Google Meet API

Create and manage meetings in Google Meet.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v2.conferenceRecords

get GET /v2/{name=conferenceRecords/*}
Gets a conference record by conference ID.
list GET /v2/conferenceRecords
Lists the conference records.

REST Resource: v2.conferenceRecords.participants

get GET /v2/{name=conferenceRecords/*/participants/*}
Gets a participant by participant ID.
list GET /v2/{parent=conferenceRecords/*}/participants
Lists the participants in a conference record.

REST Resource: v2.conferenceRecords.participants.participantSessions

get GET /v2/{name=conferenceRecords/*/participants/*/participantSessions/*}
Gets a participant session by participant session ID.
list GET /v2/{parent=conferenceRecords/*/participants/*}/participantSessions
Lists the participant sessions of a participant in a conference record.

REST Resource: v2.conferenceRecords.recordings

get GET /v2/{name=conferenceRecords/*/recordings/*}
Gets a recording by recording ID.
list GET /v2/{parent=conferenceRecords/*}/recordings
Lists the recording resources from the conference record.

REST Resource: v2.conferenceRecords.transcripts

get GET /v2/{name=conferenceRecords/*/transcripts/*}
Gets a transcript by transcript ID.
list GET /v2/{parent=conferenceRecords/*}/transcripts
Lists the set of transcripts from the conference record.

REST Resource: v2.conferenceRecords.transcripts.entries

get GET /v2/{name=conferenceRecords/*/transcripts/*/entries/*}
Gets a TranscriptEntry resource by entry ID.
list GET /v2/{parent=conferenceRecords/*/transcripts/*}/entries
Lists the structured transcript entries per transcript.

REST Resource: v2.spaces

create POST /v2/spaces
Creates a space.
endActiveConference POST /v2/{name=spaces/*}:endActiveConference
Ends an active conference (if there's one).
get GET /v2/{name=spaces/*}
Gets details about a meeting space.
patch PATCH /v2/{*}
Updates details about a meeting space.