The Integration status provides the ability for partners to temporarily disable the Order with Google integration. Changing the Integration status to disabled indicates to Google that your integration should not be displayed to consumers. Users added to the accout as an administrator or editor will see the Integration status toggle on the Accounts and users screen.
You may choose to disable your Order with Google integration at times when your service is experiencing issues or undergoing scheduled maintenance.
You can temporarily disable the Integration status by following the steps below:
- Navigate to the Partner Portal - Accounts and Users screen.
- The Order with Google integration status toggle will appear editable on the page to users with the Administrator or Editor role.
- Disable the integration status toggle to remove the integration from being displayed on the public food ordering page. Changes from the integration status will be reflected in 2-3 minutes on the public food ordering link.
- Once the issue is resolved, users with the Administrator or Editor role can re-enable the integration status.