
For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

Represents a Google Tag Manager Container, which specifies the platform tags will run on, manages workspaces, and retains container versions.

  "path": string,
  "accountId": string,
  "containerId": string,
  "name": string,
  "domainName": [
  "publicId": string,
  "tagIds": [
  "features": {
    "supportUserPermissions": boolean,
    "supportEnvironments": boolean,
    "supportWorkspaces": boolean,
    "supportGtagConfigs": boolean,
    "supportBuiltInVariables": boolean,
    "supportClients": boolean,
    "supportFolders": boolean,
    "supportTags": boolean,
    "supportTemplates": boolean,
    "supportTriggers": boolean,
    "supportVariables": boolean,
    "supportVersions": boolean,
    "supportZones": boolean,
    "supportTransformations": boolean
  "notes": string,
  "usageContext": [
  "fingerprint": string,
  "tagManagerUrl": string,
  "taggingServerUrls": [
Property name Value Description Notes
accountId string GTM Account ID.
containerId string The Container ID uniquely identifies the GTM Container.
domainName[] list List of domain names associated with the Container. writable
features nested object Read-only Container feature set.
features.supportBuiltInVariables boolean Whether this Container supports built-in variables
features.supportClients boolean Whether this Container supports clients.
features.supportEnvironments boolean Whether this Container supports environments.
features.supportFolders boolean Whether this Container supports folders.
features.supportGtagConfigs boolean Whether this Container supports Google tag config.
features.supportTags boolean Whether this Container supports tags.
features.supportTemplates boolean Whether this Container supports templates.
features.supportTransformations boolean Whether this Container supports transformations.
features.supportTriggers boolean Whether this Container supports triggers.
features.supportUserPermissions boolean Whether this Container supports user permissions managed by GTM.
features.supportVariables boolean Whether this Container supports variables.
features.supportVersions boolean Whether this Container supports Container versions.
features.supportWorkspaces boolean Whether this Container supports workspaces.
features.supportZones boolean Whether this Container supports zones.
fingerprint string The fingerprint of the GTM Container as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the account is modified.
name string Container display name. writable
notes string Container Notes. writable
path string GTM Container's API relative path.
publicId string Container Public ID.
tagIds[] list All Tag IDs that refer to this Container.
tagManagerUrl string Auto generated link to the tag manager UI
taggingServerUrls[] list List of server-side container URLs for the Container. If multiple URLs are provided, all URL paths must match. writable
usageContext[] list List of Usage Contexts for the Container. Valid values include: web, android, or ios. writable


Combines Containers.
Creates a Container.
Deletes a Container.
Gets a Container.
Lists all Containers that belongs to a GTM Account.
Looks up a Container by destination ID or tag ID.
Move Tag ID out of a Container.
Gets the tagging snippet for a Container.
Updates a Container.