Class DocsView

Use DocsView to select files from Google Drive.


export class DocsView extends View


Extends View


Final No


Name Description
(constructor)(viewId) Constructs a new instance of the DocsView class


Name Description
getId() Returns the ViewId of the view.
(Inherited from View)
setEnableDrives(enabled) Shows shared drives and the files they contain. Before enabling, refer to GoogleDrive API documentation for enabling shared drives.
setIncludeFolders(included) Show folders in the view items. Do not combine with setOwnedByMe. When setIncludeFolders(true) is set, setOwnedByMe is ignored.
setMimeTypes(mimeTypes) Sets the MIME types included in the view. Use commas to separate MIME types if more than one is required. If you don't set MIME types, files of all MIME types are displayed in the view.
(Inherited from View)
setMode(mode) Selects which mode the view will use to display the documents.
setOwnedByMe(me) Filters the documents based on whether they are owned by the user, or shared with the user. Do not combine this setting with setIncludeFolders. When setIncludeFolders(true) is set, setOwnedByMe is ignored.
setParent(parentId) Sets the initial parent folder to display.
setQuery(query) For views involving searches, prepopulate the search query with these terms.
(Inherited from View)
setSelectFolderEnabled(enabled) Allows the user to select a folder in Google Drive.
setStarred(starred) Filters the documents based on whether they are starred by the user.