Troubleshooting Issues in Your Android Game

This page describes how to troubleshoot issues that you might encounter while developing Android games with the Play Games SDK.

Unable to sign in

If you are unable to sign players into your game, first make sure that you have followed the instructions to create your client IDs and configure the games services. If you still encounter sign-in errors, check the following items to make sure that your game is set up correctly.

Check your metadata tags

Your AndroidManifest.xml must contain a games metadata tag. To verify that your metadata tags are correctly set up:

  1. Open your AndroidManifest.xml and verify that it contains a meta-data tag as shown below:

    <meta-data android:name=""
        android:value="@string/app_id" />
  2. Locate the definition of your @string/app_id resource. It is usually defined in an XML file located in the res/xml directory, for example res/xml/strings.xml or res/xml/ids.xml.

  3. Verify that the value of the @string/app_id resource matches your application's numeric ID. The value of this resource should only contain digits. For example:

    <string name="app_id">123456789012</string>

Check your package name

Your game's package name must match the package name on your client ID. To verify the package name:

  1. Open your AndroidManifest.xml and verify that your game's package name is correct. The package name is the value of the package attribute in the manifest tag.
  2. Verify the package name you supplied when creating your client ID. To verify the package name in the Google Play Console, go to the Google Play Console and click on the entry corresponding to your game. Go to the Linked Apps tab and examine the list of client IDs. There should be an Android linked app in this list whose package name matches the package name in your AndroidManifest.xml.
  3. If there is a mismatch, create a new client ID with the correct package name and try to sign in again.

Check the certificate fingerprint

The certificate with which you are signing your game should match the certificate fingerprint associated to your client ID. To verify this, first check your certificate's SHA1 fingerprint:

  1. Find your certificate file and obtain its SHA1 fingerprint. To obtain the SHA1 fingerprint, run this command:

    keytool -exportcert -alias your-key-name -keystore /path/to/your/keystore/file -list -v
  2. Take note of the sequence of hexadecimal digits labeled SHA1: in the output. That is your certificate's fingerprint.

Next, check that your build tool is using this certificate:

  1. Generate your game's APK from your build tool and sign it with the desired certificate. Copy the generated APK to a temporary directory.
  2. In the temporary directory, run the following command to unzip your APK.

    unzip YourGame.apk
  3. Generate a private key using an RSA certificate file:

    keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA

    Alternatively, you can generate the private key using a DSA certificate file:

    keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.DSA
  4. Note the sequence of hexadecimal digits on the line labeled SHA1:.

    This sequence of digits should match your certificate fingerprint from the previous step. If there is a mismatch, your build tool or system is not configured to sign your application with your certificate. In this case, consult your build environment's documentation to determine how to configure it correctly and try to sign in again.

Next, check if the certificate fingerprint matches the fingerprint configured in your client ID. To do this:

  1. Open the Google Play Console and navigate to your game.
  2. On the Game Details page, scroll to the bottom and click the link to the linked Google Cloud Platform project.
  3. In the Google Cloud Platform, select your project.
  4. In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth. Make sure that the Google Play games services API status is ON in the displayed list of APIs.
  5. In the sidebar on the left, select Registered apps.
  6. Expand the OAuth 2.0 Client ID section and note the certificate fingerprint (SHA1).

If this fingerprint does not match your certificate's fingerprint from the previous steps, you must create a new client ID with the correct certificate fingerprint. You must create the new client ID in the Google Play Console, not in the Google Cloud Platform.

Check that test accounts are enabled

Before a game is published, the account that created the game in the Google Play Console must also be enabled as a tester. To check that this is correctly configured:

  1. Open the Google Play Console and navigate to your game.
  2. Open the Testing tab.
  3. Check that the account you are trying to sign in with is in the list of testers.

If the account you are trying to sign in with is not listed, add it to the list, wait a few minutes and try to sign in again.

Proguard issues

If you are using Proguard and are seeing errors on the obfuscated APK, check the target API level on your AndroidManifest.xml. Make sure to set it to 17 or above.

Other causes of setup issues

Check for other common causes of errors:

  • If your game is published, check that the game settings are also published (it is possible to publish the application without publishing the games settings). To do this, go to the Google Play Console and navigate to your app, and check that the box next to the game's name indicates that it's published. If indicates that it is in another state, such as "Ready to Publish" or "Ready to Test", click the box and select Publish Game.
  • If you can't publish your game, check that exactly one of the client IDs has the This app is preferred for new installations option enabled.

Anonymous listeners

Do not use anonymous listeners. Anonymous listeners are implementations of a listener interface that are defined inline, as illustrated below.

    ImageManager im = ...;

    // Anonymous listener -- dangerous:
    im.loadImage(new ImageManager.OnImageLoadedListener() {
        public void onImageLoaded(Uri uri, Drawable drawable) {
            // ...code...

Anonymous listeners are unreliable because the Play Games SDK maintains them as weak references, which means that they might be reclaimed by the garbage collector before they are invoked. Instead, you should implement the listener using a persistent object such as the Activity.

    public class MyActivity extends Activity
            implements ImageManager.OnImageLoadedListener {

        private void loadOurImages() {
            ImageManager im = ...;

        public void onImageLoaded(Uri uri, Drawable drawable) {
            // ...code...