Release Notes

Version Release Date Notes
2.9.1 2025-02-06
  • Adds the PALGoogleAdManagerSettings class for matching PAL first-party cookie behavior with the corresponding settings set in Google Ad Manager.
  • Removes the deprecated property PALNonceRequest.omidVersion.
2.8.1 2024-04-02
  • Adds a privacy manifest PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file and a signature for the SDK.
2.7.0 2023-11-02
  • Service release. No new features.
2.6.0 2023-08-21
  • Service release. No new features.
2.5.3 2022-09-21
  • The PAL tvOS SDK is now packaged as an xcframework.
2.5.2 2022-04-11
2.4.1 2021-08-20
  • Adds the following methods to PALNonceRequest:
    • sessionID
    • supportedAPIFrameworks
2.3.2 2021-02-19
  • Changes the default behavior of the SDK by not including advertising identifiers without user consent.
  • Adds the new PALSettings class which allows advertising identifiers to be used. This class informs PALthat appropriate consent has been gathered and the publisher wishes to enable advertising identifiers. If using this in compliance with IABTCFv2, then the publisher should determine consent by integrating with aConsent Management Provider (CMP). For more information on integration with IAB TCF v2.0 please see this Ad Manager help article.
2.2.2 2020-08-11
2.0.2 2019-08-26
  • Fixed a runtime crash that occurred when OpenSSL was present in an app.
  • Reduced binary size.
2.0.1 2019-08-21

Service release. No new features.

2.0.0 2019-08-20
  • Replaced NonceGenerator with NonceLoader, NonceManager, and NonceRequest.
  • Added support for multiple simultaneous requests using PALNonceLoader.
  • Sped up initial requests using a preload method in PALNonceLoader.
  • Improved ad activity tracking using sendAdClick, sendAdImpression, and gestureRecognizer in PALNonceManager.
1.0.0 2019-05-01

Initial release