Resource summary for Meet Media API data channels


Name Description
AnonymousUser Anonymous user type, requires display name to be set.
BaseParticipant Singleton resource containing participant information. There will be exactly one of signedInUser, anonymousUser, or phoneUser fields set to determine the type of participant.
CanvasAssignment Video assignment for a single canvas.
CanvasDimensions Dimensions of a canvas.
DeletedMediaEntry Deleted resource for a media entry.
DeletedParticipant Deleted resource for a participant.
DeletedResource Base interface for all deleted resources.
LayoutModel Layout model for the video assignment.
LeaveRequest Tells the server the client is about to disconnect. After receiving the response, the client should not expect to receive any other messages or media RTP.
LeaveResponse Response to a leave request from the server.
MediaApiCanvas Video canvas for video assignment.
MediaApiRequest Base interface for all requests.
MediaApiResponse Base interface for all responses.
MediaApiResponseStatus Base status for a response.
MediaEntriesChannelToClient Media entries data channel message from the server to the client.
MediaEntry Media Entry interface.
MediaEntryResource Resource snapshot for a media entry.
MediaStatsChannelFromClient Media stats data channel message from the client to the server.
MediaStatsChannelToClient Media stats data channel message from the server to the client.
MediaStatsConfiguration Configuration for media stats. Provided by the server and has to be used by the client to upload media stats.
MediaStatsResource Resource snapshot for media stats. Managed by the server.
ParticipantResource Base participant resource type
ParticipantsChannelToClient Participants data channel message from the server to the client.
PhoneUser Phone user type, always has a display name. User dialing in from a phone where the user's identity is unknown because they haven't signed in with a Google Account.
ResourceSnapshot Base interface for all resource snapshots provided by the server.
SessionControlChannelFromClient Session control data channel message from the client to the server.
SessionControlChannelToClient Session control data channel message from the server to the client.
SessionStatus Session status.
SessionStatusResource Singleton resource containing the status of the media session.
SetVideoAssignmentRequest Request to set video assignment. In order to get video streams, the client must set a video assignment.
SetVideoAssignmentResponse Response to a set video assignment request from the server.
SignedInUser Signed in user type, always has a unique id and display name.
StatsSection A base section of media stats. All sections have an id.
StatTypes Stats section types. There are defined by the WebRTC spec.
UploadMediaStats Upload media stats.
UploadMediaStatsRequest Uploads media stats from the client to the server. The stats are retrieved from WebRTC by calling RTCPeerConnection.getStats(). The returned RTCStatsReport can be mapped to the sections below.
UploadMediaStatsResponse Response to a media stats upload request.
VideoAssignmentChannelFromClient Video assignment data channel message from the client to the server.
VideoAssignmentChannelToClient Video assignment data channel message from the server to the client.
VideoAssignmentLayoutModel Video assignment for a layout model.
VideoAssignmentMaxResolution Maximum video resolution the client wants to receive for any video feeds.
VideoAssignmentResource Singleton resource describing how video streams are assigned to video canvases specified in the client's video layout model.

Type aliases

Name Description
StatsSectionData A section of media stats. Used to map the RTCStatsReport to the expected structure for the data channel. All sections have an id and a type. For fields in a specific type, please see the StatTypes interface.