
Added in API level XE12

Constants for registering Glassware with the main voice menu.

Users can start your Glassware from the main voice menu if you declare an intent filter that registers for the com.google.android.glass.action.VOICE_TRIGGER intent action in your activity or service.

Glassware can also declare an optional voice input prompt when it launches to obtain speech input. You can obtain the transcribed text from the EXTRA_INPUT_SPEECH intent extra.

For more information on how to use the constants in this class, see the Starting Glassware developer guide.

Nested Classes
enum VoiceTriggers.Command Represents the list of system voice commands available. 
String ACTION_VOICE_TRIGGER Intent action for a component triggerable by voice.
String EXTRA_INPUT_SPEECH String extra storing the recognized speech.
Inherited Methods


Added in API level XE12

public static final String ACTION_VOICE_TRIGGER

Intent action for a component triggerable by voice.

Constant Value: "com.google.android.glass.action.VOICE_TRIGGER"
Added in API level XE12

public static final String EXTRA_INPUT_SPEECH

String extra storing the recognized speech.

Constant Value: "input_speech"