Libraries and Samples

The Google API client libraries, which are available in a number of popular programming languages, make it easy to use the Google Site Verification API.

In the following tables, the first column shows each library's stage of development (note that some are in early stages), and links to documentation for the library. The second column links to available samples for each library.

Documentation Samples
Google API Client Library for Java Java samples
Google API Client Library for JavaScript JavaScript samples
Google API Client Library for .NET .NET samples
Google API Client Library for Objective-C for REST Objective-C samples
Google API Client Library for PHP () PHP samples
Google API Client Library for Python Python samples

These early-stage libraries are also available:

Documentation Samples
Google APIs Client Libraries for Dart (beta) Dart samples
Google API Client Library for Go (alpha) Go samples
Google API Client Library for Node.js (alpha) Node.js samples
Google API Client Library for Ruby (alpha) Ruby samples

Featured samples for this API

Often, the easiest way to learn how to use an API can be to look at sample code. The table above provides links to some basic samples for each of the languages shown. This section highlights particularly interesting samples for the Google Site Verification API.

Language Featured samples API version
  • Site Verification Wordpress Plugin (Source)
    Plugin for Wordpress that uses Google Site Verification API to verify blogs. Demonstrates use of the PHP library for making API calls, and authentication using OAuth. Plugin ZIP file contains uncompiled and unobfuscated PHP code that can be used as example code.

    This plugin is licensed under GPLv2 to comply with Wordpress legal requirements; the PHP client library is also available for download under terms of the less-restrictive Apache 2.0 license.