enum ProposalLineItemError.Reason (v202405)

The reasons for the target error.

Enumeration Description
NOT_SAME_RATE_CARD The proposal line item's rate card is not the same as other proposal line items in the proposal.
LINE_ITEM_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED The proposal line item's type is not yet supported by Sales Manager.
END_DATE_TIME_NOT_AFTER_START_TIME The proposal line item's end date time is not after its start date time.
START_DATE_TIME_TOO_LATE_IN_MONTH The proposal line item's start date time is too late in the month. This error applies to Programmatic Guaranteed deals sold on Nielsen audience measurement.
END_DATE_TIME_TOO_LATE The proposal line item's end date time is after 1/1/2037.
START_DATE_TIME_IS_IN_PAST The proposal line item's start date time is in past.
END_DATE_TIME_IS_IN_PAST The proposal line item's end date time is in past.
FRONTLOADED_NOT_ALLOWED Frontloaded delivery rate type is not allowed.
ALL_ROADBLOCK_NOT_ALLOWED Roadblocking to display all creatives is not allowed.
ALL_COMPANION_DELIVERY_NOT_ALLOWED Display all companions is not allowed.
CREATIVE_SET_ROADBLOCK_NOT_ALLOWED Roadblocking to display all master and companion creative set is not allowed.
ALREADY_STARTED Some changes may not be allowed because the related line item has already started.
CONFLICT_WITH_PRODUCT The setting is conflict with product's restriction.
VIOLATE_BUILT_IN_TARGETING_COMPATIBILITY_RESTRICTION The proposal line item's setting violates the product's built-in targeting compatibility restriction.
VIOLATE_BUILT_IN_TARGETING_LOCKED_RESTRICTION The proposal line item's setting violates the product's built-in targeting locked restriction.
MOBILE_TECH_CRITERIA_NOT_SUPPORTED Cannot target mobile-only targeting criteria.
UNSUPPORTED_TARGETING_TYPE The targeting criteria type is unsupported.
WRONG_COST The contracted cost does not match with what calculated from final rate and units bought.
NO_WEB_PROPERTY_FOR_TARGETED_REQUEST_PLATFORM The proposal line item targets an inventory type for which the network does not have a corresponding web property.
CALCULATED_COST_TOO_HIGH The cost calculated from cost per unit and units is too high.
INVALID_PRIORITY_FOR_LINE_ITEM_TYPE The line item priority is invalid if it's different than the default.
UPDATE_PROPOSAL_LINE_ITEM_NOT_ALLOWED Propsoal line item cannot update when it is archived.
CANNOT_UPDATE_TO_OR_FROM_CREATIVE_SET_ROADBLOCK A proposal line item cannot be updated from having RoadblockingType.CREATIVE_SET to having a different RoadblockingType, or vice versa.
SEQUENTIAL_CREATIVE_ROTATION_NOT_ALLOWED Serving creatives exactly in sequential order is not allowed.
UPDATE_RESERVATION_NOT_ALLOWED Proposal line item cannot update its reservation detail once start delivering.
INVALID_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION_FOR_ROADBLOCKING_TYPE The companion delivery option is not valid for the roadblocking type.
INCONSISTENT_ROADBLOCK_TYPE Roadblocking type is inconsistent with creative placeholders. If the roadblocking type is creative set, creative placeholders should contain companions, and vice versa.
INVALID_CONTRACTED_QUANTITY_BUFFER ContractedQuantityBuffer is only applicable to standard line item with RateType.CPC/RateType.CPM/RateType.VCPM type.
INVALID_VALUES_FOR_CLICK_TRACKING_LINE_ITEM_TYPE One or more values on the proposal line item are not valid for a LineItemType.CLICK_TRACKING line item type.
UPDATE_COST_ADJUSTMENT_NOT_ALLOWED Proposal line item cannot update its cost adjustment after first approval.
UNSUPPORTED_RATE_CARD_CURRENCY_CODE The currency code of the proposal line item's rate card is not supported by the current network. All supported currencies can be found in the union of Network.currencyCode and Network.secondaryCurrencyCodes.
END_DATE_TIME_IS_BEFORE_LAST_PAUSED_TIME The corresponding line item is paused, but the proposal line item's end date time is before the last paused time.
VIDEO_INVALID_ROADBLOCKING Video line items cannot have roadblocking options.
UPDATE_TIME_ZONE_NOT_ALLOWED Time zone cannot be updated once the proposal line item has been sold.
INVALID_TIME_ZONE_FOR_RATE_TYPE Time zone must be network time zone if the proposal line item is RateType.VCPM.
INVALID_TIME_ZONE_FOR_DEALS Only the Network.timeZone is allowed for programmatic proposals.
INVALID_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE The ProposalLineItem.environmentType is invalid.
SIZE_REQUIRED At least one size must be specified.
COMPANION_NOT_ALLOWED A placeholder contains companions but the roadblocking type is not RoadblockingType.CREATIVE_SET or the product type is offline.
MISSING_COMPANION A placeholder does not contain companions but the roadblocking type is RoadblockingType.CREATIVE_SET.
DUPLICATED_MASTER_SIZE A placeholder's master size is the same as another placeholder's master size.
INVALID_EXPECTED_CREATIVE_COUNT Only creative placeholders with standard sizes can set an expected creative count.
CANNOT_HAVE_CREATIVE_TEMPLATE Non-native placeholders cannot have creative templates.
NATIVE_CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED Placeholders can only have native creative templates.
CANNOT_INCLUDE_NATIVE_PLACEHOLDER_WITHOUT_TEMPLATE_ID Cannot include native placeholders without native creative templates.
INVALID_CLICK_TRACKING_LINE_ITEM_TYPE One or more values are not valid for a LineItemType.CLICK_TRACKING line item type.
INVALID_TARGETING_FOR_CLICK_TRACKING The targeting is not valid for a LineItemType.CLICK_TRACKING line item type.
INVALID_CONTRACTED_UNITS_BOUGHT The contractedUnitsBought of the proposal line item is invalid.
PLACEHOLDER_CANNOT_CONTAIN_LABELS Only creative placeholders with standard sizes can contain labels.
INVALID_LABEL_TYPE_IN_PLACEHOLDER One or more labels on a creative placeholder is invalid.
PLACEHOLDER_CANNOT_CONTAIN_NEGATED_LABELS A placeholder cannot contain a negated label.
CONTRACTED_UNITS_LESS_THAN_DELIVERED Contracted impressions of programmatic proposal line item must be greater than already delivered impressions.
DISPLAY_ENVIRONMENT_MUST_HAVE_EXCLUDED_MOBILE_APPS_TARGETING If AdExchangeEnvironment is DISPLAY, the proposal line item must have mobile apps as excluded device capability targeting.
MOBILE_ENVIRONMENT_MUST_HAVE_INCLUDED_MOBILE_APPS_TARGETING If AdExchangeEnvironment is MOBILE, the proposal line item must have mobile apps as included device capability targeting.
SKIPPABLE_AD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED The SkippableAdType is not allowed.
CROSS_SELL_TARGETING_UNSUPPORTED Cross sell targeting is unsupported for this proposal line item.
CANNOT_SET_VIDEO_DURATION_ON_NON_VIDEO_DEAL Can't set a video duration for non video deals.
UPDATE_VIDEO_CREATIVE_SKIPPABILITY_NOT_ALLOWED Cannot update video creative skippability on a YouTube-targeted proposal line item once it has been sold (pushed to an order line item).
UPDATE_VIDEO_CREATIVE_FIELDS_NOT_ALLOWED Cannot video creative fields on a YouTube-targeted proposal line item once it has been sold (pushed to an order line item).
UNKNOWN The value returned if the actual value is not exposed by the requested API version.