConversionGoalBuilder.build(); CampaignConversionGoalOperation campaignConversionGoalOperation = CampaignConversionGoalOperation.newBuilder() .setUpdate(campaignConversionGoal) .setUpdateMask(FieldMasks.allSetFieldsOf(campaignConversionGoal)) .build(); mutateOperations.add( MutateOperation.newBuilder() .setCampaignConversionGoalOperation(campaignConversionGoalOperation) .build()); } return mutateOperations; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group. /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldType">The field type of the asset to be linked.</param> /// <param name="linkedEntityResourceName">The resource name of the entity (asset group or /// campaign) to link the asset to.</param> /// <param name="assetResourceName">The resource name of the text asset to be /// linked.</param> /// <param name="brandGuidelinesEnabled">Whether or not to enable brand guidelines.</param> /// <returns>A MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.</returns> private MutateOperation CreateLinkAssetOperation( AssetFieldType fieldType, string linkedEntityResourceName, string assetResourceName, bool brandGuidelinesEnabled = false) { if (brandGuidelinesEnabled) { return new MutateOperation() { CampaignAssetOperation = new CampaignAssetOperation() { Create = new CampaignAsset() { FieldType = fieldType, Campaign = linkedEntityResourceName, Asset = assetResourceName } } }; } else { return new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation() { Create = new AssetGroupAsset() { FieldType = fieldType, AssetGroup = linkedEntityResourceName, Asset = assetResourceName } } }; } }
private static function getCustomerConversionGoals( GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient, int $customerId ): array { $customerConversionGoals = []; $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient(); // Creates a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals. $query = 'SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin ' . 'FROM customer_conversion_goal'; // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use a search request // instead of search stream. $response = $googleAdsServiceClient->search(SearchGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $query)); // Iterates over all rows in all pages and builds the list of conversion goals. foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) { /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */ $customerConversionGoals[] = [ 'category' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getCategory(), 'origin' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getOrigin() ]; } return $customerConversionGoals; } /** * Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. * * @param int $customerId the customer ID * @param array $customerConversionGoals the list of customer conversion goals that will be * overridden * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals */ private static function createConversionGoalOperations( int $customerId, array $customerConversionGoals ): array { $operations = []; // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of each of the // customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal is biddable in this // campaign. foreach ($customerConversionGoals as $customerConversionGoal) { $campaignConversionGoal = new CampaignConversionGoal([ 'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaignConversionGoal( $customerId, self::PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, ConversionActionCategory::name($customerConversionGoal['category']), ConversionOrigin::name($customerConversionGoal['origin']) ) ]); // Changes the biddability for the campaign conversion goal. // Sets biddability to true for the desired (category, origin). // Sets biddability to false for all other conversion goals. // Note: // 1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action // (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account. // 2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example // shows only one. if ( $customerConversionGoal["category"] === ConversionActionCategory::PURCHASE && $customerConversionGoal["origin"] === ConversionOrigin::WEBSITE ) { $campaignConversionGoal->setBiddable(true); } else { $campaignConversionGoal->setBiddable(false); } $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'campaign_conversion_goal_operation' => new CampaignConversionGoalOperation([ 'update' => $campaignConversionGoal, // Sets the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be a list // of all the fields that were set on the update object. 'update_mask' => FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($campaignConversionGoal) ]) ]); } return $operations; }
def get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id): """Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. Returns: a list of dicts containing the category and origin of customer conversion goals. """ ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService") customer_conversion_goals = [] query = """ SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin FROM customer_conversion_goal """ # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use # GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream. search_request = client.get_type("SearchGoogleAdsRequest") search_request.customer_id = customer_id search_request.query = query results = ga_service.search(request=search_request) # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals. for row in results: customer_conversion_goals.append( { "category": row.customer_conversion_goal.category, "origin": row.customer_conversion_goal.origin, } ) return customer_conversion_goals def create_conversion_goal_operations( client, customer_id, customer_conversion_goals, ): """Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. customer_conversion_goals: the list of customer conversion goals that will be overridden. Returns: MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals. """ campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.get_service( "CampaignConversionGoalService" ) operations = [] # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign. for customer_conversion_goal in customer_conversion_goals: mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") campaign_conversion_goal = ( mutate_operation.campaign_conversion_goal_operation.update ) campaign_conversion_goal.resource_name = ( campaign_conversion_goal_service.campaign_conversion_goal_path( customer_id, _PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, customer_conversion_goal["category"].name, customer_conversion_goal["origin"].name, ) ) # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal. # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin). # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals. # Note: # 1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action # (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account. # 2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example # shows only one. if ( customer_conversion_goal["category"] == client.enums.ConversionActionCategoryEnum.PURCHASE and customer_conversion_goal["origin"] == client.enums.ConversionOriginEnum.WEBSITE ): biddable = True else: biddable = False campaign_conversion_goal.biddable = biddable field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask( None, campaign_conversion_goal._pb ) client.copy_from( mutate_operation.campaign_conversion_goal_operation.update_mask, field_mask, ) operations.append(mutate_operation) return operations
def _get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id) query = <<~EOD SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin FROM customer_conversion_goal EOD customer_conversion_goals = [] ga_service = client.service.google_ads # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use # GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream. response = ga_service.search( customer_id: customer_id, query: query, ) # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals. response.each do |row| customer_conversion_goals << { "category" => row.customer_conversion_goal.category, "origin" => row.customer_conversion_goal.origin } end customer_conversion_goals end def create_conversion_goal_operations(client, customer_id, customer_conversion_goals) campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.service.campaign_conversion_goal operations = [] # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign. customer_conversion_goals.each do |customer_conversion_goal| operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.campaign_conversion_goal_operation = client.operation.campaign_conversion_goal do |op| op.update = client.resource.campaign_conversion_goal do |ccg| ccg.resource_name = client.path.campaign_conversion_goal( customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, customer_conversion_goal["category"].to_s, customer_conversion_goal["origin"].to_s) # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal. # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin). # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals. # Note: # 1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action # (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account. # 2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example # shows only one. ccg.biddable = (customer_conversion_goal["category"] == :PURCHASE && customer_conversion_goal["origin"] == :WEBSITE) end op.update_mask = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::FieldMaskUtil.all_set_fields_of(op.update) end end end operations end
sub get_customer_conversion_goals { my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_; my $customer_conversion_goals = []; # Create a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals. my $query = "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin " . "FROM customer_conversion_goal"; # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use # GoogleAdsService->search() method instead of search_stream(). my $search_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->search({ customerId => $customer_id, query => $query }); # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals. foreach my $google_ads_row (@{$search_response->{results}}) { push @$customer_conversion_goals, { category => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{category}, origin => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{origin}}; } return $customer_conversion_goals; } # Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. sub create_conversion_goal_operations { my ($customer_id, $customer_conversion_goals) = @_; my $operations = []; # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of # each of the customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal # is biddable in this campaign. foreach my $customer_conversion_goal (@$customer_conversion_goals) { my $campaign_conversion_goal = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::CampaignConversionGoal->new({ resourceName => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::campaign_conversion_goal( $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, $customer_conversion_goal->{category}, $customer_conversion_goal->{origin})}); # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal. # Set biddability to true for the desired (category, origin). # Set biddability to false for all other conversion goals. # Note: # 1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action # (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account. # 2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example # shows only one. if ( $customer_conversion_goal->{category} eq PURCHASE && $customer_conversion_goal->{origin} eq WEBSITE) { $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "true"; } else { $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "false"; } push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation ->new({ campaignConversionGoalOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::CampaignConversionGoalService::CampaignConversionGoalOperation ->new({ update => $campaign_conversion_goal, # Set the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be # a list of all the fields that were set on the update object. updateMask => all_set_fields_of($campaign_conversion_goal)})}); } return $operations; }
쇼핑 보고서
를 사용하여 segments.product_item_id
와 같은 제품 세그먼트별로 요약된 측정항목을 검색합니다.
FROM shopping_performance_view
campaign.advertising_channel_type = 'PERFORMANCE_MAX'
AND segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS
AND metrics.clicks > 0
metrics.all_conversions DESC,
metrics.conversions DESC,
metrics.clicks DESC,
metrics.cost_micros DESC,
metrics.impressions DESC
를 사용하여 이 애셋 그룹과 연결된 등록정보 그룹의 클릭수, 전환수, 노출수와 같은 측정항목을 가져옵니다.
차량 광고
광고주는 차량 데이터 피드를 판매자 센터에 업로드한 후 차량 피드가 포함된 실적 최대화 캠페인을 사용하여 광고를 관리함으로써 차량 광고를 통해 차량 인벤토리를 홍보할 수 있습니다.
Google Ads API를 사용하여 차량 피드가 포함된 실적 최대화 캠페인을 만들려면 소매 캠페인 만들기에 따라 캠페인의 listing_type
로 설정하세요.