Discover Schema Reference

Exported Object: Your Follows
Exported Object represents: A lists of searches and sites the user follows.
Object is exported in these formats: CSV
Exported object has the following fields:
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Data Field *Field DefinitionData Field Type
followed_entityThe name of your followed site, or search.string
Exported Object: Not Interested Setting
Exported Object represents: Contents you marked as not interested.
Object is exported in these formats: CSV
Exported object has the following fields:
* The preceding fields represent key data fields for the purposes of parsing and ingesting the relevant data exports. Data fields produced in an export vary by service and user action and some services or actions don't produce each data field described.
Data Field *Field DefinitionData Field Type
entity_nameThe name of topic, source, publisher, or language.string
setting_valueThe value can be not_interested, blocked, or not_preferred.string
A table representing Resource Groups and the objects that are exported with it.
Resource Group *DescriptionExported Objects
discover.followsThis resource group contains lists of searches and sites the user follows.
Your Follows
discover.not_interestedThis resource group contains content you marked as not interested, saved by Discover.
Not Interested Setting
discover.likesThis resource group contains links to user liked documents.
Your Likes
* To obtain the OAuth Scope Name for a particular Resource Group, append "" to the Resource Group. For example, the OAuth Scope Name for the "" Resource Group is "".