Workspaces: getStatus

Finds conflicting and modified entities in the workspace. Try it now.


HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
path string GTM Workspace's API relative path. Example: accounts/{account_id}/containers/{container_id}/workspaces/{workspace_id}


This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:


For more information, see the authentication and authorization page.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "workspaceChange": [
      "tag": accounts.containers.workspaces.tags Resource,
      "trigger": accounts.containers.workspaces.triggers Resource,
      "variable": accounts.containers.workspaces.variables Resource,
      "folder": accounts.containers.workspaces.folders Resource,
      "client": accounts.containers.workspaces.clients Resource,
      "transformation": accounts.containers.workspaces.transformations Resource,
      "zone": accounts.containers.workspaces.zones Resource,
      "customTemplate": accounts.containers.workspaces.templates Resource,
      "builtInVariable": {
        "path": string,
        "accountId": string,
        "containerId": string,
        "workspaceId": string,
        "type": string,
        "name": string
      "gtagConfig": accounts.containers.workspaces.gtag_config Resource,
      "changeStatus": string
  "mergeConflict": [
      "entityInWorkspace": {
        "tag": accounts.containers.workspaces.tags Resource,
        "trigger": accounts.containers.workspaces.triggers Resource,
        "variable": accounts.containers.workspaces.variables Resource,
        "folder": accounts.containers.workspaces.folders Resource,
        "client": accounts.containers.workspaces.clients Resource,
        "transformation": accounts.containers.workspaces.transformations Resource,
        "zone": accounts.containers.workspaces.zones Resource,
        "customTemplate": accounts.containers.workspaces.templates Resource,
        "builtInVariable": {
          "path": string,
          "accountId": string,
          "containerId": string,
          "workspaceId": string,
          "type": string,
          "name": string
        "gtagConfig": accounts.containers.workspaces.gtag_config Resource,
        "changeStatus": string
      "entityInBaseVersion": {
        "tag": accounts.containers.workspaces.tags Resource,
        "trigger": accounts.containers.workspaces.triggers Resource,
        "variable": accounts.containers.workspaces.variables Resource,
        "folder": accounts.containers.workspaces.folders Resource,
        "client": accounts.containers.workspaces.clients Resource,
        "transformation": accounts.containers.workspaces.transformations Resource,
        "zone": accounts.containers.workspaces.zones Resource,
        "customTemplate": accounts.containers.workspaces.templates Resource,
        "builtInVariable": {
          "path": string,
          "accountId": string,
          "containerId": string,
          "workspaceId": string,
          "type": string,
          "name": string
        "gtagConfig": accounts.containers.workspaces.gtag_config Resource,
        "changeStatus": string
Property name Value Description Notes
workspaceChange[] list Entities that have been changed in the workspace.
workspaceChange[].tag nested object The tag being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].trigger nested object The trigger being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].variable nested object The variable being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].folder nested object The folder being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].changeStatus string Represents how the entity has been changed in the workspace.

Acceptable values are:
  • "added"
  • "changeStatusUnspecified"
  • "deleted"
  • "none"
  • "updated"
mergeConflict[] list The merge conflict after sync.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace nested object The workspace entity that has conflicting changes compared to the base version. If an entity is deleted in a workspace, it will still appear with a deleted change status.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.tag nested object The tag being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.trigger nested object The trigger being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.variable nested object The variable being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.folder nested object The folder being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.changeStatus string Represents how the entity has been changed in the workspace.

Acceptable values are:
  • "added"
  • "changeStatusUnspecified"
  • "deleted"
  • "none"
  • "updated"
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion nested object The base version entity (since the latest sync operation) that has conflicting changes compared to the workspace. If this field is missing, it means the workspace entity is deleted from the base version.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.tag nested object The tag being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.trigger nested object The trigger being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.variable nested object The variable being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.folder nested object The folder being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.changeStatus string Represents how the entity has been changed in the workspace.

Acceptable values are:
  • "added"
  • "changeStatusUnspecified"
  • "deleted"
  • "none"
  • "updated"
workspaceChange[].client nested object The client being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.client nested object The client being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.client nested object The client being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].transformation nested object The transformation being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.transformation nested object The transformation being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.transformation nested object The transformation being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].zone nested object The zone being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].customTemplate nested object The custom template being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].builtInVariable nested object The built in variable being represented by the entity.
workspaceChange[].builtInVariable.path string GTM BuiltInVariable's API relative path.
workspaceChange[].builtInVariable.accountId string GTM Account ID.
workspaceChange[].builtInVariable.containerId string GTM Container ID.
workspaceChange[].builtInVariable.workspaceId string GTM Workspace ID.
workspaceChange[].builtInVariable.type string Type of built-in variable.

Acceptable values are:
  • "advertiserId"
  • "advertisingTrackingEnabled"
  • "ampBrowserLanguage"
  • "ampCanonicalHost"
  • "ampCanonicalPath"
  • "ampCanonicalUrl"
  • "ampClientId"
  • "ampClientMaxScrollX"
  • "ampClientMaxScrollY"
  • "ampClientScreenHeight"
  • "ampClientScreenWidth"
  • "ampClientScrollX"
  • "ampClientScrollY"
  • "ampClientTimestamp"
  • "ampClientTimezone"
  • "ampGtmEvent"
  • "ampPageDownloadTime"
  • "ampPageLoadTime"
  • "ampPageViewId"
  • "ampReferrer"
  • "ampTitle"
  • "ampTotalEngagedTime"
  • "appId"
  • "appName"
  • "appVersionCode"
  • "appVersionName"
  • "builtInVariableTypeUnspecified"
  • "clickClasses"
  • "clickElement"
  • "clickId"
  • "clickTarget"
  • "clickText"
  • "clickUrl"
  • "clientName"
  • "containerId"
  • "containerVersion"
  • "debugMode"
  • "deviceName"
  • "elementVisibilityFirstTime"
  • "elementVisibilityRatio"
  • "elementVisibilityRecentTime"
  • "elementVisibilityTime"
  • "environmentName"
  • "errorLine"
  • "errorMessage"
  • "errorUrl"
  • "event"
  • "eventName"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaign"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAclid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAnid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignClickTimestamp"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignContent"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignCp1"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignGclid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignSource"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignTerm"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCurrency"
  • "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkAcceptTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkLinkid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageDeviceTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageId"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageName"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationTopic"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPreviousAppVersion"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPreviousOsVersion"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPrice"
  • "firebaseEventParameterProductId"
  • "firebaseEventParameterQuantity"
  • "firebaseEventParameterValue"
  • "firstPartyServingUrl"
  • "formClasses"
  • "formElement"
  • "formId"
  • "formTarget"
  • "formText"
  • "formUrl"
  • "historySource"
  • "htmlId"
  • "language"
  • "newHistoryFragment"
  • "newHistoryState"
  • "newHistoryUrl"
  • "oldHistoryFragment"
  • "oldHistoryState"
  • "oldHistoryUrl"
  • "osVersion"
  • "pageHostname"
  • "pagePath"
  • "pageUrl"
  • "platform"
  • "queryString"
  • "randomNumber"
  • "referrer"
  • "requestMethod"
  • "requestPath"
  • "resolution"
  • "scrollDepthDirection"
  • "scrollDepthThreshold"
  • "scrollDepthUnits"
  • "sdkVersion"
  • "serverPageLocationHostname"
  • "serverPageLocationPath"
  • "serverPageLocationUrl"
  • "videoCurrentTime"
  • "videoDuration"
  • "videoPercent"
  • "videoProvider"
  • "videoStatus"
  • "videoTitle"
  • "videoUrl"
  • "videoVisible"
  • "visitorRegion"
workspaceChange[] string Name of the built-in variable to be used to refer to the built-in variable.
workspaceChange[].gtagConfig nested object The gtag config being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[] nested object The zone being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.customTemplate nested object The custom template being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.builtInVariable nested object The built in variable being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.builtInVariable.path string GTM BuiltInVariable's API relative path.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.builtInVariable.accountId string GTM Account ID.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.builtInVariable.containerId string GTM Container ID.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.builtInVariable.workspaceId string GTM Workspace ID.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.builtInVariable.type string Type of built-in variable.

Acceptable values are:
  • "advertiserId"
  • "advertisingTrackingEnabled"
  • "ampBrowserLanguage"
  • "ampCanonicalHost"
  • "ampCanonicalPath"
  • "ampCanonicalUrl"
  • "ampClientId"
  • "ampClientMaxScrollX"
  • "ampClientMaxScrollY"
  • "ampClientScreenHeight"
  • "ampClientScreenWidth"
  • "ampClientScrollX"
  • "ampClientScrollY"
  • "ampClientTimestamp"
  • "ampClientTimezone"
  • "ampGtmEvent"
  • "ampPageDownloadTime"
  • "ampPageLoadTime"
  • "ampPageViewId"
  • "ampReferrer"
  • "ampTitle"
  • "ampTotalEngagedTime"
  • "appId"
  • "appName"
  • "appVersionCode"
  • "appVersionName"
  • "builtInVariableTypeUnspecified"
  • "clickClasses"
  • "clickElement"
  • "clickId"
  • "clickTarget"
  • "clickText"
  • "clickUrl"
  • "clientName"
  • "containerId"
  • "containerVersion"
  • "debugMode"
  • "deviceName"
  • "elementVisibilityFirstTime"
  • "elementVisibilityRatio"
  • "elementVisibilityRecentTime"
  • "elementVisibilityTime"
  • "environmentName"
  • "errorLine"
  • "errorMessage"
  • "errorUrl"
  • "event"
  • "eventName"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaign"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAclid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAnid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignClickTimestamp"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignContent"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignCp1"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignGclid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignSource"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignTerm"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCurrency"
  • "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkAcceptTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkLinkid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageDeviceTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageId"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageName"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationTopic"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPreviousAppVersion"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPreviousOsVersion"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPrice"
  • "firebaseEventParameterProductId"
  • "firebaseEventParameterQuantity"
  • "firebaseEventParameterValue"
  • "firstPartyServingUrl"
  • "formClasses"
  • "formElement"
  • "formId"
  • "formTarget"
  • "formText"
  • "formUrl"
  • "historySource"
  • "htmlId"
  • "language"
  • "newHistoryFragment"
  • "newHistoryState"
  • "newHistoryUrl"
  • "oldHistoryFragment"
  • "oldHistoryState"
  • "oldHistoryUrl"
  • "osVersion"
  • "pageHostname"
  • "pagePath"
  • "pageUrl"
  • "platform"
  • "queryString"
  • "randomNumber"
  • "referrer"
  • "requestMethod"
  • "requestPath"
  • "resolution"
  • "scrollDepthDirection"
  • "scrollDepthThreshold"
  • "scrollDepthUnits"
  • "sdkVersion"
  • "serverPageLocationHostname"
  • "serverPageLocationPath"
  • "serverPageLocationUrl"
  • "videoCurrentTime"
  • "videoDuration"
  • "videoPercent"
  • "videoProvider"
  • "videoStatus"
  • "videoTitle"
  • "videoUrl"
  • "videoVisible"
  • "visitorRegion"
mergeConflict[] string Name of the built-in variable to be used to refer to the built-in variable.
mergeConflict[].entityInWorkspace.gtagConfig nested object The gtag config being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[] nested object The zone being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.customTemplate nested object The custom template being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.builtInVariable nested object The built in variable being represented by the entity.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.builtInVariable.path string GTM BuiltInVariable's API relative path.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.builtInVariable.accountId string GTM Account ID.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.builtInVariable.containerId string GTM Container ID.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.builtInVariable.workspaceId string GTM Workspace ID.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.builtInVariable.type string Type of built-in variable.

Acceptable values are:
  • "advertiserId"
  • "advertisingTrackingEnabled"
  • "ampBrowserLanguage"
  • "ampCanonicalHost"
  • "ampCanonicalPath"
  • "ampCanonicalUrl"
  • "ampClientId"
  • "ampClientMaxScrollX"
  • "ampClientMaxScrollY"
  • "ampClientScreenHeight"
  • "ampClientScreenWidth"
  • "ampClientScrollX"
  • "ampClientScrollY"
  • "ampClientTimestamp"
  • "ampClientTimezone"
  • "ampGtmEvent"
  • "ampPageDownloadTime"
  • "ampPageLoadTime"
  • "ampPageViewId"
  • "ampReferrer"
  • "ampTitle"
  • "ampTotalEngagedTime"
  • "appId"
  • "appName"
  • "appVersionCode"
  • "appVersionName"
  • "builtInVariableTypeUnspecified"
  • "clickClasses"
  • "clickElement"
  • "clickId"
  • "clickTarget"
  • "clickText"
  • "clickUrl"
  • "clientName"
  • "containerId"
  • "containerVersion"
  • "debugMode"
  • "deviceName"
  • "elementVisibilityFirstTime"
  • "elementVisibilityRatio"
  • "elementVisibilityRecentTime"
  • "elementVisibilityTime"
  • "environmentName"
  • "errorLine"
  • "errorMessage"
  • "errorUrl"
  • "event"
  • "eventName"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaign"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAclid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignAnid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignClickTimestamp"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignContent"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignCp1"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignGclid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignSource"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCampaignTerm"
  • "firebaseEventParameterCurrency"
  • "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkAcceptTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterDynamicLinkLinkid"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageDeviceTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageId"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageName"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationMessageTime"
  • "firebaseEventParameterNotificationTopic"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPreviousAppVersion"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPreviousOsVersion"
  • "firebaseEventParameterPrice"
  • "firebaseEventParameterProductId"
  • "firebaseEventParameterQuantity"
  • "firebaseEventParameterValue"
  • "firstPartyServingUrl"
  • "formClasses"
  • "formElement"
  • "formId"
  • "formTarget"
  • "formText"
  • "formUrl"
  • "historySource"
  • "htmlId"
  • "language"
  • "newHistoryFragment"
  • "newHistoryState"
  • "newHistoryUrl"
  • "oldHistoryFragment"
  • "oldHistoryState"
  • "oldHistoryUrl"
  • "osVersion"
  • "pageHostname"
  • "pagePath"
  • "pageUrl"
  • "platform"
  • "queryString"
  • "randomNumber"
  • "referrer"
  • "requestMethod"
  • "requestPath"
  • "resolution"
  • "scrollDepthDirection"
  • "scrollDepthThreshold"
  • "scrollDepthUnits"
  • "sdkVersion"
  • "serverPageLocationHostname"
  • "serverPageLocationPath"
  • "serverPageLocationUrl"
  • "videoCurrentTime"
  • "videoDuration"
  • "videoPercent"
  • "videoProvider"
  • "videoStatus"
  • "videoTitle"
  • "videoUrl"
  • "videoVisible"
  • "visitorRegion"
mergeConflict[] string Name of the built-in variable to be used to refer to the built-in variable.
mergeConflict[].entityInBaseVersion.gtagConfig nested object The gtag config being represented by the entity.

Try it!

Use the APIs Explorer below to call this method on live data and see the response.