تتألّف مجموعة مواد عرض "حملات الأداء الأفضل" من الصور والعناوين والأوصاف والفيديوهات التي تُضيفها عند إنشاء "حملة الأداء الأفضل". لتحسين أداء إعلانك، يختار النظام مواد العرض ويجمعها بشكل ذكي لكي تلائم بشكل أفضل قناة "إعلانات Google" المحدّدة (مثل YouTube أو Gmail أو شبكة البحث) التي يتم عرض إعلانك عليها.
لا يمكن مشاركة مجموعة مواد عرض بين الحملات. تتطلّب كل حملة مجموعة مواد عرض واحدة على الأقل. يمكن إنشاء 100 مجموعة مواد عرض كحدّ أقصى لكلّ حملة.
مجموعات مواد العرض
مجموعة مواد العرض هي مجموعة من مواد العرض التي تركّز على موضوع معيّن أو تكون ذات صلة بشريحة جمهور مستهدَفة. يتم استخدام مجموعة مواد العرض لتجميع كل إعلاناتك وإنشاء مستودع إعلاني لكل أشكال الإعلانات التي تنطبق على هدفك الإعلاني. مزيد من المعلومات عن مجموعات مواد العرض
تحتوي مجموعات مواد العرض على عنوان URL نهائي واحد أو أكثر. يجب توفّر عنوان URL نهائي واحد على الأقل.
استخدِم عنوان URL الأكثر صلةً بمسار الإحالة الناجحة لأهداف مجموعة مواد العرض
والحملة المحدّدة. لا يمكن
استبعاد عنوان URL النهائي لمجموعة مواد العرض من WEBPAGE
معايير الحملة.
ربط مجموعات مواد العرض بمواد العرض
يتم ربط AssetGroup
بأحد موارد العميل
من خلال إنشاء موارد العميل الجديدة
وتقديم ما يلي:
- اسم المورد الخاص بال
- اسم المورد الخاص بال
يمكن ربط AssetGroup
بعناصر Asset
متعددة. يمكن
ربط Asset
بمجموعات مواد عرض متعددة. يمكن أن يحتوي Asset
واحد على أنواع حقول مختلفة في
عناصر AssetGroup
يجب أن تكون عمليات AssetGroup
لا تتوفّر حالة تعذُّر جزئي.
لا يمكن تعديل مجموعات مواد العرض في
عملية مجمّعة.
ربط مجموعات مواد العرض بمواد العرض في "حملات الأداء الأفضل" للبيع بالتجزئة
يمكنك إنشاء AssetGroup
عنصر في "حملات الأداء الأفضل" للبيع بالتجزئة بدون
الحدّ الأدنى لمتطلبات مواد العرض.
ومع ذلك، تؤدي محاولة ربط Asset
في أي "حملة أداء أفضل" إلى تفعيل كلّ متطلبات
مواد العرض. بعبارة أخرى، لا يمكن أن تظهر عناصر AssetGroup
في "حملات الأداء الأفضل للبيع بالتجزئة" إلا في حالتَين:
- بدون أي عناصر
مرتبطة - استيفاء جميع متطلبات
من أفضل الممارسات تحميل مواد العرض لزيادة مدى الوصول إلى أقصى حدّ على مستوى كل المستودع الإعلاني. ومع ذلك، عليك ربط جميع مواد العرض المطلوبة في طلب واحد، ولا يمكنك إضافة مواد عرض إلى مجموعات مواد العرض واحدة تلو الأخرى من خلال طلبات منفصلة.
/** Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new AssetGroup. */ private List<MutateOperation> createAssetGroupOperations( long customerId, String assetGroupResourceName, List<String> headlineAssetResourceNames, List<String> descriptionAssetResourceNames, boolean brandGuidelinesEnabled) throws IOException { List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>(); String campaignResourceName = ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID); // Creates the AssetGroup. AssetGroup assetGroup = AssetGroup.newBuilder() .setName("Performance Max asset group #" + getPrintableDateTime()) .setCampaign(campaignResourceName) .addFinalUrls("http://www.example.com") .addFinalMobileUrls("http://www.example.com") .setStatus(AssetGroupStatus.PAUSED) .setResourceName(assetGroupResourceName) .build(); AssetGroupOperation assetGroupOperation = AssetGroupOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(assetGroup).build(); mutateOperations.add( MutateOperation.newBuilder().setAssetGroupOperation(assetGroupOperation).build()); // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset // and providing: // the resource name of the AssetGroup // the resource name of the Asset // the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. // To learn more about AssetGroups, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups // Links the previously created multiple text assets. // Links the headline assets. for (String resourceName : headlineAssetResourceNames) { mutateOperations.add( createAssetGroupAssetMutateOperation( AssetFieldType.HEADLINE, resourceName, assetGroupResourceName)); } // Links the description assets. for (String resourceName : descriptionAssetResourceNames) { mutateOperations.add( createAssetGroupAssetMutateOperation( AssetFieldType.DESCRIPTION, resourceName, assetGroupResourceName)); } // Creates and links the long headline text asset. List<MutateOperation> createAndLinkTextAssetOperations = createAndLinkTextAsset(customerId, "Travel the World", AssetFieldType.LONG_HEADLINE); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkTextAssetOperations); // Creates and links the business name and logo assets. List<MutateOperation> createAndLinkBrandAssets = createAndLinkBrandAssets( customerId, brandGuidelinesEnabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo"); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkBrandAssets); // Creates and links the image assets. // Creates and links the Marketing Image Asset. createAndLinkTextAssetOperations = createAndLinkImageAsset( customerId, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", AssetFieldType.MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image"); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkTextAssetOperations); // Creates and links the Square Marketing Image Asset. createAndLinkTextAssetOperations = createAndLinkImageAsset( customerId, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", AssetFieldType.SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image"); mutateOperations.addAll(createAndLinkTextAssetOperations); return mutateOperations; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group. /// </summary> /// <param name="campaignResourceName">The campaign resource name.</param> /// <param name="assetGroupResourceName">The asset group resource name.</param> /// <param name="headlineAssetResourceNames">The headline asset resource names.</param> /// <param name="descriptionAssetResourceNames">The description asset resource /// names.</param> /// <param name="resourceNameGenerator">A generator for unique temporary ID's.</param> /// <param name="config">The Google Ads config.</param> /// <param name="brandGuidelinesEnabled">Whether or not to enable brand guidelines.</param> /// <returns>A list of MutateOperations that create the new asset group.</returns> private List<MutateOperation> CreateAssetGroupOperations( string campaignResourceName, string assetGroupResourceName, List<string> headlineAssetResourceNames, List<string> descriptionAssetResourceNames, AssetTemporaryResourceNameGenerator resourceNameGenerator, GoogleAdsConfig config, bool brandGuidelinesEnabled) { List<MutateOperation> operations = new List<MutateOperation>(); // Create the AssetGroup operations.Add( new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupOperation = new AssetGroupOperation() { Create = new AssetGroup() { Name = "Performance Max asset group #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(), Campaign = campaignResourceName, FinalUrls = { "http://www.example.com" }, FinalMobileUrls = { "http://www.example.com" }, Status = AssetGroupStatus.Paused, ResourceName = assetGroupResourceName } } } ); // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset // and providing: // the resource name of the AssetGroup // the resource name of the Asset // the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. // // To learn more about AssetGroups, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups // Link the previously created multiple text assets. // Link the headline assets. foreach (string resourceName in headlineAssetResourceNames) { operations.Add( new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation() { Create = new AssetGroupAsset() { FieldType = AssetFieldType.Headline, AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName, Asset = resourceName } } } ); } // Link the description assets. foreach (string resourceName in descriptionAssetResourceNames) { operations.Add( new MutateOperation() { AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation() { Create = new AssetGroupAsset() { FieldType = AssetFieldType.Description, AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName, Asset = resourceName } } } ); } // Create and link the brand assets. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkBrandAssets( assetGroupResourceName, campaignResourceName, resourceNameGenerator, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo", config, brandGuidelinesEnabled ) ); // Create and link the long headline text asset. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkTextAsset( assetGroupResourceName, resourceNameGenerator.Next(), "Travel the World", AssetFieldType.LongHeadline ) ); // Create and link the image assets. // Create and link the Marketing Image Asset. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkImageAsset( assetGroupResourceName, resourceNameGenerator.Next(), "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", AssetFieldType.MarketingImage, "Marketing Image", config ) ); // Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset. operations.AddRange( CreateAndLinkImageAsset( assetGroupResourceName, resourceNameGenerator.Next(), "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", AssetFieldType.SquareMarketingImage, "Square Marketing Image", config ) ); return operations; }
private static function createAssetGroupOperations( int $customerId, array $headlineAssetResourceNames, array $descriptionAssetResourceNames, bool $brandGuidelinesEnabled ): array { $operations = []; // Creates a new mutate operation that creates an asset group operation. $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'asset_group_operation' => new AssetGroupOperation([ 'create' => new AssetGroup([ 'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup( $customerId, self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'name' => 'Performance Max asset group #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(), 'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign( $customerId, self::PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'final_urls' => ['http://www.example.com'], 'final_mobile_urls' => ['http://www.example.com'], 'status' => AssetGroupStatus::PAUSED ]) ]) ]); // For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets // An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset // and providing: // - the resource name of the AssetGroup // - the resource name of the Asset // - the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup // // To learn more about AssetGroups, see // https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups. // Links the previously created multiple text assets. // Links the headline assets. foreach ($headlineAssetResourceNames as $resourceName) { $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([ 'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([ 'asset' => $resourceName, 'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup( $customerId, self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'field_type' => AssetFieldType::HEADLINE ]) ]) ]); } // Links the description assets. foreach ($descriptionAssetResourceNames as $resourceName) { $operations[] = new MutateOperation([ 'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([ 'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([ 'asset' => $resourceName, 'asset_group' => ResourceNames::forAssetGroup( $customerId, self::ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), 'field_type' => AssetFieldType::DESCRIPTION ]) ]) ]); } // Creates and links the long headline text asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkTextAsset( $customerId, 'Travel the World', AssetFieldType::LONG_HEADLINE )); // Creates and links the business name text asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkBrandAssets( $customerId, $brandGuidelinesEnabled, 'Interplanetary Cruises', 'https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi', 'Marketing Logo' )); // Creates and links the image assets. // Creates and links the Marketing Image Asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset( $customerId, 'https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5', AssetFieldType::MARKETING_IMAGE, 'Marketing Image' )); // Creates and links the Square Marketing Image Asset. $operations = array_merge($operations, self::createAndLinkImageAsset( $customerId, 'https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi', AssetFieldType::SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, 'Square Marketing Image' )); return $operations; }
def create_asset_group_operation( client, customer_id, headline_asset_resource_names, description_asset_resource_names, brand_guidelines_enabled, ): """Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group. A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request. Args: client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance. customer_id: a client customer ID. headline_asset_resource_names: a list of headline resource names. description_asset_resource_names: a list of description resource names. brand_guidelines_enabled: a boolean value indicating if the campaign is enabled for brand guidelines. Returns: MutateOperations that create a new asset group and related assets. """ asset_group_service = client.get_service("AssetGroupService") campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService") operations = [] # Create the AssetGroup mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") asset_group = mutate_operation.asset_group_operation.create asset_group.name = f"Performance Max asset group #{uuid4()}" asset_group.campaign = campaign_service.campaign_path( customer_id, _PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID ) asset_group.final_urls.append("http://www.example.com") asset_group.final_mobile_urls.append("http://www.example.com") asset_group.status = client.enums.AssetGroupStatusEnum.PAUSED asset_group.resource_name = asset_group_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, _ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID, ) operations.append(mutate_operation) # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset # and providing: # the resource name of the AssetGroup # the resource name of the Asset # the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. # # To learn more about AssetGroups, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups # Link the previously created multiple text assets. # Link the headline assets. for resource_name in headline_asset_resource_names: mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create asset_group_asset.field_type = client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.HEADLINE asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, _ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID, ) asset_group_asset.asset = resource_name operations.append(mutate_operation) # Link the description assets. for resource_name in description_asset_resource_names: mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation") asset_group_asset = mutate_operation.asset_group_asset_operation.create asset_group_asset.field_type = client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.DESCRIPTION asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_service.asset_group_path( customer_id, _ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID, ) asset_group_asset.asset = resource_name operations.append(mutate_operation) # Create and link the long headline text asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_text_asset( client, customer_id, "Travel the World", client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.LONG_HEADLINE, ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) # Create and link the business name and logo asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_brand_assets( client, customer_id, brand_guidelines_enabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo", ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) # Create and link the image assets. # Create and link the Marketing Image Asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image", ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) # Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset. mutate_operations = create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", client.enums.AssetFieldTypeEnum.SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image", ) operations.extend(mutate_operations) return operations
# Creates a list of MutateOperations that create a new asset_group. # # A temporary ID will be assigned to this asset group so that it can # be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request. def create_asset_group_operation( client, customer_id, headline_asset_resource_names, description_asset_resource_names, brand_guidelines_enabled) operations = [] # Create the AssetGroup operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.asset_group_operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset_group do |ag| ag.name = "Performance Max asset group #{SecureRandom.uuid}" ag.campaign = client.path.campaign( customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID) ag.final_urls << "http://www.example.com" ag.final_mobile_urls << "http://www.example.com" ag.status = :PAUSED ag.resource_name = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) end end # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets # # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset # and providing: # the resource name of the AssetGroup # the resource name of the Asset # the field_type of the Asset in this AssetGroup. # # To learn more about AssetGroups, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups # Link the previously created multiple text assets. # Link the headline assets. headline_asset_resource_names.each do |resource_name| operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource .asset_group_asset do |aga| aga.field_type = :HEADLINE aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) aga.asset = resource_name end end end # Link the description assets. description_asset_resource_names.each do |resource_name| operations << client.operation.mutate do |m| m.asset_group_asset_operation = client.operation.create_resource .asset_group_asset do |aga| aga.field_type = :DESCRIPTION aga.asset_group = client.path.asset_group( customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID) aga.asset = resource_name end end end # Create and link the long headline text asset. operations += create_and_link_text_asset( client, customer_id, "Travel the World", :LONG_HEADLINE) # Create and link the business name and logo asset. operations += create_and_link_brand_assets( client, customer_id, brand_guidelines_enabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo") # Create and link the image assets. # Create and link the Marketing Image Asset. operations += create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", :MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image") # Create and link the Square Marketing Image Asset. operations += create_and_link_image_asset( client, customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", :SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image") operations end
sub create_asset_group_operations { my ( $customer_id, $headline_asset_resource_names, $description_asset_resource_names, $brand_guidelines_enabled ) = @_; my $operations = []; # Create a mutate operation that creates an asset group operation. push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation-> new({ assetGroupOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetGroupService::AssetGroupOperation ->new({ create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetGroup->new({ resourceName => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), name => "Performance Max asset group #" . uniqid(), campaign => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::campaign( $customer_id, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID ), finalUrls => ["http://www.example.com"], finalMobileUrls => ["http://www.example.com"], status => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::AssetGroupStatusEnum::PAUSED })})}); # For the list of required assets for a Performance Max campaign, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/assets. # An AssetGroup is linked to an Asset by creating a new AssetGroupAsset # and providing: # - the resource name of the AssetGroup # - the resource name of the Asset # - the fieldType of the Asset in this AssetGroup # # To learn more about AssetGroups, see # https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/performance-max/asset-groups. # Link the previously created multiple text assets. # Link the headline assets. foreach my $resource_name (@$headline_asset_resource_names) { push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation ->new({ assetGroupAssetOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetGroupAssetService::AssetGroupAssetOperation ->new({ create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetGroupAsset->new({ asset => $resource_name, assetGroup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), fieldType => HEADLINE })})}); } # Link the description assets. foreach my $resource_name (@$description_asset_resource_names) { push @$operations, Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::GoogleAdsService::MutateOperation ->new({ assetGroupAssetOperation => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetGroupAssetService::AssetGroupAssetOperation ->new({ create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetGroupAsset->new({ asset => $resource_name, assetGroup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::asset_group( $customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID ), fieldType => DESCRIPTION })})}); } # Create and link the long headline text asset. push @$operations, @{create_and_link_text_asset($customer_id, "Travel the World", LONG_HEADLINE)}; # Create and link the business name and logo asset. push @$operations, @{ create_and_link_brand_assets( $customer_id, $brand_guidelines_enabled, "Interplanetary Cruises", "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", "Marketing Logo" )}; # Create and link the image assets. # Create and link the marketing image asset. push @$operations, @{ create_and_link_image_asset( $customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/Eit5", MARKETING_IMAGE, "Marketing Image" )}; # Create and link the square marketing image asset. push @$operations, @{ create_and_link_image_asset( $customer_id, "https://gaagl.page.link/bjYi", SQUARE_MARKETING_IMAGE, "Square Marketing Image" )}; return $operations; }
معاينة الإعلانات لمجموعات مواد العرض
بعد إنشاء مجموعات مواد عرض وربط مواد العرض بها، يمكنك إنشاء معاينة قابلة للمشاركة لعرض شكل الإعلانات التي تم إنشاؤها من كل مجموعة مواد عرض.
من خلال تمرير أرقام تعريف مجموعات مواد العرض إلى ShareablePreviewService.GenerateShareablePreviews، يمكنك استرداد عناوين URL لمعاينات الإعلانات التي ستتم مشاركتها مع المستخدمين، بالإضافة إلى الطابع الزمني لانتهاء الصلاحية.
مجموعات مواد عرض متعددة
يمكنك إنشاء مجموعات مواد عرض فريدة لعناوين URL نهائية مختلفة إذا كانت مواد العرض غير عامة بما يكفي لاستخدامها في عناوين URL في النطاق وكنت تستخدم ميزة توسيع عنوان URL.
يمكنك أيضًا إنشاء عدّة مجموعات مواد عرض لعنوان URL النهائي نفسه إذا أردت تخصيص مواد العرض حسب شريحة الجمهور. يمكنك أيضًا إنشاء عدّة مجموعات مواد عرض حسب الموضوع.