Upload media

Uploading media items is a two-step process:

  1. Upload the bytes of your media files to a Google Server using the uploads endpoint. This returns an upload token which identifies the uploaded bytes.
  2. Use a batchCreate call with the upload token to create a media item in the user's Google Photos account.

These steps outline the process of uploading a single media item. If you are uploading multiple media items (very likely for any production application), review the best practices for uploads to improve your upload efficiency.

Before you begin

Required authorization scopes

Uploading media items to a user's library or album requires the photoslibrary.appendonly scope. For more information on scopes, see Authorization scopes.

Accepted file types and sizes

You can upload the file types listed in this table.

Media type Accepted file types Maximum file size
Photos AVIF, BMP, GIF, HEIC, ICO, JPG, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, some RAW files. 200 MB
Videos 3GP, 3G2, ASF, AVI, DIVX, M2T, M2TS, M4V, MKV, MMV, MOD, MOV, MP4, MPG, MTS, TOD, WMV. 20 GB

Step 1: Uploading bytes

Upload bytes to Google using upload requests. A successful upload request returns an upload token in the form of a raw text string. Use these upload tokens to create media items with the batchCreate call.


Include the following fields in the POST request header:

Header fields
Content-type Set to application/octet-stream.
X-Goog-Upload-Content-Type Recommended. Set to the MIME type of the bytes you're uploading. Common MIME types include image/jpeg, image/png, and image/gif.
X-Goog-Upload-Protocol Set to raw.

Here is a POST request header:

POST https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/uploads
Authorization: Bearer oauth2-token
Content-type: application/octet-stream
X-Goog-Upload-Content-Type: mime-type
X-Goog-Upload-Protocol: raw

In the request body, include the binary of the file:


If this POST request is successful, an upload token which is in the form of a raw text string, is returned as the response body. To create media items, use these text strings in the batchCreate call.


The suggested file size for images is less than 50 MB. Files larger than 50 MB are prone to performance issues.

The Google Photos Library API supports resumable uploads. A resumable upload lets you split a media file into multiple sections and upload one section at a time.

Step 2: Creating a media item

After uploading the bytes of your media files, you can create them as media items in Google Photos using upload tokens. An upload token is valid for one day after being created. A media item is always added to the user's library. Media items can only be added to albums created by your app. For more information, see Authorization scopes.

To create new media items, call mediaItems.batchCreate by specifying a list of newMediaItems. Each newMediaItem contains an upload token that's specified inside a simpleMediaItem, and an optional description that is shown to the user.

The description field is restricted to 1000 characters and should only include meaningful text created by users. For example, "Our trip to the park" or "Holiday dinner". Do not include metadata such as filenames, programmatic tags, or other automatically generated text.

For best performance, reduce the number of calls to mediaItems.batchCreate you have to make by including multiple media items in one call. Always wait until the previous request has completed before making a subsequent call for the same user.

You can create a single media item or multiple media items in a user’s library by specifying the descriptions and corresponding upload tokens:


Here is the POST request header:

POST https://photoslibrary.googleapis.com/v1/mediaItems:batchCreate
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer oauth2-token

The request body should specify a list of newMediaItems.

  "newMediaItems": [
      "description": "item-description",
      "simpleMediaItem": {
        "fileName": "filename",
        "uploadToken": "upload-token"
   , ...

You can also specify albumId and albumPosition to insert media items at a specific location in the album.


  "albumId": "album-id",
  "newMediaItems": [
      "description": "item-description",
      "simpleMediaItem": {
        "fileName": "filename",
        "uploadToken": "upload-token"
    , ...
  "albumPosition": {
    "position": "after-media-item",
    "relativeMediaItemId": "media-item-id"

For more details regarding positioning in albums, see Add enrichments.

Item creation response

The mediaItems.batchCreate call returns the result for each of the media items you tried to create. The list of newMediaItemResults indicates the status and includes the uploadToken for the request. A non-zero status code indicates an error.


If all media items have been successfully created, the request returns HTTP status 200 OK. If some media items can't be created, the request returns HTTP status 207 MULTI-STATUS to indicate partial success.

  "newMediaItemResults": [
      "uploadToken": "upload-token",
      "status": {
        "message": "Success"
      "mediaItem": {
        "id": "media-item-id",
        "description": "item-description",
        "productUrl": "https://photos.google.com/photo/photo-path",
        "mimeType": "mime-type",
        "mediaMetadata": {
          "width": "media-width-in-px",
          "height": "media-height-in-px",
          "creationTime": "creation-time",
          "photo": {}
        "filename": "filename"
      "uploadToken": "upload-token",
      "status": {
        "code": 13,
        "message": "Internal error"

If an item is successfully added, a mediaItem is returned that contains its mediaItemId, productUrl and mediaMetadata. For more information, see Access media items.

If the media item is a video, it must be processed first. The mediaItem contains a status inside its mediaMetadata that describes the processing state of the video file. A newly uploaded file returns the PROCESSING status first, before it is READY for use. For details, see Access media items.

If you encounter an error during this call, follow the Best practices and retry your request. You may want to keep track of successful additions, so the image can be inserted into the album at the correct position during the next request. For more information, see Create albums.

Results are always returned in the same order in which upload tokens were submitted.

Best practices for uploads

The following best practices and resources help improve your overall efficiency with uploads:

  • Follow the retry and error handling best practices, keeping the following points in mind:
    • 429 errors can occur when your quota has been exausted or you are rate limited for making too many calls too quickly. Make sure you do not call batchCreate for the same user until the previous request has completed.
    • 429 errors require a minimum 30s delay before retrying. Use an exponential backoff strategy when retrying requests.
    • 500 errors occur when the server encounters an error. When uploading, this is most likely because of making multiple write calls (such as batchCreate) for the same user at the same time. Check the details of your request and do not make calls to batchCreate in parallel.
  • Use the resumable upload flow to make your uploads more robust in the case of network interruptions, reducing bandwidth usage by allowing you to resume partically completed uploads. This is important when uploading from client mobile devices, or when uploading large files.

As well, consider the following tips for each step of the upload process: uploading bytes and then creating media items.

Uploading bytes

Creating media items

  • Don'fot make calls in parallel to batchCreate for a single user.

    • For each user, make calls to batchCreate one after another (in serial).
    • For multiple users, always make batchCreate calls for each user one after another. Only make calls for different users in parallel.
  • Include as many NewMediaItems as possible in each call to batchCreate to minimize the total number of calls you have to make. At most you can include 50 items.

  • Set a meaningful description text that has been created by your users. Do not include metadata such as filenames, programmatic tags, or other automatically generated text in the description field.

Example walkthrough

This example uses pseudocode to walk through uploading media items for multiple users. The goal is to outline both steps of the upload process (uploading raw bytes and creating media items) and detail the best practices for building an efficient and resilient upload integration.

Step 1: Upload raw bytes

First create a queue to upload the raw bytes for your media items from all your users. Track each returned uploadToken per user. Remember these key points:

  • The number of simultaneous upload threads depends on your operating environment.
  • Consider reordering the upload queue as needed. For example, you could prioritize uploads based on the number of remaining uploads per user, a user's overall progress, or other requirements.


CREATE uploadQueue FROM users, filesToUpload
// Upload media bytes in parallel.
  WHILE uploadQueue is not empty
    POP uploadQueue
    UPLOAD file for user
    GET uploadToken
    CHECK and HANDLE errors
    STORE uploadToken for user in uploadTokensQueue

Step 2: Create media items

In step 1, you can upload multiple bytes from multiple users in parallel, but in step 2 step you can only make a single call for each user at a time.


// For each user, create media items once 50 upload tokens have been
// saved, or no more uploads are left per user.
WHEN uploadTokensQueue for user is >= 50 OR no more pending uploads for user
  // Calls can be made in parallel for different users,
  // but only make a single call per user at a time.
  START new thread for (this) user if there is no thread yet
    POP 50 uploadTokens from uploadTokensQueue for user
    CALL mediaItems.batchCreate with uploadTokens
    WAIT UNTIL batchCreate call has completed
    CHECK and HANDLE errors (retry as needed)

Continue this process until all uploads and media creation calls have completed.