ProgrammaticAccessLibrary Framework Reference


@interface PALGoogleAdManagerSettings : NSObject

PAL settings reflecting settings configured in Google Ad Manager.

  • Specifies whether to disable first-party identifiers used for ad selection.

    If you updated the “First party identifiers for ads on apps” setting in Ad Manager within Admin > Global settings, set this value to true to disable such identifiers in PAL.

    Note that this setting does not apply to the use of storage for invalid traffic detection.



    var disableFirstPartyIdentifiers: Bool { get set }


    @property (nonatomic) BOOL disableFirstPartyIdentifiers;
  • Specifies whether to disable invalid traffic detection-only storage used for limited ads.

    If you updated the “Programmatic limited ads” setting in Ad Manager within Admin > Global settings, set this value to true to disable such storage for limited ads in PAL.

    Note that this setting does not apply to non-limited ads.



    var disableLimitedAdsStorage: Bool { get set }


    @property (nonatomic) BOOL disableLimitedAdsStorage;