Transaction (Property Data)



The Transaction (Property Data) message uses the following syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="timestamp"
  <PropertyDataSet action="[overlay|delta]">
    <!-- (Required) ID that matches the Hotel List Feed -->
      <!-- (Required) One room ID per RoomData element -->
        <Text text="room_name" language="language_code"/>
        <Text text="room_description" language="language_code"/>
      <!-- (Optional) Restricts the rate plans allowed for this room type to
        those listed here. If specified, don't specify AllowableRoomIDs. -->
          <Text text="photo_description" language="language_code"/>
           <Bed size="[single|semi_double|double|queen|king]">
             <Width unit="cm" number="bed_width"/>
             <Length unit="cm" number="bed_length"/>
           <!-- Include with any additional beds. -->
        <BathAndToilet relation="[together|separate]">
          <Bath bathtub="[false|true]" shower="[false|true]"/>
          <Toilet electronic_bidet="[false|true]" mobility_accessible="[false|true]"/>
          <!-- (Optional) Defines the type of views from the room. -->
          <!-- Example: <OceanView/> -->
      <!-- (Required) One package ID per PackageData element -->
        <Text text="package_name" language="language_code"/>
        <Text text="package_description" language="language_code"/>
      <!-- (Optional) Restricts the room types allowed for this rate plan to
        those listed here. If specified, don't specify AllowablePackageIDs. -->
      <Refundable available="[false|true]" refundable_until_days="number_of_days"
      <!-- For these next 3 elements, boolean_value can be 0/1 or true/false -->
          <Text text="photo_description" language="language_code"/>
          included="[true|false]" buffet="[true|false]"
          in_room="[true|false]" in_private_space="[true|false]"/>
          included="[true|false]" buffet="[true|false]"
          in_room="[true|false]" in_private_space="[true|false]"/>

Elements and Attributes

The Transaction (Property Data) message has the following elements and attributes:

Element / @Attribute Occurrences Type Description
Transaction 1 Complex element In an ARI implementation, this is the root element for a message defining room types and packages for a single property.
Transaction / @timestamp 1 DateTime The creation date and time of this message.
Transaction / @id 1 string A unique identifier for this request message. This value is returned in the response message. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ (underscore), and - (dash).
Transaction / @partner 1 string The partner account for this message. This string value is the "Partner key" value listed on the Account settings page in Hotel Center.

Note: If you have a backend that provides feeds for multiple accounts, this value needs to match the ID attribute value specified in the <RequestorID> element of your <OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ> and <OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ> messages for the same account.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet 1.. PropertyDataSet A container for defining room types and packages for a single property.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / @action 0..1 enum

The type of update to apply to room rate definitions.

Valid values are:

  • overlay : Replaces all previously defined <RoomData> and <PackageData> for the property. Only the <RoomData> and <PackageData> in the current message are valid.
  • delta : Adds previously undefined <RoomData> and <PackageData> or modifies existing ones.

This attribute is optional and defaults to delta if not specified.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / Property 1 string The unique identifier for the property. This value must match the Hotel ID specified using <id> in the <listing> element in the Hotel List Feed. The Hotel ID is also listed in Hotel Center.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData 0..n RoomData

Describes a room.

Note: At least one of <RoomData> or <PackageData> is required.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomID 1 RoomID A unique identifier for a type of room. This value is referenced using the InvTypeCode attribute in the <StatusApplicationControl> element in <OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ>, <OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ> and <OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ> messages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Name 1 Name Container for the name of the category of room in one or more languages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Name / Text 1..n Text Specifies the name of the category of room in one language.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Name / Text / @text 1..n string The name of the category of room in the language specified by the language attribute.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Description 1 Name Container for the description of the category of room in one or more languages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Description / Text 1..n Text Specifies the description of the category of room in one language.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Description / Text / @text 1..n string The description of the category of room in the language specified by the language attribute.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Description / Text / @language 1..n string A two-letter language code.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / AllowablePackageIDs 0..1 AllowablePackageIDs A container for <AllowablePackageID> elements.

If <AllowablePackageIDs> is specified, the room type identified by the <RoomID> in the parent <RoomData> element can only be combined with the rate plans defined by the <AllowablePackageID> elements.

If <AllowablePackageIDs> isn't specified, the room type identified by the <RoomID> in the parent <RoomData> element can be combined with any rate plan.

Use either <AllowablePackageIDs> or <AllowableRoomIDs>, but not both.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / AllowablePackageIDs / AllowablePackageID 1..n AllowablePackageID Specifies the PackageID of a rate plan that can be combined with this room type. A rate plan is defined by a combination of package, rates, and availability. The PackageID corresponds to the RatePlanCode in the OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ and OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ messages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / Capacity 0..1 integer The maximum number of adults and children that a room can physically accommodate. This should be greater than or equal to any NumberOfGuests values that you send with rates.

The value of <Capacity> must be a positive integer between 1 and 99, inclusive. See here for an example.

Note:If <Capacity> is not set, the number of allowed occupants is considered unlimited. If this field is not set and ExtraGuestCharges or AdditionalGuestAmounts are defined, prices can be generated for any number of occupants. We recommend that you set the <Capacity> if ExtraGuestCharges or AdditionalGuestAmounts are defined to ensure that prices are not displayed for occupancy options that are invalid.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / AdultCapacity 0..1 integer The maximum number of adults that a room can physically accommodate. This should be greater than or equal to any NumberOfGuests values that you send with rates.

The value of <AdultCapacity> must be a positive integer between 1 and 99, inclusive. See here for an example.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / ChildCapacity 0..1 integer The maximum number of children that a room can physically accommodate.

The value of <ChildCapacity> must be a positive integer between 1 and 99, inclusive. See here for an example.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / OccupancySettings 0..1 OccupancySettings Settings which can restrict or modify the occupancy requirements of a room.

The <OccupancySettings> element takes the following child elements:

  • <MinOccupancy>: The minimum number of guests that can stay in a room. For example, if this is set to 2, this room cannot be booked for a single guest.

    The value of <MinOccupancy> must be a positive integer between 1 and 99, inclusive.

  • <MinAge>: The minimum age for all guests staying in a room. For example, if this is set to 18, this room can only be booked for groups where all guests are of age 18 or above.

    The value of <MinAge> must be a positive integer between 0 and 99, inclusive.


Not all child elements need to be included.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / PhotoURL 0..n PhotoURL A URL and optional caption for a photo of the given room or Room Bundle. You can specify more than one <PhotoURL> for a room or Room Bundle.

This element takes the following child elements:

  • <URL>: Specifies the location of the photo. The location should be public (not behind a firewall) and should include the protocol (http://).
  • <Caption>: Defines the caption for the photo. This element takes a single child element, <Text>, which has two required attributes, Text and language. The Text attribute is the caption, and the language attribute specifies a two-letter language code such as en.
  <Text text="A bright way to enjoy your
   mornin' cuppa tea." language="en"/>
  <Text text="Une façon lumineuse pour profiter
   de votre tasse de thé." language="fr"/>
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures 0..1 <RoomFeatures> Contains information about room features.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / JapaneseHotelRoomStyle 0..1 enum

Indicates the style of a Japanese hotel room.

Valid values are:

  • western: A western style room with beds.
  • japanese: A Japanese style room with futon beds.
  • japanese_western: A Japanese western style room with both western style beds and Japanese style futons.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Beds 0..1 Object Contains as many <Bed> as the room has. Please note that Japanese futons should not be counted here.

Each <Bed> has the following attributes:

  • size (optional): Valid values are single, semi_double, double, queen, and king.
Each <Bed> has the following child elements:
  • <Width> (optional): Specifies the bed width. Must have the attribute unit with the value cm and the attribute number with the width of the bed in integer centimeters.
  • <Length> (optional): Specifies the bed length. Must have the attribute unit with the value cm and the attribute number with the length of the bed in integer centimeters.
  <Bed size="double">
    <Width unit="cm" number="140"/>
    <Length unit="cm" number="195"/>
  <Bed/> <!-- Size unknown -->
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Suite 0.. enum Provide this element when this room is a suite.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Capsule 0..1 enum Provide this element when this room is a capsule room.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Roomsharing 0..1 enum Whether this room is shared with other occupants such as owners or other guests. Valid values are shared and private.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Outdoor 0..1 enum Provide this element when this room is outdoor lodging that doesn't have fixed walls, plumbing, and climate control. For example, hotel rooms are not outdoor lodging whereas campsites where guests stay in tents and RV parks where guests bring their own RV are outdoor lodging.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / MobileAccessible 0..1 enum Provide this element when this room is mobility-accessible.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Smoking 0..1 enum Whether this room is a non-smoking room or a smoking room. Valid values are non_smoking and smoking.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / BathAndToilet 0..1 Object Contains information about a bath and toilet in the room.

The attribute is:

  • relation (optional): Indicates how the bath and toilet are placed in relation to each other. Valid values are together, for example, a bathroom where both bath and toilet are located together in the same room; and separate, where bath and toilet each have dedicated spaces. This attribute must not be set when the room doesn't have both a bath and toilet.

The element optionally takes the following child elements:

  • <Bath> (optional): The existence of this element indicates that the room has a bath.

    The attributes are:

    • bathtub (optional): Indicates that the bath has a bathtub in the bathroom. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true).
    • shower (optional): Indicates that the bath has a shower. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true).
  • <Toilet> (optional): The existence of this element indicates that this room has a toilet.

    The attributes are:

    • electronic_bidet (optional): Indicates that the toilet has an electronic bidet. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true).
    • mobility_accessible (optional): Indicates that the toilet is mobility-accessible. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true).


<BathAndToilet relation="separate">
  <Bath bathtub="1" shower="1"/>
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / OpenAirBath 0..1 enum Provide this element when this room has a private open-air bath.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / AirConditioning 0..1 enum Provide this element when this room has air conditioning.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Balcony 0..1 enum Provide this element when this room has a balcony or lanai.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / RoomData / RoomFeatures / Views 0..1 Object Valid options include:


Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData 0..n PackageData

Container for elements that describe rate features and terms that aren't part of the physical room description.

Note: At least one of <RoomData> or <PackageData> is required.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / PackageID 1 string PackageID in these messages corresponds to the RatePlanCode in the OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ and OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ messages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Name 1 Name Container for the name of the package in one or more languages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Name / Text 1..n Text Specifies the name of the package in one language.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Name / Text / @text 1..n string The name of the package in the language specified by the language attribute.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Description 1 Description Container for the description of the package in one or more languages.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Description / Text 1..n Text Specifies the description of the package in one language.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Description / Text / @text 1..n string The description of the package in the language specified by the language attribute.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Description / Text / @language 1..n string A two-letter language code.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / AllowableRoomIDs 0..1 AllowableRoomIDs A container for <AllowableRoomID> elements.

If <AllowableRoomIDs> is specified, the rate plan identified by the <PackageID> in the parent <PackageData> element can only be combined with the room types defined by the <AllowableRoomID> elements.

If <AllowableRoomIDs> isn't specified, the rate plan identified by the <PackageID> in the parent <PackageData> element can be combined with any room type.

Use either <AllowablePackageIDs> or <AllowableRoomIDs>, but not both.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / AllowableRoomIDs / AllowableRoomID 1..n AllowableRoomID Specifies the RoomID of a room type that can be combined with this rate plan. A room type is defined in a <RoomData> element.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Refundable 0..1 Refundable Enables listing a rate as being fully refundable or cancellable. If not provided, no information about a refund is displayed.

Note: We recommend setting all of the attributes. A feed status warning message is generated when one or more attributes are not set.

If you do not set any attributes, the rate does not display as refundable.

When setting the attributes, note the following:

  • If available or refundable_until_days isn't set, the rate does not display as refundable.
  • If available is 0 or false, the other attributes are ignored. The rate does not display as refundable even if one or both of the other attributes is set.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Refundable / @available 1 boolean (Required) Set to 1 or true to indicate if the rate allows a full refund; otherwise set to 0 or false.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Refundable / @refundable_until_days 0..1 integer (Required if available is true) Specifies the number of days in advance of check-in that a full refund can be requested. The value of refundable_until_days must be an integer between 0 and 330, inclusive.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Refundable / @refundable_until_time 0.. Time (Highly recommended if available is true) Specifies the latest time of day, in the local time of the hotel, that a full refund request will be honored. This can be combined with refundable_until_days to specify, for example, that "refunds are available until 4:00PM two days before check-in". If refundable_until_time isn't set, the value defaults to midnight.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / BreakfastIncluded 0..1 boolean Specifies whether this room type includes breakfast. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true).

It is preferred that you use <Meals> instead of <BreakfastIncluded>.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / CheckinTime 0..1 Time Earliest possible check-in time in the local time of the hotel. Time must be less than 24:00.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / CheckoutTime 0..1 Time Latest possible check-out time in the local time of the hotel.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / InternetIncluded 0..1 boolean Specifies whether the room includes complimentary internet access while other rooms don't include this amenity. Don't set this element in a hotel that provides complimentary internet to all rooms. This element doesn't apply to in-room wired internet or wireless internet that is not available in guest rooms. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true).
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / Meals 0..1 Object Contains information about meals in this package.

The <Meals> element takes two optional child elements, <Breakfast> and <Dinner>, which have the following attributes:

  • included (required): Set to 1 (or true) if the rate includes breakfast/dinner; otherwise set to 0 or false.
  • in_room (optional): Set to 1 (or true) if guests have the option to have breakfast/dinner in the room they stay in; otherwise set to 0 (or false).
  • in_private_space (optional): Set to 1 (or true) if guests have the option to have breakfast/ dinner in a space (except the room they stay in) where they can avoid contact with other guests; otherwise set to 0 (or false).
  • buffet (optional): Set to 1 (or true) if breakfast/dinner is served as a buffet; otherwise set to 0 (or false).

The optional attributes are used only when included is true.

For meal filters (no meals, breakfast only, dinner only and breakfast and dinner) to work, both <Breakfast> and <Dinner> need to be provided with the included attribute.

Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / ParkingIncluded 0..1 boolean Whether a room includes parking at no charge, where parking would otherwise be a paid service at this hotel. Do not specify a value for this element for a hotel that offers free parking. Valid values are 0 (or false) and 1 (or true). The default value is false.
Transaction / PropertyDataSet / PackageData / PhotoURL 0..1 Object (Same as <PhotoURL> in <RoomData>, but for the package (e.g. meal photos).)


Room and package data

The following is a basic example of how to define a property's room and package data in a Transaction (Property Data) message. The overlay attribute is used to ensure that, if any data unexpectedly exists already, all existing data is deleted and replaced with the data in this message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2020-05-18T16:20:00-04:00"
  <PropertyDataSet action="overlay">
        <Text text="King" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Room with a king bed" language="en"/>
          <Text text="Room with a king bed" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Double" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional RoomData child elements omitted. -->
        <Text text="Standard" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Standard rate" language="en"/>
      <Refundable available="true" refundable_until_days="7" refundable_until_time="18:00:00"/>
        <Text text="Free Breakfast" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Free breakfast rate" language="en"/>
      <Refundable available="true" refundable_until_days="7" refundable_until_time="18:00:00"/>

Add a room type

The following is an example of how to add a room type and package to existing <Transaction> data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2020-07-18T16:20:00-04:00"
  <PropertyDataSet action="delta">
        <Text text="Queen" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional RoomData child elements omitted. -->
        <Text text="Non-Refundable" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional PackageData child elements omitted. -->
      <Refundable available="false"/>

Remove room types

The following is an example of how to remove existing room types and packages. In this scenario, if the messages in the "Room and package data" and "Add a room type" had been sent to Google previously, the King and Double room types would no longer exist once Google receives the message shown. Note that removing package data affects the overall rate plan as defined across Transaction (Property Data), OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ, and OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ messages (by referencing the same PackageID value), and thus corresponding updates using the other message types may be required to reflect that PackageID_2 and PackageID_3 are no longer defined here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2020-08-18T16:20:00-04:00"
  <PropertyDataSet action="overlay">
        <Text text="Queen" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional RoomData child elements omitted. -->
          <Text text="Room with a queen bed" language="en"/>
        <Text text="Refundable" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional PackageData child elements omitted. -->
      <Refundable available="true" refundable_until_days="7" refundable_until_time="18:00:00"/>

Restrict rate plans

The following is an example of how to use the <AllowablePackageIDs> element to restrict the rate plans allowed for a room type. In this example, the Queen room type (RoomID_2) can only be combined with the package and rate plan identified as PackageID_1.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2020-12-18T16:20:00-04:00"
  <PropertyDataSet action="overlay">
        <Text text="King" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional RoomData child elements omitted. -->
        <Text text="Queen" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional RoomData child elements omitted. -->
        <Text text="Standard" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional PackageData child elements omitted. -->
      <Refundable available="true" refundable_until_days="7" refundable_until_time="18:00:00"/>
        <Text text="Free Breakfast" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional PackageData child elements omitted. -->
      <Refundable available="true" refundable_until_days="7" refundable_until_time="18:00:00"/>

Restrict room capacity

The following is an example of how to use the <Capacity>, <AdultCapacity>, <ChildCapacity> elements to set restrictions on room capacities.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2020-12-18T16:20:00-04:00"
  <PropertyDataSet action="overlay">
        <Text text="Double" language="en"/>
      <!-- Additional RoomData child elements omitted. -->

The Double room type (RoomID_1) may have up to 4 guests total. Additionally, it may have up to 4 adults and up to 3 children. All three capacity requirements must be satisfied in order for this room to be bookable. This configuration is representative of a typical room with two beds that each fit two people. The child capacity is one less than the total capacity because the room must have at least one adult present.

Extended examples with <RoomFeatures> and meals

JapaneseHotelRoomStyle doesn't have a default value. Omitting a value does not result in an XML error, but your listing is not shown in the search results, when the user filters by room style or beds.

Two single beds

The following example shows how to use <RoomFeatures>:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2017-07-18T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
        <Beds> <!-- Two single beds -->
          <Bed size="single">
            <Width unit="cm" number="97"/>
            <Length unit="cm" number="195"/>
          <Bed size="single">
            <Width unit="cm" number="97"/>
            <Length unit="cm" number="195"/>
        <BathAndToilet relation="separate">
          <Bath bathtub="1" shower="1"/>
          <Toilet electronic_bidet="1" mobility_accessible="1"/>

Two double beds

The following is an example of western style room with two double beds.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2023-07-23T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
        <Beds> <!-- Two double beds-->
          <Bed size="double"></Bed>
          <Bed size="double"></Bed>

Japanese style without bed

The following is an example of a Japanese style room without bed. Bed information is not required for japanese style room.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2023-07-23T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">

Japanese western w/bed

The following is an example of a japanese_western style room with king size bed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2023-07-23T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
          <Bed size="king"></Bed>

If partner doesn't have the number of beds information in japanese_western rooms, then refer to the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2023-07-23T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">


The following example defines room and package metadata for meals, photos, and check-in and check-out times:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2017-07-18T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
        <Text text="Meals Included" language="en"/>
          <Text text="Breakfast" language="en"/>
          <Text text="朝食" language="ja"/>
        <!-- Guests can choose to have breakfast in their room or in another
        space to avoid contact with other guests. -->
        <Breakfast included="1" in_room="1" in_private_space="1"/>
        <Dinner included="1" buffet="1"/>

Breakfast only

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Transaction timestamp="2017-07-18T16:20:00-04:00" id="42">
        <Text text="Breakfast Included" language="en"/>
          <Text text="Breakfast" language="en"/>
          <Text text="朝食" language="ja"/>
        <Breakfast included="true"/>
        <!-- Dinner not included needs to be explicitly specified -->
        <Dinner included="false"/>



The TransactionResponse (Property Data) message uses the following syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TransactionResponse timestamp="timestamp"
  <!-- Either Success or Issues will be populated. -->
    <Issue code="issue_code" status="issue_type">issue_description</Issue>

Elements and attributes

The TransactionResponse (Property Data) message has the following elements and attributes:

Element / @Attribute Occurrences Type Description
TransactionResponse 1 Complex element The root element indicating the success or issues for a received Transaction request message.
TransactionResponse / @timestamp 1 DateTime The creation date and time of this message.
TransactionResponse / @id 1 string The unique identifier from the associated Transaction message.
TransactionResponse / @partner 1 string The partner account for this message.
TransactionResponse / Success 0..1 Success Indicates that the Transaction message was processed successfully without warnings, errors, or failures.

Either <Success> or <Issues> is present in each message.

TransactionResponse / Issues 0..1 Issues A container for one or more issues encountered while processing the Transaction message.

Either <Success> or <Issues> is present in each message.

TransactionResponse / Issues / Issue 1..n Issue The description of a warning, error, or failure encountered while processing the Transaction message. Details on these issues can be found in Feed Status Error Messages.
TransactionResponse / Issues / Issue / @code 1 integer The identifier for the issue.
TransactionResponse / Issues / Issue / @status 1 enum

The type of issue encountered.

Valid values are warning, error, and failure.



The following is a response to a successfully processed Transaction message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TransactionResponse timestamp="2020-05-18T16:20:00-04:00"


The following is a response to a Transaction message not processed due to errors.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TransactionResponse timestamp="2020-05-18T16:20:00-04:00"
    <Issue code="1001" status="error">Example</Issue>