Collaborate using a Meet Add-on

Participants in a meeting can work collaboratively on a Google Meet Add-on activity. When a collaborative activity starts, all participants in the meeting receive a notification that the activity is ongoing.

This notification is adapted to the availability and installation status of the add-on:

  • If the participant has the add-on installed: They can join the activity.

  • If the participant doesn't have the add-on installed: They're directed to install the add-on.

  • If the add-on isn't available for the participant's platform: They're informed that they can't join the activity using their current device.

When a user joins the activity they will load their own iframes with your add-on content. You can customize whether new joiners should open the collaborative activity in the main stage or side panel.

Start the activity

An activity is started by calling the startActivity() method, which uses the ActivityStartingState interface.

Step 1 (Optional): The add-on sets the activity starting state

The ActivityStartingState contains information about the initial state of the add-on that's used when the participant accepts the invitation to join the activity.

The add-on can set or update the ActivityStartingState by calling the setActivityStartingState() method anytime before or during the activity. Calls to setActivityStartingState() can be omitted if the ActivityStartingState is exclusively set in the call to startActivity().

Step 2: The add-on starts the activity

The activity begins when the add-on calls the startActivity() method on the MeetSidePanelClient. The startActivity() method takes an ActivityStartingState object as a parameter, so startActivity() can be called instead of calling setActivityStartingState().

Once the user completes the content selection and is ready to start an activity, call the startActivity() method in your add-on as follows:

        mainStageUrl: "",
        additionalData: JSON.stringify({
            // State to send to participants.

When startActivity() method is invoked, Meet performs the following actions:

  • For other participants: Meet shows a notification that the activity is ongoing.

  • For the initiator: If a main stage URL was specified in the ActivityStartingState, Meet opens the main stage using the URL from the ActivityStartingState.

Step 3: Get the activity starting state

When a user joins the activity, they load your add-on into the main stage or side panel depending on the ActivityStartingState.

With the additionalData property, you can share initial data (also referred to as state) with users joining the activity. After initializing a MainStageClient or SidePanelClient, you can call the getActivityStartingState() method to retrieve the additionalData property.

const startingState = client.getActivityStartingState();
const additionalData = JSON.parse(startingState.additionalData);

Step 4 (Optional): Share add-on state in an activity

You may also share state between users while the activity is ongoing. You can share state in two ways:

  • Handle it yourself by authoring your own synchronization backend.
  • Use the Co-Doing API, which is a convenient and fast way to share arbitrary data between users.

Example: Animation add-on on GitHub

The "Animation" sample add-on on GitHub includes collaboration in an add-on. Step 1 from this guide is not included in the sample. Instead, when the add-on initiator clicks the "Start the Animation" button in the side panel, the startActivity() method is called (Step 2) by populating the starting state with the user's selected color. After the activity starts, the main stage retrieves the starting state by calling the getActivityStartingState() method (Step 3). Step 4 is omitted, as state (the selected color) is not shared between participants during the activity in this sample add-on. Individual users can, however, change their own state by selecting a color, which is sent from the side panel frame to the main stage frame using frame-to-frame messaging.
