
A liveChatBan resource identifies a YouTube user and a YouTube live chat that the user is banned from participating in.


The API supports the following methods for liveChatBans resources:

Bans a specific user from participating in the live chat. The API request must be authorized by the channel owner or a moderator of the live chat associated with the ban. Try it now.
Removes a ban that prevents a specific user from contributing to a live chat, thereby enabling the user to rejoin the chat. The API request must be authorized by the channel owner or a moderator of the live chat associated with the ban. Try it now.

Resource representation

The following JSON structure shows the format of a liveChatBans resource:

  "kind": "youtube#liveChatBan",
  "etag": etag,
  "id": string,
  "snippet": {
    "liveChatId": string,
    "type": string,
    "banDurationSeconds": unsigned long,
    "bannedUserDetails": {
      "channelId": string


The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

kind string
Identifies the API resource's type. The value will be youtube#liveChatBan.
etag etag
The Etag of this resource.
id string
The ID that YouTube assigns to uniquely identify the ban.
snippet object
The snippet object identifies the banned user and contains details about the ban.
snippet.liveChatId string
The live chat to which the ban applies. The live chat ID associated with a broadcast is returned in the liveBroadcast resource's snippet.liveChatId property.
snippet.type string
The type of ban.

Valid values for this property are:
  • permanent
  • temporary
snippet.banDurationSeconds unsigned long
The duration of the ban. Only set a value for this property if the ban's type is temporary. The default value is 300 (5 minutes).
snippet.bannedUserDetails object
This object contains information that identifies the banned user.
snippet.bannedUserDetails.channelId string
The banned user's YouTube channel ID.