OpenRTB Integration

This guide provides information that can help you integrate with Google's OpenRTB implementation. OpenRTB's supported formats are JSON, as well as Protocol Buffers, hereafter referred to as Protobuf. The protocol reference in this guide will focus on the Protobuf format, but even if you use JSON, it is a reference for determining which OpenRTB fields are supported in Google's implementation, and learning about Google's OpenRTB extensions.

If your integration uses the JSON format, Google strongly recommends that you review OpenRTB Protobuf versus JSON Serialization to understand differences you should expect in comparison to the Protobuf reference included in this guide. You can also consult IAB's OpenRTB spec.

If your integration uses the Protobuf format, you will need to generate a library used to parse and serialize messages sent between your bidding endpoint and Google's exchange, which is based on the contents of openrtb-proto.txt and extensions found in openrtb-adx-proto.txt.

Integration considerations

Structure of this document

The tables below contain definitions of objects, including the object's name, whether or not it's required in the bid request or bid response, its equivalent in our Authorized Buyers real-time bidding protobuf, and some implementation details.

Also note that:

  • The BidRequest.imp.ext.billing_id extension field represents the billing IDs of any eligible buyers and pretargeting configurations. The extension field represents eligible buyers for each deal. You must include the billing ID you intend to bid on behalf of in the bid response if the bid request contains more than one billing ID. In cases where only one billing ID is in the bid request, you don't need to include it in the bid response.
  • Naming in the sections below follows OpenRTB for simplicity.
  • All fields will be populated in the request if available. We will never pass null values or empty strings.
  • Types and descriptions from OpenRTB aren't included in the tables below; refer to the OpenRTB proto file.
  • In JSON-encoded bid requests all fields typed int64 or fixed64 below will be sent as strings to prevent accuracy loss for 64-bit integer values.
  • The OpenRTB JSON protocol represents all bool fields as integers in the request, where 0 represents false and 1 represents true. This is required by the OpenRTB specification.

Counting impressions and using macros

To limit discrepancies, we recommend using the BidResponse.seatbid[].bid[].ext.impression_tracking_url field for all inventory, including native.

Buyers should remove impression tracking pixels from the creative (ad markup), and include the impression_tracking_url field (string array) in the bid response instead. BidResponse.seatbid[].bid[].burl can also be used. The impression_tracking_url fires when the impression is considered billable. This provides more accuracy than tracking pixels, which can track impressions that, because of prefetching, were fetched by the app but never rendered. Use the encrypted %%WINNING_PRICE%% macro for this field, or the ${AUCTION_PRICE} macro.

Here is the list of macros supported by impression_tracking_url and burl:

  • ${AUCTION_ID} - ID of the bid request; from attribute.
  • ${AUCTION_BID_ID} - ID of the bid; from BidResponse.bidid attribute.
  • ${AUCTION_IMP_ID} - ID of the impression just won; from BidRequest.imp[].id attribute.
  • ${AUCTION_SEAT_ID} - ID of the bidder seat for whom the bid was made; from BidResponse.seatbid[].seat attribute.
  • ${AUCTION_AD_ID} - ID of the ad markup the bidder wants to serve; from BidResponse.seatbid[].bid[].adid attribute.
  • ${AUCTION_PRICE} - Clearing price using the same currency and units as the bid. Note that this macro is currently not supported in AMP ads.

Google's OpenRTB implementation encrypts AUCTION_PRICE identically to the Authorized Buyers protocol's WINNING_PRICE macro. For more information on how to decrypt the price, refer to the Decrypt Price Confirmations guide.

VAST and video support

We support SSL URLs and the full XML for VAST ads.

Note that if video.skip=1, buyers can bid with non-skippable or skippable video creatives. We recommended opting in to Skip Correction during account setup, because in OpenRTB no distinction is made between ALLOW_SKIPPABLE and REQUIRE_SKIPPABLE.

Unsupported fields

The nurl field is currently not supported, but impression_tracking_url is supported, as is Bid.burl: Refer to the comments above.

No bid

If the client does not want to bid, the client should reply with a 204 code.


All enums can be found in the official documentation for OpenRTB and Native ads.

Extended identifier UID source types

The BidRequest.user.eids.uids field can refer to multiple types of signals. In order to determine which type a given UID represents, you should use the stype extension. The following types are currently supported:

Type Value Description
Publisher-provided identifiers ppuid contains a publisher-provided identifier, and EID.source contains a publisher ID.

The publisher ID returned by EID.source is the same ID found in ads.txt, and Publisher. For example, this may be populated with a value such as pub-123.

Publisher first-party ID on app aid contains a publisher first-party ID on app and EID.source contains the string

These IDs are scoped to the app so there will be a different value for each user and each app.

Publisher first-party ID on web sco contains a publisher first-party ID on web and EID.source contains the string

These IDs are scoped to the domain so there will be a different value for each user and each domain.

Publisher-provided identifiers

Publisher-provided identifiers are encrypted or hashed user IDs created by the publisher that can be used for frequency capping, and interest-based targeting when third-party cookies or device IDs aren’t available. These are only sent in bid requests when enabled by the publisher, and none of the following fields are populated:

  • BidRequest.device.ifa
  • BidRequest.user.buyeruid

Bid request variables and definitions

Ensure you have the OpenRTB Specification available while consulting this page. The specification contains information and nuances specific to the Authorized Buyers implementation. You should also follow the guidelines presented in OpenRTB when unchanged.

Note the following points on how fields are represented in the JSON bid request:

  • The OpenRTB JSON protocol represents all bool fields as integers in the request, where 0 represents false and 1 represents true. This is required by the OpenRTB specification.
  • In JSON-encoded bid requests, all fields typed int64 or fixed64 are sent as strings to prevent accuracy loss for 64-bit integer values.


The top-level bid request object contains a globally unique bid request or auction ID. This ID attribute is required, as is at least one Imp (impression) object. Other attributes in this top-level object establish rules and restrictions that apply to all impressions being offered.

There are also several subordinate objects that provide detailed data to potential buyers. Among these are the Site and App objects, which describe the type of published media in which the impressions appear. These objects are highly recommended, but only one applies to a given bid request depending on whether the media is browser-based web content or a non-browser application, respectively.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized
Supported Implementation details
id Yes string Unique ID of the bid request, provided by the exchange.

OpenRTB is websafe base64 (no padding).

imp Yes Array of Imp objects BidRequest.AdSlot Representing the impressions offered.

At least 1 Imp object is required.

site No Site object BidRequest Details about the publisher's website.

Only applicable and recommended for websites.

One off with app.

app No App object BidRequest
Details about the publisher's app.

(non-browser applications). Only applicable and recommended for apps.

One off with site.

device No Device object BidRequest.Mobile, BidRequest.Device Details about the user's device to which the impression will be delivered.
regs No Regs object Specifies any industry, legal, or governmental regulations in force for this request.
user No User object BidRequest Details about the human user of the device; the advertising audience.
at No AuctionType object BidRequest.auction_type where 1 = First Price, 2 = Second Price Plus.

Exchange-specific auction types can be defined using values > 500. Default = SECOND_PRICE.

tmax No int32 BidRequest.response_deadline_ms Maximum time in milliseconds to submit a bid to avoid timeout. Typically between 80ms and 1000ms.
wseat No string BidRequest.AdSlot.allowed_seat_ids Allowlist of buyer seats (for example, advertisers, agencies) allowed to bid on this impression. IDs of seats and knowledge of the buyer's customers to which they refer must be coordinated between bidders and the exchange a priori. Omission implies no seat restrictions.
allimps No bool Not supported Option to indicate if Exchange can verify that the impressions offered represent all of the impressions available in context (for example, all on the web page, all video spots such as pre/mid/post roll) to support road-blocking. 0 = no or unknown, 1 = yes, the impressions offered represent all that are available.
cur No Array of string Not supported Array of allowed currencies for bids on this bid request using ISO-4217 alpha codes. Recommended only if the exchange accepts multiple currencies.
bcat No Array of string BidRequest.AdSlot.
_category, BidRequest.AdSlot.
Blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
badv No Array of string Not supported Block list of advertisers by their domains (for example, "")
bapp No Array of string BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_app_ids Block list of applications by their platform-specific exchange-independent application identifiers. On Android, these should be bundle or package names (for example, On iOS, these are numeric IDs.
test No bool BidRequest.is_test Indicator of test mode in which auctions are not billable, where 0 = live mode, 1 = test mode. Default : 1
bseat No string BidRequest.AdSlot.blocked_seat_ids Block list of buyer seats (for example, advertisers, agencies) restricted from bidding on this impression. IDs of seats and knowledge of the buyer's customers to which they refer must be coordinated between bidders and the exchange a priori. At most, only one of wseat and bseat should be used in the same request. Omission of both implies no seat restrictions.
wlang No string BidRequest
Allowlist of languages for creatives using ISO-639-1-alpha-2. Omission implies no specific restrictions, but buyers would be advised to consider language attribute in the Device and/or Content objects if available.
source No Source object Used only for extensions A Source object that provides data about the inventory source and which entity makes the final decision.
ext No BidRequestExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the BidRequest message.


Refer to Real-time feedback for more information.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
bid_feedback No Array of BidFeedback objects BidRequest.bid_response_feedback Feedback on bids submitted in previous responses. This is only set if real-time feedback is enabled for your bidder. Contact your account manager if you want to enable real-time feedback.
google_query_id No string BidRequest.google_query_id This represents a unique ID for the overall query. In the event that there are multiple callouts for a query, all callout requests for that query will contain the same google_query_id.
fcap_scope Yes FrequencyCappingScope enum BidRequest.AdSlot.FrequencyCappingScope

Experimental feature; may be subject to change. See Set Google-hosted frequency caps for RTB bids for more information. Describes the scope of frequency cap enforcement available for this request. Frequency caps to be enforced for a bid can be specified in the Bid.ext.fcap field.

FREQUENCY_CAPPING_SCOPE_UNKNOWN = 0; Default value which should not be used, or which can indicate that frequency cap scope could not be reliably determined.

FREQUENCY_CAPPING_SCOPE_NONE = 1; Frequency capping based on bid response specifications is not available for this request. A frequency-capped bid for a bid request with no frequency cap availability will be filtered prior to the auction.

FREQUENCY_CAPPING_SCOPE_BROWSER = 2; Frequency capping enforcement is available across multiple sites within the same browser.

FREQUENCY_CAPPING_SCOPE_DEVICE = 3; Frequency capping enforcement is available across multiple sites on the device, excluding browsers.

FREQUENCY_CAPPING_SCOPE_APP = 4; Frequency capping enforcement is available within a single app.

FREQUENCY_CAPPING_SCOPE_SITE = 5; Frequency capping enforcement is available within a single site.

privacy_treatments No PrivacyTreatments object BidRequest.privacy_treatments Privacy treatments. Some fields in the bid request can be coarsened or redacted in order to protect user privacy. This message provides information about privacy treatments that apply to an ad opportunity offered through this request.
ae Yes AuctionEnvironment enum BidRequest.supported_auction_environment The supported auction environment for this impression. For inventory which does not support interest group bidding, this will always be set to SERVER_SIDE_AUCTION. For inventory which does support interest group bidding, this will be set to ON_DEVICE_INTEREST_GROUP_AUCTION. Note that this only indicates that the interest group auction is supported, not that it is guaranteed to execute. If no buyer chooses to participate in the interest group auction, then the interest group auction will be skipped and the winner of the contextual auction, if any, will be served instead.

Feedback on bids submitted in previous responses. This is only set if real-time feedback is enabled for your bidder. Contact your account manager if you want to enable real-time feedback.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
request_id No string BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.request_id. The unique ID from
creative_status_code No int32 BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.creative_status_code The status code for the ad. See creative status codes on the Protos & Reference Data page for a list of IDs.
price No double BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.cpm_micros If the bid won the auction, this is the price paid in your account currency. If the bid participated in the auction but was out-bid, this is the CPM that should have been exceeded in order to win. This is not set if the bid was filtered prior to the auction, if the publisher or winning bidder has opted out of price feedback or if your account has opted out of sharing winning prices with other bidders. For first-price auctions, minimum_bid_to_win is populated instead of this field.
minimum_bid_to_win No double BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.minimum_bid_to_win The minimum bid value necessary to have won the auction, in your account currency. If your bid won the auction, this is the second highest bid that was not filtered (including the floor price). If your bid did not win the auction, this is the winning candidate's bid. This field will only be populated if your bid participated in a first-price auction, and will not be populated if your bid was filtered prior to the auction.
sscminbidtowin No double BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.server_side_component_minimum_bid_to_win The minimum bid value necessary to have won the server-side component of the overall auction given that there was also an interest group bidding component to the overall auction which ran using the Protected Audience API. The value is expressed in CPM of the buyer account currency. The minimum bid to win for the overall auction, including bids from the server-side and the on-device interest group components, is populated in the minimum_bid_to_win field of the same BidFeedback object.
billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment No double BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment Billable event rate multiplier that was applied to this bid during ranking. The adjustment reflects the likelihood that your bid would generate a billable event (namely, the ad renders successfully) if it won the auction, relative to the probability that other bids generate a billable event if they won the auction. This adjustment can be larger or smaller than 1. This affects the final ranking in the auction only; in particular, this multiplier does not affect the payment or whether the bid clears any floor price.
sampled_mediation_cpm_ahead_of_auction_winner No double BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.sampled_mediation_cpm_ahead_of_auction_winner When a publisher uses an RTB auction and waterfall-based SDK mediation on the same query, the winner of the real-time auction must also compete in a mediation waterfall (which is ordered by price) to win the impression. If the bid participated in the auction and there was no waterfall, the value of this field is 0. If the bid participated in the auction and there was a waterfall, the value of this field is a price representing a sample bid from the eligible mediation networks that were higher than the auction winner, weighted by expected fill rate. This field can be used in conjunction with minimum_bid_to_win to train bidding models. The CPM is in your account currency.
event_notification_token No EventNotificationToken object BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.event_notification_token The token included in the corresponding bid.
buyer_creative_id No string BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.buyer_creative_id The creative ID included in the corresponding bid.

The token included in the corresponding bid.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
event_notification_token.payload No string BidRequest.BidResponseFeedback.event_notification_token The contents of the token.
PrivacyTreatments object

Privacy treatments. Some fields in the bid request can be coarsened or redacted in order to protect user privacy. This message provides information about privacy treatments that apply to an ad opportunity offered through this request.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
non_personalized_ads_reason No NonPersonalizedAdsReason enum BidRequest.privacy_treatments.non_personalized_ads_reason

Specifies the reasons that ads returned in response to this request should not be personalized. This signal does not reflect user decisions on surfaces including iOS App Tracking Transparency or Android advertising ID. See BidRequest.device.lmt and BidRequest.device.ext.atts fields for more information.

UNKNOWN = 0; Reason unknown.

PUBLISHER_DECLARED_NPA = 1; The publisher has declared that this request should serve non-personalized ads independent of other signals.

RESTRICT_DATA_PROCESSING= 2; The publisher has requested restricted data processing for this request.

USER_OPT_OUT = 3; The user has opted out of ads personalization.

storagerestrict No DeviceStorageRestrictionReason enum BidRequest.privacy_treatments.storagerestrict

Indicates the reason why access of local device storage during winning ad rendering and measurement is restricted. See Limited ads requests for additional details.


INSUFFICIENT_USER_CONSENT = 1; This request is subject to user consent requirements to allow for device storage access for advertising use cases such as ads measurement, frequency capping, or profiling, but consent was insufficient or not provided.

allow_user_data_collection No bool BidRequest.privacy_treatments.allow_user_data_collection True if publisher grants the permission to allow the bidder to use bid request data to build user profiles for uses such as interest-based ads and remarketing. To use this data to build user profiles, a bidder must also win a given impression. See About data collection controls.


This object describes the nature and behavior of the entity that is the source of the bid request upstream from the exchange. The primary purpose of this object is to define post-auction or upstream decisioning when the exchange itself does not control the final decision. A common example of this is header bidding, but it can also apply to upstream server entities such as another RTB exchange, a mediation platform, or an ad server combines direct campaigns with 3rd party demand in decisioning.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized
Supported Implementation details
fd No boolean Not supported Entity responsible for the final impression sale decision, where 0 = exchange, 1 = upstream source. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
tid No string Not supported Transaction ID that must be common across all participants in this bid request (for example, potentially multiple exchanges). RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
pchain No string Not supported Payment ID chain string containing embedded syntax described in the TAG Payment ID Protocol v1.0. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
ext No SourceExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Source message.
schain No SupplyChain object BidRequest.supply_chain OpenRTB SupplyChain object. For more information, see this article.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
omidpn No string BidRequest.AdSlot.omidpn Identifier of the OM SDK integration. For more info, see the OpenRTB Advisory for Open Measurement SDK.
omidpv No string BidRequest.AdSlot.omidpv Version of the OM SDK integration. For more info, see the OpenRTB Advisory for Open Measurement SDK.
schain No SupplyChain object BidRequest.supply_chain This field has been deprecated in favor of BidRequest.source.schain, and will be removed in December 2023. This field contains the OpenRTB SupplyChain object. For more information, see this article.

OpenRTB SupplyChain object. For more information, see this article.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
complete No int32 BidRequest.supply_chain.complete Option indicating whether the chain contains all nodes involved in the transaction leading back to the owner of the site, app or other medium of the inventory, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
nodes No Array of SupplyChainNode objects BidRequest.supply_chain.nodes Array of SupplyChainNode objects in the order of the chain. In a complete supply chain, the first node represents the initial advertising system and seller ID involved in the transaction, for example, the owner of the site, app, or other medium. In an incomplete supply chain, it represents the first known node. The last node represents the entity sending this bid request.
ver No string BidRequest.supply_chain.version Version of the supply chain specification in use, in the format of "major.minor". For example, for version 1.0 of the spec, use the string "1.0".
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
asi No string BidRequest.supply_chain.nodes.advertising_system_identifier The canonical domain name of the SSP, Exchange, Header Wrapper, etc system that bidders connect to. This may be the operational domain of the system, if that is different than the parent corporate domain, to facilitate WHOIS and reverse IP lookups to establish clear ownership of the delegate system. This should be the same value as used to identify sellers in an ads.txt file if one exists.
sid No string BidRequest.supply_chain.nodes.seller_identifier The identifier associated with the seller or reseller account within the advertising system. This must contain the same value used in transactions (for example, OpenRTB bid requests) in the field specified by the SSP/exchange. Typically, in OpenRTB, this is For OpenDirect it is typically the publisher’s organization ID. Should be limited to 64 characters in length.
rid No string Not supported The OpenRTB RequestId of the request as issued by this seller.
name No string Not supported The name of the company (the legal entity) that is paid for inventory transacted under the given seller_id. This value is optional and should NOT be included if it exists in the advertising system’s sellers.json file. If available for SupplyChain nodes upstream of Google, it will be included.
domain No string Not supported The business domain name of the entity represented by this node. This value is optional and should NOT be included if it exists in the advertising system’s sellers.json file. If available for SupplyChain nodes upstream of Google, it will be included.
hp No int32 BidRequest.supply_chain.nodes.handles_payment Indicates whether this node will be involved in the flow of payment for the inventory. When set to 1, the advertising system in the asi field pays the seller in the sid field, who is responsible for paying the previous node in the chain. When set to 0, this node is not involved in the flow of payment for the inventory. For version 1.0 of SupplyChain, this property should always be 1. It is explicitly required to be included as it is expected that future versions of the specification will introduce non-payment handling nodes. Implementers should ensure that they support this field and propagate it onwards when constructing SupplyChain objects in bid requests sent to a downstream advertising system.


This object describes an ad placement or impression being auctioned. A single bid request can include multiple Imp objects, a use case for which might be an exchange that supports selling all ad positions on a given page. Each Imp object has a required ID so that bids can reference them individually.

The presence of Banner, Video, or Native objects subordinate to the Imp object indicates the type of impression being offered. The publisher can choose one such type which is the typical case or mix them at their discretion. Any given bid for the impression must conform to one of the offered types.

Attribute Always passed Type AuthorizedBuyersequivalent Supported Implementation details
id Yes string BidRequest
A unique identifier for this impression within the context of the bid request (typically, value starts with 1, and increments up to n for n impressions).
banner No Banner object BidRequest
A Banner object; required if this impression is offered as a banner ad opportunity.
video No Video object BidRequest
Required if this impression is offered as a video ad opportunity.
audio No Audio object BidRequest
Required if this impression is offered as an audio ad opportunity.
displaymanager No string BidRequest
Name of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile). Used by some ad servers to customize ad code by partner. Recommended for video and/or apps.

Example strings:

displaymanagerver No string BidRequest
Version of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile). Used by some ad servers to customize ad code by partner. Recommended for video and/or apps.
instl No bool BidRequest
1 = the ad is interstitial or full screen, 0 = not interstitial.
tagid No string BidRequest
Identifier for specific ad placement or ad tag that was used to initiate the auction. This can be useful for debugging of any issues, or for optimization by the buyer.
bidfloor No double min(BidRequest
_micros) * 1,000,000
Minimum bid for this impression expressed in CPM.
bidfloorcur No string Not supported The currency in which the bid floor is expressed. Specified using ISO 4217 alpha codes.
clickbrowser No bool Supported Indicates the type of browser opened upon clicking the creative in an app, where 0 = embedded, 1 = native.

Note that the Safari View Controller in iOS 9.x devices is considered a native browser for purposes of this attribute.

secure No bool BidRequest
Option to indicate if the impression requires secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup, where 0 = non-secure, 1 = secure. If omitted, the secure state is unknown, but non-secure HTTP support can be assumed.
iframebuster No Array of string Unsupported Array of exchange-specific names of supported iframe busters.
pmp No Pmp object BidRequest
A Pmp object containing any private marketplace deals in effect for this impression.
native No Native BidRequest
A Native object; required if this impression is offered as a native ad opportunity.
exp No int32 BidRequest
Advisory as to the number of seconds that may elapse between the auction and the actual impression.
metric No Array of Metric objects BidRequest

An array of Metric objects. AdX supplies these metrics for this field: click_through_rate, viewability, completion_rate, and session_depth. The viewability metric is a fraction from 0.00 to 1.00 in the OpenRTB metric, but it's expressed as a percentage [0-100] in the AdX protocol. Refer to the AdSlot object table in the Realtime Bidding Guide for descriptions of these metrics. Note session_depth is an integer value.
ext No ImpExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Imp message.
rwdd No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.is_rewarded Indicates whether the user receives a reward for viewing the ad. For video ads, typical implementations allow users to read an additional news article for free, receive an extra life in a game, or get a sponsored ad-free music session. The reward is typically distributed after the video ad is completed.
refresh No Array of Refresh objects BidRequest.AdSlot.auto_refresh Details about ad slots being refreshed automatically.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
billing_id Yes Array of int64 BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.billing_id The eligible billing IDs to which a billable impression can be attributed. A billing ID for attributing an impression resulting from a winning bid can be specified in These billing IDs can represent the bidder's matching pretargeting configurations, the bidder's deal billing ID, or eligible child seats.
publisher_settings_list_id Yes Array of fixed64 BidRequest.publisher_settings_list_id
The publisher settings list ID that applies to this page. Refer to the RTB Publisher Settings guide for details.
allowed_vendor_type No Array of int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.allowed_vendor_type The allowed vendor types. Refer to the vendors.txt file for a list of IDs.
excluded_creatives No Array of ExcludedCreative objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_creatives Creatives that are disallowed for the impression. Submitting a bid with one of the creatives in this list will result in such bid being filtered before the auction. Contact your account manager if you would like to enable this feature.
dfp_ad_unit_code No string BidRequest.AdSlot.dfp_ad_unit_code The Ad Manager ad unit code. This is currently only set for Open Bidding requests.
is_rewarded_inventory No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.is_rewarded This field has been deprecated in favor of BidRequest.imp.rwdd, and will be removed in July 2023. This field indicates whether the user receives a reward for viewing the ad. For video ads, typical implementations allow users to read an additional news article for free, receive an extra life in a game, or get a sponsored ad-free music session. The reward is typically distributed after the video ad is completed.
is_app_open_ad No bool BidRequest.Mobile.is_app_open_ad Indicates whether a mobile app bid request is for an app open ad. See App open ad guidance for more information.
ampad No Enum AmpAdRequirementType BidRequest.AdSlot.amp_ad_request_type Possible requirement types for AMP ads.

UNKNOWN_AMP_AD_REQUIREMENT_TYPE = 1; (Default) AMP ad requirements are unknown.

AMP_AD_NOT_ALLOWED = 2; AMP ads are not allowed.

AMP_AD_ALLOWED_AND_NOT_EARLY_RENDERED = 3; Either AMP ads or non-AMP ads are allowed, AMP ads are not early rendered.

AMP_AD_ALLOWED_AND_EARLY_RENDERED = 4; Either AMP ads or non-AMP ads are allowed, AMP ads are early rendered.

AMP_AD_REQUIRED = 5; AMP ads are required. Ads that are non-AMP may be rejected by the publisher.

buyer_generated_request_data No Array of BuyerGeneratedRequestData objects BidRequest.AdSlot.secure_signals Secure signals passed by the publisher.
billable_event_rate_adjustment No double BidRequest.AdSlot.billable_event_rate_adjustment Deprecated. This will be removed in Q1 2024. This field has been deprecated in favor of the repeated field billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment below. For ads rendered using a custom SDK only: multiplier applied to bid in the auction. The adjustment reflects the likelihood that your bid would generate a billable event (for example, the ad renders successfully) if it won the auction, relative to the probability that other bids generate a billable event if they won the auction. This adjustment can be larger or smaller than 1. This affects the final ranking in the auction only; in particular, this multiplier does not affect the payment. Default = 1.0.
billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment No Array of BillableEventRateBidAdjustment objects BidRequest.AdSlot.billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment A list of billable event rate bid adjustments applicable to the request and the ad features associated to the adjustment. Bid adjustments are listed here only if they are not equal to 1.0, which is equivalent to having no adjustment. This field replaces the deprecated field billable_event_rate_adjustment.
open_bidding No OpenBidding object BidRequest.AdSlot.open_bidding Parameters related to Open Bidding.
ad_unit_mapping No AdUnitMapping object BidRequest.AdSlot.ad_unit_mapping Ad unit mappings that match the given adslot.
allowed_restricted_category No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.allowed_restricted_category The allowed restricted ad categories. See ad-restricted-categories.txt for a list of ids.
skadn No SKAdNetworkRequest object BidRequest.Mobile.skadn Publisher's SKAdNetwork information to support app installation attribution for iOS 14 and later. Apple's SKAdNetwork API helps advertisers measure ad-driven app installation by sending a postback to the ad network after a successful install. Publishers will need to configure supported ad networks in their app's property list (Info.plist) to allow an install to be attributed to the ad impression. For more info, see Apple's documentation.
buyer_creative_id No string BidRequest.AdSlot.ExcludedCreative.buyer_creative_id Buyer creative ID of the disallowed creative.
data No string The secure signal.
source_app No SourceApp BidRequest.AdSlot.SecureSignal.source The source of the data.
id No string BidRequest.AdSlot.SecureSignal.source Identifier for the SDK that generated this data. It will match the ID in
is_open_bidding No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.OpenBidding.is_open_bidding This field is set to true if the publisher set up a yield group or a mediation group that targets this adslot and this bidder. Visit our Help Center for information on Open Bidding and its effects on the bidding process.
Keyval No Keyval object BidRequest.AdSlot.AdUnitMapping.keyval Key-value pair used to specify the inventory unit in the bidder's namespace.
FormatType No enum BidRequest.AdSlot.AdUnitMapping.format_type Possible ad unit formats that can be used for the mapping. Corresponds to the adapter that will be used on the SDK.

Possible values:

  • Display banner ads for web or mobile apps. For example, a 320x50 leaderboard slot. This includes out-stream video.


  • A full-screen ad to be displayed inside a mobile app.


  • Custom display or video ads for web or mobile apps that match the user experience of the site or app in which they’re placed.


  • Video ads that appear before, during, or after video content streams.


  • Video ads for mobile apps that allow users to voluntarily watch an ad in exchange for an in-app reward.


  • Interstitial ads that allow users to watch an ad in exchange for an in-app reward. Does not require opt-in.


  • App open ads shows at app load screens. App open ads can be closed at any time, and are designed to be shown when the users bring the app to the foreground.


bid_adjustment No float BidRequest.AdSlot.BillableEventRateBidAdjustment.bid_adjustment A multiplier to your bid to adjust for the likelihood that your bid would result in a billable event (namely, the ad renders successfully) if it won the auction, relative to the average probability that bids from other buyers would result in a billable event if they won the auction. This adjustment can be larger or smaller than 1. This affects the final ranking in the auction only; in particular, this multiplier does not affect the payment or whether the bid clears any floor price.
creative_type No CreativeType enum BidRequest.AdSlot.BillableEventRateBidAdjustment.creative_type

The type of ads to which the above bid adjustment applies to. Each type corresponds to different ways of how the ad's creative is specified, as described in If the ad is SDK-rendered, this will be set to SDK_RENDERED regardless of the actual creative type.

Possible values:

  • HTML_SNIPPET = 1; Banner ads
  • VIDEO_VAST = 2; VAST video or audio ads
  • NATIVE = 3; Native ads
  • SDK_RENDERED = 4; SDK rendered ad

sdk No InstalledSdk object BidRequest.AdSlot.BillableEventRateBidAdjustment.sdk The SDK used to render the ad with. The SDK ID will match the one sent in This field is not set for Google SDK.
versions No Array of strings BidRequest.Mobile.skadn.versions List of all SKAdNetwork versions supported by the request, depending on the OS version and the SDK version.
sourceapp No string BidRequest.Mobile.skadn.sourceapp ID of publisher app in Apple's App Store.
skadnetids No Array of string BidRequest.Mobile.skadn.skadnetids SKAdNetworkIdentifier entries in the publisher app's Info.plist.
fidelities No Array of SKAdNetworkFidelityType objects BidRequest.Mobile.skadn.supported_fidelity_types List of fidelity types supported, depending on the SKAdNetwork API version supported by the operating system and SDK as well as ad slot properties.
skoverlay No bool BidRequest.Mobile.skadn.skoverlay Indicates if this request supports SKOverlay for video ads.
Keyval object

Multiple key-value pairs can be specified in order to support bidders whose inventory unit space is hierarchical and has multiple identifiers. The key-value pairs for the chosen AdUnitMapping should be sent back in the bid response as This is passed to the bidder's SDK.

Attribute Type Always passed Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
key string No BidRequest.AdSlot.AdUnitMapping.keyval.key The key is the name of the bidder's inventory unit identifier for the SDK.
value string No BidRequest.AdSlot.AdUnitMapping.keyval.value The value of the bidder's inventory unit identifier for the given format.


This object is associated with an impression as an array of metrics. These metrics can offer insight into the impression to assist with decisioning such as average recent viewability, click-through rate, etc. Each metric is identified by its type, reports the value of the metric, and optionally identifies the source or vendor measuring the value.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized
Supported Implementation details
type No string One of:



Type of metric being presented using exchange curated string names which should be published to bidders a priori. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification. The types we support are: click_through_rate, viewability, completion_rate, and session_depth.
value No double Value between 0 and 1. Number representing the value of the metric. Probabilities must be in the range 0.00 – 1.00. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification. The viewability metric is a fraction from 0.00 to 1.00 in the OpenRTB metric, but it's expressed as a percentage [0-100] in the AdX protocol.
vendor No string EXCHANGE Source of the value using exchange curated string names which should be published to bidders a priori. If the exchange itself is the source versus a third party, "EXCHANGE" is recommended. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

This object represents the most general type of impression. Although the term "banner" may have very specific meaning in other contexts, here it can be many things including a simple static image, an expandable ad unit, or even in-banner video (refer to the Video object for the more generalized and full featured video ad units). An array of Banner objects can also appear within the Video to describe optional companion ads defined in the VAST specification.

The presence of a Banner as a subordinate of the Imp object indicates that this impression is offered as a banner type impression. At the publisher's discretion, that same impression may also be offered as video and/or native by also including as Imp subordinates the Video and/or Native objects, respectively. However, any given bid for the impression must conform to one of the offered types.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
w No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.width[0] Width in device independent pixels (DIPS). If no Format objects are specified, this is an exact width requirement. Otherwise it is a preferred width.
h No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.height[0] Height in device independent pixels (DIPS). If no Format objects are specified, this is an exact height requirement. Otherwise it is a preferred height.
format No Array of Format objects Not supported Array of Format objects representing the banner sizes permitted. If none are specified, then use of the h and w attributes is highly recommended.
id No string Unique identifier for this Banner object. Recommended when Banner objects are used with a Video object to represent an array of companion ads. Values usually start at 1 and increase with each object; should be unique within an impression.
pos No Enum AdPosition BidRequest.AdSlot.slot_visibility
This OpenRTB table has values derived from the IAB Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG). Practitioners should keep in sync with updates to the QAG values as published on Values "4" - "7" apply to apps per the mobile addendum to QAG version 1.5.

Banner.pos only supports one value. If is_sticky, Banner.pos is populated with stickiness. If unknown_stickiness, slot_visibility is used. Stickiness indicates the banner is always onscreen, whereas visibility above-the-fold or below-the-fold can change as the user scrolls.

Can be one of the following values:



Equivalent to sticky_settings.top_horizontal_stickiness in Authorized Buyers RTB protocol.

Equivalent to sticky_settings.bottom_horizontal_stickiness in Authorized Buyers RTB protocol.

Equivalent to sticky_settings.vertical_stickiness in Authorized Buyers RTB protocol.

btype No Array of enum BannerAdType Not supported Blocked banner ad types

XHTML_TEXT_AD = 1; // "Usually mobile".
XHTML_BANNER_AD = 2; // "Usually mobile".
JAVASCRIPT_AD = 3; // JavaScript must be valid xhtml
IFRAME = 4; // Iframe.

battr No Array of CreativeAttribute enum BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute Blocked creative attributes. See the full list of available attributes.
mimes No Array of string Only mapped for BidRequest.Video.companionad: BidRequest.Video.companionad.creative_format
BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / VPAID
Allowlist of content MIME types supported. Popular MIME types include, but are not limited to "image/jpg", "image/gif" and"application/x-shockwave-flash".
topframe No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.iframing_state

NO_IFRAME: false

Specify if the banner is delivered in the top frame (true) or in an iframe (false).
expdir No Array of ExpandableDirection enum BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / EXPANDING_* Directions in which the banner may expand.
api No Array of APIFramework objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / MRAID_1_0 List of supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported.
vcm No bool BidRequest.Video.end_cap_support Relevant only for Banner objects used with a Video object in an array of companion ads. Indicates the companion banner rendering mode relative to the associated video, where 0 = concurrent, 1 = end-card. We currently only support end-cards on mApp video interstitials.
wmax No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.flexible_ad_slot_settings.max_width Maximum width of the impression in pixels.
hmax No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.flexible_ad_slot_settings.max_height Maximum height of the impression in pixels.
wmin No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.flexible_ad_slot_settings.min_width Minimum width of the impression in pixels.
hmin No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.flexible_ad_slot_settings.min_height Minimum height of the impression in pixels.
ext No BannerExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Banner message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
flexslot No FlexSlot object BidRequest.adslot.flexible_adslot_settings This field contains information about a banner impression's flexible ad size ranges, if supported, and is unset otherwise.


Indicates the acceptable ad width and height ranges for impressions which support flexible ad sizes.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
wmin No int32 BidRequest.adslot.flexible_adslot_settings.min_width The minimum acceptable ad width in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
wmax No int32 BidRequest.adslot.flexible_adslot_settings.max_width The maximum acceptable ad width in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
hmin No int32 BidRequest.adslot.flexible_adslot_settings.min_height The minimum acceptable ad height in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
hmax No int32 BidRequest.adslot.flexible_adslot_settings.max_height The maximum acceptable ad height in device-independent pixels (DIPS).


This object represents an allowed size (height and width combination) for a banner impression. These are typically used in an array for an impression where multiple sizes are permitted.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
w No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.width Width in device independent pixels (DIPS).
h No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.height Height in device independent pixels (DIPS).
wratio No int32 Not supported Relative width when expressing size as a ratio.
hratio No int32 Not supported Relative height when expressing size as a ratio.
wmin No int32 Not supported The minimum width in device independent pixels (DIPS) at which the ad will be displayed when the size is expressed as a ratio.


This object represents an in-stream video impression. Many of the fields are non-essential for minimally viable transactions, but are included to offer fine control when needed. Video in OpenRTB generally assumes compliance with the VAST standard. As such, the notion of companion ads is supported by optionally including an array of Banner objects that define these companion ads.

The presence of a Video as a subordinate of the Imp object indicates that this impression is offered as a video type impression. At the publisher's discretion, that same impression may also be offered as banner and/or native by also including as Imp subordinates the Banner and/or Native objects, respectively. However, any given bid for the impression must conform to one of the offered types.

Refer to the OpenRTB Video Ads guide for additional details.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
mimes Yes Array of string BidRequest.Video.allowed_video_formats,
BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / VPAID
Allowlist of content MIME types supported. Popular MIME types include but are not limited to "image/jpg", "image/gif" and "application/x-shockwave-flash".

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification: at least 1 element.

linearity No int32 Indicates if the impression must be linear, nonlinear, etc. If none specified, assume all are allowed.

LINEAR = 1: Linear/In-stream
NON_LINEAR = 2: Non-linear/Overlay

minduration No int32 BidRequest.Video.min_ad_duration Minimum video ad duration in seconds.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

maxduration No int32 BidRequest.Video.max_ad_duration Maximum video ad duration in seconds.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

protocols No Array of Protocol objects BidRequest.Video.protocols Array of supported video bid response protocols.

At least one supported protocol must be specified.

VAST_1_0 = 1;
VAST_2_0 = 2;
VAST_3_0 = 3;

w No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.width[0] Width of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS).

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

h No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.height[0] Height of the video player in device independent pixels (DIPS).

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

startdelay No int32 BidRequest.Video.videoad_start_delay

>0: start delay in seconds

Other values:
videoad_start_delay / 1,000

Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements. Refer to enum StartDelay for generic values.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

maxseq No int32 The maximum number of ads that can be played in an ad pod.
poddur No int32 Indicates the total amount of time in seconds that advertisers may fill for a "dynamic" video ad pod, or the dynamic portion of a "hybrid" ad pod. This field is required only for the dynamic portion(s) of video ad pods. This field refers to the length of the entire ad break, whereas minduration/maxduration/rqddurs are constraints relating to the slots that make up the pod.
This field is currently only supported for rewarded video pods requests.
skip No bool BidRequest.Video.video_ad_skippable Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped / where 0 = no, 1 = yes. If a bidder sends markup/creative that is itself skippable, the Bid object should include the attr array with an element of 16 indicating skippable video.
skipmin No int32 Not supported Videos of total duration greater than this number of seconds can be skippable; only applicable if the ad is skippable.
skipafter No int32 Not supported Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled; only applicable if the ad is skippable.
sequence No int32 Not supported If multiple ad impressions are offered in the same bid request, the sequence number will allow for the coordinated delivery of multiple creatives.[default = 1];
battr No Array of
BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute Blocked creative attributes. See the full list of available attributes.
maxextended No int32 Not supported Maximum extended video ad duration, if extension is allowed. If blank or 0, extension is not allowed. If -1, extension is allowed, and there is no time limit imposed. If greater than 0, then the value represents the number of seconds of extended play supported beyond the maxduration value.
minbitrate No int32 Not supported Minimum bit rate in Kbps.
maxbitrate No int32 Not supported Maximum bit rate in Kbps.
boxingallowed No bool Not supported Indicates if letter-boxing of 4:3 content into a 16:9 window is allowed, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
default = true
playbackmethod No Array of


Playback methods that may be in use. If none are specified, any method may be used. Only one method is typically used in practice. As a result, this array may be converted to an integer in a future version of the specification. It is strongly advised to use only the first element of this array in preparation for this change.

AUTO_PLAY_SOUND_ON = 1: Initiates on Page Load with Sound On.
AUTO_PLAY_SOUND_OFF = 2: Initiates on Page Load with Sound Off by Default.
CLICK_TO_PLAY = 3: Initiates on Click with Sound On.
MOUSE_OVER = 4: Initiates on Mouse-Over with Sound On.
ENTER_SOUND_ON = 5: Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound On.
ENTER_SOUND_OFF = 6: Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound Off by Default.

delivery No Array of
ContentDeliveryMethod Supported delivery methods (for example, streaming, progressive). If none specified, assume all are supported.

STREAMING = 1; Content is transferred continuously by the network; clients receive real-time content for playback while connected. Example: broadcast TV.
PROGRESSIVE = 2; Content is transferred incrementally as client's playback requires. Example: on-demand movies, podcasts, or music.
DOWNLOAD = 3; Content should be transferred completely prior to use/playback. Example: content downloaded to the user's device for offline consumption.

pos No AdPosition BidRequest.AdSlot.slot_visibility Ad position on screen.
companionad No Array of Banner objects BidRequest.Video.companion_slot Array of Banner objects if companion ads are available.
api No Array of APIFramework objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute
/ MRAID_1_0
List of supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported.
companiontype No Array of CompanionType objects BidRequest.Video.companion_slot.creative_format Supported VAST companion ad types. Recommended if companion Banner objects are included through the companionad array.
plcmt No Plcmt BidRequest.Video.plcmt

PLCMT_INSTREAM = 1 - Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads that are played before, during or after the streaming video content that the consumer has requested. Instream video must be set to “sound on” by default at player start, or have explicitly clear user intent to watch the video content. While there may be other content surrounding the player, the video content must be the focus of the user’s visit. It should remain the primary content on the page and the only video player in-view capable of audio when playing. If the player converts to floating/sticky, subsequent ad calls should accurately convey the updated player size.
PLCMT_ACCOMPANYING_CONTENT = 2 - Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads that are played before, during, or after streaming video content. The video player loads and plays before, between, or after paragraphs of text or graphical content, and starts playing only when it enters the viewport. Accompanying content should only start playback upon entering the viewport. It may convert to a floating/sticky player as it scrolls off the page.
PLCMT_INTERSTITIAL = 3 - Video ads that are played without video content. During playback, it must be the primary focus of the page and take up the majority of the viewport and cannot be scrolled out of view. This can be in placements like in-app video or slideshows.
PLCMT_NO_CONTENT_STANDALONE = 4 - Video ads that are played without streaming video content. This can be in placements like slideshows, native feeds, in-content or sticky/floating.

Video placement type for the impression.
Introduced in OpenRTB 2.6 to reflect updated industry definitions around different types of video ad placements. This field supersedes the Video.placement field. IAB definition of the field and values:
placement No VideoPlacementType BidRequest.Video.Placement


Note: Deprecated. This will be removed in Jan 2025 per the IAB here:

Placement type for the impression.

UNDEFINED_VIDEO_PLACEMENT: The video placement is not defined. Default value.
IN_STREAM_PLACEMENT: Played before, during or after the streaming video content that the consumer has requested. For example, Pre-roll, Mid-roll, Post-roll.
IN_BANNER_PLACEMENT: Exists within a web banner that leverages the banner space to deliver a video experience as opposed to another static or rich media format. The format relies on the existence of display ad inventory on the page for its delivery.
IN_ARTICLE_PLACEMENT: Loads and plays dynamically between paragraphs of editorial content; existing as a standalone branded message.
IN_FEED_PLACEMENT: In-Feed - Found in content, social, or product feeds.
FLOATING_PLACEMENT: Interstitial/Slider/Floating. Covers the entire or a portion of screen area, but is always on screen while displayed (for example, cannot be scrolled out of view). Note that a full-screen interstitial (for example, in mobile) can be distinguished from a floating/slider unit by the imp.instl field.

playbackend No PlaybackCessationMode Not supported The event that causes playback to end.
ext No VideoExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Video object.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
inferredplcmt No Plcmt BidRequest.Video.inferred_plcmt

PLCMT_INSTREAM = 1 - Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads that are played before, during or after the streaming video content that the consumer has requested. Instream video must be set to “sound on” by default at player start, or have explicitly clear user intent to watch the video content. While there may be other content surrounding the player, the video content must be the focus of the user’s visit. It should remain the primary content on the page and the only video player in-view capable of audio when playing. If the player converts to floating/sticky, subsequent ad calls should accurately convey the updated player size.
PLCMT_ACCOMPANYING_CONTENT = 2 - Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads that are played before, during, or after streaming video content. The video player loads and plays before, between, or after paragraphs of text or graphical content, and starts playing only when it enters the viewport. Accompanying content should only start playback upon entering the viewport. It may convert to a floating/sticky player as it scrolls off the page.
PLCMT_INTERSTITIAL = 3 - Video ads that are played without video content. During playback, it must be the primary focus of the page and take up the majority of the viewport and cannot be scrolled out of view. This can be in placements like in-app video or slideshows.
PLCMT_NO_CONTENT_STANDALONE = 4 - Video ads that are played without streaming video content. This can be in placements like slideshows, native feeds, in-content or sticky/floating.

Google inferred video placement type for the impression. This field is always filled and can be different from (the publisher-declared placement type).
embeddedoffsite Yes Embeddedoffsite BidRequest.Video.embeddedoffsite

If true, the video is embedded on a page outside the publisher's domain. When this is set, BidRequest.{app/site}.content.producer.domain points to the domain of the content producer, and the BidRequest.{app/site}.page field is the page in which the video is embedded. describes whether or not the video is embedded on a page outside the publisher's domain.


This object represents an audio type impression. Many of the fields are non-essential for minimally viable transactions, but are included to offer fine control when needed. Audio in OpenRTB generally assumes compliance with the DAAST standard. As such, the notion of companion ads is supported by optionally including an array of Banner objects that define these companion ads. The presence of an Audio object as a subordinate of the Imp object indicates that this impression is offered as an audio type impression. At the publisher's discretion, that same impression may also be offered as banner, video, and/or native by also including as Imp subordinates objects of those types. However, any given bid for the impression must conform to one of the offered types.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
mimes No Array of string BidRequest.Video.allowed_video_formats, BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / VPAID Content MIME types supported (for example, "audio/mp4")

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification: at least 1 element.

minduration No int32 BidRequest.Video.min_ad_duration Minimum video ad duration in seconds.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

maxduration No int32 BidRequest.Video.max_ad_duration Maximum video ad duration in seconds.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

protocols No Array of Protocol objects BidRequest.Video.protocols Array of supported video bid response protocols. At least one supported protocol must be specified.

DAAST_1_0 = 9;

startdelay No int32 BidRequest.Video.videoad_start_delay

>0: start delay in seconds

Other values:
videoad_start_delay / 1,000

Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placements. Refer to enum StartDelay for generic values.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

sequence No int32 Not supported If multiple ad impressions are offered in the same bid request, the sequence number will allow for the coordinated delivery of multiple creatives.[default = 1];
battr No Array of CreativeAttribute objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute Blocked creative attributes. See the full list of available attributes.
maxextended No int32 Not supported Maximum extended video ad duration, if extension is allowed. If blank or 0, extension is not allowed. If -1, extension is allowed, and there is no time limit imposed. If greater than 0, the value represents the number of seconds of extended play supported beyond the maxduration value.
minbitrate No int32 Not supported Minimum bit rate in Kbps.
maxbitrate No int32 Not supported Maximum bit rate in Kbps.
delivery No Array of
ContentDeliveryMethod Supported delivery methods (for example, streaming, progressive). If none specified, assume all are supported.

STREAMING = 1; Content is transferred continuously by the network; clients receive real-time content for playback while connected. Example: broadcast TV.
PROGRESSIVE = 2; Content is transferred incrementally as client's playback requires. Example: on-demand movies, podcasts, or music.
DOWNLOAD = 3; Content should be transferred completely prior to use/playback. Example: content downloaded to the user's device for offline consumption.

companionad No Array of Banner objects BidRequest.Video.companion_slot Array of Banner objects if companion ads are available.
api No Array of APIFramework objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / MRAID_1_0 List of supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported.
companiontype No Array of CompanionType objects BidRequest.Video.companion_slot.creative_format Supported DAAST companion ad types.
maxseq No int32 Not supported The maximum number of ads that can be played in an ad pod.
feed No FeedType Type of audio feed.

MUSIC_SERVICE = 1; Music streaming service.
BROADCAST = 2; Live content broadcast over the air but also available through online streaming.
PODCAST = 3; Original, pre-recorded content distributed as episodes in a series.

stitched No bool Not supported Indicates if the ad is stitched with audio content or delivered independently, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
nvol No VolumeNormalizationMode Not supported Volume normalization mode.


This object represents a native type impression. Native ad units are intended to blend seamlessly into the surrounding content (for example, a sponsored Twitter or Facebook post). As such, the response must be well-structured to afford the publisher fine-grained control over rendering.

Note that Native 1.1 is supported in OpenRTB 2.4 and OpenRTB 2.5.

The Native Subcommittee developed a companion specification to OpenRTB called the Native Ad Specification. It defines the request parameters and response markup structure of native ad units.

This object provides the means of transporting request parameters as an opaque string so that the specific parameters can evolve separately under the auspices of the Native Ad Specification. Similarly, the ad markup served will be structured according to that specification. The presence of a Native as a subordinate of the Imp object indicates that this impression is offered as a native type impression. At the publisher's discretion, that same impression may also be offered as banner and/or video by also including as Imp subordinates the Banner and/or Video objects, respectively. However, any given bid for the impression must conform to one of the offered types.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
request No string BidRequest.AdSlot.NativeAdTemplate Request payload complying with the Native Ad Specification.

Exactly one of {request, request_native} should be used.

request_native No NativeRequest BidRequest.AdSlot.NativeAdTemplate Request payload complying with the Native Ad Specification. Exactly one of {request, request_native} should be used; this is an alternate field preferred for Protobuf serialization.
ver No string RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification. Version of the Native Ad Specification to which request complies. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
api Array of APIFramework objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute / MRAID_1_0 List of supported API frameworks for this impression. If an API is not explicitly listed, it is assumed not to be supported.
battr Array of CreativeAttribute objects BidRequest.AdSlot.excluded_attribute Blocked creative attributes. See the full list of available attributes.


This object is the private marketplace container for direct deals between buyers and sellers that may pertain to this impression. The actual deals are represented as a collection of Deal objects.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
private_auction No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.only_deal_bids_accepted Indicator of auction eligibility to seats named in the Direct Deals object, where 0 = all bids are accepted, 1 = bids are restricted to the deals specified and the terms thereof.
deals No Array of Deal objects BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal Array of Deal objects that convey the specific deals applicable to this impression.


This object constitutes a specific deal that was struck a priori between a buyer and a seller. Its presence with the Pmp collection indicates that this impression is available under the terms of that deal.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id Yes string BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.direct_deal_id A unique identifier for the direct deal. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification.
bidfloor No double BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.fixed_cpm _micros *1,000,000 Minimum bid for this deal expressed in CPM.
bidfloorcur No string Not supported The currency in which the deal floor is expressed. Specified using ISO 4217 alpha codes.
wseat No Array of string BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.allowed_seat_ids Allowlist of buyer seats (for example, advertisers, agencies) allowed to bid on this deal. IDs of seats and knowledge of the buyer's

customers to which they refer must be coordinated between bidders and the exchange a priori. Omission implies no seat restrictions.

wadomain No Array of string Not supported Array of advertiser domains (for example, allowed to bid on this deal. Omission implies no advertiser restrictions.
at No AuctionType BidRequest.auction_type Optional override of the overall auction type of the bid request, where 1 = First Price, 2 = Second Price Plus, 3 = the value passed in bidfloor is the agreed upon deal price. Additional auction types can be defined by the exchange.
ext No DealExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Deal message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
deal_type No Enum DealType BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.deal_type The type of the deal. Note that Authorized Buyers policy overrides apply to all Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deal bids, and do not apply to bids for other deal types.


PREFERRED_DEAL = 1; Bids are fixed-price and evaluated before the Open Auction. Bidders are not required to bid with Preferred Deals when they are present on the bid request. See this article for more information.

PRIVATE_AUCTION = 2; Bids participate in a Private Auction against a select list of buyers with specific floors. See this article for more information.

PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED = 3; Bids are fixed-price and evaluated before the Open Auction. Bidders are expected to bid with Programmatic Guaranteed deals whenever they are present on a bid request and the must_bid field is true in order to ensure that the number of impressions agreed upon for a given deal are served. See this article for more information.

AUCTION_PACKAGE = 4; The deal ID is an identifier for a collection of Open Auction inventory matching a given set of targeting criteria. See this article for more information.

MARKETPLACE_PACKAGE = 5; The deal ID for publisher curated inventory packages. These deal IDs are automatically sent to any eligible buyer for the package. See this article for more information.

must_bid No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.must_bid This field is only applicable to Programmatic Guaranteed deals. The buyer is allowed to skip bidding on the impression if this field is false. When it is true, the buyer is required to bid on this deal for this impression opportunity. This field will always be filled explicitly for the JSON wire format. Default = true.
publisher_blocks_overridden No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.publisher_blocks_overridden Whether the publisher has exempted this deal from configured blocks. This setting does not override Authorized Buyers policies or Ad Review Center decisions. See this article for more information.
creative_source No Enum CreativeSourceType BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.creative_source Experimental field; subject to change. An enum declaring the host of the creative, which will only be populated for Programmatic Guaranteed deals. Currently, this field should only ever be set to CREATIVE_SOURCE_ADVERTISER.


CREATIVE_SOURCE_ADVERTISER = 1; (Default) The creative is hosted by the advertiser, which means the bidder is required to provide a creative in the bid response.

CREATIVE_SOURCE_PUBLISHER = 2; The creative is hosted by the publisher, which means the bidder does not need to include a creative in the bid response. For more information on publisher-hosted creatives, see This feature isn't currently supported for RTB bidders.

creative_constraints No CreativeConstraints object BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.creative_constraints Creative constraints for this deal. If this is not set, bidders should refer to the BidRequest-level setting of each field.
billing_id No int64 BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.billing_id Indicates the eligible billing IDs for this deal. If this list is not empty, the billing ID selected in `` must be one of these IDs when submitting a bid on this deal. If this list is empty, then the bid on this deal can be attributed to any of the billing IDs in `BidRequest.imp.ext.billing_id`.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
mtypes No Enum CreativeMarkupType BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.CreativeConstraints. allowed_ad_types The allowed ad types of the deal. If empty, there are no deal-specific allowed ad type restrictions for the deal. In that case, bidders should refer to the presence of Banner, Video, Audio or Native objects in the BidRequest to check the allowed formats. The possible values contains in this field are


skippability No Enum SkippabilityConstraint BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.CreativeConstraints. video_ad_skippable Whether skippable creatives are allowed. For PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED or PREFERRED_DEAL deals that specifically allow video or audio ad types, it is always set. This possible values of this field are


For the skippability setting of other deal types or open auction bidding, refer to the corresponding BidRequest-level boolean field video.skip.
maxduration No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.DirectDeal.CreativeConstraints. max_ad_duration_ms Maximum video ad duration in seconds. For PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED or PREFERRED_DEAL deals that specifically allow video or audio ad types, it is always set. For the allowed max duration of other deal types or open auction bidding, refer to the corresponding BidRequest-level field video.maxduration.


This object should be included if the ad supported content is a website as opposed to a non-browser application. A bid request must not contain both a Site and an App object. At a minimum, it is useful to provide a site ID or page URL, but this is not strictly required.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string Not supported Site ID on the exchange. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
name No string Not supported Site name (may be masked at publisher's request)
domain No string Not supported Domain of the site, used for advertiser side blocking. For example, "".
cat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories of the site. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
sectioncat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories that describe the current section of the site. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
pagecat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories that describe the current page or view of the site. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
page No string BidRequest.url URL of the page where the impression will be shown
privacypolicy No bool Not supported Indicates if the site has a privacy policy, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
ref No string Not supported Referrer URL that caused navigation to the current page.
search No string Not supported Search string that caused navigation to the current page.
publisher No Publisher object BidRequest Details about the Publisher object of the site.
content No Content object BidRequest Details about the Content within the site.
keywords No string Not supported Comma-separated list of keywords about this site. Note: OpenRTB 2.2 allowed an array of strings as alternate implementation but this was fixed in 2.3+ where it's definitely a single string with CSV content again. Compatibility with some OpenRTB 2.2 exchanges that adopted the alternate representation may require custom handling of the JSON.
mobile No bool BidRequest.Mobile.is_mobile_web_optimized Indicates if the site has been programmed to optimize layout when viewed on mobile devices, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
ext No SiteExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Site message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
amp No Enum AmpPage BidRequest.AdSlot

Whether this is an AMP page or not. Omitted if unknown.

DIALECT_HTML = 0; This is not an AMP page.

DIALECT_HTML_AMP = 1; This is an AMP page.

page_visibility No Enum VisibilityState BidRequest.page_visibility

The visibility state of the web page containing the ad slot. See


VISIBILITY_STATE_VISIBLE = 1; The page is at least partially visible. For example, in the foreground tab of a non-minimized window.

VISIBILITY_STATE_HIDDEN = 2; The page is not visible at all to users. For example, when the page is on a background browser tab, or in a minimized window.

is_semi_transparent_request No bool BidRequest.is_semi_transparent_request Indicates that the request is using semi-transparent branding, which means only a truncated version of the request URL will be provided. This decision is made by the publisher, see
inventorypartnerdomain No string BidRequest.inventorypartnerdomain The domain of the partner (of the app owner) with ownership of some portion of ad inventory on the app. The partner's ads.txt or app-ads.txt file will be hosted here. More detail at


This object should be included if the ad supported content is a non-browser application (typically in mobile) as opposed to a website. A bid request must not contain both an App and a Site object. At a minimum, it is useful to provide an App ID or bundle, but this is not strictly required.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string Not supported Application ID on the exchange. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
name No string BidRequest.Mobile.app_name Application name (may be aliased at publisher's request)
domain No string Not supported Domain of the application, used for advertiser side blocking. For example, "".
cat No Array of string BidRequest.Mobile.app_category_ids Note: Values for this field are now redacted. Array of IAB content categories of the app. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
sectioncat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories that describe the current section of the app. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
pagecat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories that describe the current page or view of the app. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
ver No string Not supported Version of the application specified in the bundle field (for example, "2.0.1").
bundle No string BidRequest.Mobile.app_id A platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange. On Android, this should be a bundle or package name (for example, On iOS, it is a numeric ID.
privacypolicy No bool Not supported Indicates if the site has a privacy policy, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
paid No bool Not supported 0 = app is free, 1 = the app is a paid version.
publisher No Publisher object BidRequest Details about the Publisher object of the app.
content No Content object BidRequest Details about the Content within the app.
keywords No string Not supported Comma-separated list of keywords about this app. Note: OpenRTB 2.2 allowed an array of strings as alternate implementation but this was fixed in 2.3+ where it's definitely a single string with CSV content again. Compatibility with some OpenRTB 2.2 exchanges that adopted the alternate representation may require custom handling of the JSON.
storeurl No string BidRequest.url App store URL for an installed app.
ext No AppExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the App message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
installed_sdk No InstalledSdk BidRequest.Mobile.installed_sdk Identification of and information about an SDK installed in the publisher's app that the bidder has access to, often because it's the bidder's SDK.
inventorypartnerdomain No string BidRequest.inventorypartnerdomain The domain of the partner (of the app owner) with ownership of some portion of ad inventory on the app. The partner's ads.txt or app-ads.txt file will be hosted here. More detail at
id Yes string Identifier for the installed SDK.
sdk_version Yes Version BidRequest.Mobile.InstalledSdk.sdk_version The version of the installed SDK.
adapter_version Yes Version BidRequest.Mobile.InstalledSdk.adapter_version The version of the adapter that communicates with the installed SDK.
major No int32 Not supported Default = -1.
minor No int32 Not supported Default = -1.
micro No int32 Not supported Default = -1.


This object describes the publisher of the media in which the ad will be displayed. The publisher is typically the seller in an OpenRTB transaction.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string BidRequest.publisher_id Exchange-specific publisher ID as defined by the publisher code suffix of the web property code. For example, pub-123 is the publisher code of the web property code ca-pub-123.
name No string Not supported Publisher name (may be aliased at publisher's request)
cat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories of the app. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
domain No string Not supported Highest level domain of the publisher (for example, "")
ext No PublisherExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Publisher message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
country No string BidRequest
The billing address country of the publisher. This may be different from the detected country of the user or the hosting country of the website. Also refer to the complete list of country codes.
host_publisher_id No string BidRequest.host_publisher_id The ID of the host publisher. When populated, indicates that the host publisher participated in revenue sharing, and the ID can be used to authorize ads.txt.


This object describes the content in which the impression will appear, which may be syndicated or non-syndicated content. This object may be useful when syndicated content contains impressions and does not necessarily match the publisher's general content. The exchange might or might not have knowledge of the page where the content is running, as a result of the syndication method. An example might be a video impression embedded in an iframe on an unknown web property or device.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string Not supported ID uniquely identifying the content.
episode No int32 Not supported Content episode number (typically applies to video content).
title No string Not supported Content title. Video examples: "Search Committee" (television), "A New Hope" (movie),or "Endgame" (made for web). Non-Video example: "Why an Antarctic Glacier Is Melting So Quickly" (Time magazine article).
series No string Not supported Content series. Video examples: "The Office" (television), "Star Wars" (movie) or "Arby 'N' The Chief" (made for web).

Non-Video example: "Ecocentric" (Time Magazine blog)

season No string Not supported Content season; typically for video content (for example, "Season 3").
artist No string Not supported Artist credited with the content
genre No string Not supported Genre that best describes the content (for example, rock, pop, etc.).
album No string Not supported Album to which the content belongs; typically for audio.
isrc No string Not supported International Standard Recording Code conforming to ISO-3901.
url No string (Only App.content) BidRequest.url URL of the content, for buy-side contextualization or review.
cat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories that describe the content. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
prodq No ProductionQuality BidRequest.production_quality Production quality.

; Content that is usually created or produced by media and entertainment companies using professional-grade equipment, talent, and production crews that hold or maintain the rights for distribution and syndication.
PROSUMER = 2; Consumer or user-generated content that has professional or industrial qualities (e.g. shot with professional-grade equipment, using professional talent, etc.).
USER_GENERATED = 3; Publicly available video content that is created or produced by end users.

keywords No Not supported Comma separated list of keywords describing the content.

Note: OpenRTB 2.2 allowed an array of strings as alternate implementation but this was fixed in 2.3+ where it's definitely a single string with CSV content again. Compatibility with some OpenRTB 2.2 exchanges that adopted the alternate representation may require custom handling of the JSON.

contentrating No string BidRequest.content_rating
Content rating. Possible values: "DV-G", "DV-PG", "DV-T", "DV-MA".
userrating No string (Only App.content)
User rating of the content (for example, number of stars, likes, etc.).
context No ContentContext Not supported Type of content (game, video, text, etc.).
context_22 No string Not supported OpenRTB <= 2.2 compatibility; use context for 2.3+.
livestream No bool BidRequest.Video.is_livestream 0 = not live, 1 = content is live (for example, stream, live blog).
sourcerelationship No bool Not supported 0 = indirect, 1 = direct.
producer No string BidRequest.Video Details about the content Producer.
len No int32 BidRequest.Video.ContentAttributes.duration_seconds Length of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audio.
qagmediarating No QAGMediaRating Not supported Media rating per QAG guidelines.
embeddable No bool Not supported Indicator of whether or not the content is embeddable (for example, an embeddable video player), where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
language No string BidRequest.detected_language Content language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2.
data Yes Array of Data objects BidRequest.segment_data Additional content data. Each object represents a different data source. Used for Publisher Provided Signals.


This object defines the producer of the content in which the ad will be shown. This is particularly useful when the content is syndicated and may be distributed through different publishers and thus when the producer and publisher are not necessarily the same entity.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string Not supported Content producer or originator ID. Useful if content is syndicated, and may be posted on a site using embed tags.
name No string Not supported Content producer or originator name (for example, "Warner Bros").
cat No Array of string Not supported Array of IAB content categories that describe the content producer. Refer to enum ContentCategory.
domain No string BidRequest.Video.description_url Highest level domain of the content producer (for example, "").


This object provides information pertaining to the device through which the user is interacting. Device information includes its hardware, platform, location, and carrier data. The device can refer to a mobile handset, a desktop computer, set-top box, or other digital device.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
dnt No bool Unsupported; Refer to Cookie Guide, google_error=1: Standard "Do Not Track" option as set in the header by the browser, where 0 = tracking is unrestricted, 1 = do not track. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
ua No string BidRequest.user_agent Browser user agent string. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.
ip No string BidRequest.ip (AdX truncates to first 3 octets;
OpenRTB is "X.X.X.0")
IPv4 address closest to device. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification
geo No Geo object BidRequest Location of the device assumed to be the user's current location defined by a Geo object.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB specification.

didsha1 No string Not supported Hardware device ID (for example, IMEI); hashed through SHA1.
didmd5 No string Not supported Hardware device ID (for example, IMEI); hashed through MD5.
dpidsha1 No string Not supported Platform device ID (for example, Android ID); hashed through SHA1
dpidmd5 No string BidRequest.Mobile.hashed_idfa -
AdX is binary, OpenRTB is base16 (lowercase hex)
This is the hashed version of ifa.
Either dpidmd5 or ifa is available
depending on the mobile SDK version.
Platform device ID (for example, Android ID); hashed through MD5.
ipv6 No string BidRequest.ip

- AdX truncates to first 6 octets; OpenRTB is "X:X:X:::::"

IPv6 address closest to device.
carrier No string BidRequest.Device.carrier_id
IDs will be the same Criterion IDs as in the Authorized Buyers protocol, refer to the mobile carriers list.
Carrier or ISP (for example, "VERIZON"), using exchange curated string names which should be published to bidders a priori.
language No string Not supported Browser language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2.
make No string BidRequest.Device.brand Device make (for example, "Apple" or "Samsung").
model No string BidRequest.Device.model Device model (for example, "pixel 7 pro"). For iPhone/iPad, this field contains Apple's model identifier string (such as "iPhone12,1" and "iPad13,8") if available. Otherwise this field contains the generic model (either "iphone" or "ipad").
os No string BidRequest.Device.platform Device operating system (for example, "iOS")
osv No string BidRequest.Device.os_version Device operating system version
hwv No string BidRequest.Device.hardware_version Hardware version of the device. For iPhone/iPad, this field contains Apple's model identifier string (such as "iPhone12,1" and "iPad13,8") if available.
w No int32 BidRequest.Device.screen_width Physical width of the screen in pixels.
h No int32 BidRequest.Device.screen_height Physical height of the screen in pixels.
ppi No int32 Not supported Screen size as pixels per linear inch.
pxratio No double BidRequest.Device.screen_pixel_ratio_millis / 1,000 The ratio of physical pixels to device independent pixels.
js No bool Not supported Support for JavaScript, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
geofetch No bool Not supported Indicates if the geolocation API will be available to JavaScript code running in the banner, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
connectiontype No ConnectionType BidRequest.Device.connection_type Network connection type. Google: For 5G connection type, we send CELL_4G instead of CELL_5G.
devicetype No DeviceType BidRequest.Device.device_type The general type of device.
flashver No string Not supported Version of Flash supported by the browser.
ifa No string BidRequest.Mobile.advertising_id -
AdX is binary, OpenRTB is 36-char UUID (Android ID: all lowercase, IDFA: all uppercase).
ifa is either Android ID or Apple's IDFA, and either dpidmd5 or
ifa is available depending on the mobile SDK version.
ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (for example, not hashed).
macsha1 No string Not supported MAC address of the device; hashed through SHA1.
macmd5 No string Not supported MAC address of the device; hashed through MD5
lmt No bool BidRequest.Device.limit_ad_tracking "Limit Ad Tracking" is a commercially endorsed signal based on the operating system or device settings, where false indicates that tracking is unrestricted and true indicates that tracking must be limited per commercial guidelines.

This signal reflects user decisions on surfaces including iOS App Tracking Transparency. See also lmt and App Tracking Transparency guidance and Android advertising ID.

mccmnc No string Not supported Mobile carrier as the concatenated MCC-MNC code (for example, "310-005" identifies Verizon Wireless CDMA in the USA). Refer to for further examples. Note that the dash between the MCC and MNC parts is required to remove parsing ambiguity.
ext No DeviceExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Device message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
session_id No string BidRequest.session_id Represents a short-lived user session on CTV/OTT devices, with a maximum session duration of 6 hours. The use of session_id is never allowed for ads personalization. session_id may only be used for frequency capping, competitive exclusions or related purposes. This field is populated with web-safe base64 alphabet.
atts No int32 BidRequest.Device.app_tracking_authorization_status (iOS Only) An integer passed to represent the app's app tracking authorization status, where 0 = not determined 1 = restricted 2 = denied 3 = authorized. This value is retrieved from ATTrackingManager and provided as is. For more information about iOS's app tracking authorization status, see this article.
user_agent_data No UserAgent object BidRequest.user_agent_data User Agent information.

User Agent information. This will be populated with information about the user agent, extracted from the User-Agent header or from Sec-CH-UA headers.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
browser No BrandVersion object BidRequest.user_agent_data.browser Identifies the browser.
platform No BrandVersion object BidRequest.user_agent_data.platform Identifies the platform.
mobile No bool True if the agent prefers "mobile-optimized" content. Refer to the BidRequest.device field for specific information about the device, which may or may not be consistent with this field (for example, a mobile phone's browser can be requesting "Desktop site").
architecture No string BidRequest.user_agent_data.architecture Device architecture, for example, "x86" or "arm".
bitness No string BidRequest.user_agent_data.bitness Device's bitness, for example, "64" for 64-bit architecture.
model No string BidRequest.user_agent_data.model Device model.
BrandVersion object

A tuple of (brand, version) for the browser or platform.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
brand No string BidRequest.user_agent_data.brand Brand identifier, for example, "Chrome" or "Windows".
version No string BidRequest.user_agent_data.version Version, split in components if needed, for example, {"85", "1"} = v85.1.


This object encapsulates various methods for specifying a geographic location. When subordinate to a Device object, it indicates the location of the device which can also be interpreted as the user's current location. When subordinate to a User object, it indicates the location of the user's home base (for example, not necessarily their current location). The lat/lon attributes should only be passed if they conform to the accuracy depicted in the type attribute. For example, the centroid of a geographic region such as postal code should not be passed.

In Google's implementation of OpenRTB, coarse geolocation information is approximated based on the IP address of the device the ad request originated from. This information will typically–but not always–be included in the bid request with lat/lon representing the center point of a circle, where accuracy is its radius. To learn more about geolocation, see the Geotargeting guide.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
lat No double BidRequest.[encrypted_]hyperlocal_set.
Latitude from -90.0 to +90.0, where negative is south.
lon No double BidRequest.[encrypted_]hyperlocal_set.center_point.longitude Longitude from -180.0 to +180.0, where negative is west.
country No string BidRequest.geo_criteria_id through geo-table.csv Country using ISO-3166-1 Alpha-3.
region No string BidRequest.geo_criteria_id through geo-table.csv Region code using ISO-3166-2; 2-letter state code if USA.
regionfips104 No string Region of a country using FIPS 10-4 notation. While OpenRTB supports this attribute, it has been withdrawn by NIST in 2008.
metro No string BidRequest.geo_criteria_id through geo-table.csv, cities-dma-regions.csv Google metro code; similar to but not exactly Nielsen DMAs.

Refer to the Geographical Targeting page for a link to the codes.

city No string BidRequest.geo_criteria_id through geo-table.csv City using United Nations Code for Trade & Transport Locations in the format "city": "San Antonio".Refer to Appendix A for a link to the codes.
zip No string BidRequest.postal_code
Zip/postal code.
type No LocationType Source of location data; recommended when passing lat/lon.
accuracy No int32 Not supported Estimated location accuracy in meters; recommended when lat/lon are specified and derived from a device's location services (for example, type = 1). Note that this is the accuracy as reported from the device. Consult OS specific documentation (for example, Android, iOS) for exact interpretation. Google: The radius in meters of a circle approximating the location of a device, where the center point is defined by lat/lon. This field is populated based on coarse IP-based geolocation.
lastfix No int32 Not supported Number of seconds since this geolocation fix was established.

Note that devices may cache location data across multiple fetches. Ideally, this value should be from the time the actual fix was taken.

ipservice No LocationService Not supported Service or provider used to determine geolocation from IP address if applicable (for example, type = 2).
utcoffset No int32 BidRequest.timezone_offset Local time as the number +/- of minutes from UTC.
ext No GeoExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Geo message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
geo_criteria_id No int32 BidRequest.geo_criteria_id The device's approximate geographic location. See geo-table.csv for a list of IDs. This field is provisional, intended only to help with migration from the Google Authorized Buyers protocol to OpenRTB; it will be removed in the future. The standard fields in BidRequest.device.geo should be used instead; they contain the same location as the geo_criteria_id and both are subject to the same privacy treatments. See Geotargeting Guide.


This object contains information known or derived about the human user of the device (for example, the audience for advertising).The user ID is an exchange artifact and may be subject to rotation or other privacy policies. However, this user ID must be stable long enough to serve reasonably as the basis for frequency capping and retargeting.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string BidRequest.[constrained_usage_]google_user_id Exchange-specific ID for the user. At least one of id or buyerid is recommended
buyeruid No string BidRequest.[constrained_usage_]hosted_match_data - AdX is binary, OpenRTB is websafe base64 (no padding) Buyer-specific ID for the user as mapped by the exchange for the buyer. At least one of buyerid or id is recommended.
gender No string Not supported Gender as "M" male, "F" female, "O" Other. (Null indicates unknown)
keywords No string Not supported Comma-separated list of keywords, interests, or intent. Note: OpenRTB 2.2 allowed an array of strings as alternate implementation but this was fixed in 2.3+ where it's definitely a single string with CSV content again. Compatibility with some OpenRTB 2.2 exchanges that adopted the alternate representation may require custom handling of the JSON.
customdata No string BidRequest.[constrained_usage_]hosted_match_data - AdX is binary, OpenRTB is websafe base64 (no padding) Optional feature to pass bidder data set in the exchange's cookie. The string must be in base85 cookie safe characters and be in any format. Proper JSON encoding must be used to include "escaped" quotation marks.
geo No Geo object Not supported Location of the user's home base defined by a Geo object. This is not necessarily their current location.
data Yes Array of Data objects BidRequest.segment_data Additional user data. Each Data object represents a different data source. Used for Chrome Topics API and for Publisher Provided Signals.
eids No Array of EID objects Not supported Data made available by the publisher, such as publisher-provided identifiers. For Secure Signals, see extension BidRequest.user.ext.eids.
ext No UserExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the User message.


Extended data, such as a publisher-provided identifier, that allows buyers to use data made available by the publisher in real-time bidding. This object can contain one or more UIDs from a single source or a technology provider.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
source No string

BidRequest.publisher_id or other fields depending on the value of the stype extension, which can be set to values such as ppuid.

Source or technology provider responsible for the set of included IDs. Expressed as a top-level domain.

In Google's OpenRTB implementation, the stype extension determines whether this refers to a publisher ID such as those found in ads.txt, or something else.

uids No Array of UID objects Not supported Array of extended ID UID objects from the given source.


This object contains a single data item, such as a publisher-provided identifier, provided as part of extended identifiers.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string

BidRequest.publisher_provided_id or other signals depending on the value of the stype extension, which can be set to values such as ppuid.

The data value, such as a publisher-provided identifier.

ext No UIDExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the UID message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
consented_providers_settings No ConsentedProvidersSettings object BidRequest.AdSlot.consented_providers_settings Information about the ad tech providers for whom the publisher has specified to Google that its EEA user has consented to the use of their personal data for ads personalization in accordance with Google's EU User Consent Policy. This field will only be populated when RegsExt.gdpr is true.
consent No string BidRequest.AdSlot.ConsentedProvidersSettings.tcf_consent_string The web-safe base64-encoded IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2 consent string fetched from the publisher's IAB Consent Management Platform (CMP). The structure of the string is defined by the IAB TCF v2. This field will be populated if the publisher has integrated with a CMP for TCF v2 and that CMP indicates that GDPR applies to this ad request and provides a valid consent string. See this article for additional information about the Google TCF v2 integration.

See the IAB Global Vendor List at for details about the vendors listed in the consent string.

eids No Array of ExtendedId objects Not supported
idage No int32 BidRequest.cookie_age_seconds The amount of time, in seconds, since the ID in was created.
session No Session object Supported. See Session for mapping details. Describes a user session in a given app or site. The session is reset after a sufficiently long break in user activity.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
stype No string


The value of this field will determine what the UID refers to:

  • ppuid: Publisher provided ID.
The source type of the UID. See details here.

Information about the ad tech providers for whom the publisher has specified to Google that its EEA user has consented to the use of their personal data for ads personalization in accordance with Google's EU User Consent Policy. This field will only be populated when RegsExt.gdpr is true.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
consented_providers No Array of int64 BidRequest.AdSlot.consented_providers Set of IDs corresponding to ad tech providers (ATPs) for whom the publisher has specified to Google that its EEA users have given legally valid consent to: 1) the use of cookies or other local storage where legally required; and 2) the collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads by an ATP in accordance with Google's EU User Consent Policy.

If a publisher is using the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2 to manage user consent, this is the set of ATPs consented through the Additional Consent string (see this article for details about Google's Additional Consent mode). ATPs consented through the TCF v2 consent string are represented in the UserExt.consent field.

A mapping of ATP ID to ATP name is posted at providers.csv.


Extended data, such as secure signals or a publisher-provided identifier, that allows buyers to use data made available by the publisher in real-time bidding. This object can contain one or more UIDs from a single source or a technology provider.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
source No string BidRequest.AdSlot.SecureSignal.source Source or technology provider responsible for the included signals.
uids No Array of ExtendedIdUid objects from the given source. None The secure signal.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
id No string The data value, such as a secure signal.

Describes a user session in a given app or site. The session is reset after a sufficiently long break in user activity.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
duration No int32 BidRequest.session_duration_seconds Describes the time in seconds since the first ad request in the session. Currently the session duration is only populated for mobile app requests.


The data and segment objects together allow additional contextual data to be specified. This data may be from multiple sources whether from the exchange itself or third party providers as specified by the id field. A bid request can mix data objects from multiple providers. The specific data providers in use should be published by the exchange a priori to its bidders.

This is used to send Publisher Provided Signals and Topics to the buyer.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string Supported The Google assigned ID of the data provider. Only set for Data segments from Publisher Provided Signals. For the list of data providers, see
name No string Supported Exchange-specific name for the data provider.
segment Array of Segment objects Supported Array of Segment objects that contain the actual data values.
ext No DataExt object Supported Populated only if the Data segments contain values from taxonomies that Google supports. For OpenRTB protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key. For OpenRTB JSON, you can access the object with the ext field in the Data message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
segtax No int32 BidRequest.segment_data.type

Identifies the taxonomy that the segment IDs belong to. Google supports the following taxonomies:

IAB Tech Lab Audience Taxonomy 1.1 = 4
IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy 2.2 = 6
IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy 3.0 = 7
Chromium Topics API = 600
Chromium Topics API V2 = 601


The data and segment objects together allow additional contextual data to be specified. This data may be from multiple sources whether from the exchange itself or third party providers as specified by the id field. A bid request can mix Data objects from multiple providers. The specific data providers in use should be published by the exchange a priori to its bidders.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id No string Supported ID of the data segment specific to the data provider.
name No string Supported Name of the data segment specific to the data provider.
value string Supported String representation of the data segment value.


This object contains any legal, governmental, or industry regulations that apply to the request. The coppa option signals whether or not the request falls under the United States Federal Trade Commission's regulations for the United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"). Refer to Section 7.1 for more information.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
coppa No string BidRequest.user_data_treatment / TAG_FOR_CHILD_DIRECTED_TREATMENT Option indicating if this request is subject to the COPPA regulations established by the USA FTC, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
gpp No string BidRequest.AdSlot.gpp_consent_string Contains the Global Privacy Platform's consent string. See IAB-GPP spec for more details.
gpp_sid No Array of GppSectionId enum BidRequest.AdSlot.gpp_section_ids Array of the section(s) of the GPP string which should be applied for this transaction. Generally will contain one and only one value, but there are edge cases where more than one may apply. GPP Section 3 (Header) and 4 (Signal Integrity) do not need to be included. See IAB-GPP spec for details.
ext No RegsExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Regs message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
gdpr No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.regs_gdpr This field will be set to true in either of the two following cases:
  1. Google receives a valid IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2 consent string and the Consent Management Platform indicates that GDPR applies to this ad request.
  2. Google does not receive an IAB TCF v2 consent string and, based on information available to Google, this impression will serve to an EEA user.
It does not constitute legal guidance on GDPR.
lgpd No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.regs_lgpd This field will be set to true when, based on information available to Google, this impression will serve to a user in Brazil. See for the list of ad tech providers that are allowed to serve on LGPD-enforced requests.

See this article for more information on LGPD.

dsa No Dsa object BidRequest.dsa The Digital Services Act (DSA) transparency information requirements. See Help Center link.


Attribute Required/Optional Type Implementation details
dsarequired optional DsaSupport enum Values indicating whether DSA declarations should be included in the bid response and, if so, whether or not the publisher is an Online Platform (OP) or Very Large Online Platform (VLOP), as defined by the DSA.

NOT_REQUIRED = 0 - DSA declarations are not required in the bid response.
SUPPORTED = 1 - DSA declarations are supported, but not required in the bid response.
REQUIRED = 2 - DSA declarations are required in the bid response.
REQUIRED_BY_ONLINE_PLATFORM = 3 - DSA declarations are required in the bid response and the publisher is an OP or VLOP.

pubrender optional PublisherRenderingSupport enum Options describing a publisher's ability to render DSA transparency declarations.

PUBLISHER_UNABLE_TO_RENDER = 0 - Publisher can't render.
PUBLISHER_CAN_RENDER = 1 - Publisher could render depending on the buyer's rendering capability as described in the field.
PUBLISHER_WILL_RENDER = 2 - Publisher will render regardless of the buyer's rendering capability as described in the field.

datatopub optional DataToPublisher enum Options describing if a publisher requires DSA transparency declarations.

DO_NOT_SEND = 0 - Do not send transparency data.
OPTIONAL = 1 - Optional to send transparency data.
SEND = 2 - Send transparency data.


Details about ad slots being refreshed automatically.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
refsettings No Array of RefSettings objects BidRequest.AdSlot.auto_refresh.refresh_settings Describes the mechanics of how an ad placement automatically refreshes.
count No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.auto_refresh.refresh_count The number of times this ad slot had been refreshed since last page load.


Information on how often and what triggers an ad slot being refreshed.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
reftype No AutoRefreshType enum BidRequest.AdSlot.auto_refresh.refresh_settings.refresh_type The type of the declared auto refresh. Refer to List: Auto Refresh Trigger in AdCOM 1.0
minint No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.auto_refresh.refresh_settings.min_refresh_interval_seconds The minimum refresh interval in seconds. This applies to all refresh types. This is the (uninterrupted) time the ad creative will be rendered before refreshing to the next creative. If the field is absent, the exposure time is unknown. This field does not account for viewability or external factors such as a user leaving a page.

Bid response variables and definitions

This section describes the bid response variables and definitions.


This object is the top-level bid response object (for example, the unnamed outer JSON object). The id attribute is a reflection of the bid request ID for logging purposes. Similarly, bidid is an optional response tracking ID for bidders. If specified, it can be included in the subsequent win notice call if the bidder wins. At least one seatbid object is required, which contains at least one bid for an impression. Other attributes are optional. To express a "no-bid", return an empty response with HTTP 204. Alternately, if the bidder wants to convey to the exchange a reason for not bidding, just a BidResponse object is returned with a reason code in the nbr attribute.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id Yes string Not mapped to any field, but validated against the ID of the bid request to which this is a response.

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification.

seatbid No Array of Seatbid objects BidResponse.Ad Array of Seatbid objects; 1+ required if a bid is to be made.
bidid No string BidResponse.debug_string Bidder generated response ID to assist with logging/tracking.
cur No string BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.currency

Bid currency using ISO-4217 alpha codes. If this field is populated, the specified currency will be used to interpret the bid. Otherwise, the default bidding currency will be used, which is determined in the following priority:

  1. The bidder-level currency, if configured in RTB account settings.
  2. The buyer-level currency. The buyer will be determined by the billing ID specified in the in the extension field if it is populated, otherwise it will be based on the sole billing ID sent in the bid request.

The currency of a buyer account is set on account creation and can be checked by contacting a Technical Account Manager.

customdata No string Not supported Optional feature to allow a bidder to set data in the exchange's cookie. The string must be in base85 cookie safe characters and be in any format. Proper JSON encoding must be used to include "escaped" quotation marks.
nbr No NoBidReason Not supported Reason for not bidding.
ext No BidResponseExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the BidResponse message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
processing_time_ms No int32 BidResponse.processing_time_ms Set this to the processing time in milliseconds from when you received the request to when you returned the response.


A bid response can contain multiple SeatBid objects, each on behalf of a different bidder seat and each containing one or more individual bids. If multiple impressions are presented in the request, the group attribute can be used to specify if a seat is willing to accept any impressions that it can win (default) or if it is only interested in winning any if it can win them all as a group.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
bid No Array of Bid objects BidResponse.Ad Array of 1+ Bid objects each related to an impression. Multiple bids can relate to the same impression.
seat No string BidResponse.AdAdSlot.seat_id ID of the buyer seat (for example, advertiser, agency) on whose behalf this bid is made.
group No bool Not supported 0 = impressions can be won individually; 1 = impressions must be won or lost as a group. Default = false


A SeatBid object contains one or more Bid objects, each of which relates to a specific impression in the bid request through the impid attribute and constitutes an offer to buy that impression for a given price.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Supported Implementation details
id Yes string Not mapped to any field, but validated against the ID of the bid request to which this is a response.

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification.

impid Yes string ID of the Imp object in the related bid request. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification.
price Yes double BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.max_cpm_micros / 1,000,000 Bid price expressed as CPM although the actual transaction is for a unit impression only. Note that while the type indicates float, integer math is highly recommended when handling currencies (for example, BigDecimal in Java). REQUIRED by the OpenRTB specification.
adid No string Not supported ID of a preloaded ad to be served if the bid wins.
nurl No string Not supported Win notice URL called by the exchange if the bid wins; optional means of serving ad markup.

DoubleClick doesn't support win notices; use %%WINNING_PRICE%% in snippet's impression URL, or ${AUCTION_PRICE}.

adm No string BidResponse.Ad.html_snippet, BidResponse.Ad.video_url, BidResponse.Ad.video_vast_xml, or BidResponse.Ad.native_ad Optional means of conveying ad markup in case the bid wins; supersedes the win notice if markup is included in both. For native ad bids, exactly one of {adm, adm_native} should be used; this is the OpenRTB-compliant field for JSON serialization.
adm_native No NativeResponse BidResponse.Ad.native_ad Native ad response. For native ad bids, exactly one of {adm, adm_native} should be used; this is the field used for Protobuf serialization.
adomain No Array of string BidResponse.Ad.click_through_url Advertiser domain for block list checking (for example, ""). This can be an array for the case of rotating creatives. Exchanges can mandate that only one domain is allowed. The OpenRTB spec only allows domain names in adomain; Authorized Buyers support full URLs too. Note this must be a crawlable domain or URL and the URL must be valid. For native ads, we recommend using BidResponse.seatbid[].bid[] instead of adomain.
bundle No string BidResponse.Ad.advertised_app_id The store ID of the app in an app store such as Apple App Store, Google Play. See OTT/CTV Store Assigned App Identification Guidelines for more details about expected strings for CTV app stores. For mobile apps in Google Play Store, these should be bundle or package names, such as For apps in Apple App Store, these should be a numeric ID. Google: In addition to this field, set bid.ext.app_promotion_type field to take advantage of features specific to app promotion types.
iurl No string Not supported URL without cache-busting to an image that is representative of the content of the campaign for ad quality/safety checking.
cid No string Not supported Campaign ID to assist with ad quality checking; the collection of creatives for which iurl should be representative.
crid No string BidResponse.Ad.buyer_creative_id Creative ID to assist with ad quality checking.
cat No Array of string BidResponse.Ad.category IAB content categories of the creative.
attr No Array of CreativeAttribute objects BidResponse.Ad.attribute Set of attributes describing the creative. Can be declared in OpenRTB as bid.attr (OpenRTB), or bid.ext.attribute (AdX).
api No APIFramework Bid.api supports declaring attributes 1, 2, 3, and 5 which correspond to VPAID and MRAID versions API required by the markup if applicable.
protocol No Protocol Not supported Video response protocol of the markup if applicable.
qagmediarating No QAGMediaRating Not supported Creative media rating per QAG guidelines.
dealid No string BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.deal_id (or BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.exchange_deal_id if bidder is a third-party exchange) Reference to the from the bid request if this bid pertains to a private marketplace direct deal.
w No int32 BidResponse.Ad.width - only required if the impression is multisize Width of the creative in device independent pixels (DIPS).
h No int32 BidResponse.Ad.height - only required if the impression is multisize Height of the creative in device independent pixels (DIPS).
exp No int32 Not supported Advisory as to the number of seconds the bidder is willing to wait between the auction and the actual impression.
burl No string impression_tracking_url Billing notice URL called by the exchange when a winning bid becomes billable based on exchange-specific business policy (for example, typically delivered, viewed, etc.). Substitution macros can be used. Note that BidExt.impression_tracking_url accepts a repeated list of billing notice URLs. If your use case requires more than one billing URL, use that extension instead of burl.
lurl No string Not supported Loss notice URL called by the exchange when a bid is known to have been lost. Substitution macros can be used. Exchange-specific policy may preclude support for loss notices or the disclosure of winning clearing prices resulting in ${AUCTION_PRICE} macros being removed (for example, replaced with a zero-length string).
tactic No string Not supported Tactic ID to enable buyers to label bids for reporting to the exchange the tactic through which their bid was submitted. The specific usage and meaning of the tactic ID should be communicated between buyer and exchanges a priori.
language No string Not supported Language of the creative using ISO-639-1-alpha-2. The nonstandard code "xx" may also be used if the creative has no linguistic content (for example, a banner with just a company logo).
wratio No int32 Not supported Relative width of the creative when expressing size as a ratio. Required for Flex Ads.
hratio No int32 Not supported Relative height of the creative when expressing size as a ratio. Required for Flex Ads.
slotinpod No int32 BidResponse.adslot.position_in_pod Indicates that the bid is only eligible for a specific position within the pod. This field is currently only supported for rewarded video pods requests.
ext No BidExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the Bid message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
impression_tracking_url No Array of string BidResponse.Ad.impression_tracking_url The URLs to call when the impression is rendered. This is supported for all inventory types and all formats. In OpenRTB 2.5, Bid.burl is the analogous standard field.
ad_choices_destination_url No string BidResponse.Ad.ad_choices_destination_url Link to an ad preferences or opt-out page. If present, a standard AdChoices icon is added to the native creative and linked to this URL. This is supported for native ads but is not part of the native message in the bid response.
click_tracking_urls No Array of string BidResponse.Ad.click_tracking_urls The URLs to call when the user clicks on the ad. Currently supported only for native ads and Programmatic Guaranteed deals with publisher-managed creatives. In the publisher managed case, these click trackers will be sent to the bidder server to server. In all other cases, these will be sent from the user's device. For more information on publisher-managed creatives, see Publisher-managed creatives.
exchange_deal_type No Enum ExchangeDealType BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.exchange_deal_type OPEN_AUCTION = 0;
default = OPEN_AUCTION
attribute No Array of int32 BidResponse.Ad.attribute Refer to buyer-declarable-creative-attributes.txt for a list of IDs. Note that not all declarable attributes come through in the BidRequest in the various battr fields. Many bidders declare the attribute for "fluid" (also known as "responsive" or "sizeless") interstitials that dynamically resize to take up the entire screen width and height. Refer to the description in the Interstitial Ads guide for more information.
amp_ad_url No string BidResponse.Ad.amp_ad_url The URL to fetch an AMPHTML ad. Only one of the following should be set: html_snippet, video_url, amp_ad_url, native_ad.
sdk_rendered_ad No SdkRenderedAd object BidResponse.Ad.sdk_rendered_ad An ad that will be rendered by an SDK known to the buyer. This can only be used when the BidRequest included an AppExt.InstalledSdk submessage.
event_notification_token No EventNotificationToken object BidResponse.Ad.event_notification_token A token set by bidders for troubleshooting which will be included in the real-time feedback for the Bid it is sent in. The contents of the token will not be logged.
restricted_category No Array of int32 BidResponse.Ad.restricted_category All restricted categories for the ads that may be shown from this snippet. See ad-restricted-categories.txt for a list of ids.
billing_id No int64 BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.billing_id The billing ID to attribute this impression to. The value must be in the repeated BidRequest.Imp.ImpExt.billing_id field sent for this impression. If the length of BidRequest.Imp.ImpExt.billing_id is exactly 1 and the bidder does not have active child seats, this field is not required and its contents will be ignored.
third_party_buyer_token No string BidResponse.Ad.Adslot.third_party_buyer_token Token used to identify end third party buyer information if the exchange as an Open Bidder is an intermediary. This is obtained from the third-party buyer and must be passed to Google unaltered in the bid response.
buyer_reporting_id No string BidResponse.Ad.Adslot.buyer_reporting_id Buyer declared ID which will be used to break down spend and invalid traffic metrics in IVT transparency reporting in Query Tool. Note that IDs with fewer than 1000 impressions will not be used to break down metrics. IDs longer than 64 bytes will be ignored.
skadn No SKAdNetworkResponse object BidResponse.Ad.skadn Advertiser's SKAdNetwork information to support app installation attribution for iOS 14 and later. Apple's SKAdNetwork API helps advertisers measure ad-driven app installation by sending a postback to the ad network after a successful install. Ad networks will need to send their network ID and signed advertiser information to allow an install to be attributed to the ad impression. For more info, see this article.
app_promotion_type No enum BidResponse.Ad.app_promotion_type Type of the app promotion corresponding to the advertised app specified in the field. If the advertised app is not specified, this field will be ignored. Setting bundle field without this field will be treated as if this field were set to OTHER.
bid_group_id No string BidResponse.adslot.bid_group_id All bids with the same bid_group_id will be won or lost as a group. Bids must have a non-empty bid_group_id to allow an ad to be played as part of a pod.
This field is currently only supported for rewarded video pods requests.
dsa No Dsa object DSA Ad Transparency declarations. See Help Center link
clickurl No Array of string BidResponse.Ad.click_through_url The URLs that the user could be directed to when clicking on this ad. Do not include URLs for intermediate calls to an ad server that are unrelated to the final landing page. All bids must declare either a click URL using this field, the advertiser domain in the `` field, or both. We recommend that bidders use this field, possibly in addition to ``, for more accurate enforcement of publisher and user protections, for instance so that your bid is not incorrectly filtered.
id No string[] The identifier for the SDK that will render the ad. Must match a sent in the corresponding bid request.
rendering_data No string[].sdk_rendered_ad.rendering_data Data to pass to the SDK in order to render the ad. This data is opaque to the publisher and to Google.
declared_ad No DeclaredAd[].sdk_rendered_ad.declared_ad Declared ad assets to support creative scanning, classification, and enforcement of ad policy and publisher blocks for ads rendered with a custom SDK. Set only one of html_snippet, video_url, video_vast_xml, or native_response.
payload No string[].event_notification_token The contents of the token, which will be ignored if longer than 128 bytes.
version No string[].skadn.version Version of SKAdNetwork supported by the advertiser. Also used to specify how the signature was generated by the advertiser. This should match one of the versions from BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.versions.
network No string[] Ad network identifier used in signature. This should match one of the items in BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.skadnetids.
campaign No string[].skadn.campaign Campaign ID compatible with Apple's spec. Used in SKAdNetwork 3.0 and below. Replaced by the BidResponse.imp.ext.skadn.sourceidentifier field in SKAdNetwork 4.0 and above.
sourceidentifier No string[].skadn.source_identifier A four-digit integer that ad networks define to represent the ad campaign. Used in SKAdNetwork 4.0+ and replaces the BidResponse.imp.ext.skadn.campaign field.
itunesitem No string[].skadn.itunesitem ID of advertiser's app in Apple's app store.
productpageid No string[].skadn.product_page_id ID of custom product page to display (for iOS 15 or later). If not specified, default product page will be displayed. See this article for more details about custom product pages.
fidelities No Array of Fidelity objects[].skadn.fidelities SKAdNetwork API starting from version 2.2 supports multiple ad presentation options specified by the fidelity-type parameter of the SKAdNetwork signature. This holds parameters used to generate the signature that would be different for each fidelity type supported. For more info, see this article.
nonce No string[].skadn.nonce A unique all-lowercase UUID generated by the advertiser to use for generating the signature. Note: This field will be deprecated in favor of the field to support multiple fidelity types.
sourceapp No string[].skadn.sourceapp ID of publisher's app in Apple's app store. This should match the ID from BidRequest.imp.ext.skadn.sourceapp.
timestamp No string[].skadn.timestamp Unix time in millis used at the time of signature generation. Note: This field will be deprecated in favor of the field to support multiple fidelity types.
signature No string[].skadn.signature SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple. Note: This field will be deprecated in favor of the field to support multiple fidelity types.
skoverlay No SKOverlay object[].skadn.skoverlay These options indicate how to present SKOverlay recommending the advertised app. Supported by iOS 14 and later.
behalf No string[].dsa_transparency.displayed_on_behalf Free text string describing the name of the advertiser on whose behalf the ad is shown. Bids will not be accepted if this value is longer than 100 characters.
paid No string[].dsa_transparency.paying_entity Free text string describing the advertiser who paid for the ad. Must always be included even if it's the same as what is listed in the displayed_on_behalf attribute. Bids will not be accepted if this value is longer than 100 characters.
adrender No bool[].dsa_transparency.buyer_render Indicates that the buyer will render their own DSA transparency information inside the creative.
DeclaredAd object

Declared ad assets to support creative scanning, classification, and enforcement of ad policy and publisher blocks for ads rendered with a custom SDK.

Set only one of html_snippet, video_url, video_vast_xml, or native_response.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
html_snippet No string[].sdk_rendered_ad.declared_ad.html_snippet The HTML snippet representative of the SDK-rendered ad.
video_url No string[].sdk_rendered_ad.declared_ad.video_url The URL to the VAST asset used in the SDK-rendered ad.
video_vast_xml No string[].sdk_rendered_ad.declared_ad.video_vast_xml The VAST document used to render custom SDK-rendered ad. This document should conform to the VAST 2.0 or 3.0 standard.
native_response No NativeResponse[].sdk_rendered_ad.declared_ad.native_response The content of a native ad. Native ads consist of multiple building blocks, which are rendered by the buyer SDK. Must match the OpenRTB Native 1.2 standard NativeResponse definition. NativeResponse.assets.img.type is required.
click_through_url No Array of string[].sdk_rendered_ad.declared_ad.click_through_url The final landing pages of the SDK-rendered ad. Note this must be a valid URL.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
fidelity No enum SKAdNetworkFidelityType[].skadn.fidelity_type The fidelity type of the attribution to track. Default = STOREKIT_RENDERED_ADS.

VIEW_THROUGH_ADS = 0; Attribution for app installs within 24 hours of viewing an ad for at least 3 seconds. Supported for SKAdnetwork version 2.2 and up. For more info, see this article.

STOREKIT_RENDERED_ADS = 1; Attribution for app installs initiated from the StoreKit-rendered App Store product page driven by ad clicks. Supported for all SKAdNetwork versions. For more info, see this article.

nonce No string[].skadn.nonce A unique all-lowercase UUID generated by the advertiser to use for generating the signature.
timestamp No string[].skadn.timestamp Unix time in millis used at the time of signature generation.
signature No string[].skadn.signature SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
delay No int32[].skadn.skoverlay.delay_seconds Delay in seconds after the ad begins before presenting the overlay. If this field is set to 0, the overlay will be shown immediately after the ad begins. If this field is unset, the overlay will not be shown for the ad.
endcarddelay No int32[].skadn.skoverlay.endcard_delay_seconds Delay in seconds after the endcard shows before presenting the overlay. (This field only applies to rewarded or interstitial video creatives.) If this field is set to 0, the overlay will be shown immediately after the endcard shows. If this field is unset, the overlay will not be shown for the endcard. If both delay and endcarddelay are set, the overlay will be automatically dismissed when the ad ends, and shown again after the endcard shows.
dismissible No bool[].skadn.skoverlay.dismissible Whether this overlay can be dismissed by the user. Default to be true.

Native bid variables, definitions, and extensions


The Native object defines the native advertising opportunity available for bid through this bid request. It must be included directly in the impression object if the impression offered for auction is a native ad format.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
ver Yes string "1.2" for OpenRTB 2.5. Number of the Native Markup version in use.
layout No LayoutId Not supported The Layout ID of the native ad unit. RECOMMENDED by OpenRTB Native 1.0; optional in 1.1, to be deprecated.
adunit No AdUnitId Not supported The Ad unit ID of the native ad unit. This corresponds to one of IAB Core-6 native ad units. RECOMMENDED by OpenRTB Native 1.0; optional in 1.1, to be deprecated.
context No ContextType Not supported The context in which the ad appears.
contextsubtype No ContextSubtype Not supported A more detailed context in which the ad appears.
plcmttype No PlacementType NativeAdTemplate.native_placement_type The design/format/layout of the ad unit being offered.
plcmtcnt No int32 Not supported The number of identical placements in this Layout.
seq No int32 Not supported 0 for the first ad, 1 for the second ad, and so on. Note this would generally NOT be used in combination with plcmtcnt - either you are auctioning multiple identical placements (in which case plcmtcnt>1, seq=0) or you are holding separate auctions for distinct items in the feed (in which case plcmtcnt=1, seq>=1).
assets No Array of Asset objects Supported in NativeAdTemplate object.

The OpenRTB assets field maps to the AdX proto native_ad_template field. This isn't a one to one mapping.

Google AdX proto conveys the same message through the NativeAdTemplate object, with the fields required_fields and recommended_fields telling the bidder which assets are required or recommended. NativeAdTemplate also includes other fields like image_width.

The information in the assets field in OpenRTB is expressed through multiple fields in AdX.

Any bid must comply with the array of elements expressed by the Exchange. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification: at least 1 element.
aurlsupport No bool Supported. Whether the supply source / impression supports returning an assetsurl instead of an asset object. 0 or the absence of the field indicates no such support. Implemented in 1.2
durlsupport No bool Supported. Whether the supply source / impression supports returning a DCO URL instead of an asset object. 0 or the absence of the field indicates no such support. Implemented in 1.2. Beta feature.
eventtrackers No EventTrackers OpenRTB version 1.2 supports IMPRESSION and IMG tracking. If OMSDK is enabled for Native, then JS is supported Specifies what type of event tracking is supported. Implemented in 1.2
privacy No bool Not supported Set to 1 when the native ad supports buyer-specific privacy notice. Set to 0 (or field absent) when the native ad doesn't support custom privacy links or if support is unknown. RECOMMENDED and implemented in 1.2. All native requests that we send support a privacy url, so this is implicitly always "1" for native requests.
ext No NativeRequestExt object Supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the NativeRequest message.


Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
style_id No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.
Globally distinct ID for the specific style, HTML, and CSS with which the native ad is rendered.
style_height No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.
If the style_layout_type is Pixel, this is the height of the entire native ad after rendering.
style_width No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.
If the style_layout_type is Pixel, this is the width of the entire native ad after rendering.
style_layout_type No enum LayoutType BidRequest.AdSlot.
Enum LayoutType:
PIXEL = 0; (Default)
FLUID = 1;


The main container object for each asset requested or supported by Exchange on behalf of the rendering client. Any object that is required is to be flagged as such. Only one of the {title,img,video,data} objects should be present in each object. All others should be null/absent. The id is to be unique within the Asset array so that the response can be aligned.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
id Yes int32 1..N for N assets in unspecified order, corresponding to recommended or required fields in the first NativeAdTemplate. Unique asset ID, assigned by exchange. Typically a counter for the array. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
required No bool BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0].
Set to true if asset is required.
title No RequestTitle BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] of type HEADLINE Title object for title assets.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification. One of Title, Image, Data, Video.

img No RequestImage BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] of types MAIN/IMAGE, ICON/APP_ICON, LOGO/LOGO Image object for image assets.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification. One of Title, Image, Data, Video.

video No Video BidRequest.AdSlot.NativeAdTemplate.required_fields Video object for video assets. Note that in-stream video ads are not part of Native. Native ads may contain a video as the ad creative itself. Bid requests can indicate that video is required in the NativeResponse by setting NativeRequest.assets[].required to true and specifying a NativeRequest.assets[].video. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification. One of Title, Image, Data, Video.
data No Data BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] of types CTATEXT/CALL_TO_ACTION, DESC/BODY,


Data object for ratings, prices etc.

RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification. One of Title, Image, Data, Video.


The Title object is to be used for title element of the Native ad.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
len No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0].headline_max_safe_length Maximum length of the text in the title element. RECOMMENDED that the value be either of: 25, 90, 140. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.


The Image object is to be used for image elements of the Native ad.

Not supported
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
type No ImageAssetType BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] field type Type ID of the image element supported by the publisher. The publisher can display this information in an appropriate format.
w No int32 Not supported Width of the image in pixels.
h No int32 Not supported Height of the image in pixels.
wmin No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] of type: MAIN/IMAGE:image_width LOGO/LOGO: logo_width

ICON/APP_ICON: app_icon_width

The minimum requested width of the image in pixels. This option should be used for any rescaling of images by the client. Either w or wmin should be transmitted. If only w is included, it should be considered an exact requirement. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
hmin No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] of type: MAIN/IMAGE:image_height LOGO/LOGO: logo_height ICON/APP_ICON: app_icon_height The minimum requested height of the image in pixels. This option should be used for any rescaling of images by the client. Either h or hmin should be transmitted. If only h is included, it should be considered an exact requirement. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
mimes No string Allowlist of content MIME types supported. Popular MIME types include, but are not limited to "image/jpg" and "image/gif". Each implementing Exchange should have its own list of supported types in the integration docs. See Wikipedia's MIME page for more information and links to all IETF RFCs. If blank, assume all types are allowed.


The Video object is to be used for video elements of the Native ad.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
mimes Yes Array of string BidRequest.Video.allowed_video_formats Content MIME types supported. Popular MIME types include but are not limited to "video/x-mswmv" for Windows Media, and "video/x-flv" for Flash Video, or "video/mp4". Note that native frequently does not support flash.

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification: at least 1 element.

minduration Yes int32 BidRequest.Video.min_ad_duration Minimum video ad duration in seconds.

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.

maxduration Yes int32 BidRequest.Video.max_ad_duration Maximum video ad duration in seconds.

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.

protocols Yes Array of Protocol enum BidRequest.Video.protocols An array of video protocols the publisher can accept in the bid response.

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification: at least 1 element.

VAST_1_0 = 1;
VAST_2_0 = 2;
VAST_3_0 = 3;


The Data object is to be used for all non-core elements of the native unit such as Ratings, Review Count, Stars, Download count, descriptions etc. It is also generic for future of Native elements not contemplated at the time of the writing of this document.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
type Yes DataAssetType BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] field type Type ID of the element supported by the publisher. The publisher can display this information in an appropriate format. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
len No int32 BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0] of type:

DESC/BODY: body_max_safe_length

CTATEXT/CALL_TO_ACTION: call_to_action_max_safe_length

SPONSORED/ADVERTISER: advertiser_max_safe_length

PRICE/PRICE: price_max_safe_length

Maximum length of the text in the element's response.

Note: not used for RATING/STAR_RATING, AdX needs a double 0..5


The EventTrackers object specifies the type of events the bidder can request to be tracked in the bid response, and which types of tracking are available for each event type, and is included as an array in the request.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
event Yes EventType Not supported Type of event available for tracking. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
methods Yes EventTrackingMethod Not supported Array of types of tracking available for the given event. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.


The native response object is the top-level JSON object that identifies a native response.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
ver No string "1.0" for OpenRTB 2.3; "1.1" for OpenRTB 2.4 Version of the Native Markup version in use.
assets No Array of assets BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0]. All assets are mapped to fields of a single NativeAd. List of native ad's assets.
link Yes Link BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] Destination Link.REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
imptrackers No Array of string BidResponse.Ad.impression_tracking_url Array of impression tracking URLs, expected to return a 1x1 image or 204 response - typically only passed when using 3rd party trackers. Use %%WINNING_PRICE%% macro or ${AUCTION_PRICE}.
jstracker No string Not supported Optional JavaScript impression tracker. Contains script tags to be executed at impression time where it can be supported.
eventtrackers No Array of EventTracker objects BidResponse.Ad.impression_tracking_url and BidResponse.Ad.impression_tracking_resource Array of response event trackers to run with the ad, in response to the declared supported methods in the NativeRequest. Replaces imptrackers and jstrackers. Implemented in 1.2.


The event trackers response is an array of objects and specifies the types of events the bidder wants to track and the URLs/information to track them. Bidder must only respond with methods indicated as available in the request. Note that most JavaScript trackers expect to be loaded at impression time, so it’s not generally recommended that the buyer respond with JavaScript trackers on other events, but the appropriateness of this is up to each buyer.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
event Yes integer Not supported Type of event to track.
method Yes integer Not supported Type of tracking requested.
url No text BidResponse.Ad.impression_tracking_url and BidResponse.Ad.ImpressionTrackingResource.script_url The URL of the image or js. Required for image or js, optional for custom.
customdata No Object containing key:value pairs. Not supported To be agreed individually with the exchange, an array of key:value objects for custom tracking; for example, the account number of the DSP with a tracking company; for example, {"accountnumber":"123"}.
ext No EventTrackerExt object Not supported For OpenRTB/Protobuf, you can access this object with the [] extension key (exact path varies based on language used to generate proto library). For OpenRTB/JSON, you access with the ext field in the EventTracker message.
Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
context No Array of enum Context BidResponse.Ad.ImpressionTrackingResource.context Additional context provided for rendering.
OMID = 1; Currently not supported.
verification_parameters No string BidResponse.Ad.ImpressionTrackingResource.verification_parameters Parameters associated with the resource that will be passed to the resource when it is loaded. The format of the parameters is dependent on the script vendor.
vendor_key No string BidResponse.Ad.ImpressionTrackingResource.vendor_key Used to uniquely identify the verification script provider.

Used for "call to action" assets, or other links from the Native ad. This object should be associated with its peer object in the parent Asset object. When that peer object is activated (clicked) the action should take the user to the location of the link.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
url No string[].native_ad.click_link_url Landing URL of the clickable link.
clicktrackers No Array of string ( BidResponse.Ad.NativeAd.click_tracking_url[0] Third-party tracker URLs to be fired on click of the URL. Google click trackers redirect HTTP 30x to the bidder's tracker. Multiple clicktrackers are allowed.
fallback No string Not supported Fallback URL for deeplink. To be used if the URL given in url is not supported by the device.


Corresponds to the Asset object in the request. The main container object for each asset requested or supported by Exchange on behalf of the rendering client. Any object that is required is to be flagged as such. Only one of the {title,img,video,data} objects should be present in each object. All others should be null/absent. The ID should be unique within the Asset array so that the response can be aligned.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
id Yes int32 Not supported Unique asset ID, assigned by exchange, must match one of the asset IDs in request

REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.

required No bool Not supported Set to 1 if asset is required. (bidder requires it to be displayed)
title No Title AdX: BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] / HEADLINE One of Title, Image, Data, Video

Title object for title assets.

img No Image BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] / IMAGE|LOGO|APP_ICON One of Title, Image, Data, Video

Image object for image assets.

video No Video BidResponse.Ad.NativeAd.video_url or BidResponse.Ad.NativeAd.video_vast_xml

Can be either a string containing VAST XML or a URL to a VAST document through the NativeResponse.assets[].video.vasttag attribute.

Video object for video assets. Note that in-stream video ads are not part of Native. Native ads may contain a video as the ad creative itself.

data No Data BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] /
One of Title, Image, Data, Video.

Data object for ratings, prices, etc.

link No Link BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] Link object for call to actions. This link is to associated to the other populated field within the object.


Corresponds to the Title object in the request, with the value filled in.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
text Yes string BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0].headline The text associated with the text element. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.


Corresponds to the Image object in the request. The Image object to be used for all image elements of the Native ad such as Icons, Main Image, etc.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
url Yes string BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] for request asset type:

MAIN/IMAGE: image.url

ICON/APP_ICON: app_icon.url

LOGO/LOGO: logo.url

URL of the image asset. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
w No int32 BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] for request asset type:

MAIN/IMAGE: image.url

ICON/APP_ICON: app_icon.url

LOGO/LOGO: logo.url

Width of the image in pixels. RECOMMENDED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
h No int32 BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] for request asset type:

MAIN/IMAGE: image.url

ICON/APP_ICON: app_icon.url

LOGO/LOGO: logo.url

Height of the image in pixels.


Corresponds to the Video object in the request, yet containing a value of a conforming VAST tag as a value.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
vasttag Yes string Not supported VAST xml. REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.


Corresponds to the Data object in the request, with the value filled in. The Data object is to be used for all miscellaneous elements of the native unit such as Ratings, Review Count, Stars, Downloads, Price count etc. It is also generic for future Native elements not contemplated at the time of the writing of this document.

Attribute Always passed Type Authorized Buyers equivalent Implementation details
label No string Not supported The optional formatted string name of the data type to be displayed.
value Yes string BidResponse.Ad.native_ad[0] for request asset type OpenRTB/AdX:

CTATEXT/CALL_TO_ACTION: call_to_action




RATING/STAR_RATING: star_rating (AdX requires a double 0..5)

The formatted string of data to be displayed. Can contain a formatted value such as "5 stars" or "$10" or "3.4 stars out of 5". REQUIRED by the OpenRTB Native specification.
