Canada AAFC Annual Crop Inventory

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet
canada crop landcover


Starting in 2009, the Earth Observation Team of the Science and Technology Branch (STB) at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) began the process of generating annual crop type digital maps. Focusing on the Prairie Provinces in 2009 and 2010, a Decision Tree (DT) based methodology was applied using optical (Landsat-5, AWiFS, DMC) and radar (Radarsat-2) based satellite images. Beginning with the 2011 growing season, this activity has been extended to other provinces in support of a national crop inventory. To date this approach can consistently deliver a crop inventory that meets the overall target accuracy of at least 85% at a final spatial resolution of 30m (56m in 2009 and 2010).


30 meters


Name Min Max Description
landcover 1 255

Main crop-specific land cover classification.

landcover Class Table

Value Color Description
10 #000000 Cloud
20 #3333ff Water
30 #996666 Exposed Land and Barren
34 #cc6699 Urban and Developed
35 #e1e1e1 Greenhouses
50 #ffff00 Shrubland
80 #993399 Wetland
85 #501b50 Peatland
110 #cccc00 Grassland
120 #cc6600 Agriculture (undifferentiated)
122 #ffcc33 Pasture and Forages
130 #7899f6 Too Wet to be Seeded
131 #ff9900 Fallow
132 #660000 Cereals
133 #dae31d Barley
134 #d6cc00 Other Grains
135 #d2db25 Millet
136 #d1d52b Oats
137 #cace32 Rye
138 #c3c63a Spelt
139 #b9bc44 Triticale
140 #a7b34d Wheat
141 #b9c64e Switchgrass
142 #999900 Sorghum
143 #e9e2b1 Quinoa
145 #92a55b Winter Wheat
146 #809769 Spring Wheat
147 #ffff99 Corn
148 #98887c Tobacco
149 #799b93 Ginseng
150 #5ea263 Oilseeds
151 #52ae77 Borage
152 #41bf7a Camelina
153 #d6ff70 Canola and Rapeseed
154 #8c8cff Flaxseed
155 #d6cc00 Mustard
156 #ff7f00 Safflower
157 #315491 Sunflower
158 #cc9933 Soybeans
160 #896e43 Pulses
161 #996633 Other Pulses
162 #8f6c3d Peas
163 #b6a472 Chickpeas
167 #82654a Beans
168 #a39069 Fababeans
174 #b85900 Lentils
175 #b74b15 Vegetables
176 #ff8a8a Tomatoes
177 #ffcccc Potatoes
178 #6f55ca Sugarbeets
179 #ffccff Other Vegetables
180 #dc5424 Fruits
181 #d05a30 Berries
182 #d20000 Blueberry
183 #cc0000 Cranberry
185 #dc3200 Other Berry
188 #ff6666 Orchards
189 #c5453b Other Fruits
190 #7442bd Vineyards
191 #ffcccc Hops
192 #b5fb05 Sod
193 #ccff05 Herbs
194 #07f98c Nursery
195 #00ffcc Buckwheat
196 #cc33cc Canaryseed
197 #8e7672 Hemp
198 #b1954f Vetch
199 #749a66 Other Crops
200 #009900 Forest (undifferentiated)
210 #006600 Coniferous
220 #00cc00 Broadleaf
230 #cc9900 Mixedwood

Image Properties

Image Properties

Name Type Description
landcover_class_names STRING_LIST

Array of cropland landcover classification names.

landcover_class_palette STRING_LIST

Array of hex code color strings used for the classification palette.

landcover_class_values INT_LIST

Value of the land cover classification.

Terms of Use

Terms of Use



  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Annual Crop Inventory. {YEAR}

Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('AAFC/ACI');
var crop2016 = dataset
    .filter('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31'))
Map.setCenter(-103.8881, 53.0372, 10);
Map.addLayer(crop2016, {}, '2016 Canada AAFC Annual Crop Inventory');
Open in Code Editor