Test B&A for Web end-to-end locally

1. Introduction

Bidding & Auction Services (B&A) is comprised of 4 services for buyers and sellers to facilitate a Protected Audience auction:

Buyer stack:

  • Buyer Front-End Service
  • Bidding Service

Seller stack:

  • Seller Front-End Service
  • Auction Service

This codelab takes you through setting up and testing the end-to-end setup in your local environment. The walkthrough is expected to take approximately 1 hour, excluding the initial service build time.

Even though you may only work on the buy-side code or the sell-side code, it's useful to set up the end-to-end flow in your local environment to better understand how the buyer and seller stacks work with one another. By setting up both stacks, you can be more confident later when you integrate with another party's respective buyer or seller stack. Testing the services locally also saves your development cost.

In this codelab, we will use the B&A Local Testing App as a walkthrough companion.

The companion local testing app hosts various buyer and seller resources used in a B&A auction. The app also provides a UI at http://localhost:3000 where you are able to simulate various auction configurations.

2. Environment setup

2.1 Prepare a Linux machine

Use a local Linux machine, or provision a Linux VM of the cloud provider of your choice. To improve the build time, at least 16 cores are recommended as the minimum, and 32+ cores are preferred.

Note that we will be loading an HTML page from http://localhost:3000 of this machine. If the VM does not provide a GUI, then make sure port 3000 is accessible to your local machine so you can connect to it.

2.2 Install Docker

We use Docker to run the services and the local testing application.

We will use the convenience script to install Docker in a testing environment.

# Install Docker
> curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
> sudo sh get-docker.sh

# Set up sudo-less Docker
> sudo groupadd docker
> sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
> newgrp docker

# Test
> docker run hello-world

Warning: With the sudo-less setup, the Docker group grants root-level privileges to the user. Read the sudo-less Docker guide to learn more.

2.3 Start the companion Local Testing App

The companion app provides resources such as mock bidding/scoring scripts, and mock K/V BYOS endpoints. The app should be started before running the B&A services so the resources can be loaded into the services.

Pull down the Local Testing App repository:

git clone https://github.com/privacysandbox/bidding-auction-local-testing-app.git

From the root of the repository, run the setup script:


The setup script will create the ba-dev Docker network, generate SSL certificates, and build the test app image.

Once the build is successful, run the start script:


3. Build and run B&A locally

3.1 Pull down B&A Services

We will run two sets of B&A Services on the same machine, so we will pull down the repository into two different folders.

Set A:

Pull down the B&A repository:

git clone https://github.com/privacysandbox/bidding-auction-servers.git bidding-auction-servers-set-a

Set B

Pull down the B&A repository:

git clone https://github.com/privacysandbox/bidding-auction-servers.git bidding-auction-servers-set-b

3.2 Build the services

From the root folder of each B&A folder, run the following command to build all 4 services:

production/packaging/build_and_test_all_in_docker \
  --service-path bidding_service \
  --service-path auction_service \
  --service-path buyer_frontend_service \
  --service-path seller_frontend_service \
  --platform gcp \
  --instance local \
  --no-precommit \
  --no-tests \
  --build-flavor non_prod \

The above command will build a local instance of the development build (non_prod) for Google Cloud Platform (gcp) of all 4 services. Update the --platform flag to the cloud provider of your choice if needed. To learn more about the build flags, check the build_and_test_all_docker file.

The initial build may take 2 hours if using a 64-core machine, and the build time scales linearly by core count. If you are on a 32-core machine, it may take 4 hours. If you are using a 16-core machine, it may take 8 hours.

Note that subsequent builds use the cache, and each build should take about 5-20 minutes.

Relevant xkcd comic:

Shows two programmers slacking off at the office which makes the manager to tell them to get back to work, and the workers say that the code is compiling, and the manager is okay with it, and the author of this comic considers that the number one legitimate excuse for slacking off

(I met Randall Munroe of xkcd while writing this codelab, and told him that I added this comic here)

3.3 Run the services

For our testing, we will run 8 services (4 services per stack). Each command is set up to use the resources provided by the Local Testing App. It is highly recommended to use a window manager such as tmux.

Open at least 8 additional terminal windows, and run the following commands in each session.

Note that the Local Testing App server must already be running in a separate process, since the bidding and scoring scripts will be served by the app.

3.3.1 Set A commands



DSP-X Bidding Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \




DSP-X BFE Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \





SSP-BA Auction Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \




SSP-BA SFE Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \

SELLER_ORIGIN_DOMAIN="https://localhost:6002" \



BUYER_SERVER_ADDRS_JSON='{"https://localhost:5003":{"url":"","cloudPlatform":"LOCAL"},"https://localhost:5004":{"url":"","cloudPlatform":"LOCAL"}}' \



3.3.2 Set B commands



DSP-Y Bidding Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \




DSP-Y BFE Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \





SSP-BA Auction Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \




SSP-BA SFE Service

DOCKER_RUN_ARGS_STRING="--ip= --network=ba-dev" \

SELLER_ORIGIN_DOMAIN="https://localhost:6003" \



BUYER_SERVER_ADDRS_JSON='{"https://localhost:5003":{"url":"","cloudPlatform":"LOCAL"},"https://localhost:5004":{"url":"","cloudPlatform":"LOCAL"}}' \



3.3.2 Environment variables for the local start scripts

The following environment variables can be used to control the start-up behavior.

Env var




All services

Flags to set for the docker command


All services

When you are testing on your local machine, you may need to use a self-signed certificate which fails curl's SSL peer verification check. The flag disables the peer verification along with the SSL hostname check.

Defaults to false.


All services

The level of service logs. Higher level provides more logs. 0 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. Defaults to 10.


Bidding Service

Bidding Service's port. Defaults to 50057


Bidding Service

URL of the bidding logic


Bidding Service

Data egress for model training


Bidding Service

Arguments for bidding inference


BFE Service

BFE Service's port. Defaults to 50051


BFE Service

Buyer's BYOS K/V address


BFE Service

Buyer's TEE K/V address


BFE Service

Buyer's Bidding Service address


Auction Service

Auction Service's port. Defaults to 50061


Auction Service

URL of the scoring logic


Auction Service

Buyer's win reporting URL


Auction Service

Buyer's win reporting script


Auction Service

Buyer's win reporting script for PAS


SFE Service

SFE Service's port. Defaults to 50053


SFE Service

Seller's Auction Service address


SFE Service

Seller's BYOS K/V address


SFE Service

Seller's TEE K/V address


SFE Service

Seller's origin


SFE Service

Buyer's BFE addresses

4. Test with Secure Invoke from the command line

4.1 SFE testing

You can also use the Secure Invoke tool that is included in the B&A Services package to call the services directly from the command line.

4.1.2 SFE SelectAd payload

The following JSON request has been populated with SSP-BA's single-seller B&A auction setup:

  "auction_config": {
    "seller": "https://localhost:6002",
    "auction_signals": "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}",
    "seller_signals": "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}",
    "buyer_list": [
    "per_buyer_config": {
      "https://localhost:5003": { "buyer_signals": "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}" },
      "https://localhost:5004": { "buyer_signals": "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}" }
  "raw_protected_audience_input": {
    "publisher_name": "http://localhost:4001",
    "generation_id": "1210718540",
    "enable_debug_reporting": true,
    "raw_buyer_input": {
      "https://localhost:5003": {
        "interest_groups": [
            "name": "dsp-x-demo",
            "ad_render_ids": ["1234"],
            "bidding_signals_keys": ["demo-key"],
            "browser_signals": { "bid_count": "1", "join_count": "1", "prev_wins": "[]" },
            "user_bidding_signals": "[1, 2, 3]"
      "https://localhost:5004": {
        "interest_groups": [
            "name": "dsp-x-demo",
            "ad_render_ids": ["1234"],
            "bidding_signals_keys": ["demo-key"],
            "browser_signals": { "bid_count": "1", "join_count": "1", "prev_wins": "[]" },
            "user_bidding_signals": "[1, 2, 3]"

Save the file as sfe-test.json in the root folder of the Set A's B&A Services repository(B&A build script will copy the files in the root folder of the repo into /src/workspace folder of the Docker image).

4.1.2 Call SFE with Secure Invoke

Run the following command from the root folder of the B&A Services repository:

DOCKER_NETWORK=ba-dev ./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
  -- \
  -target_service=sfe \
  -input_file=/src/workspace/sfe-test.json \
  -host_addr= \
  -client_ip= \

If the B&A stacks are set up correctly, you'll receive the following successful response:


4.2 BFE testing

4.2.1 BFE GetBids request

  "buyer_input": {
    "interest_groups": {
      "name": "dsp-x-demo",
      "ad_render_ids": ["1234"],
      "bidding_signals_keys": ["demo-key"],
      "browser_signals": { "bid_count": "1", "join_count": "1", "prev_wins": "[]" }
  "auction_signals": "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}",
  "buyer_signals": "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}",
  "seller": "https://localhost:6002",
  "publisher_name": "http://localhost:4001",
  "enable_debug_reporting": true,
  "client_type": "CLIENT_TYPE_BROWSER"

Save the file as bfe-test.json in the root folder of the B&A Services repository.

4.2.2 Call BFE with Secure Invoke

Run the following command from the root folder of the B&A Services repository:

DOCKER_NETWORK=ba-dev ./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
  -- \
  -target_service=bfe \
  -input_file="/src/workspace/bfe-test.json" \
  -host_addr="" \
  -client_ip= \

If the B&A stacks are set up correctly, BFE returns the following response:


4.3 Check the SFE logs

Visit the terminal and check the SFE logs. We will walk through some of the notable logs in the output.

4.3.1 SelectAd request's encrypted payload

In this SFE log output, we find the encrypted payload of the navigator.getInterestGroupAdAuctionData() call. This payload is generated by the browser, sent from the tag to SAS, and then SAS forwards it to SFE:

I1210 21:20:47.266673      37 select_ad_reactor.cc:228] Protected auction ciphertext: 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...

4.3.2 Decrypted payload

In this output, we find the decrypted payload of the navigator.getInterestGroupAdAuctionData() call:

I1210 21:20:47.267590      37 select_ad_reactor.cc:347]  (generationId: c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252) Decoded BuyerInput:
https://localhost:5003 : {interest_groups { name: "dsp-x-demo" bidding_signals_keys: "demo-key" browser_signals { join_count: 1 recency: 7 prev_wins: "[]" } }}

4.3.3 GetBids request to BFE

The GetBids request is sent from SFE to BFE:

I1210 21:20:47.267710      37 select_ad_reactor.cc:751]  (generationId: c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252) Getting bid from a BFE
I1210 21:20:47.267729      37 buyer_frontend_async_client.cc:52] Raw request:
buyer_input {
  interest_groups {
    name: "dsp-x-demo"
    bidding_signals_keys: "demo-key"
    browser_signals {
      join_count: 1
      recency: 7
      prev_wins: "[]"
auction_signals: "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}"
buyer_signals: "{\"testKey\": \"someValue\"}"
seller: "https://localhost:6002"
publisher_name: "localhost"
enable_debug_reporting: true
log_context {
  generation_id: "c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252"

4.3.4 GetBids response from BFE

BFE responds with the bid:

I1210 21:20:47.282549      41 select_ad_reactor.cc:856]  (generationId: c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252) Received response from a BFE ...
I1210 21:20:47.282552      41 select_ad_reactor.cc:859]  (generationId: c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252)
bids {
  bid: 9
  render: "https://localhost:5003/ad.html"
  interest_group_name: "dsp-x-demo"
update_interest_group_list {

4.3.5 ScoreAds request to Auction Service

After the bids are received, the ScoreAds call is made by SFE to the Auction Service for each bid:

I1210 21:20:47.287898      18 select_ad_reactor.cc:1280]  (generationId: c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252) ScoreAdsRawRequest:
ad_bids {
  bid: 9
  render: "https://localhost:5003/ad.html"
  interest_group_name: "dsp-x-demo"
  interest_group_owner: "https://localhost:5003"
  join_count: 1
  k_anon_status: true
seller_signals: "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}"
auction_signals: "{\"testKey\":\"someValue\"}"
scoring_signals: "{\"renderUrls\":{\"https://localhost:5003/ad.html\":[1,2,3],\"https://localhost:5004/ad.html\":[1,2,3]}}"
publisher_hostname: "localhost"
enable_debug_reporting: true
log_context {
  generation_id: "c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252"
per_buyer_signals {
  key: "https://localhost:5003"
  value: "{\"testKey\": \"someValue\"}"
per_buyer_signals {
  key: "https://localhost:5004"
  value: "{\"testKey\": \"someValue\"}"
seller: "https://localhost:6002"

4.3.6 ScoreAds response from Auction Service

Seller's Auction Service responds with the desirability score:

I1210 21:20:47.298029      33 default_async_grpc_client.h:134] Decrypting the response ...
I1210 21:20:47.298100      33 default_async_grpc_client.h:152] Decryption/decoding of response succeeded: ad_score {
  desirability: 9
  render: "https://localhost:5003/ad.html"
  interest_group_name: "dsp-x-demo"
  buyer_bid: 9
  interest_group_owner: "https://localhost:5003"
  win_reporting_urls {
    top_level_seller_reporting_urls {

4.3.7 SelectAd response from SFE

The SFE's SelectAd response is encrypted and sent to SAS:

I1210 21:20:47.298428      33 select_ad_reactor.cc:1413]  (generationId: c2824bfc-d515-4a1a-9de9-7660ad963252) Encrypted SelectAdResponse:
auction_result_ciphertext: "\023\233\252\321\000\331M\327\216\201S\332kl?\322\255\247\312\375h\007W\367\016\366FR\364\275\377\326\027h\204\203\265\t\271-\333\266\tH\342\033F\001k\211C\026V\013\271\255(\236\273\353\260\275\007\346\027\340?\005|\235S\244\265\2563U\246\322\177%\200/\3175\034 \020\024\362\345\3263\356F.s\261\005\231\262Z\000\330x\0230\335>\"\217\254\010\254\330>\206\007\274\235\037`\370W\032\207\356\367\206\026\341.i\"$\370\367\2554i\247\354\304e\306\2466S\337\321w\327+!\316\035:\002\231\246\362\366qm\211\000\013\343\345\224{\365py\361\374\316\202\217-\244\302\331\216D\025W#.\304nH\235\315\311<#\342\344\324\257\354\2441\251\312\320\226\342\021\377>3`\347/\350\254h\306\273\023\365\340@\321\2412\254\323\213\0137,\013n\220|\211\323/\030)\314\263\223\355>\254\312aa`!\375\335\023Z\234p\206\037\001\355\261{$\025+\341\275\327Ny\342\342\264=\376\2138\224\026\2058\251\020\202\245*46\023\307)K\342\364k<\2104r\247\034\216}\034\001\374\215\363\210\026\275\371S>\031;f.b\260\363\257.\255\023I\341A\237*_T\355\262\005\344L\336D%\327\267@\302$\300\340\203c\350|\337>C\275c\260\202o\315xp\260\257\241\305U\nK\033\274L6\025\350\373a:\253\212&>p\210\215\017&^\327\005_\037\020\212\362\351\341\231@g\372\0037\275b:)\207\303d\243?\261O\266\343\214\200\004\247\372\022S\326\200\037\330\252r\257+e\273[\231\202\3625{\330\213\240\370\245\\\214\350/\313\ty/\004\313\0304k\223\354\374\305\233\264\224K\344\241\251\322?\323q6\314D\027\200\203\035]\023O\306\230?\203\237:\254\305\265\332\330\2641l\322\020\022\330O-\242\207>Q\364_{F\235\353tk\207\035\205\005\221\373\207\0143\035\014\322\240H\220\347%\262f\347\017\352\273\265\231\014\204\r\312\254z\000\340&\354\222\323\245\356\217(i\246"

5. Test with Local Test App from the browser

5.1 Open Chrome

Read the Chromium article on starting Chrome from the command line, and start it with the following flags:

google-chrome --enable-privacy-sandbox-ads-apis --disable-features=EnforcePrivacySandboxAttestations,FledgeEnforceKAnonymity --enable-features=FledgeBiddingAndAuctionServerAPI,FledgeBiddingAndAuctionServer:FledgeBiddingAndAuctionKeyURL/https%3A%2F%2Fstorage.googleapis.com%2Fba-test-buyer%2Fcoordinator-test-key.json 

The flag is set to load the mock coordinator key that we have hosted at https://storage.googleapis.com/ba-test-buyer/coordinator-test-key.json

Important: Make sure you have fully exited out of all Chrome instances before opening it from the command line with the B&A flags. To exit out of all Chrome processes, try running ps aux | grep -ie chrome/chrome | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 from the command line.

5.2 Visit the Local Testing App UI

The app UI can be found at http://localhost:3000 in the Chrome browser instance you opened with the flags. The exact address you visit may be different if you are using a VM with a different hostname.

A screenshot of the local testing app being visited in a browser

In the top row of the app, the "Controls" panel contains the buttons to simulate different auction configurations. The other two panels contain iframes from the advertiser and publisher sites.

When you click the "Load DSP tags" button in the advertiser page iframe, a script from each DSP is added to the page. Those scripts add the user to interest groups. Open Chrome DevTools, and visit "Application / Storage / Interest Groups" to examine the interest groups joined by the DSP tags:

A screenshot of interest groups in Chrome DevTools

Then, click the buttons in the "Controls" panel to simulate various auction types.

An ad rendered in a browser from B&A

If the B&A Services and the Local Testing App are set up correctly, the preceding ad is rendered in the "Publisher site iframe" panel.

5.3 Local Testing App auction configuration

In the companion local testing app, the following participants are hosted, differentiated by the port number (a different port is considered cross-origin):





Loads DSP tags on the page



Loads SSP tags on the page



On-device buyer



On-device buyer



B&A buyer



B&A buyer



Top-level seller



On-device-only seller



B&A-only seller



Mixed-mode seller


There are four DSPs:

  • DSP-A and DSP-B participate in on-device auctions
  • DSP-X and DSP-Y participate in B&A auctions

There are four SSPs, and each seller runs a different auction configuration:

  • SSP-OD runs an on-device-only auction
  • SSP-BA runs a B&A-only auction
  • SSP-MIX runs a mixed-mode auction
  • SSP-TOP runs a multi-seller auction
    • SSP-OD/BA/MIX participate as component sellers of SSP-TOP's multi-seller auction

For the full architecture, check the design diagram.

5.4 Bidding and Auction Services configuration

In this codelab, we run two sets of B&A alongside one another.




ba-dev network address

Set A

Bidding Service


BFE Service


Auction Service


SFE Service


Set B

Bidding Service


BFE Service


Auction Service


SFE Service



Local Testing App


  • In Set A, the buyer services are used by DSP-X and the seller services are used by SSP-BA
  • In Set B, the buyer services are used by DSP-Y and the seller services are used by SSP-MIX

For communicating between Local Testing App and B&A Services, a Docker bridge network is used. The ba-dev bridge network is created by the setup script of the Local Testing App. The B&A services are assigned an IP address in the subnet of

For example, when you are calling Set A's SFE from the application, the network address of is used. When you are loading the mock bidding script from DSP-X into BFE, is used.

6. Wrap up

By now, we hope that you have familiarized yourself with running the B&A Services stack locally on your machine, and gained a better understanding in how the services communicate with one another.

6.1. Technical support

6.2 Learn more