تاريخ التعديل الأخير: 2024-11-08 (حسب التوقيت العالمي المتفَّق عليه)
[[["يسهُل فهم المحتوى.","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["ساعَدني المحتوى في حلّ مشكلتي.","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["غير ذلك","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["لا يحتوي على المعلومات التي أحتاج إليها.","missingTheInformationINeed","thumb-down"],["الخطوات معقدة للغاية / كثيرة جدًا.","tooComplicatedTooManySteps","thumb-down"],["المحتوى قديم.","outOfDate","thumb-down"],["ثمة مشكلة في الترجمة.","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["مشكلة في العيّنات / التعليمات البرمجية","samplesCodeIssue","thumb-down"],["غير ذلك","otherDown","thumb-down"]],["تاريخ التعديل الأخير: 2024-11-08 (حسب التوقيت العالمي المتفَّق عليه)"],[[["Google Drive provides a collaborative online word processor for creating and editing documents."],["Users can easily share documents with others for co-editing or viewing, controlling access permissions."],["Google Drive stores documents securely in the cloud, making them accessible from any device with an internet connection."],["The Documents editor offers a range of features including formatting tools, suggesting mode, and version history."],["Google Drive Documents supports various file formats, making it easy to import and export documents."]]],[]]