「帳戶摘要報表」是一覽無餘的報表,可顯示整個 Google Ads 帳戶的成效。此外,系統會傳送 HTML 格式的每日電子郵件,內含目前帳戶統計資料。帳戶管理員可以使用類似的做法,直接透過電子郵件將專業格式的報表傳送給客戶。
此指令碼需要前一天的統計資料才能執行。Google Ads 統計資料的更新時間最多可能會延遲 3 小時,建議安排於每天凌晨 3 點過後執行這項解決方案,確保資料準確。
指令碼會擷取前一天的統計資料,然後更新試算表。圖表會預先設定為顯示統計資料。如果指定電子郵件地址,指令碼會傳送 HTML 格式的電子郵件。
按一下下方按鈕,即可在 Google Ads 帳戶中建立試算表式指令碼。
。排定指令碼在每天凌晨 3 點執行。
擴充報表 (選用)
在下一個可用的欄中,將標題 (例如「搜尋曝光比重」) 新增至試算表中,在基本範本中,標題會位於「點擊次數」旁。
定義。例如:var REPORT_FIELDS = [ {columnName: 'metrics.cost_micros', displayName: 'Cost'}, {columnName: 'metrics.average_cpc', displayName: 'Average CPC'}, {columnName: 'metrics.ctr', displayName: 'CTR'}, {columnName: 'metrics.impression', displayName: 'Impressions'}, {columnName: 'metrics.clicks', displayName: 'Clicks'}, {columnName: 'metrics.search_impression-share', displayName: 'Search Imp. Share'} ];
這會在報表中加入搜尋曝光比。選擇任何 displayName 值,這會用於電子郵件標題。
- 按一下試算表中其中一個現有圖表,然後在圖表右上方的三點圖示選單下方選取「複製圖表」;接著按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後點選「貼上」。
- 系統會在工作表中建立新圖表。在新圖表的選單中,選取「編輯圖表」。
- 將「Series」資料欄參照變更為包含新資料的資料欄,例如將「
」。 - 按兩下圖表標題,然後將其變更為新的指標名稱。
// Copyright 2015, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @name Account Summary Report
* @overview The Account Summary Report script generates an at-a-glance report
* showing the performance of an entire Google Ads account. See
* https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/solutions/account-summary
* for more details.
* @author Google Ads Scripts Team [adwords-scripts@googlegroups.com]
* @version 2.1
* @changelog
* - version 2.1
* - Split into info, config, and code.
* - version 2.0
* - Updated to use new Google Ads Scripts features.
* - version 1.1
* - Add user-updateable fields, and ensure report row ordering.
* - version 1.0.4
* - Improved code readability and comments.
* - version 1.0.3
* - Added validation for external spreadsheet setup.
* - version 1.0.2
* - Fixes date formatting bug in certain timezones.
* - version 1.0.1
* - Improvements to time zone handling.
* - version 1.0
* - Released initial version.
* Configuration to be used for the Account Summary Report.
// URL of the report spreadsheet. This should be a copy of
// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gYLXtDK93lWoTe3OBKvTlfcc7L_qHJFgWU9N6HwhZtU/copy
'spreadsheet_url': 'YOUR_SPREADSHEET_URL',
// More reporting options can be found at
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/reference/adsapp/adsapp#report_2
'reporting_options': {
// Comment out the following line to default to the latest reporting
// version.
'apiVersion': 'v10'
* To add additional fields to the report, follow the instructions at
* https://developers.google.com/google-ads/scripts/docs/solutions/account-summary#extending_the_report_optional
'report_fields': [
{'columnName': 'metrics.cost_micros', 'displayName': 'Cost'},
{'columnName': 'metrics.average_cpc', 'displayName': 'Avg. CPC'},
{'columnName': 'metrics.ctr', 'displayName': 'CTR'},
{'columnName': 'metrics.search_impression_share', 'displayName': 'Search Impr. share'},
{'columnName': 'metrics.impressions', 'displayName': 'Impressions'},
{'columnName': 'metrics.clicks', 'displayName': 'Clicks'}
const SPREADSHEET_URL = CONFIG.spreadsheet_url;
const REPORTING_OPTIONS = CONFIG.reporting_options;
const REPORT_FIELDS = CONFIG.report_fields;
/** The spreadsheet is updated to showcase the performance of the account.
* An email is sent to the email ID mentioned in the spreadsheet
function main() {
Logger.log('Using spreadsheet - %s.', SPREADSHEET_URL);
const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet();
const yesterday = getYesterday();
const date = getFirstDayToCheck(spreadsheet, yesterday);
const rows = [];
const existingDates = getExistingDates();
while (date.getTime() <= yesterday.getTime()) {
if (!existingDates[date]) {
let row = getReportRowForDate(date);
rows.push([new Date(date)].concat(REPORT_FIELDS.map(function(field) {
row[field.columnName] = format(field.columnName, row[field.columnName]);
return row[field.columnName];
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
if (rows.length > 0) {
const email = spreadsheet.getRangeByName('email').getValue();
if (email) {
/**Converts the metrics.cost_micros by dividing it by a million to match the
* output with version v1.1.1 of the file.
* @param {string} value that needs to be converted.
* @return {string} A value that is of type float.
function formatMicros(value) {
const micros = parseFloat(value / 1000000).toFixed(2);
return `${micros}`;
* Formats decimal number into a percentage.
* @param {string} value The decimal number to format.
* @return {string} The decimal number formatted as a percentage.
function formatPercentage(value) {
return value;
* Formats Impression Share values.
* @param {string} value The Impression Share in Google Ads API format.
* @return {string} The Impression Share formatted for the spreadsheet.
function formatImpressionShare(value) {
if (value <= 0.0999) {
else if (value>0.0999) {
else {
return value;
* Formats clicks, impressions, ctr, average_cpc, cost_micros field values.
* @param {string} column The name of the field.
* @param {string} value The value of the field.
* @return {string} The formatted value of the field.
function format(column, value) {
switch (column) {
case 'metrics.clicks':
case 'metrics.impressions':
return value;
case 'metrics.ctr':
return formatPercentage(value);
case 'metrics.average_cpc':
case 'metrics.cost_micros':
return formatMicros(value);
case 'metrics.search_impression_share':
return formatImpressionShare(value);
throw new Error(`Unknown field ${column}`);
* Retrieves a lookup of dates for which rows already exist in the spreadsheet.
* @return {!Object} A lookup of existing dates.
function getExistingDates() {
const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet();
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Report');
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const existingDates = {};
data.slice(5).forEach(function(row) {
existingDates[row[1]] = true;
return existingDates;
* Sorts the data in the spreadsheet into ascending date order.
function sortReportRows() {
const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet();
const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Report');
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
const reportRows = data.slice(5);
if (reportRows.length) {
reportRows.sort(function(rowA, rowB) {
if (!rowA || !rowA.length) {
return -1;
} else if (!rowB || !rowB.length) {
return 1;
} else if (rowA[1] < rowB[1]) {
return -1;
} else if (rowA[1] > rowB[1]) {
return 1;
return 0;
sheet.getRange(6, 1, reportRows.length, reportRows[0].length)
* Append the data rows to the spreadsheet.
* @param {!Array<!Array<string>>} rows The data rows.
function writeToSpreadsheet(rows) {
const access = new SpreadsheetAccess(SPREADSHEET_URL, 'Report');
let emptyRow = access.findEmptyRow(6, 2);
if (emptyRow < 0) {
emptyRow = access.findEmptyRow(6, 2);
access.writeRows(rows, emptyRow, 2);
* Sends mail to specified email address in spreadsheet
* @param {string} email address
function sendEmail(email) {
const day = getYesterday();
const yesterdayRow = getReportRowForDate(day);
day.setDate(day.getDate() - 1);
const twoDaysAgoRow = getReportRowForDate(day);
day.setDate(day.getDate() - 5);
const weekAgoRow = getReportRowForDate(day);
const html = [];
'<table width=800 cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>',
'<td colspan=2 align=right>',
"<div style='font: italic normal 10pt Times New Roman, serif; " +
"margin: 0; color: #666; padding-right: 5px;'>" +
'Powered by Google Ads Scripts</div>',
"<tr bgcolor='#3c78d8'>",
'<td width=500>',
"<div style='font: normal 18pt verdana, sans-serif; " +
"padding: 3px 10px; color: white'>Account Summary report</div>",
'<td align=right>',
"<div style='font: normal 18pt verdana, sans-serif; " +
"padding: 3px 10px; color: white'>",
AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(), '</h1>',
'<table width=800 cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0>',
"<tr bgcolor='#ddd'>",
"<td style='font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; " +
'padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
"text-align: left'>Yesterday</td>",
"<td style='font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; " +
'padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
"text-align: left'>Two Days Ago</td>",
"<td style='font: 12pt verdana, sans-serif; " +
'padding: 5px 0px 5x 5px; background-color: #ddd; ' +
"text-align: left'>A week ago</td>",
REPORT_FIELDS.forEach(function(field) {
field.displayName,field.columnName, yesterdayRow, twoDaysAgoRow,
html.push('</table>', '</body>', '</html>');
MailApp.sendEmail(email, 'Google Ads Account ' +
AdsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId() + ' Summary Report', '',
{htmlBody: html.join('\n')});
* Generates html summary report with the column names todays ,twodays ago, week ago
* @param {string} title of the report
* @param {string} column field names
* @param {!Object} yesterdayRow holds Object containing fields yesterday data
* @param {!Object} twoDaysAgoRow holds Object containing fields twodays ago data
* @param {!Object} weekAgoRow holds Object containing fields week ago data
* @return {!html} html format
function emailRow(title, column, yesterdayRow, twoDaysAgoRow, weekAgoRow) {
yesterdayRow[column] = format(column,yesterdayRow[column]);
twoDaysAgoRow[column] = format(column,twoDaysAgoRow[column]);
weekAgoRow[column] = format(column,weekAgoRow[column]);
const html = [];
"<td style='padding: 5px 10px'>" + title + '</td>',
"<td style='padding: 0px 10px'>" + yesterdayRow[column]+ '</td>',
"<td style='padding: 0px 10px'>" + twoDaysAgoRow[column] +
formatChangeString(yesterdayRow[column], twoDaysAgoRow[column]) +
"<td style='padding: 0px 10px'>" + weekAgoRow[column] +
formatChangeString(yesterdayRow[column], weekAgoRow[column]) +
return html.join('\n');
* Retrieves Dates in the format yyyyMMdd
* @param {!Date} date value
* @return {!Object} dateStrings
function getReportRowForDate(date) {
const timeZone = AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
const dateString = Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, 'yyyyMMdd');
return getReportRowForDuring(dateString + ' AND ' + dateString);
/** Retrieves data from the select query
* @param {string} during on which dates to get the reports
* @return {!Object} rows returns field values as an object
function getReportRowForDuring(during) {
const fields = REPORT_FIELDS.map(function(field) {return field.columnName;}).join(', ');
const query = `SELECT ${fields} FROM customer WHERE segments.date BETWEEN ${during}`;
const report = AdsApp.report(query,REPORTING_OPTIONS);
return report.rows().next();
* Extracts the percentage value from a percentage string. E.g. given "12.3%" returns 12.3.
* @param {string} value A field value containing a percentage sign at the end.
* @return {string} The percentage value.
function extractPercentageValue(value){
const index = value.indexOf('%');
value = value.substring(0, index);
return value;
* Formats a change between two values.
* @param {string} newValue The new value of a field.
* @param {string} oldValue The old value of a field.
* @return {string} A string representing the change in the field.
function formatChangeString(newValue,oldValue) {
const isPercentage = newValue.indexOf('%') >= 0;
newValue = extractPercentageValue(newValue);
oldValue = extractPercentageValue(oldValue);
const change = parseFloat(newValue - oldValue).toFixed(2);
let changeString = change;
if (isPercentage) {
changeString = change + '%';
if (change >= 0) {
return "<span style='color: #38761d; font-size: 8pt'> (+" +
changeString + ')</span>';
} else {
return "<span style='color: #cc0000; font-size: 8pt'> (" +
changeString + ')</span>';
* The spreadsheet is accessed and updated.
* @param {string} spreadsheetUrl takes spreadsheets url
* @param {string} sheetName is a sheet name
function SpreadsheetAccess(spreadsheetUrl, sheetName) {
this.spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
this.sheet = this.spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName);
// what column should we be looking at to check whether the row is empty?
this.findEmptyRow = function(minRow, column) {
const values = this.sheet.getRange(minRow, column,
this.sheet.getMaxRows(), 1).getValues();
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (!values[i][0]) {
return i + minRow;
return -1;
this.addRows = function(howMany) {
this.sheet.insertRowsAfter(this.sheet.getMaxRows(), howMany);
this.writeRows = function(rows, startRow, startColumn) {
this.sheet.getRange(startRow, startColumn, rows.length, rows[0].length).
* Gets a date object that is 00:00 yesterday.
* @return {!Date} A date object that is equivalent to 00:00 yesterday in the
* account's time zone.
function getYesterday() {
const yesterday = new Date(Date.now() - 24 * 3600 * 1000);
return new Date(getDateStringInTimeZone('MMM dd, yyyy 00:00:00 Z',
* Returned the last checked date + 1 day, or yesterday if there isn't
* a specified last checked date.
* @param {!Spreadsheet} spreadsheet The export spreadsheet.
* @param {!Date} yesterday The yesterday date.
* @return {!Date} The date corresponding to the first day to check.
function getFirstDayToCheck(spreadsheet, yesterday) {
const last_check = spreadsheet.getRangeByName('last_check').getValue();
let date;
if (last_check.length == 0) {
date = new Date(yesterday);
} else {
date = new Date(last_check);
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
return date;
* Produces a formatted string representing a given date in a given time zone.
* @param {string} format A format specifier for the string to be produced.
* @param {!Date} date A date object. Defaults to the current date.
* @param {string} timeZone A time zone. Defaults to the account's time zone.
* @return {string} A formatted string of the given date in the given time zone.
function getDateStringInTimeZone(format, date, timeZone) {
date = date || new Date();
timeZone = timeZone || AdsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone();
return Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, format);
* Validates the provided spreadsheet URL to make sure that it's set up
* properly. Throws a descriptive error message if validation fails.
* @return {!Spreadsheet} The spreadsheet object itself, fetched from the URL.
function validateAndGetSpreadsheet() {
throw new Error('Please specify a valid Spreadsheet URL. You can find' +
' a link to a template in the associated guide for this script.');
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL);
const email = spreadsheet.getRangeByName('email').getValue();
if ('foo@example.com' == email) {
throw new Error('Please either set a custom email address in the' +
' spreadsheet, or set the email field in the spreadsheet to blank' +
' to send no email.');
return spreadsheet;